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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Diya sighed as Lady Celine imposed her requirements on the situation, but overall acquiesced to letting as many of these mercenaries touch the sword as they wanted. It was just like her, especially with her insistence that the dragon be allowed a chance to touch the sword. It was a quick reminder of why she respected the commander so much. Relax Diya. What are they going to do, try and take it out of your hands and run away? You're being over protective because of the toll that it took on Celine to get this back, but the mercenaries are the ones who actually fought for it. They deserve this, Lady Celine is correct. Jesse stepped up, taking Lady Celine's weight after stumbling over not calling her Lady Diya, leaving Diya grateful for both those things as she slowly drew the blade from its place at her side. She held it out, one hand wrapped around the hilt, the other held out flat to allow the blade to rest in her palm. "Here. Do what you all need to do, but I warn you, if something seems to go wrong, I will be pulling it back. We cannot risk anything happening to the blade, or to you. Understand?"

Koba looked up at Ren, cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and shook his head. "You don't have to worry. I'll be, fine." Why do you have to be so nice to me? Ugh... He looked back over at the group surrounding the rabbit, Diya he remembered, and Lady Celine, and nodded towards them. "So, once all this is over, you all will be heading back to work, huh? Protecting Hecatia and all that?" And we'll be heading into Islexia. Never thought I would be saying that...

"I don't feel any pull towards it either, and my magic isn't broken, so it must not be something everyone feels." Cin looked down at Siorel with a slight frown of worry on his face, considering his next words. Her magic being broken wasn't the only thing that didn't make sense to him, as he remembered the odd scar pattern he had seen before, and he started to open his mouth, before shutting it again. Now wasn't the time or the place to start asking about that. He put the thoughts aside for now, but knew he would have to ask her about it at some point. For now though, he simply contented himself with pulling her in tighter against his side.

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Tasha was still eating while Celine and Tio talked, though with the Knights present, she slowed her pace enough to not look unseemly. She'd begun slowing down anyway now that she wasn't immediately hungry, her only response to all the talk about laying hands on the Escaflowne and all the god communication stuff being an idle shake of her head. They needed more information, but this went too much over her head to say heads or tails about it.

Before she could finish what she was eating and reply to Alvira, Elisa, who was also eating and listening to the proceedings, piped up. Not before having given the dragon just enough time to get over her brief fluster with Laniva, of course. "Are you sure a tackle's going to do anything? I couldn't pull away from you even though I tried when Mercuria was imposing on us. If she decided to do that again, wouldn't you just be unable to let go of the sword, even if Natalya tried to push you away from it? Worse, can you be sure that anyone who tries to separate you from the blade wouldn't be pulled into Mercuria's influence? She didn't do anything permanent to me, but that may be because I put all of my ability into separating our mana flows when I realized I physically couldn't move. Even if others are much less vulnerable since they wouldn't be linked to you in the same way, others also don't have that kind of defense available to them." The younger Evoker couldn't stop neither the dragon nor tiger from proceeding with that little plan of theirs, but she figured such a warning was necessary. She didn't want anyone to end up as collateral damage from just gathering info, as important as it was. To that end, she glanced at Diya, who seemed to have the same idea, but who also very likely listened to what she'd just said.

The Evoker chomping on her food in a relaxed manner again, Tasha got her chance to answer, though now she was less sure of what she was going to say. "I mean, I guess I should defer to Elisa's opinion with that, but I don't have any magic ability to screw up, and I'd really rather try and do what I can to keep you safe, Vira. Though it's gonna hurt pretty bad if I slam into you full force..." She kept any comments about Lani's involvement out of it, while it was a little funny that the two people she'd had any real intimacy with in a long time were connected in this very specific way, that was something most people didn't need to know about. "So I say it's your call. I don't even know which way is safer, but I'll be paying attention regardless." For now, she simply gave her girlfriend a pat on the shoulder and returned to what was left on her plate.

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"I mean... I guess. But, you didn't have any momentum or anything. I'm sure she could get a hold on someone if they just put their hand on me, but surely she can't defy the laws of motion, yeah? Tasha's big. If she collides with me, I'm pretty sure I'm going down. If it becomes an issue beyond that... You can take my hand off." She shivered a bit; she obviously wasn't okay with that, but she didn't want to get anyone else in serious trouble over this. Hopefully a tackle would do... "I'll just do my best to get what I need before she's able to intervene... I got to speak with Fomalhaut for a good few minutes before that hag showed up, so I just need to speak quickly."

At least Tasha was on board with trying as much, Alvira smiling at her and touching the hand on her shoulder quickly, before letting the tiger get back to her food. "Well! That's all that solved, then... Lani, Miria, Gean, if you all don't mind going first..."

