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Just saw Quantum of Solace with some friends.

The action was flawless and the story was...meh (Not half as "Bourney" as they claimed but it laed somewhere between to seriosu and not serious enough)

It was a good film but relatively low on my list of Bond films.

As for the Bond himself though...

Daniel Craig maybe one of the best Bond's yet, I was blown away by Casino Royale and I hope to see him reprise the role.

This film's Bond girl however....can you say "Kick Ass, Take Names and be hot as hell while doing it"

I also found the choice to make Bond's boss a woman was a good one indead.

Overall I give this film 7 Quantums out of 10.

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I was impressed overall with Quantum of Solace. I'm granting the series some leeway, since they're basically reinventing Bond right now (as Casino Royale is chronologically the first Bond story in the entire timeline). As such, I can live without any of the fancy gadgets (though, MI6 had some pretty awesome stuff at their disposal, just in the office) and the puns/wit that we're used to seeing with Bond because he hasn't really manifested them yet as a character.

I do like the way Daniel Craig portrays Bond, though. (Well, given the limitations of the script he has to work with.) I thought that Bond as a bit "emo" in personality during Royale and the first 2/3s or so of Solace, but, Craig has to do what Bond is written to be like. I hope they speed up his progression into the witty, chauvinistic Bond that most of us grew up with.

As for Solace itself, I thought that there were a couple of bad flaws with the movie. I didn't like how the action sequences, especially in the beginning were shot. They were far too frantic and it was entirely way too easy to lose focus of just what was going on in the scenes. Early on in the movie, there are a bunch of plot points and characters that either seemed to come out of nowhere with little to no explanation or were brought up and summarily dropped shortly afterwards. (While, in the case of the latter, it's obviously for content for the sequel(s).) Solace most certainly isn't my favorite Bond movie (that would go to either GoldenEye, The World Is Not Enough, Goldfinger, or For Your Eyes Only), but it was worth the price of a ticket at the theater.

(As for Craig reprising his role, I do believe that he is under contract to do at least a total of four movies, so he has at least two left to film, possibly more if they want him to do so and he accepts.)

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