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Should I post how to goes?

James Marshall

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A friend has asked me to playtest A Game he's made but refuses to share with anyone other then close family and very close friends that combines the best parts of The Fire Emblem Series, The Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, The Final Fantasy Series and Dungeons and Dragons, it uses The Outrealm Gate from FE 13 to summon named Characters from Fire Emblem and Fighting Fantasy, uses stuff inspired by FE 10, Fighting Fantasy Armies of Death, Final Fantasy Tactics and Dungeons and Dragons Follower Rules to let you build A Mercenary Unit and maybe even Army that uses ideas from Final Fantasy and uses things from Dungeons and Dragons to either be granted, earn or seize lands

The 1st adventure even uses A variation of The Fan Made Fighting Fantasy Gamebook The Black Lobster Tavern were The Pub you run has been changed to A Upper--Middle Class Pub, but you tell the owner it earns less then what it does, but its still enough to keep him very happy and fairly content, earn and eventually uses the embezzled money to form A Mercenary Group by buying The Freedom of Slaves and buy A Old Fort that's run-down and derelict but isn't beyond repair and can be fixed up and used as A Base

I'm doing Chapter 1 today. Should I post how it goes? and if you say yes should I post the rest of the game?

Edited by James Marshall
Ooops by mistake put done the 1st adventure rather then doing Chapter 1 today
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Just spend the last 22 minutes creating my character. What do you think?

My character. His name is Erin Erinna

The inspiration is naming him after my 2 favorite characters from my Code Lyoko Dreams that aren’t in The Actual TV Show, they are Jeremy and Aleita’s Time Travelling Future Twins and this characters 1st name is The Boy Twins First name and his surname is The Girl Twins First name

His Class is Mage Knight and that's basically A Fairly Strong, Very Fast and Moderately Armoured Mage

If this were a regular FE Game then this Class it would be both the fastest Armoured Units in The Series and among The Fastest Infantry Units in the series, but this is A Fan Made FE Game and in it this Class is both the fastest Class of Armoured Unit in the game and 1 of The Slowest Infantry Units in the game

When it comes to his family and their place in Society A 1D66 roll of A 36 means I’m the son of A Wealthy Businessmen, A 1D66 roll of A 55 means my father owned A very successful Stables that bred horses to sell to moderately wealthy merchants and 2 2D6 rolls that both come up A 10 means that my character inherited it and that it earns a profit 2D6+2x10+160 Gold Coins a year and also earns him 1D3 horses a year that that can be used for riding, scouting and hunting but I can’t knowingly take it into a situation that I believe could prove

The rolls for his Personal Skill came up A 1D66 roll of A 66 means Destined for Greatness

That means that he can start in A Class normally only available to those that are either Nobility or very wealthy land owners, with regards to his stats it lets me increase 5 of them by +1, with regardless to his growth rates it lets me increase 5 of them by +5%, 3 of them by +10% and all 8 of by +1D3% and it also means that rather then 1 weapon Rank Start at D and the other, if he has 1, start at E they both start at D and when he promotes any Weapons he gains start at D Rank not E Rank

The Combination of his Personal Skill, his starting Class and his Families position in society mean the following

When it comes to unusual starting stuff he gets A Horse that can be used for riding, scouting and hunting but I can’t knowingly take it into a situation that I believe could prove dangerous, when it comes to starting cash wise rather then 2D2x100 Gold he get 1,000 Gold +3D6x+1x100 Gold or 2,300 Gold, when it comes to starting Gear wise rather then then normal 1 Vulnerary he gets 2 Vulneraries and has A 2-in-6 chance of Anti-Toxin but I fail the roll and when it comes to Starting Weapon rather then have either 1 random Weapon of medium Strength or 1 weak weapon of my choice of low Strength I get either 2 random Weapons of medium Strength or 2 weapons of my choice of low Strength

Initial stuff


He is A Level 2D2 or 3 Mage Knight

I take The Base Stats of A Level 1 Mage Knight and those base stats are 20Hp, Str 4, Mag 4, Skill 5, Spd 5, Lck 5, Def 4 and Res 5

