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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Mhm. I'm sure. I-I like it too, you know..." Laniva closed her eyes as Syta went right after her ears, sighing softly. It was nice. "Hehe. It's kind of cute, how eager you are... mh... mrow." 

She let Syta continue for a good moment, the hug a welcome addition to the petting. "Mm, mhm. Time and place... mrahh. H-Hey, we should really go see the others... once you get your fill, though..." How'd we get back to the bed...

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"Oh! Right. Heheheh... Sorry. You're addictive~" Syta smiled and hopped up, stretching and nodding. "Alright! Let's get going, then. We've got Celine to see, you to see a sword, plans to do... But I've got a date with your ears later, okay? And maybe your tail, if that didn't hurt... I didn't realize how soft it was, so I gotta get my fill. And if you ever wanna pet me back, then, go ahead...?" Syta realized how weird what she said was immediately, laughing at herself. "Not that I think you'd want to! I've just got hair up here, heheh. Still... Anyway, shall we, Lani?"

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"Addictive..." Laniva stood after Syta, opening her eyes as the pets came to a stop. "Mhm. We have a whole bunch of things to do, so let's get started..." She went a bit red yet again as Syta continued, playing it off with a small laugh. "Maybe I will pet you back, and see what you think of that. Oh, and... my tail is okay, too. J-Just... definitely, not without telling me first. You can get away without that for my ears, but... mrah."

She nodded, starting for the door. "Let's go. Don't tell them why we were late, okay~?"

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"Yes, we've heard about Jeremiah, and have a relative gauge on his competency..." And he's supposed to be on his way to us... perhaps it would be for the best to leave our skirmish with her, and then this Tanvir out of things... "I'm afraid that if it comes down to it, and your father is involved and tries to strike us down, trying to subdue him non-lethally, especially if he's anywhere near as threatening as Tanvir was will be a very, very tall order..." Tio sighed, this mission was never going to be easy but this situation just wasn't good. 

Versaris reentered the conversation, dropping a familiar name, insofar as Aegean had mentioned it back in Liste when she revealed her affiliation with the crown of Lufiria to the Tigers. "I'm guessing that would make this Rosaria, the princess's mother? She's even stronger than Tanvir?" She'd only heard of accounts from some survivors of the conflict, but apparently Lufirian Royals were content to step onto the field of battle themselves. "Is there anything you could say about her? I admit, that Tanvir fellow was already... rather ridiculously strong." With everything that was coming to light, it sounded like that they and the tigers needed to steer clear of this. Tanvir already seemed like someone who would have steamrolled the group had Mikoto, herself and Elisa weren't present. If Versaris isn't joking... it might require us to use that if we were to come into direct conflict... Haha... This world never gets any smaller... The sky is the limit, and we might not have even pierced the clouds.

"I am inclined to agree... without any knowledge of what the princess was up to, the Tigers had to act in a manner that was going to protect the most people possible. With the Escaflowne in Celine's hands, I'd say that's been achieved, so we can focus on what's coming in front of us. I don't want to think about the possibility of encountering the princess's parents, or more of the Asteria..."

Tio looked up and a bright smile crossed her face as Elisa walked in; she'd been up before she was, but she was continuing looking into the princess's tome. "I was getting a little concerned that you'd forget the time up there. You haven't missed up, just learning that we've someone else related to Lufirian intelligence in our midst, and discussing things about our guests from yesterday. I'll catch you up to speed after I grab your plate." A moment to gather her thoughts to better summarize events would be both good, and appreciated, "Did you learn anything in particular about that spell? You were up deciphering it late, and were doing the same this morning." Tio rose from her seat, and started to make her way over. The inn had done it's best to provide what it could, fortunately, being on a trade route had its benefits despite being a small, mountain village. The chief was a fairly well connected woman, not unlike Sarasin for Liste. 

