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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Kise seemed more forward than Mikoto, it was more confirmation they were not the same person. To just walk up to Jeremiah and tell him he's earned respect for a day is quite astounding. "...Kise, be nice please. We all came this way for you." She reached out and grabbed her hand. Though, Renais came for Mikoto she was the same fox...at least she believed so. "I know you've been through a lot, but it really makes me happy you're safe. I won't go on about how you're only here because of me, I don't think you'd want to hear that." She squeezed her hand. "So instead I'll make a promise to be better, redouble my efforts until I can stand by you and keep you safe. I think...that's part of what my love could mean." The pinkette started to understand what it meant to go so far for someone, though she felt she had a long way to go for the moment it was enough. So she gave Kise a big smile and pulled her off to follow Gean.

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"Be nice? I am. What did I say that was wrong?" Kise's irises grew thin as she gave Renais a smileless stare, one perhaps the cleric couldn't have imagined receiving from Mikoto, but her eyes filled out once again and she was smiling all the same. "You're so silly sometimes, Renais. Of course, I'd be more than happy to see you strong enough to keep yourself safe, but you don't need to worry about me. If not even this could kill me, I'm not worried." She giggled and squeezed her hand, before turning her head back to Jeremiah in a quick snap.

"We did fight with Lucille, that's right. The girl wouldn't give up the Escaflowne, so we had to take it! Didn't want a war, after all... But when I held her hostage against those others, that Tanvir and his cronies, oohhh, shivers... Luckily for you, no further harm came to the princess!" She smiled a fanged smile, following after Renais. "Good luck finding them, Jeremiah~!"

Alvira nodded. They'd have to discuss a lot, later. Alvira's nobility wasn't a good thing, not at the moment. "The next time I see these bastards I'm gonna crush them to pieces. No mercy. Not a moment of mercy..." She thought back to how poorly Luthier had taken her ice when casted in solid form, focusing on that. You're a mage through and through, and that's how you die. I'll make a sword of ice and drive it through the black pit of an organ you might claim is your heart. Then I'll cut it out and we'll see who's really the monster. People were starting to come and see Tasha, so Alvira pulled away from her, just a bit, but still held onto her hand and held on tight. 

"Hiiiiii," Lucretia started, bowing and coming up with quite the impressive show of motion. "My name is Lucretia Vale, charmed to meet all of you. I'm from Mura, and since they really try to sell Monsters and Clouded as some kind of thing to be killed, I wanted to see why... So I set out on something of a journey, and honestly? You're all adorable-- but more importantly, just people. So stuff whatever Mura is smoking, I'm not a part of that puff puff pass. Jeremiah brought me along, aaaaand... I don't think he wants to keep me along, ya know, so here I am, hoping you've got room for me. I'm a confident fighter and healer, so I'm not dead weight, even if parts of me are pretty heavy, ahah~" She winked to cap off her selling, hoping the Commander would be fine with it.


Edited by Nanami Touko
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Gean said nothing as Kise explained what happened with Lucille, stopping briefly to let her girlfriends catch up and patting the foxes head. That information was bound to reach Jeremiah's ears before the end of the night anyways, so Gean only chimed in to say. "That's best explained in detail with both our Commander and the Evokers, and whatever they don't I will. Now let's be off, we have more proper introductions to attend to Uncle J." He definitely wouldn't like the idea that Luci was held hostage, probably as much as he would hearing that Gean was held as well, but here and now wasn't the time, and definitely not while he had that sword out.

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"Rrrrrr... You not listening. Said also don't want to punch you. You may be healed, but you still not okay. Will do it later, if at all. Having carry you if punch too hard will just make feel bad and not look good." She huffed, her tail flicking behind her. The underground scum had all died too quick and there was no way there was any left on the other side if Jeremiah had come from there; he'd riled her up and not even had the decency to leave anyone other than Versaris around for her to vent her aggression on. "Don't get how like him. Just big jerk that says what want without knowing anything. Mrrrr..." She growled quietly, but still plenty loud for Versaris to hear. "Don't like stupid sword either."

