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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The quiet that Tanya was enjoying was pierced through by a shriek, though not one that sounded like it came from one of the Tigers. Groaning, she hopped off of her makeshift perch and exited the wagon, trying and failing to see what all the fuss was about. Huh. Weird. She also heard Gean and Renais sounding oddly frantic for the two of them, so naturally Tanya was a little curious now.

”You guys sound like you’re having fun in here.” Tanya teased, her tail swishing behind her as she began to saunter over towards the other wagon. She idly wondered what could get them so excited, but really, there was only one way to find out. Even if her ears started to wiggle a bit more than she was generally comfortable with.

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What was that? Alriana's gaze was swiftly on the wagons after a scream seemed to have come from one of them. Perhaps it was because the wagon had muffled it, but the lizard didn't recognize the voice. A non-tiger in one of the wagons? How long have they been there...? She dropped from her perch and rolled with the momentum before rising to stand. She made her way over to the wagon that the scream seemed to have originated from, the one that now had the recent addition of Tanya standing out in front of. "Everything okay?" She posed the question with a head tilt, waiting for either something to happen or a response from Tanya or whomever had screamed.

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A pair of scared purple eyes looked out over the edge of the crate towards Aegean, beginning to glow with an unknown magic-- before slowly calming down, the creature's breathing still rapid, but their panic subsiding for the moment.

"I... I, I j-just... F-For the ride, I just, www, wanted to come along... I don't mean, any, a-any harm--" Her eyes fell on the approaching Renais, going wide again, the same magic starting up somewhat. "S-Stay away!" This one was human, this one was definitely human!

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Well shit. Rene had spooked the girl. Too make matters worse, they seemed to have a crowd. "Hey hey. Let's calm down. No one's gonna hurt you." She seemed troubled by Rene's presence, and those glowy eyes definitely looked like trouble. "Rene, go talk to the others. I'll handle this."

Taking very slow steps after giving Rene instructions, Gean sat down on an empty crate. She made sure to give whoever this was enough space. "My name's Gean. I'm a clouded." Gean rolled up her poncho to show the scales on her arms. "You ok with telling me your name?"


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As soon as the purple eyes fell upon Renais and warned her she stopped her advance. She turned her eyes to Aegean and realized she wasn't welcome. "... I'll be outside, I'll keep people away for a few minutes. Do what you can, Gean." With one more nod she left the wagon and stood outside the opening to keep others from going inside.

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The human seemed to be backing away... The other one had shown off her scales, the cart creature calming down considerably, her magic dissipating entirely. "S... Sixteen. That's what they c-called me..." She rested her chin on the edge of the crate, staring at Aegean. With a clear look, she definitely had a lot similar to Alriana going on. The skin, the lines, the magic coming off of her, if Gean could feel any of it. "I... I saw a bunch of Clouded and Monsters together as a group. Y-You had some humans, sure... but... mostly, Clouded and Monsters. I... I thought it'd be safe..."

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Tanya raised an eyebrow as soon as Renais came… almost sulking out of the wagon. Walking over to the young cleric and ruffling her hair, she thought about peeking into the wagon, over Renais’ head and shoulders, but decided against it. Might be better to let Gean handle this herself. Still…

”Hey, so, what’s going on in there? Did you guys find something in there?” Sounded more like a someone, but Tanya wasn’t about to get all technical here. “And are you sure Gean is okay on her own in there? Because I only heard the two of you.”

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Gean listened to the girls introduction. The girl's name was... Sixteen apparently? Taking another look at the- well, head staring back at her, the look and overall feeling she got from the girl definitely reminded her of Aly. Almost eerily so. Let's just hope she doesn't have endless rows of teeth too. "Well Sixteen, you are correct that this group is mostly non-human. We're actually a mercenary group on job right now. Our leader is a tiger clouded. Did you have anywhere in mind?" Calling her Sixteen was a little odd. "If not, maybe sharing where you're from?"

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Out came Renais, but not whoever had screamed. Alriana's curiosity got the better of her, raising herself up on her tail over Tanya and Renais to peak inside while the tiny tiger asked Renais about what was going on inside. She couldn't believe what she saw inside, doing a double take in mid-air. Although she could only see the head of what Gean was talking to, and something that might've been a golden colored tail, she immediately noticed the similarity between whatever this being was and herself. The beings hair might've been pink and silver, but its skin looked the same as her own. "What's going on?" She asked without meaning to, staring straight at the other being.