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The ok hand been given, and now the sword was in front of her. It was ornate, but still shown signs that it was a actual combat sword. Yet there was also a sort of otherworldly feel to Escaflowne. It was as if something was grabbing Gean's hand pulling her in as she placed her fingers on the blade.

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Gean laid her hand on the outstretched blade, and for a moment, the blade shimmered. A font of magic welled up inside the seafolk clouded, before finally manifesting as a gentle gust of wind that caused the girl's hair to flutter. As soon as the display began... it vanished, much like Alvira's flame when she had touched it. Yet... there was something about the energy that she'd felt. A familiarity that Gean couldn't quite place. It wasn't the wind, but the energy that the wind had been comprised of. She'd... felt this before.

Tio's eyes widened as she felt the pulse of magic from Gean's touch, "...Aegean, what did you feel just then?" 

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At first it was nothing, then the blade shimmered, and Gean felt her hair move. There was a pulse, a gust blowing inside of her for a brief moment, before it vanished away. Yet even after the moment was over, Gean lingered. She had felt this before, a magic like this, but when? When would she have-

"On that day, when Cathy saved us."

The memory hit her like a wave crashing onto shore. She thought it was mostly because of her own Aunt's prowess and that scary ability of Auntie Aria, but there was more to it than that.

Tio's voice broke Gean out of her trip down memory lane, giving her the freedom to finally pull her hand back. "I felt- a pulse a wind inside of me, like some magic had awakened for a small moment. No voices, just energy." The rest could be discussed later, with Tio, Tasha too, and Mikoto and Renais as well. There was a lot to that memory and there was still three others who needed some sword time. Gean stepped away back towards where her lovers where sitting and just stood by her chair for a moment.

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Miria watched, and they were given approval. While Miria normally would reply with excitement, she understood it wasn’t exactly the time. She gave a nod, and Gean when first to see what would happen.

And, it was something to see a massive gust emerge from around Gean. She explained that she felt a burst of energy, but it was something in her tone that made the cub thought there was more. However, Gean backed away, and Miria guessed it was either her or Lani's turn. "I-I guess it's my go?"

Miria approached slowly and took hold of the Escaflowne.

Mister sword voice? Are you still there? The cub attempted to communicate with the sword immediately. If it could talk to her through her head, maybe she could do the same back?


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As Miria approached the Escaflowne, the blade shimmered brighter than it had with Alvira. Her call went unanswered at first, but eventually a multitude of voices began to echo out in her head. You there... resonating with the blade... The voice hesitated a little before continuing, You... aren't the one from before... Different, yet... it, too, slumbers in you... Wait... it feels... familiar... the power... Gaia... Galari... it is... the same... yet, a figment, a falsity... Ah... It changes, it all changes... and I... have no idea... The power must be... awoken, but... how? I must... return... but where? Tell me... you who hold a figment of the Spirit of Earth... Take me... to her. I... must... remember. Galari... promised...

All of magical adeptness could feel the presence in the air, but Lani could hear the conversation between it and Miria in her own head. The foundations... tremble... why, I must... know why, I know this... Where... Where must I go back? Tell me... Tell me... Chosen of Gaia... Where... where is Gaia? Where... are they? The Spirits? I must... remember why... I felt them... others... like... you... the two of flame... the one of wind... the other... of Gaia... so many... why now... tell me... what does it mean? Why... then... were you... wreathed in Gaia's... power? She is... missing... not here... yet...? How... why? 

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"Ah, ahhh...!" Miria groaned a bit as voices echoed in her head. She held with one had, but kept herself focused in. What did any of these mean? Miria did her best to listen, but it was all names and terms she's never heard. Spirit of Earth? Gaia? Galari? She, wreathed in Gaia's power? A bunch of people of... Miria could only assume was elements. She closed her eyes, like she was focusing.

Hold on, hold on, I um... try to relax just a bit, okay? I'd like to try to help, but I need help understanding. Who is Gaia and Galari? Can you help me with that? So I know what to ask for. The girl wasn't sure if Celine would even buy the idea Escaflowne has somewhere else it needs to go, but... If it needs to be somewhere else, shouldn't it be there?


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The voices hesitated. You... don't... know? How can... you not know? Gaia... the Spirit of Earth... one of the... foundations of the world. Galari... she who awoke me... wielded my... and Gaia's... power. The... leader of the Six Tribes.... The one... who dealt the final blow to the Holy Lufirian Empire... The voices sounded confused, almost shocked that one wouldn't know of Galari. Where... is she? She... promised that she would help me... find where I needed to go. Why I... Why I am... here... within this... 