"Am still mad." She huffed after her quick interjection, her chest puffed out, acting almost like she was proud of the emotion. However it quickly faded as he turned the tables on her, pointing out her own behavior that painted her to be maybe sorta a little bit of a hypocrite. "Promise?" She stared up at him inquisitively, head tilted. The terms were what she wanted, but she hesitated; she wasn't sure that she could keep it. "Not like can help it when it happens. If get too hurt, lose control. Barely even remember what happens most times. Only started remember when coward monster scum attack you last night. But voice also gotten louder since then. Strangely quiet now though. Quiet since see Jeremiah and sword." She'd started rambling after a point, but all of it was true. Save for her own feelings, her mind was clear. "If still want promise knowing that, will promise." She mimicked holding her hand out, near his but not actually taking it into her grasp. It was on him to accept now.

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Versaris' expression sunk a bit. Maybe Aly didn't realize how troubling all she'd said was, but it was very worrying for him. He got down on one kneed in front of her, taking her hand and holding it tight. "Then we'll compromise on this, too. If you ever fall into it, I won't be mad at you. I won't get upset and I won't tell you that you broke any promises... But you have to fight it. Every time. I'm begging you, Aly." His facade crumbled a bit, the worry clear on his face, shaking his head.

"... With everything that I'm learning, this voice is really beginning to worry me. Before, I'd thought that you simply... gave into instinct and fought to save your body with everything you had, but... If these moments are, whatever that voice is, coming in and taking over, fight it. I don't want to lose you. You're so wonderful, in ways you probably can't understand yet. You're so good. You have family and friends, you care about them and I so much, you have so many interests and curiosities, you have so much want for learning... You, Alriana, are so, so wonderful, beautiful, and I love you so much. So please... Even if you lose, fight it. Fight this voice with everything you've got... And maybe that's a lot to ask, but it's all I ask. Can you promise me that you'll try?"

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"Oh... good. That's good. It really takes a lot out of you when she..." Laniva trailed off for a moment; Kisara's return had happened rather unexpectedly, and having happened in the middle of battle, she really hadn't had the chance to process that it even had happened, much less... what she'd said. "Mm... Don't worry, you helped me a lot. And..." She sighed, a little pensively. "It would be nice if we weren't dealing with all this fighting... or at least not against these types of people, yeah..."

Is she looking at me differently...? S-She definitely, might be...

Laniva blinked a bit out of her own train of thought at Tanya's question; probably for the best. For now. "O-Oh. Um, how I fight... I learned most of it back in Kansei. It's too long a story to tell right now... oh, but the chain is something I was thinking about for a long time. There was a time when I didn't have much to do but train and think... The practice swords kept breaking, though. I guess it just needed something heavier." She fidgeted for a moment, glancing away briefly at the compliment. "A-Ah... thanks. For what it's worth... I think you're doing just fine."

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While what she had said to Versaris had certainly alarmed him, she didn't understand where the sudden worry came from. She'd told him about her thoughts, the constant nagging at the back of her consciousness, but it wasn't as though anything had really changed between now and then. Other than his understanding of it; what she'd described to him was her normal, her constant state of being. "Told you, don't really have control over it. If get too injured, that what will happen. There is no 'fight', body does it on own. Only way to 'fight' is not get injured, which already try not to do." She huffed, her tail swaying behind her. His worry was genuine, but... Misplaced. Her losing control was probably part of her 'creation', an integral part of her being.

What was concerning, however, was the voice in her head becoming more insistent, more demanding, when she was forced into that state due to her injuries. Even if it was strangely absent now, it had certainly been there during the battle; though she still wasn't sure that what Versaris was so afraid of was correct. It was maybe trying to do what he was afraid of, but it had only recently started attempting to if that was what it wanted. It had never once been in control of her. "Already am 'fighting' voice. Grelbiria said not to listen to it so don't. Or at least, try not to. Only listened when coward monster scum attacked you last night, but that first and last time. Have hear it all time every day, already told you about that. Just was louder when chasing after coward monster scum."