The last thing that Celine remembered was that it was probably approaching evening when she, Diya, Tio, Elisa, and the Tiger's commander had sat down to chat. With the sword in her hands, and the whirlwind of thoughts brought on by Syta's rather outlandish hypothesis, any adrenaline left in her body was spent, and she'd nodded off once before catching herself as she started falling out of her chair. The next time she opened her eyes, Celine found herself in a warm, comfortable bed, in a house that she felt like she recognized but not really. The sun was peeking into the window already which meant that it had to be almost mid-morning at this point. Celine sat up with some difficulty; her body was sore, and despite having slept, she still felt exhausted. Yeah... I guess it was my birthday yesterday...

She had at least gotten out of her armor, or she'd been helped out of it--that seemed more likely with how she felt. Then her mind clicked. Celine's head darted from place to place looking for the sheathe of the Escaflowne, before noticing Ren. "Oh, Ren! Have you... Wait, never mind, where's the Escaflowne?!"

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"No one's going to be coming to butcher us; we fought the Princess, but no one died, or even got severely injured." He was going to ignore how quickly Tanvir floored him; better him than anyone else in the Tigers. It was a good thing he'd been the one holding the Escaflowne... "Er, Rosaria? Yeah. Unlike the Asteria, she's pretty famous... She is, indeed, Rosaria Shiva, mother to Lucille Shiva, our lost little Princess... She's... She was meant to become Queen, but there were, issues between her and her mother, and she ended up throwing away her claim to the throne. So, she's a General now, rather than directly royalty beyond her bloodline, and probably the scariest person you could end up on the wrong end of. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say she's stronger than the queen, and Hilda is already terrifying..." He sighed. The ceiling was so far away.

"She's, a Celestial Knight, if you need to put a title to her. Lufiria's strongest group of elites, none of them should be messed with... Did I forget to mention Jeremiah also holds that title? Haha. Hahh... I'll smooth things over with him, or die trying. Promise." He winked, with as much confidence as he could gather. "If you're not aware of Lufirian history, the title might not mean that much, but it's the title given to the four heroes that saved Lufiria. Does the miracle at Ulara ring any bells? Rosaria Shiva, Jeremiah Noire, Virion Shiva, and Serena Noire-- Hold on, what's with the power couples? Then there's you and Elisa, I don't get it-- sorry, getting off track... They stopped Islexia in its tracks and are the reason Lufiria is still standing to this day. They're... Very, very powerful people. I think the only thing that will ever stop them is old age, if I'm being honest... Er, Rosaria, though, since I suppose she's the topic of discussion... You'd better hope that, given the threat of war facing Lufiria again, if they did send either of her parents, that they sent Virion. He's an impressive fire mage in his own right, but the two of you can likely hold your own against him. Rosaria... Beyond just being strong with a host of her own unique abilities, she has... Precognition. True precognition. Up to fifteen seconds into the future... Fighting her is, almost impossible, especially one on one. You'd have to overwhelm her with a group of people about as strong as you, Tio, to stand a chance, and, uh... We've got two people at your power level. You. And Elisa... The fox is doing her best, but she'd last five seconds, tops, against that woman. And me? Hah. Pfthahaha... I can't imagine scratching these people."

Marigold turned her attention to the tiger that had come in, her current boss, so to speak. "Hey, Tasha! We still on, despite everything? Also, important talks are over here. Come on over once you've got your food." She was quick on the draw and no nonsense about things; they were just about to hit Islexia, so she needed to know for sure.

"Good morning, Celine." Ren smiled as politely as they always did, folding some of Celine's clothes as her things were brought into the room. "Diya is holding onto the sword, at the moment... Take things slowly. You've overexerted yourself beyond human means, and you really need to go at your body's pace for now, not your mind's. To that end, sit still." They finished with a shirt and got up, fetching their staff and aiming it at Celine again, casting a healing spell on her. There was nothing to 'heal', per say, but it would aid in relieving her exhaustion, somewhat. "Now... I'm sure we have things to discuss with those mercenaries, this morning, but please, don't push yourself beyond what you can do-- And!" Ren almost huffed, folding their arms. "Now that we're all back together, I demand that you rely on us. Whether it's carrying things or helping you walk. Rely on me, at least. I don't know where that Syta has gotten off to, but it's you, me, Diya, Sophia-- I suppose there's also that Ferid. The point is, even without Syta, you've got reliable helpers, so please use us."