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"Have anywhere in mind...? I... Know. I came from Lufiria. From a place underground... It was... It was attacked..." She didn't seem to want to discuss her origin all that much, shrinking as she spoke. All that fear and shyness disappeared as Alriana came into view though, eyes shooting wide, picking herself up a bit and staring hard at her. "Si..." Suddenly Sixteen was scrambling across the crates, claws digging into the wagon's floor for a moment to give her enough of a brace... Before one giant leap over both Tanya and Renais, colliding with Alriana and taking her down to the ground. The two of them spun together, ending with Sixteen clinging to her from her side, tail wrapped around them both, pressing her face up against the poor lizard's.

"S-Sister...! It was you!"

Ingverd had been startled awake by the scream, but a quick glance at the camp told him that everything was fine... Or seemed fine. Something was going on over at the wagon, but it seemed that whoever was over there had-- "Whoa, what!?" Alriana, who had been trying to get a better vantage point, had just been tackled by... Something! He leapt to his feet and ran over, not giving anything else his attention at the moment.

Alvira heard the scream and jumped, giving off a tiny yelp herself. "Wh-What's going on...?" She only looked over at the last minute, catching the tackle and yelping again! "A-Alriana!?" She was up, making her way over, but not with the same intensity as Ingverd... What's got him caring so much?

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Sixteen didn't seem to have a destination in mind. Even moreso she wasn't fond of talking about where she came from. Gean was a little hesitant upon hearing Lufiria, and something about her 'home' being attacked. However those feelings were dashed when sixteen suddenly hopped on the crates and darted for the entrance of the wagon. "Hey-" Gean reached out towards the the girl but it was too late. She had already leapt out the wagon to where the others were. 

Scrambling to the front to hopefully keep the situation cool she came to find... Sixteen cuddling Aly? Gean's mouth hung open. "Sister?"

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"Wha..." The beings attention was suddenly on her, Alriana staring back at her as the being came more into view as she scrambled across the crates. There wasn't any doubt anymore, save for the coloration of the girl, and her golden scaled claws and tail, she was definitely another of whatever Monster Alriana herself was. She didn't know how to take the sudden realization, still as stone until the being collided with her and sent her tumbling and rolling across the ground. When they finally stopped Alriana herself was completely immobilized by the being that had just called her sister. "Wh, What do you mean, sister?" Her mind was going too many places at once to even consider trying to escape.

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Cin blinked in surprise as suddenly Alriana launched herself down from the tree he was resting against. He'd had no idea she was even up there, much less why she was racing off now. He'd been absorbed in his project and barely paying attention to what was going on around him. He packed up the cloth and needles, standing up once they were securely tucked away, and looking down at the scene just in time to see Alriana get tackled by... something. Someone. He didn't recognize them though, which was worrying. He quickly made his way towards the group, noting Gean and Renais as well as their newest member, Tanya, already there and Ingverd and Alvira rushing towards the commotion as well. Ingverd quite intently in fact, which lined up with what Tio had been saying about him. The more time he had, the more he thought she might have had a point. But now wasn't the time for that. Arriving at the group just in time to hear Gean say 'sister', he raised an eyebrow. Looking down, the monster clinging on to Alriana certainly did look somewhat similar. "Wait, this is Alriana's sister? She has a sister?"

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A shriek was certainly not what Elisa wanted right now, groaning a bit as she got up and separated herself from her wife. "Yeah... I did. I'm sure the Tigers can handle themselves, but it's best we see they don't get themselves into something silly." She wasn't acquainted enough with their voices yet to recognize whether that was someone from the group, either, though she had the impression not many of them would scream like that at too many things. "It could be someone outside of the group too, so let's go see what's up."

"...C'mon, you could at least let me do my thighs first," Natalya grumbled, steadying herself and going toward the ruckus soon enough. The voice didn't sound familiar, so unless that somehow was Tio or Elisa, or someone had undergone a voice shift in the past few days, it must have been someone not from the Tigers. She was confident she wouldn't be needed too much, but it'd be silly not to respond somehow as the commander!