She stared at him, her claw clutched so tightly in his grip, unsure how to take his gushing of his feelings for her no matter how genuine they were. One thing she was certain of, however, was of the desperation so thick in his tone that it was almost oozing out of him. "You not really asking me to do anything different than from what normally do. But will promise to do that so that you have to uphold your side of promise." This was no laughing matter, especially if Versaris' fears were correct, but it still didn't really feel like anything had changed; aside from Versaris promising to keep himself safe.

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"So in those moments when you're too injured, there's nothing you can do in your mind to... Push back, against this sensation coming over you? Nothing at all..." He stood up again, Aly not seeming to understand his sudden desperation-- but that tracked. Between what he'd spoken to Ferid about, what he was learning about Aly, and now Jeremiah's immediate reaction... Especially with how Iris described herself and the sounds she heard when she was in the facility. I don't like it. Whatever Aly's hearing, I don't, like it. I thought this was all instincts. I thought this was supposed to be some sort of... Advanced, survival mechanism. She's something 'made', right? So they would've, 'made' her able to keep herself safe, no matter the costs, but... But if it's more than that... Ugh, I don't know enough-- again. Maybe Jeremiah can explain things better, but the best would be... This damn Grelbiria, that continues to allude us, even Jeremiah. You wouldn't be informing us of anything anyway, feh. You do choose the worst times to annoy me, Father. Hahhh...

"Well... Alright. If you're already doing everything you think you can do, then that's enough for me. Just keep doing that... And I'll start taking better care of myself. It's a promise." He pet her hair again, trying to get himself to calm down. "To that end, I think I'll ask Jeremiah if there's anything he can impart on me to achieve part of what I'd like to do without throwing myself to the wolves and risking chance. He's a powerful man, I'm sure he'll be able to offer something."

"Yeah... I, uh... I hope that we're not dealing with... With people this bad, soon. That'd be really good. Bad mercenaries, sure... Bad knights, even. But... These, degenerates... They're a lot. Not just to fight, but on the mind." Syta sighed, letting Lani talk to Tanya, still feeling the red on her cheeks.

Kisara, why'd you have to tell her that!?

Hmmmm~? The fox's sly voice resounded in Syta's head, giggling following. Because finally, FINALLY, you're having romantic feelings for someone! And thank the Gods it's a woman! A gorgeous woman at that~ Finally, something to feast on... Your feelings are wonderful, Syta, and you should embrace them dearly.

Syta huffed. You know that if we ever do anything, I'm taking you off, right? I don't want anyone to watch that!

I-- Okay, but don't though!? What the hell!? At least once!

No!? Why would I do that!?

Because I'm desperate!

I-- Syta made a face, staring off at nothing. Ugh, you're awful... only if Lani says you can. And ONLY then.



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The look Kise gave had surprised Renais, she never saw a stare like that from Mikoto. It really did seem like the two were very different, and Renais wasn't sure how to take it. Though she wasn't scared of her at least. "...just don't forget I'm here for you, Kise. No matter what." With that last word she gently squeezed back and followed the rest.

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"Did you believe that there was going to be an objection?" Jeremiah looked at Aegean with a raised brow, "There are certainly things that I have to ask you, and with rather deal with between family. So that was to be a given, Gean. Especially now that I've learned that you did deal with Luci, and not in a manner that I'd heard about." Jeremiah's eyes fell on Kise, his questions being joined with apprehension at the Kitsune's... almost detached nature from the reality of the situation. His eyes following her as she scanned him, then his eyebrow raised again, "...So the White Reaper really was here? Turned tail and ran again... He really doesn't want to speak with me again." He sighed, "If Aegean, and your company is safe because of that, then I've done my job." That would be another thing to add to the pile of growing questions. Her mention of Luci being taken hostage, and her... glee at the situation was one part concerning, and another part upsetting, but Aegean deserved some trust so he left it alone as he followed after his niece. 