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Gean watched with a little shock as Renais deftly turned Mikoto's offer on her and had the merchant with her head in her arms. The mermaid made a mental note for the future before turning towards another discussion in the room. While Gean was more concerned about what her girlfriends were discussing, the name Rosaria was thrown out too many times to be ignored. She excused herself from her spot at the table and slinked her way over to Tio and Sari's conversation. It seemed they were talking about the Generals, and Sari was giving enough of an explanation that Gean chose to just listen. 

Jesse chuckled at both Koba's concern for her, and his reluctance once her was aware of who they were checking up on. "You'll be fine Koba. Besides, you're this close, I'd hate to tell Ren you accompanied me here only to turn back. They'd just swarm you with more concern once they leave with Celine for the inn." Jesse couldn't help but tease him just a bit, the young man was bad at hiding his emotions. Opening the door to where the kinghts were staying for the night, Jesse spoke up so to not startle anyone. "It's Jesse. I stopped by the inn earlier, and the Tigers are mostly up at this point. Is the Commander well enough to visit or should I let them know otherwise?"

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"Silly... You can take a nap if that's what you need. Though at this point I suppose it's really just going back to sleep..." He chuckled as she let go of him, doing her best to sit up and act as if she wasn't a second away from falling asleep. Her request was an easy one, and he stood up with a long stretch and a groan before leaning over and kissing the top of her head. "Of course. Anything for you." He straightened back up and headed over to the food, noting the Commander and Tio heading the same way and giving them both a nod.

Koba grumbled under his breath as Jesse laughed at him, knowing that he must have sounded ridiculous with all of this. It's fine. Just a couple more hours and then it'll just be the Tigers you need to worry about. They all seem easier to deal with anyways. "I-it's, you can tell them whatever you want. Why would it bother me what they think?" He crossed him arms in a sulk as Jesse opened the door to the house where the knights had apparently been staying, calling out to those inside.

Diya had gotten up earlier than her commander, earlier perhaps than she should have given how little sleep she was running on, but she had things to do and with Lady Celine still asleep, she needed to make sure everything was ready for when she woke up. Ren had been staying with Celine, so she had felt comfortable leaving with the Escaflowne, knowing they would pass the message on if necessary. She had just returned from a quick patrol of the village and had been about to head back up to check on her commander when Jesse returned as well. "Ah, Jesse, good to see you. Ren is upstairs with the Commander, they said they would help make sure she was doing well. I was about to go check on the two of them, see if Lady Celine is awake. You and your... friend? are welcome to join me in heading upstairs, if you wish." She raised a questioning eyebrow at Jesse, wondering about the unfamiliar avian boy almost hiding behind the other Amaryllis member, but figured that if Jesse trusted him, that was good enough for now.

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When the deed was done, Renais suddenly felt light headed. She leaned on the table with a huff as she tried to stabilize herself. "Mmm..." After a few short moments she felt her strength return, but she saw this as an opportunity. "Hmm I wasn't prepared for this, so I hope you don't mind if I..." She slipped around the table rather quickly and took a seat next to the fox. She pulled her arms around Mikoto and leaned on her back. The soft pinkette embraced her kitsune partner and let her scarf drape over Mikoto's shoulders. "I'm a selfish girl, I know...but let me rest like this for a minute please..." She expected Mikoto to get her back later, but for the moment she wanted to enjoy herself.

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"Mikon!?" The fox yelped as she was suddenly assaulted by Renais in a hug, blushing and turning to Gean for help, stammered noises escaping her before she fizzled and flopped against the table again. Her tails had the right idea, at least, gently wrapping around Renais, but she was already on the backfoot and not prepare for further... "F-Fine, if you must... Mrrrhh... I will get you back for all this, Renais. Mark my words..." With a final huff, the fox flopped, resigning herself to her fate.