Celine's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as Miria's touch seemed to linger for longer than Aegean's had. The presence was unmistakable, and unnerving, but aside from the first groan, Miria had held firm. She looked over at Tio, who was transfixed on Miria and had her magic prepared. The Evoker definitely was equally as unnerved by all of this. Does this... have anything to do with the legend? Was there... really more truth than was thought? I... I'll need to ask Pandora, she'll probably have something but... what is this, and why is the Escaflowne reacting to her?

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Miria tried thinking deep into what she'd known. "Gaia... Spirit of the Earth..." Escaped her voice softly. She'd absorbed so much history and legends but... Wait, that Galari?! Miria had read a thing or two about her before. This got Miria to raise a mental brow, it finally seemed like she getting somewhere in finding some answers. But that wasn't the topic at the moment, So, I do know a Galari. Not much a Gaia though. And, I'm not sure how to explain this, but... the Holy Lufirian Empire fell over a thousand years ago. I don't... think she's alive anymore. I'm sorry. Miria's teeth gritted a bit. There was so much she was trying to figure out, and she technically had a lifeline in the two Evokers and maybe even Celine, but... She kept her focus on the sword. It was... for lack of a better term, blowing her mind. Wait, what do you mean within 'this'? Are you not a sword?

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Renais had returned to the table with a tray of drinks, she was about to settle down but she noticed a commotion near Gean and Miria. While she hadn't paid much attention to the conversation, she did see Escaflowne shine bright, and Gean seemed to be effected by it. She couldn't help but give her mermaid mate a look of concern. "...Gean?" She stepped up to her side and gently put her hand on her back. "Are you alright? What's going on?" She heard something about voices and energy, but she wasn't sure what the context was.

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Laniva watched quietly as first Gean, then Miria touched the Escaflowne. Gean's hair fluttered as if in the breeze for just a moment, despite their group's distinctly being inside, curiously enough. She tilted her head a bit, curious. Gean hadn't heard any voices, but...

As Miria made contact with the blade - contact, more literally, as she began to hold the blade for longer than Gean had, looking as if in thought, and their conversation echoed into her mind. There - that name, again... Gaia, Spirit of Earth... Galari - defeated the Lufirian Empire? And 'my' power... is, the Escaflowne like Kisara? But... in a blade, not a pendant? I haven't heard of any of this before... 

She crossed her arms, unsure if any of the thoughts she'd intended to keep to herself had slipped into the conversation between Miria and the Escaflowne. She had the feeling that someone probably needed to be touching the blade to communicate with it, the same as with Kisara; but then again, she was hearing their voices now, and she wasn't touching it, so it was anyone's guess, really...

"...Galari? Who's Galari...?" She mumbled her thought aloud, not realizing it'd hadn't gone unspoken as she'd intended.

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"Galari?" Syta leaned into Lani's view, staring at her. "What're you mumbling for, Lani? Galari's famous! Well, I guess more famous in Lufiria." Her voice was far from quiet. "She was the hero queen of Hecatia, way back in the legends; the most well know leader of the six tribes! She created the Axios Alliance and is said to have struck down Kise and Lisanne, putting an end to that ancient war... What're you bringing her up for, though? Is it something to do with the sword?" It was clear, immediately, that Syta could not hear this voice.

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"Huh?" Laniva blinked as Syta suddenly crossed into her vision, staring. "O-Oh. I, I guess... you can't hear the voice...? It, it's saying that Galari promised to help... it. But, that was... over a thousand years ago, right? A-Ancient, now..."

Her tail swayed idly as she tried to make heads or tails of the voice's story. Really, it couldn't have happened to someone worse for figuring all this out... mrahh.

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"Voice...?" Syta was completely unaware of what Lani was talking about, glancing around the room to see if she was the only one without a clue.

Syta, give me to Laniva. Kisara was aware of the presence emanating from the sword, but she couldn't feel it as anything more than that and mana... it was alarming, but intriguing. There's no way to get you to also touch the sword without revealing me to the room and explaining everything that means, so hand me to the cat. I wish to experience this sensation.

Eh, huh? Hmmm... I mean, I guess, but how can I trust you to not try and take her over like you did with me...?"

Kisara scoffed. If I so much as tried, the girl would die; her magical capacity is incredibly low. No, I simply want to know more about the presence in the sword. Please.

Mmn... Okay. I'm gonna trust you... Please don't make me regret it. Syta sighed quietly before unwrapping the necklace from her gauntleted arm, nudging Laniva's side. "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you can handle it. Here. Good luck charm, from me, since I won't be touching the sword with you." Syta quickly pressed Kisara into Lani's hand, winking at her.