Aegean led the way back to the the feline woman from before, confirming Jeremiah's first thought, and seeing that Alvira's steel and fire from before had rekindled somewhat, but it was clear to him that this night, and what had come before had taken its toll on her. "I wouldn't say that, Lucretia. Keeping you along would place you in more danger than I'm comfortable with. I'm not comfortable with placing civilians--even ones as competent as you've proven to be--in harm's way during my missions, and this continues to get more and more twisted." Jeremiah walked up standing a distance from Natalya, and Alvira, "I'm glad to see that you've found some solace, Miss Hozt." Jeremiah's green eyes turned to Natalya, "Seeing as Aegean has brought me back to you, I assume that you're the head of the Iron Tigers, Natalya Liberia? My name is Jeremiah Noire, Head of Lufirian Intelligence, Royal Advisor to Lufiria, and one of the Celestial Knights. I was to catch up with your unit, but I didn't quite realize it would be atop the bodies of the underground. There are questions that I need to ask of you, and several members of your unit. Alvira also directed me to you, and... to the Evokers of Glacies, mentioning some of the specifics of your mission. I need to ascertain the truth of what she's saying... as this would be a problem for Lufiria as well." 

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Cinaed had needed time after everything, time to step back from the furious brink he had been standing on the entire fight. He had hidden away in the room off the main hall he had been in when the fighting had ended, forcing himself to calm down. It was an almost impossible task, his mind combining what he had seen here with what little he knew of Siorel's past, and the fact that this was only one of the Underground's bases. It was all too much. Every time he thought he had himself under control, he would think of something and his anger, and thus his flames, would flare back up again. He finally managed to douse the flames surrounding his body, promising himself that he would remember everything from today and let it spur himself forward to protecting those who could not protect themselves. There would be time for that in the future though. For now, he needed to return to the group, making sure that they were all OK. He headed back, spotting most of the group around the Commander and Alivira, as well as the two new faces that he had encountered earlier. Jeremiah. From what Sari had said when Cin had mentioned his last name, this man could potentially have answers about his family... or he could view Cin as a threat. The dragon hesitated, lingering near the group but not diving into the conversation just yet. He needed to listen, and learn more before he threw himself into the deep end.

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Tasha quietly returned the tight grip Alvira gave her. They shouldn't be all huggy and everything when there was work to be done, but she wanted to keep her girlfriend just as close as she herself did. This new arrival, Lucretia, made quite the first impression, what with her jovial manner of speech and confidence with which she carried herself. She definitely needed that confidence, considering what she was carrying... "That's alright, we don't look at where you're from in the Iron Tigers, just that your heart's in the right place for coming with us. We can take you where we're staying and see if we've got the carriage capacity, yeah?" Wouldn't have gotten so many people with weird problems and coincidences if I actually bothered to do background checks, hah. She stuffed that part deep in her lungs, never to come out. She loved her employees with all the fervor a mother would, but good heavens, did she find a group with a bunch of runaway nobles and weird magic stuff going on.

The addition of a new voice to the conversation had the tiger turn to see Aegean, her girlfriends, and who quickly confirmed himself to be Jeremiah. "That's me, and as far as I'm aware, you're the man of the hour here. Anything Alvira's told you I can verify, and we can easily take you to see Tio and Elisa, if they've recovered from last night. We're not sure what their condition is like for a number of reasons." That much was simple fact, but Jeremiah was going to be interested in exactly why that was the case, if not in his capacity as a high ranking Lufirian official who would want to know why the Evokers are all the way out here, then in his capacity as an intelligence officer. Considering who the Tigers were overarchingly working for, and what Iseria's goal here likely was, there was no need for secrecy toward him even with the incident that had occurred with Lucille earlier.