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Jesse turned at the call of her name. "Ah, Lady Diya." Jesse smiled and gave a small bow at the knight's return. "I was just at the inn where the Tigers are currently staying, and offered to check in on the status of our commander for the Evokers." Jesse then gesture a hand towards Koba. "This fine man here is a new recruit of the Tigers, who Ren and I met back in Cerezia. He offered to accompany me here." None of what Jesse said was a lie, but there was no need to tell Lady Diya about Koba's former profession. "We can all head up together."

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Almost as though seeking out familiar company, Sophia came over towards Diya and Jesse, with a box in hand. She’d gone out to get a little something else for Cece, hoping she got the necklace earlier - it would be very awkward if she didn’t. The sheep couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Koba lurking behind Jesse, and went to go poke his cheek - but then remembered that Koba didn’t like to be touched, so she refrained.

”Gooooooooooood morning, Jesse… Diya… you twoooooooo are great. Isn’t today great? Heeheeeeeeeeee…” Sophia was practically swaying back and forth excitedly, bobbing on her feet not unlike a drunkard. Really, though, she was fine, aside from being very cheerful. “Ohhhhhh, is Lady Celine awaaaaaaaaaake yet?” Sophia placed a finger on her chin, her lips going from a smile to a tiny ‘o’ shape. Cece not being awake would… complicate things.

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"Why do you need to stalk Ullr, Iris?" Whatever her sister had actually been doing, describing it as such wasn't likely to build trust. She'd done it to all of the Tigers as they'd joined the company, silently following them and watching them to sate her curiosity. The reactions to doing so were generally not so friendly. Though Ullr and Miria didn't seem to mind as much. She pulled up her own chair as Iris gave them the rundown on how she'd acquired her new name, chest puffing out with a little pride with how pleased Iris was with  her name. 

"I did not eat, at least." Though not addressed by Ullr she answered all the same, on the off chance that he was going to suggest that he bring Iris food. The events of yesterday had left her feeling quite sore. "Probably shouldn't have sat down."

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"I, Jesse, we've been over this. I am not a Lady, you do not need to call me that." The words had knocked her off kilter just a little bit, it was strange to be called the same title as Lady Celine, and she didn't want to seem to be presuming a station that she had no right to. She sighed, collecting herself again with a slight look of frustration shot at Jesse, when another of their wayward members showed up. "Mmm, right, with Sophia here and Ren upstairs, that just leaves Syta as missing. I'm going to assume she's with the mercenaries, unless one of you knows otherwise." Sir Ferid is out there somewhere as well... Still, not my concern right now. She looked down at Sophia and nodded. "We were just about to check on Lady Celine, Ren is with her, but she's been asleep long enough that I have to expect she's either awake or close to it now." She looked back down at the small avian man, a slight frown appearing before she sighed and the frown smoothed away into a neutral expression. "Very well. If you're willing to vouch for him, Jesse, he may come along."

Koba watched the interactions between the group, slightly intimidated by the tall Clouded in front of him, but it seemed like the end result of the conversation was what he wanted. "Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it." His hands slipped back into his pockets, one returning to fiddling with the coin hidden there. "I'll take back any response from Lady Celine on when she'll be over to the inn, the Evokers and the Tigers are all still eating, so it's no rush, I mean, obviously we'll wait for Lady Celine, I can just, give a timeline so everyone knows." Time to shut up Koba.