Then as I’m A Level 3 Mage Knight I add +2 each to Mag, Skill, Lck and Res and +1 each to Hp, Str, Spd and Def

That gives me base stats of 21Hp, Str 5, Mag 6, Skill 7, Spd 6, Lck 7, Def 5 and Res 7, as I have The Destined for Greatness Skill  get to increase 5 of them by +1 and that raises my stats to 22Hp, Str 5, Mag 7, Skill 7, Spd 7, Lck 8, Def 4 and Res 7

Stat growth rates

A Mage Knights base growth rates are Hp 55%, Str 35%, Mag 65%, Skill 60%, Spd 40%, Lck 60%, Def 20% and Res 40%

As I have The Destined for Greatness Personal I get to increase 5 of them by +5%, get to increase 3 of them by +10%, all 8 of them get increased by +1D3% and that raises my growth rates to Hp 62%, Str 41%, Mag 77%, Skill 67%, Spd 53%, Lck 66%, Def 28% and Res 53%


I get 2 Dose Vulneraries either 2 random Weapons of Medium Strength or 2 weapons of low strength of my choice, I go for 2 weapons of low strength of my choice and I choose 1 Fire Tome and 1 Bronze Sword

Edited by James Marshall
Spotted a few mistakes
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Just spotted some mistakes it won't let me correct by editing. Sorry

Just spend the last 22 minutes creating my character. What do you think?

My character. His name is Erin Erinna

The inspiration is naming him after my 2 favorite characters from my Code Lyoko Dreams that aren’t in The Actual TV Show, they are Jeremy and Aleita’s Time Travelling Future Twins and this characters 1st name is The Boy Twins First name and his surname is The Girl Twins First name

His Class is Mage Knight and that's basically A Fairly Strong, Very Fast and Moderately Armoured Mage

If this were a regular FE Game then this Class it would be both the fastest Armoured Units in The Series and among The Fastest Infantry Units in the series, but this is A Fan Made FE Game and in it this Class is both the fastest Class of Armoured Unit in the game and 1 of The Slowest Infantry Units in the game

The rolls for his Personal Skill came up A 1D66 roll of A 66 followed by A 1D10 roll of A 8 means Destined for Greatness

It means that my character has to be A Commoners and 3 1D100 rolls on tables The GM made that all come up between A 45 and A 65 show that their haven't  been any Beggars or homeless people in his family in at least 220 years, no Children of Slaves that were allowed to be born free have married into his family in at least 570 years and none of his family have been born into Slavery in at least 1,110 years

It also means that his family definitely aren't wealthy land owners or even very wealthy merchants, the odds that they aren't wealthy merchants are higher then normal(only happens on A roll 54 to 56 rather then the normal 46 to 61), but they have a much higher chance then normal of being Wealthy Business Owners(happens on A Roll of A 1D66 roll of A 23 to 42 rather then the normal 31 to 36 and if succeeds at a task that may earn him A Noble Title then his chance of earning 1 increase by between +10% and +20% with a average of +15%

It also means that he can start in A Class normally only available to those that are either Nobility or very wealthy land owners, with regards to his stats it lets me increase 5 of them by +1, with regardless to his growth rates it lets me increase 5 of them by +5%, 3 of them by +10% and all 8 of by +1D3% and it also means that rather then 1 weapon Rank Start at D and the other, if he has 1, start at E they both start at D and when he promotes any Weapons he gains start at D Rank not E Rank

When it comes to his family and their place in Society A 1D66 roll of A 36 means I’m the son of A Wealthy Businessmen, A 1D66 roll of A 55 means my father owned A very successful Stables that bred horses to sell to moderately wealthy merchants and 2 2D6 rolls that both come up A 10 means that my character inherited it and that it earns a profit 2D6+2x10+160 Gold Coins a year and also earns him 1D3 horses a year that that can be used for riding, scouting and hunting but I can’t knowingly take it into a situation that I believe could prove

The Combination of his Personal Skill, his starting Class and his Families position in society mean the following