... Mmm. Can you hear me, Laniva? I wish to inspect the sword much closer. Wear me when you touch it. There is a presence within that I am far too curious about...

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Tio kept a very, very close eye on all of the proceedings. She held off on speaking to Miria, lest she miss anything at all about the presence in the room. There was one thing that she was sure of: This presence was not Mercuria. The feeling in the air was similar but it didn't match, and Tio had spent more time then she cared to admit trying to attune herself to that signature. Whatever was in that sword was similar to the goddess, and not at the same time, and definitely not as crushingly dangerous. At least, it wasn't yet. I don't like this. I don't like this, I don't like this, I don't like this. Miria finally said something aloud, and it was the name, "Gaia," except followed by the 'Spirit of Earth,' similar to what Lani had said the afternoon before after she'd been drawn to the blade. 

Miria's hand hadn't left the blade, so Tio continued to wait on her question, but Lani also seemed to react to something to which Syta responded with telling her about Galari. A little odd that Lani appeared to have little idea of the legend, but Tio didn't know much herself until she found herself a home again. What was more pressing was that Syta also handed the amulet over to Lani. Tio's eyes narrowed; the amulet was where the kitsune, Kisara, dwelled. Great... now I have to keep an eye on three signatures, fantastic. She'd promised to keep Kisara's presence under wraps as best she could, but for her to be exchanging hands to one of the Tigers promised to touch the blade gave Tio pause. Syta seems fond of Lani... surely there wouldn't be any risk here... but then why is Kisara... Mmmmm...

Tio looked over at Elisa before focusing back on the display before her. Behind her back, Tio gestured at her wife, and towards Lani. A familiar gesture for the pair, and one subtle enough that no one would catch it. 

There was a long pause in between Miria's answer, and the blade's response. Thousands... Can it... really have been so long? Thousands, and yet, I... The blade's voices paused again, slowly, becoming less fractured, more stable, more complete. I only... remember waking in her hands... to the call... of Gaia's power within her... I asked her where I was... In her hands, I am... this blade... but I know... I believe... that I am not... I don't... remember why I am... here. I don't remember... why Gaia's power stirs me so... I wish... to know... to remember... I... feel the same power... within you. Within the... other as well... it is... stronger... more vibrant... this world has changed... So much... more... You... many... many of you... draw close... to the boundary... yes... I know that place... the boundary... Galari... promised... to help me find... the boundary... to take me... back... to the boundary. The ones of flame, the one of wind, the ones of earth... touched... of the boundary... I... was I? Ah... I must... I must understand more... I must... remember more... why do I know these things... why do I... awaken as the boundary trembles? Does Gaia know? She must... She... 

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"H-Huh...? Um, okay..." Laniva accepted the necklace - accepted Kisara - from Syta, putting the necklace on, and tucking the jade under her breastplate. Her tail swayed a bit, mildly apprehensive. "I-If you're sure this a good idea..."

The fox's voice spoke in her mind; she was getting rather used to it now, between her and the Escaflowne, though whether that was a good thing to be getting used to was another matter entirely. I... I can hear you... I can... do that, but please try not to do anything, just... only listen. T-They're putting a lot of trust in me to let me touch the blade again already...

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Miria's eyes opened again and she was deeply enamored in the voice. There was so much, so many questions, so many Miria didn’t have any answer to them. She gave it some thought again. A power similar to Galari, the boundary, many of them have some power that draws them there. The girl gave a small nod.

Okay, um... If it helps, I have several people around who can't hear you. And some friends who may also have questions if they can reach you. I'd like to help you, but, I need to know what is possible for me to do that first. Is that okay? Oh, um... and do you have a name? Or is it just Escaflowne like the sword?

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Worry not. I have no plans to exert any influence upon the weapon. I am a proper researcher; I must observe all that I can before any experiments are performed. Besides... With the watchful eye of Mrs. Evoker on me, I can't exactly do anything outlandish either way... If something went wrong and it was pinned on me, that'd be the last I saw of Syta. I am here to listen, observe, and feel what I can of this presence within the sword. Kisara spoke calmly and coolly, but she was quite focused on the mana emanating from the Escaflowne. It was far, far too curious...

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The voices paused for a long moment on Miria's words. Others... yes... others. I... can feel them. Many of them... Yet... only you... and the other... ...a third? No... they are not... The power... slumbers in them... not yet... not yet... I... do not believe... that the others you speak of... can reach me... The one of flame... who held me before... I awoke then. Yet they could not respond... They could not hear me... I called... and only you... and the other... heard me. All this time, even in the blade's lament, the voice's cadence never wavered. It droned without emotion, joy, or sadness, anger or fear. Yet, when Miria agreed to assist the blade in it understanding, and asked for a name, the feeling of the ambient presence within shifted ever so slightly. 