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Tio turned away to go and gather food for herself and Elisa, when Versaris began explaining about Rosaria. Most of it was information that she would be asking for clarity on anyway, so she just focused on noting down important information. Celestial Knight, the fact that Jeremiah also held this illustrious title, the second mention of Serena Noire-- which meant that Gean's aunt and uncle were among Lufiria's strongest individuals--the mention of a man named Virion, the Miracle at Ulara, and then, Tio froze. She whirled around back to Versaris, "Did. Did you just say precognition? True precognition?!" Tio's hand covered her mouth. Precognition was generally thought of as a parlor trick, and not a serious form of magic. However, precognition and future sight were genuinely real types of magic, if exceedingly rare. There were records of the art existing, but only a select few mages in their current age were even capable of manifesting the magic. It, among with other magical forms were considered divergent magic, and fell outside of the usual scope of magic. Often these divergent magicks were exceptionally powerful. 

"...Y-yes. Let's pray to the stars... that we don't come across someone who can genuinely use precognition. Stars above... of all things I expected to hear about on this journey, someone who genuinely can use a divergent magic was not it... Oh boy... what a nightmare that would..." Tio finally noticed that Natalya had walked in, looking a bit more tired than usual at this time of morning, but yesterday had been a whirlwind of events that no one had been prepared for. "I, we'll, continue this in a moment, I need, should, grab Elisa and myself food..." If Lufiria has people like then... no wonder that the Islexian Collapse stalled... If she has divergent magic... then is it possible that others in Lufiria... oh boy...

Celine breathed a sigh of relief, "That's... good at least. How long have I been out...? I only remember the tail end of speaking with the Evokers and the commander of the Tigers." Celine did as she was asked, she could tell that she wasn't going anywhere fast as she slowly began waking up. Her mind was up now, but her body was well behind it, and it was likely going to stay that way for a bit, even with Ren's rejuvenating light. "I'll... do my best, Ren, but--" Celine sat up a little straighter as Ren demanded that she rely on them, Diya, and Sophia now that they were all together. Celine blinked at Ren before smiling with a bit of a giggle, "You've changed a little. It's only... been about a week, and you seem... stronger." Celine sighed, "Yeah, I'm... going to have to ask a bit of all of you today... We still need to speak with the Evokers and Tigers again, and, uh, if I'm left to walk by myself... it'll take me an hour, maybe two." She flushed at the admission, but there really was nothing she could do. She and Diya had been riding, and investigating almost nonstop since the whole thing began. "Haha... I guess that's a reasonable birthda--" Celine turned to the desk next to her and noticed, a wrapped package on it. "Oh, uh..."

Celine picked up the small box, and the note on it was unmistakably in a certain rabbit's handwriting addressed to her. Celine opened the box to find two ribbons inside, one in a green that likely matched her eyes, and the other, silver. Celine took the box and hugged it to her chest, "Hehe... that's... a good start to today. Kind of funny... that I'm as happy about this as I am about getting the Escaflowne back... What a birthday..." 

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"Hmm..." Üllr hadn't thought of it before, but stalking was a bit weird, wasn't it? He never paid it mind because it was such an Iris thing, though... and if he hadn't been educated by his grandpa, that'd be Üllr as well. "Well, it's early, you guys should eat. Do you need me to pick up?" They didn't even have a plate... and why was Alriana tired like that? Did she not rest after the fighting? Several questions in Üllr's mind, but he tried not to worry overmuch about it.

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"I just thought it'd be fun... I'm in a great mood after yesterday-- well, not because of the battle, that SUCKED, but after, I kissed Ullr and then we went off and we kissed a lot! It was a lotta fun~ What about you, Aly? Didja kiss your not elf~?" Iris giggled, assuming she'd gotten a one up on her sister, completely unaware of the events that had transpired. "Oh! Are you gonna get us both food? That's super nice of you, Ullr! Thanks~! Ehehehe... You're a great guy." She was simply on cloud nine, all smiles, all giggles, almost bouncing with positive energy.

