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I am very fucking emo...

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My cousin shows up and tells me the father who walked out 14 years ago just had a son.

Me and my mom just had a huge fight over said half brother.

My school work is failing even more.

I have constant nightmares, I haven't slept for a week.

Someone who I hurt very badly just came back to school (She had been in Canada)




Edited by Toa Lord Shade
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try distracting your mind, like watch a movie you have seen many times as you go to sleep, that helps me. Try sleeping in a different position. Listen to music while going to sleep.

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That's fine. I was just asking in case you did.

PM if your really interested?

try distracting your mind, like watch a movie you have seen many times as you go to sleep, that helps me. Try sleeping in a different position. Listen to music while going to sleep.

I'm into Metal so the music thing aint, gunna work.

Asw for the movie thing, that may work.

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I'll be the one to say it I guess. Grow up.

Have a half sibling? Acknowledge them or not, it makes no difference.

Mother bitching? Ignore her or shut her up.

Doing bad in school? Study. Maybe spend less time complaining over petty things on the internet.

Nightmares? Baw a bad dream, you are not 7.

Someone you have hurt goes to school with you? Get over it.

Can't beat Sacred Stones? Sounds like you don't need to be playing it in the first place.

It's things like this that make me wonder if when you kids grow up you will be able to function in the real world at all. You get free room and board, your parents aren't beating the shit out of you and locking you in a dark room, stop acting spoiled.

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