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"Anything, hmm? Then I suppose you can do just about the same for Versaris, right?" Jeremiah relaxed the hand on his sword, sure to make sure that both were sheathed just in case the rest weren't as calm. "He mentioned to me that you all were attacked yesterday morning, and judging by Alvira, and Kise, you came to reclaim those two, and wipe this scum off the face of the continent. I only wish I had gotten here sooner to involve myself in the fray more. Though... I have to say if there is something the Underground was capable of doing that kept the Evokers--from what I know of them--from being able to assist you here, that's rather troubling." If I were to wager a guess, it's probably going to have something to do with Mercuria. Or who they believe to be Mercuria. I can't be sure that they're correct, only that they're all on the same page. "However, that's talk for another time; words meant for decent people likely should not be said in the den of demons, and you're correct that I would like to speak with them myself. As to the specifics of your mission. Versaris mentioned that you're in search of a missing envoy. If that's the case, I need to be aware of it." 

Jeremiah crossed his arms, "I was aware of an envoy leaving from Glacies around the time that Lufiria closed the trade route, but given that I'm away, messages have had a difficult time reaching me. Or so I thought, intelligence branches have been targeted all across Hecatia, and with everything happening, keeping me abreast of all the information has proven... difficult. If the envoy hasn't arrived at this point then I have a duty to assist in what capacity I'm able to, though... given that they should have arrived almost a month ago at this point, doesn't give me confidence that the person you're searching for is alive any longer." The Islexians catching a Glacian envoy, while they had Lufirian surveillance is unfathomable. No, something else is going on here. Tch... If not for the fact that intelligence branches were being targeted, and this mission was sent without my knowledge... there's much to look into when I return. 

While they all spoke, a lone woman slipped up from the catacombs below, a pure weapon clutched so tightly that their knuckles turned pale. Yet, she moved with such purpose as to not be seen. She needed to get the proper angle. It didn't matter what happened afterwards; she just needed to kill the one with dreads. She had been too slow, and as she peered up from down below, she watched as the dark skinned clouded cleaved him in twain. Not even the staff she'd given him survived the savage blow. Every part of her wanted to rush out and strike, but her allies were too vigilant. Now though, many of them were off believing that everything was over, and the woman herself was hardly paying much attention--too busy with someone who cared for her. It wouldn't be long. The next applicable moment, she'd take the woman's life, and then have something to gift to the man she loved when they reached where ever the next life was--if there was one for people like them. It didn't really matter to her much anymore, she'd figure it out when she got there. 

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Gean stood by has her 'mom' and uncle, spoke for the first time. Uncle J being unaware of events going on wasn't good, things not being known by the head of a whole intelligence agency, much less agents being targeted spelt more trouble. Hopefully he would have some answers to the Tiger's questions, even if she herself would be barred from that knowledge. There were too many things they were in the dark on, and remaining in the dark would only make things harder overall. The mermaid rested herself next to a pillar near the conversation. On the brightside, they were ready to move out soon. Though with another newcomer that... was an eyebrow raiser for Gean. She was absolutely positive that she had only one aunt, and this person wasn't her. Still this new healer, her resemblance was uncanny, and the fact that she showed up with Jeremiah... this night was getting kookier with each passing moment. 

Edited by Bluemask 96
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"Hopefully you do! I know I take up a pretty bit of space, but I'm well worth the cost~" Lucy did a small fist bump and bounced along with it, happy to have been accepted to a degree. That'd make Jeremiah's life easier, later.

"Like I told you," Alvira said with something of a huff, "the Evokers were already exhausted because of that damn witch Mercuria. If she hadn't been involved, they would've mopped the floor with Luthier the second he set foot in the compound we'd been staying at... But, I'm sure he was aware of that, given how long he's been trailing us. So it was just well planned on his part, much as I hate to admit it." Alvira sighed, shaking her head. "Tio might be awake by the time we return, so if she is, you can speak with her. It might not be a long conversation, given how late it is and how tired she was, but there's always tomorrow... You're not going to run off immediately, are you?" He seemed like quite the busy man, needed in many places, but they all needed to speak with him some.

Kise's ears twitched. Something was off. Her eyes began to scan the area, but she couldn't pick anything out... She was far too tired, despite how she was carrying herself, to really notice anything at this point. "Mrrrhh..." She grumbled and growled a little, trying to stay alert, but struggling. I need rest... I'm no help like this. Ugh...