"If it helps any, Tio, I can use divergent magic as well." Sari held his hand out and in a puff of dark smoke, a raven appeared, a little small, politely resting in his palm. "Meet Javier. Something of a familiar... I've got other abilities as well, but we'll leave those, for now." Abilities I might need to speak to you about... I'm feeling... Shockingly alert, after last night. Was there actually something to incubi and having sex...? My family's never needed it to survive, but... After last night, I'm even feeling things like Tio and Elisa's magical levels more sharply. Javier was summoned quicker, too... Strange. A little concerning. He gently shook his hand and let the bird fly off, sighing. "I realize that's nothing on the same level as Rosaria, but divergent magic is rather common in Lufiria. Because of the country's history and all the mana storms and weird levels of mana depending on where you live, abilities that lay out of the magic trees spring up everywhere... Grab your food, though. I'm not sure if there's much left to add... We simply need to stay in our lane, and I need to tell Jeremiah about everything. We've not done anything wrong or deserving of their ire. Yet. Let's hope it stays that way."

"I wouldn't say I'm stronger... I'm starting to realize how deeply in trouble this country is. Between the issues with Artorius, this regalia of yours getting stolen, it getting taken back, what the Tigers have gotten themselves into... In my world, there were certainly troubles, but I was never so closely wrapped up in them. So I'm putting on my serious face and making sure I can do everything I can..." Ren would've wanted no less from me. They nodded, before gasping quietly, sighing after. "You should've told us your birthday was so soon... I would've picked you up something in Cerezia. The next town we stop in, I'll get you a gift. For today, you'll have to accept my happy birthday wishes as me helping you to where the Tigers are. We can't have you taking hours to get over there; exhausted as you are, talks must proceed... But we'll take it carefully~"

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After some time, Laniva and Syta finally entered the inn's main room. It looked like Laniva had been right about their lateness; contrasting her usual earliness to breakfasts with the Tigers, pretty much everyone was already here, eating, chatting about this and that. She scanned the room.

Versaris was showing the Evokers a little bird... Mikoto was completely wrapped up in a hug by Renais - she raised an eyebrow a bit at the sight. Between her merchant image and the rather charged conversation they'd had not so long ago, it was... rather distinct from the image Laniva had of the fox.

"Hmm... doesn't look like Lady Celine is here yet, Syta. Let's get some breakfast in the meantime... once she gets here, we may not get a chance."

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Miria gave a laugh as she started to eat. The two siblings talking like siblings was cute, and it was funny to the cub, seeing Iris seemingly brag about how she got to kiss Üllr. She didn't understand a lot about Iris, but something about how happy she was made Miria feel a little fuzzy inside.

"Oh, yeah, you guys need to eat. It's great, you gotta get some in case I eat all of it." She added, giving another laugh.

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"Y-Yes, I'll be, back, with food." Tio slowly turned away. Divergent magic was not exactly her own expertise, but she knew enough to know that possessing it was something special. Fighting someone like that was not on the Tigers' list of things to do, and it certainly wasn't on Tio's. Fortunately, once they moved into Islexia, that should be their last interaction with such a strange occurrence. Tio did look back at Aegean, who had started listening in around the time they started talking about Rosaria. There was a reason that she kept that hairpin. It could have just been because it was an item that belonged to a close friend, but it did feel like there was something more to it. Mikoto is going to be more and more important for the Tigers... especially in the event that Elisa and I are no longer around. Hopefully the moment we reach our destination, that this situation leaves the Tigers be...

Tio gathered two plates of food, making sure to leave plenty for the main group and made her way back over. "One more question on this line, Versaris; I think it's best to not tie ourselves in knots over what might be... but does Jeremiah have anything on the same caliber as Rosaria? Put simply, does he also have divergent magic?"

Celine waved her hand slowly, "You, and the others being here is present enough; I was long since tired of having to deal with the other knights. And, thank you for giving your all... I know things have kind of bloomed out of control since you've arrived, but the more help that we have, the quicker we can put this all to rest... and we have proof of that, finally." 

