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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (contains spoilers)


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That may or may not prevent me from applying stickers to my "trophy."

but you can only use stickers in SSE, no stickers on "trophies" allowed when you are playing with your friends

200th reply! yay!

you should feel proud of yourself

I just like how this is the longest thread...

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*changes subject*

do you all have someone competent to play with if you choose to do the SSE co-op?

and when i say "competent" i mean someone with experience, as opposed to someone who will just sit there on the sofa forgetting what the A button looks like.

my brother's fairly competent. im kinda proud to admit that he's better at games then i was at his age.

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I don't have anyone to play it with... everyone here thinks like Jack Thompson except a few people, my sister likes video games but only the ones that are animé games, guess why, and my 2 little cousins are competent but never come over...

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I have a younger sister...she's ok competency wise...she could take 1 CPU AI of like 6...and she would complain and ask if I want to play another game such as Wario Ware or Mario Party...v.v...so I suppose Amarao is my only source of usefulness...

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Hmmm. I am personally betting that they won't take out anyone who was in the first two games with the possible exception of Ness, considering they did a pretty good job of replacing him with Lucas. The pictures linked to on that thread are unreliable at best, and although it would be cool if lucario is a playable character, I personally don't trust most of the rumors on gamefaqs unless I can verify them with another, more reliable source.

Since Sakurai (hopefully) does not want to end up with the whole cloned characters issue that Melee suffered from, I imagine that they will choose a more diverse cast of characters (especially since they are including third party characters), and while, again, hopefully not leaving out anyone, the ones who were clones will probably get a move make over if they are going to be in Brawl. If Sakurai keeps the clones then he is stupider than I thought.

Also, if Mr.Game and Watch doesn't make the cut, heads will roll.

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You don't understand WHY it confirms them though. Look at the bottom right corner when the cursor's on Groudon, you see a Pokémon Trainer icon, Pikachu icon, Lucario icon, and Jigglez icon. Now when it's on the Claus sticker Lucas and Ness are in the bottom right corner, remember when in the update Sakurai said that some stickers can only be used on certain characters in the sticker power-up update? Exactly.

Use this video, look around 4:20-4:22

At first the lower right corner is blank but after like a fourth a second they show up.

Here are pictures:



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Since Sakurai (hopefully) does not want to end up with the whole cloned characters issue that Melee suffered from, I imagine that they will choose a more diverse cast of characters (especially since they are including third party characters), and while, again, hopefully not leaving out anyone, the ones who were clones will probably get a move make over if they are going to be in Brawl. If Sakurai keeps the clones then he is stupider than I thought.

too bad most clones were more cheap than the originals...

Ganondorf > Cptn. Falcon

Pichu is more fun than Pikachu

Falco ~ Fox

Roy < Marth

I'm not entirely sure about Link and Y. Link

Peach > Bowser (they are clones, I have half-baked conspiracy theories to prove it!)

ok maybe clones weren't neccessarily better, but still...I for one didn't hate them...

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You don't understand WHY it confirms them though. Look at the bottom right corner when the cursor's on Groudon, you see a Pokémon Trainer icon, Pikachu icon, Lucario icon, and Jigglez icon. Now when it's on the Claus sticker Lucas and Ness are in the bottom right corner, remember when in the update Sakurai said that some stickers can only be used on certain characters in the sticker power-up update? Exactly.

Use this video, look around 4:20-4:22

At first the lower right corner is blank but after like a fourth a second they show up.

Here are pictures:



I still wouldn't say it's 100% confirmed, but only because we would probably have to unlock Lucario ourselves. And where are Mewtwo and Pichu?

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I still wouldn't say it's 100% confirmed, but only because we would probably have to unlock Lucario ourselves. And where are Mewtwo and Pichu?

Haven't you heard? There are going to be cuts. Although, it's very possible that there are more (and by more I mean 1 more and that's probably it) they just haven't unlocked it (or them) on the one that they used for it, and it's unkown if Lucario and Jigglez will be unlockable or not.

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Everyone know that Pichu's taunt is the only one that has 2 different taunts in Melee, right? well WRONG!

Jigglypuff has 2 different taunts!

it works the same as Pichu one for facing to the left, one for facing to the right.

When she faces to the left, she winks her right eye; when she faces to the right, she winks her left eye!

AH HAH! I win!

Minna meteite kure

(oh no, I just put that in consecutive posts...)

look, they count as being different, because Peach always winks the same eye...and everyone always faces forward (so no one gets to say that that counts as 2 different taunts)

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