Though, out of all things it could have been, she definitely wasn't expecting another Aly-like girl seemingly wrapped in a very tight hug with Aly herself. One was already strange enough, but two? "Alright, can someone tell me why we have another driven-snow, huge-tailed lizard with us all of a sudden?" And what was that about a sister? That would need its own explanation...

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"Sister!" Sixteen sat up, finally letting Alriana go, tail still half coiled around her legs. "Y-You're the one that Grelbiria was always working with... Right? We didn't get to see each other a lot, but... Those of us that developed personalities, we got told a little. You were their favorite. Most promising... You... You weren't there, when we were attacked...?" Sixteen hadn't seen more than glimpses of Alriana at the facility, nor were they allowed to interact. She'd asked questions, of course, but was never told a complete answer. 'That project is being headed by Grelbiria, you don't have to worry about it'. She'd picked this group for safety, but also because she had to be sure. Now that she was getting mixed signals, the elation in her voice was slowly receding... She gave a worried glance around at the rest of the group that was now gathering.

Ingverd had made his way over to them, but with Aly not seeming in danger and the other... girl...? The other, Monster, pulling a bit away from her, he let his hand off of his sword. Noticing her glancing at him, rather fearful, he stopped himself, hand out. "It's alright... Aly, what's, what's going on? You're fine, right? You've got this handled...?"

Alvira was still heading over, slowly linking up with Cinaed to feel a little bit safer. "Aly has a sister?" she asked up at him, giving a confused glance over at the monster pile.

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"That was my question. I don't know her really at all, honestly I would have expected you to know if anyone did." He glanced down at Alvira with a small shrug. "There's something strange going on here, I don't know what she's talking about, but she's talking about developing personalities and a facility being attacked, there's something more than we know though obviously that's Alriana's history and her right to keep secret, but now that it's coming to join us, well." He shook his head. "I suspect we'll have an interesting story to hear soon enough. Though maybe, for her sake, they should just talk to Commander Natalya in private." He glanced over at Gean, wondering if maybe this would be a chance to talk to her. But no, he needed to focus on the situation in front of him. "What do you think, Alvira?"

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Well it seemed the cat was out of the bag at this point. Most of the group had gathered, and was asking the same question. Tasha was no here looking for answers. Ah crap. I almost forgot it's her birthday today!

Speaking up too at least cover some ground. "Well everyone, meet... Sixteen. I just found her sleeping in one of our crates, when she made the scream most of you heard. She also is Aly's sister, I think." Gean sighed as she tried to explain what's going on. "She's also very skittish so let's not bunch up on her ok? She almost freaked out on Rene earlier. Kinda want to avoid that."

Turning to Tasha, Gean put her hands together. "Sorry about the abrupt birthday present. It might be best if we talk to her privately? Aly you should come too. I think she'll feel safer with you around." Things were move a bit too fast for Gean's liking.

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Tanya’s eyebrows seemed permanently fixed on a different height than intended, especially after the pale girl came barrelling out of the wagon to cling onto Aly. She couldn’t help but let out a whistle as she was impressed with the jump, but found herself quickly losing the thread here. Something about being developed…? Tanya was confused.

”Uh, so, we’re all okay then, right? Because I’ll admit, I have no goddamn idea what’s going on.” Smooth, Tanya. Real smooth. She leaned over towards Renais and nudged her gently on the shoulder. “Hey, you understanding any of this? Because I’m lost, sad to say.” She whispered to the group healer.

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Miria definitely shuddered after hearing the scream. Tanya was behind her it seemed, and she was off. Miria followed along a little after. There was a new face amongst them. A girl calling herself Sixteen... with a tail... like a snake. Miria simply kept herself in middling view, she wasn’t quite sure how to take this new individual, but she seemed docile enough considering her reaction to Aly's presence.

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This being, her sister, was laying out quite a lot of heavy information. I... What is she talking about? Some of it makes sense, but, what does the rest mean? Things that Alriana knew, but that she purposefully kept at the back of her mind. Years of living with Grelbiria had convinced her that those thoughts and details weren't important to warrant serious consideration. However, with the being that called her sister... Her, sister as well then? With her sister in front of her, talking so freely about those thoughts, it took her back thirteen years to the facility. Underground, little to no natural light, a room that was painfully bland. Days spent with Grelbiria, learning many things...