Celine sat up, and slowly swung herself out of bed. "Oh boy... that was already quite draining... Yes, I believe... that we had agreed to speak again... right... about now... actually." She sighed, but she'd done this to herself. "We'll have to move a bit quickly... I know that the Evokers said that they were on a bit of a time table, so I don't want to hold them up... Ren, could you find the others? So you're not assisting me all yourself? Not that I think you couldn't, but anything to pick up the pace a little."

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"Mmmm, I guesssssss... Hahhhnn~" Syta yawned again, stretching as she walked into the lobby. Everyone else really was awake, making Syta feel ever so slightly embarrassed that she had kept Lani for so long. "What're you in the mood for? Pretty rural place... From the looks of things," she began, eyeing the food counter, "they've only got the essentials. Some meats, bread and eggs. I'm feelin' those bagels... Mmmmm, warm bagel and some butter. I hope they have butter, anyway... No point in waiting to see!" Syta stretched once more and headed over to get her fill.

Sari shook his head as Tio came back over. "If he does, I've never see him use it. Only the things I told you about previously: his weapons, his skills as an assassin, his station... Speaking of weapons, did you ever figure anything out with... What I gave you?" Maybe she'd had time to look into it, but it was fine if she hadn't. "Rosaria is a force of nature. Jeremiah can cut his way through a group of men just as well, but he's not exactly what I would call... Area of effect. He's much more suited for one on one engagements, so as long as none of us cross him, alone, it should be fine. As I keep telling you, he's a reasonable guy... He's not like Tanvir, in any way. Unless his family was under direct, evident threat, he wouldn't attack someone without a reason, and as far as I'm aware, he's no reason to attack any of us. I'll talk to him. It'll be fine." He sighed a bit. This dance was getting somewhat tiresome, but it wasn't like he could blame Tio after everything she'd seen and heard. Lufiria was a mystery to most of the world around it, even to its ally, Glacies. That she hadn't heard of these people of their abilities wasn't exactly a surprise...

"Right! Diya should've just been downstairs, so I'll fetch her to come and help. You stay here and catch your breath. Get your things on-- as much as you can manage without hurting yourself, and we'll be right back up to help you. Promise!" Ren quickly nodded and dashed out of the room, bounding down the stairs with as much energy as they could muster. "Diya--" Ren called for her, but the woman wasn't down where they'd left her, Ren quickly glancing around and then outside. "Oh!"

They headed out of the mayor's abode, all smiles, waving over at Diya, Jesse, Sophia and evidently Koba. How curious~ "Lady Diya, Jesse, Sophia, Koba. Celine's ready to meet with the Evokers, but she needs a helping hand getting over to them. I offered, but... Diya, Jesse, you're both much stronger than me; if you could see to helping her down the stairs and towards the inn, that'd be quite the blessing. And I suppose you're here as the Tigers' lovely little envoy, Koba? You haven't gotten into any trouble again, have you?" They smiled and giggled a bit, gently adjusting their hat; it'd been jostled in their rush to get outside.

"Ah, Sophia. Just, erm... I know how excited you get around Celine, but it, might be best to leave this to Jesse and Diya today. She's quite exhausted and, uhm... Your, er... I wouldn't want you to accidentally exert her in your, exuberance. If that's alright...?" They laughed a bit sheepishly, hoping Sophia wouldn't take it the wrong way. The woman's appreciation for the commander was a sight to behold, but Celine was a wreck...

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"Ah, Ren, perfect timing. We were just about to head upstairs to check on Lady Celine." It seemed like Ren too knew this avian, and was quite friendly with him, which put Diya's concerns even more to rest. She trusted their judgement just as much as she trusted Jesse's, so between the two of them, she was fine with him being here. "Right then, I'll head inside. Thank you, Ren." A miracle that Lady Celine is actually asking for help... She must be struggling. She needs some proper downtime after all of this. I'll have to talk to Pan, maybe she can steal Lady Celine away, get her some relaxation. A plan in mind for after all of this, Diya headed upstairs, calling out, "Lady Celine? Ren mentioned you might need some help."