When it comes to unusual starting stuff he gets A Horse that can be used for riding, scouting and hunting but I can’t knowingly take it into a situation that I believe could prove dangerous, when it comes to starting cash wise rather then 2D2x100 Gold he get 1,000 Gold +3D6x+1x100 Gold or 2,300 Gold, when it comes to starting Gear wise rather then then normal 1 Vulnerary he gets 2 Vulneraries and has A 2-in-6 chance of Anti-Toxin but I fail the roll and when it comes to Starting Weapon rather then have either 1 random Weapon of medium Strength or 1 weak weapon of my choice of low Strength I get either 2 random Weapons of medium Strength or 2 weapons of my choice of low Strength

Initial stuff


He is A Level 2D2 or 3 Mage Knight

I take The Base Stats of A Level 1 Mage Knight and those base stats are 20Hp, Str 4, Mag 4, Skill 5, Spd 5, Lck 5, Def 4 and Res 5

Then as I’m A Level 3 Mage Knight I add +2 each to Mag, Skill, Lck and Res and +1 each to Hp, Str, Spd and Def

That gives me base stats of 21Hp, Str 5, Mag 6, Skill 7, Spd 6, Lck 7, Def 5 and Res 7, as I have The Destined for Greatness Skill  get to increase 5 of them by +1 and that raises my stats to 22Hp, Str 5, Mag 7, Skill 7, Spd 7, Lck 8, Def 4 and Res 7

Stat growth rates

A Mage Knights base growth rates are Hp 55%, Str 35%, Mag 65%, Skill 60%, Spd 40%, Lck 60%, Def 20% and Res 40%

As I have The Destined for Greatness Personal I get to increase 5 of them by +5%, get to increase 3 of them by +10%, all 8 of them get increased by +1D3% and that raises my growth rates to Hp 62%, Str 41%, Mag 77%, Skill 67%, Spd 53%, Lck 66%, Def 28% and Res 53%


I get 2 Dose Vulneraries either 2 random Weapons of Medium Strength or 2 weapons of low strength of my choice, I go for 2 weapons of low strength of my choice and I choose 1 Fire Tome and 1 Bronze Sword

Edited by James Marshall
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6 minutes back I beat The 1st mission

The Friend that made this fan made game was foolish enough to tell me most of what happen in The 5-part mission I plan to do next, I'm posting what he told me happens and after I post this but before I even start the 1st part of this 5 part mission I'll post what happened in Mission 1

The next 5 missions will be versions of Road to Ruin Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, the variation is that I'm hired to prevent A miniature Bandit Army that have been Outlawed by both The Settings Version of Askum and its version of Sybaris, they are wanted dead not alive by both The Settings Version of Askum and its version of The Settings Version of Askum and its version of Sybaris and are being hunted by Freelance Bounty Hunters hired by both The Settings Version of Askum and its version of Sybaris

These nasty types are trying to get revenge by starting A War between The Settings Version of Askum and its version of Sybaris and Chapter 5 is changed so that the betrayal and attempt to kill you is by treacherous Mercenaries whose true loyalty is not The Settings Version of Askum or its version of Sybaris rather its to The Miniature Bandit Army,

Their are 6 recruitable units, The Friend that made this fan made game can't handle his drink, told me the easiest way to recruit all 6 and also said that I if all 5 missions ended in the best possible way I could get loot equal to 10,000 Gold, 2 2,500 Red Gems, several useful weapons, 2 stat boosters, A Scroll of The Power Skill that gives +10% to all Stat Growths and The Promotion Item used to promote Mage Knights to Sage Generals

Having all 5 missions ended in the best possible would also see me rescue A Barons Kidnapped Daughter, get 7,000 Gold worth of Land that nets me 455 Gold per year and get A Reward from Askums King that's him agreeing to pay my 6 new recruits a yearly sum that's 12.4%, rounded up, higher then people of their class, profession, education and rank would normally get

When it comes to the 4 you can recruit in the official Road to Ruin 2 of them are Jorin and Sylvia that we save in the same way you do in The Official Road To Ruin,  other then being recruitable by any attractive female member of my Army Hugo is recruited in the same way you do in The Official Road to Ruin, Lanora was simply unfortunate enough to meet Pheasants that didn't know that Eldar Magic can be used for Good, we stepped in, stopped her being burnt at the stake and she returned the favor by joining us