...You would? I... The voices trailed off, Escaflowne... that is the name... that was given to me... by Galari... I... do not know or remember any other... If you... wish to continue calling me... as such... I will accept it as I... would like... to accept your help. Yet... you are not alone... the other... the other still awaits... listening... waiting... I must know... why I am drawn... 

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Miria nodded as she listened to the sword-- Escaflowne, speak. She gave a smile in response to it accepting her help. Well, in that case, it's nice to meet you, Escaflowne, and my name's Miria. I'll do what I can to help you, promise. It was then she thought about how the sword wasn't her's, or the Tigers' for that matter.

I'll let you do your thing with the others, okay? Then, I'll do what I can for you. See you soon, hopefully. Miria finally stepped back, returning her focus to the rest of the room. She took a deep breath. "Hoo, okay. Your turn, Lani." She smiled, then looked to both the Evokers, then Celine, "I have... a lot to pass on, and... a lot to ask."

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Okay. Good... Kisara's reassurances would have to be enough; Laniva did believe the fox, but there was no stopping the sense of unease at everything involved with the Escaflowne. 

The blade... it must be talking about some of us. It can... sense me? That sensation I felt yesterday... couldn't have been anything other than it calling to me. But why me...? And the Escaflowne... so Galari named it that, but it existed even before...

"My turn... okay." She stepped forwards, accepting the blade, closing her eyes and concentrating deeply. This time, at least, she didn't want to be so overwhelmed she couldn't even respond properly...

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"Good luck, Lani." Syta gave her what encouragement she could, swallowing hard as she walked off and put her hand on the hilt.

Alvira watched with bated breath, holding herself back. She had a sudden a biting urge to lunge for the sword and beg whatever was inside it for help, but patience would win the day. There definitely was something there. She couldn't hear anything, but she could still feel the tug, something indescribable...

Kisara felt a sudden wash of energy she'd not thought possible as Laniva came into contact with the weapon. Keep your wits about you, Laniva. This weapon is dangerous. Whatever inhabits it is made of pure, unfiltered mana, the likes of which I hadn't thought possible in our mortal realm... In all my years, I've never felt something like this. How extraordinary...

More worrying, however, was the sensation that the sword, while connecting to Laniva, linking the woman to whatever was inside it... While it was doing that, it also felt like it was connecting... Elsewhere. A bridge to something far off. Kisara growled quietly, the sound echoing in Laniva's mind.

Be very... Very, careful. If something happens, I do not know what I can do to protect you. I'll try everything I can, as I am... but... These are magicks beyond the ken of anyone present. Not I, not Mikoto, not even the Evokers. We play in the realm of the Gods, now-- or so I can only assume.

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Celine watched as Miria finally removed her hand from the blade leaving only the feline from earlier. Something about Miria's question seemed to indicate that she'd learned much, and that one of those questions she likely wouldn't be able to acquiesce to. Though, they weren't finished just yet. Lani quickly stepped up to the blade, and did the same, closing her eyes. All the while, Celine looked around the room; all of the unaffiliated tigers were off doing their own things. There was a large dark skinned dragon with a smaller lizard woman, their rose haired healer and the fox now entreating with the merfolk who had touched the blade, both of the unusual white monsters and the blue wolf, and then a blue haired woman and the Envy Empress. Wait, what? Celine blinked, and then rubbed her eyes to make sure that she wasn't seeing things--she was tired enough for it--but the woman was still there. "That's..." Celine shook her head, that could wait for later. 

Tio smiled at Miria, "We'll straighten our facts out once everything is said and done. For the moment, we'll have to focus on this." Finally, Lani stepped up, and Tio nodded at her before she closed her eyes. Sure enough, Kisara's presence was there was well. You are so easily suspicious... but that's how you've managed this all so far... If what Kisara said was true, she's probably an excellent person to at least attempt looking at the blade... I didn't ever get a chance to touch myself. She sighed, and went back into looking for anything out of the ordinary. 

The light from the blade faded as Miria stepped away, and only returned as Lani laid her hand on it. Yes... you are the one from before... I expect... that you heard... what the other child spoke with me... of? You... and the other... others... draw close to the boundary... yet, you, and the other bear... Gaia's power within you. It... calls, and I know not why... I feel it from you, and it pulls... closer... and closer... My memories... what I am... What you... are asked... 

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