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Nintendo 64 Soundtracks


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Another console that I don't hear much about in terms of music, so I'll ask:

Which Nintendo 64 Soundtracks are your favorites?  I'll always have a place in my heart for Mario Kart 64's soundtrack, as it was what got me into video games.  Some others are Mario Parties 1 and 3, Super Smash Bros, Banjo Kazooie, and Kirby 64.

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When speaking of the quality of entire N64 soundtracks, it's hard to beat the likes of Nintendo's first party games, and especially those developed by Rareware. Part of the promise of the Playstation was its CD quality audio, but the N64 was still king with its MIDI madness. Here's my top 5 most underappreciated songs in an N64 game. Not saying the games themselves are underappreciated, just that I've never heard any of these brought up in conversation anywhere when they easily stand up to the music that does get brought up all the time. Perhaps they're difficult to recall due to being multi-layered with evolving verses. Not like your usual Koji Kondo melodies meant to get stuck in your head through sheer repetition.

  1. Count Batula - Conker's Bad Fur Day
  2. Front End (Menu Theme) - Re-Volt
  3. Subterranean Caverns - Goldeneye 007
  4. Blue Resort - Bomberman 64
  5. Gusty Gulch - Paper Mario

Edit: I mistakenly posted the wrong bomberman track. Redial IS the super popular song I was thinking of as being the Koji Kondo-esque counterpoint.

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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I'll go nuts on the weekend when I have more time.

3D Platformer

Mario 64 - actually a real heavy hitter for theme music - I honestly feel like Galaxy etc al are kind of front loaded with the best music in early levels, but Mario 64 builds up to Rainbow World with a lot of stuff that is still reused in Mario's spinoffs to this day

Banjo Kazooie/Tooie - Composer Grant Kirkhope is great in these 

Rocket:Robot on Wheels - Has a really unique soundtrack with only one fault - once you think "it's all Charlie Brown Music" you can never unhear it.

Rayman 2 - Soundtrack is split between "jazzy" high action setpieces (pirates,walkingshell,top of the world) and a LOT of pretty good nature themes

Space Station Silicon Valley - The most notable thing about SSV's music is that it is locally sourced through the loudspeakers placed in each level and can be muted if they are destroyed.  2nd best "jazz" soundtrack after Rocket on Wheels

Donkey Kong 64 - I think it has a few peaks above the Banjo Kazooie (Creepy Castle is a bettter halloween themed level than Mad Monster Mansion) but otherwise it's weaker


Hot Music

Custom Robo - The most balanced Custom Robo (Gamecube has almost all techno, DS has almost all rock) basically has best standard fight theme in series

Star Fox 64 - Most classic Starfox music comes from this game for good reason

Blast Corps - Has a shockingly diverse soundtrack, Great Country Banjo, Great Techno music, Great "long view over big canyon landscape music" and of course the main theme

Paper Mario - A lot of good themes even if it is mostly "themed world music" A couple nice exceptions stand out from rest of soundtrack (

Snowboard Kids -

Diddy Kong Racing - 

Cold Music

Wetrix - Very hypnotic soundtrack for a puzzle game.

Beetle Adventure Racing - For a game with as many setpieces as Beetle Adventure Racing, the soundtrack does not disapoint

Goldeneye 007 - It has plenty of high energy tracks (mostly the actual licensed themes) but it's highlights are most of its quiet pieces which are plenty atmospheric

Perfect Dark -I don't like it as much as Goldeneye but the seperate stealth and alarm versions of each level's song is a good touch

Pilot Wings -  Very breezy soundtrack good for exploration (which you don't really do other than the birdman bonus game)


Star Wars Rogue Squadron - A lot of it is John Williams stuff, but some of the inspired-by filler is actually pretty good, remember it better than a lot of Rogue Leader's music (not as good of an actual game ofc)

Goldeneye 007 - Pretty well known for having good atmospheric tracks on several levels, good "pipe" sound. 

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater - Compromises compared to PS1 are pretty notable, but you still get Superman so it's alright

Hall of Shame

Yoshi's Story - The SNES Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite SNES soundtracks, but things are different for Yoshi on the 64. Entertaining in its badness unlike the Yoshi's DS game (the rap song comes to mind)


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All games by RareWare had an iconic as fantastic soundtrack. I absolutely despise first person shooters, but GoldenEye64 was an exception mainly because of its music. Sadly I could not play "Donkey Kong 64", "Conker's Bad Fur Day" and the "Banjo" duology. Also all the Star Wars games had superb soundtrack.

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