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Standing Up


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Are you someone who stands up for anything they think is right? Or are you the kind of person who sort of just doesn't like to be involved?

I can say that I am the kind of person who will stand up for what I think is right at all times.

That same thing has gotten me hurt several times. People have hit me, and others even beaten me to an extent, some even threaten to kill me, but I'd more than happily die for what is right. I believe that if no one tries or is willing to stand up for something, everything stays the same.

What about you?

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I walked a bit in a march on Washington when I was even younger, and a yellow dog liberal.

Buuut, for example, when members of my school's GSA had a day of silence for a kid who was shot for telling another kid to be his valentine, I thought the way they went about it was off, and gave the wrong message, and while the thought was nice, I found the protest itself ineffective.

But that probably doesn't answer the question at all lol

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I'm not sure, actually. I try not to compromise what I believe for reasons other than a change in what I actually think. I'm pretty much not afraid to share my opinion, but I don't always go out of my way to make sure it's upheld or defended. I really don't know.

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I let my voice be heard, and tell others what my beliefs are. But I have sat back and let things I don't agree with happen before. I try to stand up for my beliefs, but it's harder than many people think.

Basically, I let people know what I think, but then suck at actually fighting for my beliefs.

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My motto is "don't knock it till you try it." I'm not afraid to share my beliefs, but I won't ever try to pass it off as superior.

I guess that's a no?

What if your belief obviously is superior (in regards to overall benefit to the human race)? Why would you not state it as such? :P

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Because I haven't found a scenario where that is true.

Person A: I believe killing is good.

Person B: I believe that being allowed to kill freely stops society from functioning, as people would just mindlessly kill each other.

Of course yes, I understand that it's not a good idea to press your beliefs, only in situations where they are causing problems for you. Like for example, someone else believing in God, and me not believing in him does not cause any problems for me, so I have no need to tell them not to believe in him. However say I was homosexual, and wanted to marry another homosexual, then yes, others beliefs would be preventing me from doing something.

Only when someone's beliefs stop you from doing what yours allow should you contest them. Like I personally see no problem with anyone being any religion, as it doesn't bother me, but I do have a problem with them preventing me from doing things because it's against their God/Gods/Goddess/Goddesses.

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Honestly it depends on if I care. I'll give an example:

I helped form a group on campus recently. I was elected Vice President and I had great hopes for how everything was going to turn out. I am a great resource on this campus since I know a lot of the administration and stuff. Well, they started doing things incorrectly. Not just, "I'm doing this differently," but they did it wrong. So I spoke up. Shut down, rejected, ignored. I did it again. Shut down, rejected, ignored. This has been going on this entire semester; by now I really don't give a shit. They're doing things wrong still, and I would stand up and say something but in the end, do I really care if this group fails? I realized: I don't. So I'm letting them do what they want, despite the fact that it's wrong and on occasion unethical, and I'm leaving soon. They didn't need me so I don't feel the obligation to help them.

But on things like moral issues, I stand my ground. This isn't to say I'm not capable of changing my mind, but I will speak up when necessary and I will make my reasons clear.

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Count me as...both, I guess.

I can stand up for what I REALLY like and believe, but most of time I just don't want to get involved.

Things can be too complicated and I like simple things.

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I like to stand up for my point, and I love to have huge discussions at school or wherever, but it's never gone so far that people would hit me for it. But if someone would actually hit me, then I would definitely hit back; harder. I know that's not the right thing to do, but that's just me. If someone hits me because of my opinion that I'm trying to defend, I won't just take that hit and then go away or have a sweet talk with him.

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I'm just speaking of people so stupid that when they can't prove a point they resort to "Imon beat u up!!1", not whether or not violence is necessary since that's a whole other debate.

What if someone dissed your dead mom and the other guy won't shut up about it?

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