Reynard is changed to a recruitable Mercenary Cavalier looking to Avenge his Wife, we both save his life and help him get avenge his Wife, he joins us and he is A version of The Orfey Archtype, starts in A 1st Tier Class and has stats that would be more suited to A Mercenary then A Cavalier and Lucinda is changed to A Recruitable Spy that posses as A Cavalier who need for money desperate enough for her to turn Spy and in the end she survives, but The Injuries she accumulated over her 4.22 year mission mean she has to retire on medical grounds but gets a massive amount of compensation and a very large pension and as she still feels able to fight joins us

Edited by James Marshall
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Now that I've given you full info on Character Generations, my character, a bit of his personal history, a bit on his family and what the maker of This Fan Made FF Game told me here's all necessary info on Chapter 1, during which he got the money to set up A Small Military Camp, its base and get a few recruits by buying them freedom and after this I'll wait for and read a few reviews by others before I decide if I do or don't go on


A variation of The Fan Made Fighting Fantasy Gamebook The Black Lobster Tavern were The Pub you run has been changed to A Upper--Middle Class Pub. I tell the owner it earns less then what it does, but its still enough to keep him very happy and fairly content, earn and eventually I  uses the embezzled money to form A Mercenary Group by buying The Freedom of Slaves and buy A Old Fort that's run-down and derelict but isn't beyond repair and can be fixed up and used as A Base

All in all I spend 293 days running it, in total over 200 bar room brawls, more then 40 drunkenn contests each of Strength, Skill and Endurance and evicting a total of 146 Drunken rouble-causes gains me 10 Levels and that raises me to Level 13

All in all between those 10 Levels I gained the following stat boosts. +4 in both Def and +4 Str, +6 in Hp and +7 each in Mag, Skill, Spd, Lck and Res. I also increase my Anima Rank from D to B and my Sword Rank from D to C

In total I net 34,470 Gold Coins, 35 Bottles of Ale -they each restores 8Hp, 29  weeks worth of rum, beef, lamb, fruits, porridge, bread, biscuits and water, 3 1 dose Elixers, 1 Thunder Tome, 1 Steel Sword, 1 Silver Sword, 1 4 dose Vulnerary, 1 Ring of Defense -gives +2 Def, +2 Res, +1 Lck and +5 CRIT Avoid, 1 5 dose bottle of Elixer of Boosting -each dose raises all of The Drinkers stats by +22 and all of his/her growth rates by +2D2% and 1 year worth of Agricultural themed foods and that gives me a total of 34,470 Gold Coins +2,300 Gold Coins or 36,770 Gold Coins


I choose to use most of it to buy the freedom of 4 Level 7 Slaves for 28,000 Gold Coins, who will return the favor to me by fighting for me

I also purchase a large sized fort for 6,700 Gold Coins, that has a Good amount of Space, has fairly good accommodation, decent recreational facilities, a very small pond for bathing, providing the foes are niether too numerous or too well equipped its fairly easy to defend, it has room for 18 Soldiers, has stables for up to 11 regular sized and 2 large sized Horse’s and has Sheds that  can hold up to chick and ducks totalling up to 40 and cows, sheep and goats totaling up to 17

Inside the fort there is enough unused ground that if we can find the time and effort, can afford the costs, wages, fees and expenses and can apply for and be granted planning permission then we could increase it so that it can hold several times more then what it currently can

As it happens theirs, only just, enough space for extensions to double both the number of Soldiers and the number of horses it can hold, triple the number of Chickens and/or ducks it can hold and increase the number or cows and/or sheep and/or goats it can hold by +50% rounded up to 26

That leaves me with 2,070 Gold Coins. I use 800 Gold Coins to buy A 120 day supply of Preserved Foods, 24x25 or 600 Gold Coins to buy 25 Chickens that if cared for will provide us with either 4D6+3 Eggs that can be sold for 2 Gold Coins per egg per  day or 2D6+1 meals worth of Eggs per day 60x10 or 600 Gold Coins to buy 10 Cows that if cared for will provide us with either 5D3+3 pints of Milk per day that can be sold for +5 Gold Coins per pint or can be preserved and stored and will net us 5D3+1 meals worth of Cheese per day