"Ah?" She snapped out of the impromtu delve into her memories at Ingverd's voice, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. "I, I'm fine, yes. Not that I know entirely what's going on." Slowly, she was piecing it together. Another like her had appeared, called her sister, knew too much to not be from the same place. Did that mean there were more of them? More family out there? She turned to Sixteen to finally answer her. "Grelbiria was always with me, yes. But, what do you mean attacked? Grelbiria took me to Glacies one night... Is that why?" There was more she wanted to ask, much more, but in preferably more private company. However, somehow in the midst of things, Gean invitation to do as such with Tasha was lost in everything else.

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Tasha managed a chuckle at the idea this was somehow a birthday present to her. Hey, at least Gean remembered, right? "Alright, you definitely surprised me with this one, for sure. And you just said we shouldn't bunch up on her, didn't you? I can handle things with them myself, unless the supposed sisters would like to sort things out by each other first," she reasoned, looking back over to the now somewhat less tangled duo. "Hey, if you two want to talk things out, I can see to nobody bothering you in one of the wagons, or I could join you in the conversation. Any opinions, Aly, uh... Sixteen?" Awkward name, that. Whoever gave it to her must have been blanking out on anything better, but if that was their number of kids, well, that was one big family.

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Sixteen was almost about to start explaining things in regards to Alriana's questions, but giving a quick look around at how many people there were watching them, she slowly crawled behind Aly instead, curling up behind her back, starting to shiver like a scared animal. All that excitement had worn off. "I, I think miss, tiger lady's suggestion i-is a good one..."

Ingverd wasn't sure what to make of this, gently scratching at his head. Aly had said she was alright and things seemed to be calming down. "Alright... Geez, what a stop." He couldn't help smirking, nodding towards Tasha. "You take care of them then, Natalya. Let me know if you need me, Aly." He gave her a wink and made for one of the wagons, sitting on the edge of it.

"I... Have no idea, Cinaed. I might get along with her, but I don't know what she is, I'm not gonna lie..." She sighed, but things seemed resolved-- "Wait, birthday...?" Alvira ran over to Aegean, poking her arm. "It's Tasha's birthday??"

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Tasha had made her decision, and Gean had no arguments against her choice of privacy. "I leave it to you two then. Sixteen if you need anything you can come talk to me." Gean gave the smaller girl a soft smile, hoping it might help the girl calm down.

Suddenly she felt an claw poking her in the arm. Vira had come to Gean with a question of her own. "Oh yeah, you're still new enough that you wouldn't have known. Today's is Mom's birthday." Gean slapped her forehead, still a little mad that she forgot to get her a gift, even in the midst of all the things she had gone through in the last week. "Normally I'd take her out to eat alongside Aly, gonna have to think of something else for her this time." Knowing Tasha, she'd probably be happy with anything, but recent moments really made Gean want to give her something special.

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When Tanya and Alriana approached the cleric, she did her best to keep composed. "Gean's handling a sensitive case inside-" But as she explained to Tanya and looked up at Aly's peaking, the ladder was suddenly tackle hugged away from the wagon. The strange girl Gean spoke to had grappled Aly, but not quite in a threatening way. It was more affectionate. "Ah..." Gean came out and explained the situation, but Tanya leaned in to ask Renais what was going on. "We found this girl in the wagon, she seemed very uncomfortable around me...I don't know what else to do other than follow Gean's advice." Also it seemed like it was Tasha's birthday, which was a bit interesting to bring up in a situation like this but she'll have to give her wishes later.

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"Oh, fuck." Alvira was beside herself, anxiously biting at one of her scaled fingers. She couldn't just miss this! This was incredibly important, or so she'd been told and read. Missing the first birthday of your partner once you got together was tantamount to relationship suicide!! Why didn't she tell me it was so soon? Ah, geez... ... ... No, it's still okay. I have something I can give to her as a gift, something meaningful. I was going to use it for myself... But she's just as important now and puts herself in harm's way far more readily than I do. Okay. As soon as I have a minute, then...

"... Sorted," she mumbled, sighing and relaxing. "That was close..."

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