Back outside, Koba flushed as Ren immediately began asking him if he was behaving. Stupid idea coming here. They don't trust my word and why should they? Barely know me, I should have just stayed back... "Yeah, behaving. Don't worry, I haven't started running around stealing from all the villagers. Give me a little bit of credit, I know I don't deserve much but still..." He couldn't fault the people that knew why he was a Tiger now for making assumptions like this, not with how short of a time frame it had been since he had agreed to turn his life around, but it still stung, especially coming from Ren. 

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"I was just teasing a little, don't worry. I didn't think you'd have gotten into mischief so quickly, but I need to poke a little fun, sometimes. Can't always be knights and seriousness from little ol' me." Ren giggled a bit more obviously, hoping Koba wouldn't take their words too seriously. 

"Be gentle with her, Diya," Ren gave to the Lady knight as she disappeared back into the village mayor's abode. "Well... Nothing to do now but wait. I hope you're up for escorting us back to the Tigers, Koba. Celine is rather exhausted, but she must speak with them either way... Honestly, thank you for coming along. I know you might not think it's much, but it's nice to have the olive branch extended; Celine is... Rather in over her head, I believe. Knowing there's a mercenary company we can rely on is weights off all our shoulders, and knowing it has prompt escorts makes it all the more reliable~"

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Sophia pouted, but sighed in agreement. She wanted so badly to help, to make Cece feel better and relieve her worries… but, if she was still exhausted from her travelling, then it couldn’t be helped. “Oooooookaaaaaaaay…” Sophia all but whined. Sure, she could accept it, and understand why, but that didn’t mean that she had to like it.

Sophia looked at the box of chocolates in her hand, and the necklace box in her pocket, and gave both to Jesse before she went inside the mayor’s home to help Celine. “Jesseeeeee… can youuuuuuu give these to Lady Celine for me, pleeeeeeeease? Let her knoooooooooow that they’re from meeeeeeee.” At the very least, she wanted Cece to get the birthday presents she’d gotten for her. “Mayyyyyyybe, the chocolates will heeeeeeeeeelp.” Probably not, but they’d make Cece happy, hopefully. And for Sophia, that’d have to be enough.

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Ren had arrived from upstairs, and quickly took to messing with Koba, with the expected reaction coming from him as well. Jesse stifled a chuckle at the two, turning to a mopey Sophia asking her to hand a birthday present to Celine. Jesse took the box in one hand and gave Sophia a few short pats. "I'll do just that."

Once upstairs Jesse knocked lightly before entering. "Jesse here to help, and deliver a birthday gift to the Commander from a certain sheep. If it helps I can saddle up Charlon and you can ride him over to the inn."

The talk about divergent magic was new information to Gean. One, for Versaris reveal, (she guess this was led to the "not-elf comments from the sisters") and two, for the talk about Au- General Rosaria's powers. It sparked back memories for Gean, memories she hadn't thought about since before Tasha started the tigers. That memory might be worth bringing up to Versaris. "Um," Gean finally spoke up. "Not to be an echo, but I agree with Sari. Uncle was always the man to talk first, he was arguably the most levelheaded out of the four. General Rosaria however, is the second to last person I'd ever want to genuinely piss off. That might be familial biass talking though. Which could be worse." 

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Koba's spiral down was quickly halted by Ren's giggle and explanation that they were just teasing him. It was followed by Ren genuinely thanking him for coming to help escort Celine over to the Evokers. "I wa--" He cut himself off, looking at Ren. It wouldn't help to explain that he hadn't really come to escort Celine or on any official orders from Commander Natalya. I really just came to talk with Jesse a little bit and, well. He sighed, shaking his head, a slight blush showing up at the compliments. "It really isn't anything special but I, am glad I can help you all. From what I've heard about Lady Celine, I would love to see her have success in her goals here in Hecatia. I, I am not really confident being around, that is, I'm not really comfortable around nobles, but out of any of them, I guess it's best to be around her. It seems like she's one who could really make things better for Clouded here."

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