Add in 1 years earning from my another 70 or +250 or 320 Gold Coins and also gets me 2 Horse’s that can be used for riding, scouting and hunting but I can’t knowingly take it into a situation that I believe could prove dangerous

For my 4 Level 7 Ex Slaves that I gain the loyalty of by buying the freedom of I choose to use The Outrealm Gate to get this games versions of FE 7’s Nino(Mage), FE 9’s Mist(Female Priest), FE 11’s Radd(Myrmidon) and FE 16’s Ashe(Archer)

My characters 4 Ex Slaves that I gained the loyalty of by buying the freedom of each benefit from 1 dose of 1 5 dose bottle of Elixer of Boosting, which boosts all of their stats by +1 and all of their Growth Rates of all 5 of us by +2D2% each


Including that +1D3% to all of their growth rates their Stats, Weapon Rank and Growth Rates are as follows

Nino and her stats and Growth Rates are The same as Mists

She is A Level 7 Mage. Her personnel Skill is Self-Taught Illiterate which raises her Anima Rank from is having only just acquired C Rank To having only just acquired B Rank, but it also increase The Weapon EXP she needs for A Rank from 200 to 500. B with Tomes. Her stats are 25Hp, Str 9, Mag 13, Skill 11, Spd 11, Lck 9, Def 6 and Res 10. Her growth rates are Hp 63%, Str 28%, Mag 69%, Skill 57%, Spd 57%, Lck 58%, Def 19% and Res 48%

Mist and her stats and Growth Rates are The same as Nino’s

She is A Level 7 Female Priest. C with Staffs. Her stats are 25Hp, Str 9, Mag 13, Skill 11, Spd 11, Lck 9, Def 6 and Res 10. Her growth rates are Hp 63%, Str 28%, Mag 69%, Skill 57%, Spd 57%, Lck 58%, Def 19% and Res 48%


He is A Level 7 Myrmidon. C with Swords. His stats are 23Hp, Str 10, Mag 5, Skill 15, Spd 15, Lck 8, Def 8 and Res 4. His growth rates are Hp 77%, Str 49%, Mag 18%, Skill 77%, Spd 87%, Lck 64%, Def 38% and Res 14%


He is A Level 7 Archer. His stats are 24Hp, Str 13, Mag 4, Skill 11, Spd 11, Lck 10, Def 12 and Res 3. His stat growths are Hp 77%, Str 58%, Mag 29%, Skill 58%, Spd 67%, Lck 69%, Def 49% and Res 12%


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Just thought of something I'd forgot, but it won't let me edit it. Sorry, here it is

The courtyard holds numerous containers that are used to acquire rainwater that provides us with rainwater and every week me and my men use our bows bring down enough Wild Ducks to have A Sunday Roast

That means that as long as we’re careful and don’t lose our means of replenishing our supplies then we have permanent to eggs, cheese, milk and water and weekly access to A Roasted Wild Duck

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11 hours ago, James Marshall said:

As I have The Destined for Greatness Personal I get to increase 5 of them by +5%, get to increase 3 of them by +10%, all 8 of them get increased by +1D3% and that raises my growth rates to Hp 62%, Str 41%, Mag 77%, Skill 67%, Spd 53%, Lck 66%, Def 28% and Res 53%

What does "+1D3%" mean ? 

12 hours ago, James Marshall said:

I'm doing Chapter 1 today. Should I post how it goes? and if you say yes should I post the rest of the game?

It's a yes for me 🙂 . It's interesting .


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7 minutes ago, James Marshall said:

It means roll 1 dice,  if you roll A 1 or 2 you add +1, if you roll A 3 or 4 you add +2 and if you roll A 5 or 6 you add +3

I'm sorry. I'm kinda dumb right now ^^ . But I want to understand it please .. i understand "you roll A 1 or 2 you add +1, if you roll A 3 or 4 you add +2 and if you roll A 5 or 6 you add +3".

So "+1D3%"  with "1D" = 1 dice ? & 3% because u roll a 5 or 6 ?.    Is that what "+1D3%"  mean ?

Edited by Hasechi Meguhami
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44 minutes ago, Hasechi Meguhami said:

I'm sorry. I'm kinda dumb right now ^^ . But I want to understand it please .. i understand "you roll A 1 or 2 you add +1, if you roll A 3 or 4 you add +2 and if you roll A 5 or 6 you add +3".

So "+1D3%"  with "1D" = 1 dice ? & 3% because u roll a 5 or 6 ?.    Is that what "+1D3%"  mean ?

To be 100% be honest, I'm not sure if that's how its supposed to done but its how I've always done it and I've done it that way since the sometime during very late November 1,997, which is more then 23 years ago

Edited by James Marshall
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More info on the games Mage-Knight Class

Normally only Available to Nobility and Royalty, but commoners who have The Skill Destined for Greatness or whose family background is very senior diplomat or favored by any Royalty or by A Count or by A Duke can enter it

They both get 1 type of Magic and 1 Type of Weapons in 1st Tier and gain A 2nd of each when promoting

Stat wise they tend to have more Hp, Str, Skill and Res then Mages but less then Knights and have more Mag, Spd, Lck and Res then Knights but less then mages

When it comes to moving in deserts being both of A Magic Using Class and of A Armoured Class means that the lower then normal movement of Armoured Units cancels out the higher then normal movement of A Mage, which means that your move is the normal 5-2 or 3

Their stat growths are the most balanced of any character in the game, which has the potential for several of their stats to become RNG-Blessed A lot faster then would happen to most other characters but it also has the potential for several of their stats to become RNG-Screwed a lot faster then would happen to most other characters

Female Mage Knights choose either Light Magic or Staves as their starting Magic and get either Bows or Axes as their starting Weapon and when they become A Sage Knight/2nd Tier Mage Knight, they get Anima Magic as their New Spell and Swords as their new weapon

Their Reclass options are as follows. Nuns(female only version of The Male only Monks) if they choose Light Magic, Clerics if they choose Staves, Archers if they choose Bows and Female Fighters if they choose Axe's, if they promote they can reclass into 2nd Tier Versions of The Classes the weapons they had as A 1st Tier  Unit gave them access to but the weapons they gained as A 2nd Tier Unit don't give them new Reclassing Options

Male Mage Knights choose either Anima Magic or Dark Magic as their starting Magic and get Swords or Lances as their starting Weapon and when they become A Sage Knight/2nd Tier Mage Knight, they get Staffs as their New Spell and Bows as their new weapon

Their reclass options are as follows. Mage if they choose Anima Magic, Shaman if they choose Dark Magic, Mercenary if they choose Swords and Lance Cavalier if they choose Lances, if they promote they can reclass into 2nd Tier Versions of The Classes the weapons they had as A 1st Tier  Unit but the weapons they gained as A 2nd Tier Unit don't give them new Reclassing Options

Also just realized that I forgot to say that he starts with A D with Anima and A D with Swords. Sorry

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12 hours ago, James Marshall said:

3D6x.1D66, +1D3%, A 55 

Those things are new to me. Not sure how you could invent those. I like that. I want to figure it out. I think you should clear it out too. So other readers can understand too

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On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2021 at 7:16 PM, Hasechi said:

Those things are new to me. Not sure how you could invent those. I like that. I want to figure it out. I think you should clear it out too. So other readers can understand too

1D66 means roll 2 different coloured dice, treat 1 as 10's and 1 as singles

For example A 4 on The 10's dice and A 3 on The singles dice would mean 43

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Theirs been not posts on this since Friday due to me spending most of the time in Bed with A Stomach Bug, I also haven't played much but my friend did tell me the stats, growths, skills and starting equipment of The 6 Recruitable Characters, that are available in the  5-part mission based off of a variation of The 1st 5 Chapters of Road to Ruin, and in the official game 2 are none recruitable enemies. Here they are


He is A Level 3 Sword Knight. C with Swords

His stats are 23Hp, Str 8, Mag 1, Skill 8, Spd 7, Lck 4, Def 5 and Res 1

His stat growths are Hp 60%, Str 60%, Mag 5%, Skill 55%, Spd 50%, Lck 50%, Def 55% and Res 15%


1 Iron Sword, 1 Bronze Sword  and 1 Herb




When fighting Female Enemies he gains +2 Def and +2 Res and when fighting Male Enemies he gains +2 Str and +2 Skill



Unique to his background

Sworn To Defend The Fair

When adjacent to A Female Playable Unit enemies that attack her suffer -15 Hit, -5 CRIT and do -2 damage


She is A Level 1 Cleric. C with Staffs

Her stats are 20Hp, Str 1, Mag 4, Skill 5, Spd 6, Lck 8, Def 2 and Res 8

Her stat growths are Hp 50%, Str 20%, Mag 60%, Skill 50%, Spd 50%, Lck 60%, Def 20% and Res 60%


1 Mend Staff, 1 Warp Staff and 1 Elixer



Regular Staff Preserver

When healing with A Staff she may not use up a use and the chance is equal to her Level +her Lck x2 or 17



Unique to her background

Herbal Medicines

If she wasn't seriously injured during a fight then she can makes between 1 and 3(2D2-1) Vulneraries that all have 1 and 3(again 2D2-1) doses


He is A Level 3 Brigand. C with Axes

His stats are 27Hp, Str 10, Mag 1, Skill 8, Spd 7, Lck 7, Def 6 and Res 1

His stat growths are Hp 100%, Str 75, Mag 5%, Skill 55%, Spd 55%, Lck 65%, Def 45% and Res 10%



Won’t kill A Lady

Whenever he lands A Blow that would kill A Female Enemy The Female is instead knocked out and can be ransomed



Unique to his background


If we defeat A Force of Bandits or Brigands or Outlaws he can loot their lair and get 2D6+1x100 Gold Coins


1 Killer Axe, 1 Hand Axe and 1 Herb



He is A Level 6 Lance Knight, C with Axes

His stats are 25Hp, Str 8, Mag 2, Skill 8, Spd 6, Lck 4, Def 7 and Res 3

His stat growths are Hp 65%, Str 65%, Mag 10%, Skill 60%, Spd 55%, Lck 50%, Def 50% and Res 20%


1 Iron Lance, 1 Javelin and 1 Herb



Natural Diplomat

Their are some scenarios that are among the hardest in the series that Reynard can make a lot easier by persuading several enemies that their side can't win and that its in their best interests for them to leave whilst their still alive



Unique to his background

Noble Born

Being of Noble Birth makes it easier for him to help us persuade Nobles to give us jobs


She is A Level 7 Sword Knight. C with Lances

His stats are 30Hp, Str 8, Mag 2, Skill 9, Spd 9, Lck 6, Def 8 and Res 3

His stat growths are Hp 65%, Str 65%, Mag 10%, Skill 60%, Spd 55%, Lck 50%, Def 50% and Res 20%


1 Steel Sword, 1 Anti-toxin  and 1 Herb



Natural Leader

Even though she’s not The Leader he can still issue Commands and instruction



Unique to her background

Very Charismatic

Some of the units only my lord can persuade to join me can also be persuaded by Lucinda


She is A Level 2 Curate. C with Staffs

Her stats are 21Hp, Str 2, Mag 7, Skill 5, Spd 6, Lck 7, Def 4 and Res 7

He stat growths are Hp 55%, Str 25%, Mag 70%, Skill 50%, Spd 50%, Lck 65%, Def 20% and Res 65%


1 Mend Staff, 1 Heal Staff and 1 Elixer



Greater Staff Preserver

When healing with A Staff she may not use up a use and the chance is equal to her Level x2 +her Lck x3, +1D3 and at the time you recruit her that's a  27% chance



Unique to her background

Herb Knowledge

If she wasn’t badly injured in a fight then she can gather herbs that will sell for 6D6+2 Gold

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