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"As much as he's speaking in an official capacity as part of our entourage, sure. Versaris is as much a part of the Tigers now as anyone, but on paper he's still an attaché on direct order from the Queen, so I can't claim to know everything he does." Tasha paused in her reply to let Alvira put in her word, though it seemed like she and Jeremiah had already spoken of that matter before. "But yes, I can confirm that all of that is correct. We've been sent as an escort for the Evokers to search for the missing envoy to Lufiria, and in the case that said envoy is no longer capable of performing their mission, to send the Evokers themselves as a replacement envoy. And in addition to that, the two are currently in a weakened state due to clashing with an indeterminate entity acting through the Escaflowne and attempting to control several of our people who has identified to us as Mercuria. We've never actually seen her, but she has several times tormented Alvira, seemingly able to control her access to magic to some degree, and because of this we consider Mercuria hostile at face value. Even if you say this is something to be saved for another time, I'd rather have you know the basics of the situation now so you'll have time to prepare your questions for the two."

As much as the tiger was trying to keep a level head throughout her explanation, she was still high-strung because of the whole preceding situation, and she was speaking with someone so powerful Luthier turned tail at the mere mention of his presence. She shouldn't be afraid, what with Aegean's family relation to him, but even as minorly as she had gone against his words, it still unnerved her... and then, she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Her sight unimpaired by the falling night and dark interior of the fortress, she saw someone sneaking in the shadows, her softly luminescent eyes tracking the movement, surely attracting Jeremiah's attention now that she'd fully broken eye contact. Her free hand slowly crossed her waist to the holster on her hip, ready to draw quick if she had to...

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In an instant, she seemed to feel eyes on her as she moved in the shadows, approaching the woman who had moved over to one of the many pillars to rest. Perfect. She turned to see the tiger in the center of the room with eyes directly on her. It was now or never, she dropped trying to move quietly, breaking out into a full sprint. Her lungs expelling her final anger with a bloodcurling roar as she closed the distance, the pure axe raised above her head, "YOU'LL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID, MONSTER!!!" 

Jeremiah's eyes narrowed, "Damn. Something's gone wrong. We were aware of the envoy, as I mentioned, and I had ordered intelligence to keep an eye on them just in case something like this happened." Jeremiah ran a hand through his hair, clearly bothered, and it only got worse as she mentioned Mercuria, and her hand in why the Evokers were not present. "That's not... There are far too many questions here... Well, in that case... for the time being until I can speak with the Evokers, you and your unit are--" Tasha's movement of the eyes, had Jeremiah immediately do the same, catching the newcomer's movement as well. They were quick, but what were they-- the blade of the damned weapon was pointed... in Aegean's direction. Jeremiah's blade was out of its sheath in an instant, it would be close, too close, but he had a promise to fulfill. 

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Time to slowed for Gean as her brain caught up with what was going on, Tasha and Jeremiah were tense but nothing in the conversation hinted for a fi-

The scream was piercing, and the axe was on Gean before she could reach for her own. Fuck... all Gean could do was brace for impact and hope she'd get lucky for a third time today.

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As soon as Natalya and Jeremiah gave her a direction to focus on, Kise's ears finally caught the quiet footsteps getting closer and closer, snapping her tired body into action right as they broke into a sprint towards Gean! "RAAHHH!" The fox knew she would be no help in proper combat, and she hadn't had her tome returned to her yet, so she dove, full body tackle, into the woman who dared try and hurt her Aegean!

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Kise's reaction was swift, and the attacker found herself surprised at the immediate reaction. Unable to immediately swing at the the fox, and stumbled as the fox clattered into her. She planted her feet, and threw the Kitsune back, "Get OUT OF MY WAY!!" The woman roared as she swung the axe with all of her might down on the Kitsune, but in that moment, she realized that something was directly in front of her now. Kise's efforts had made more than enough time for the white blade to cleave right through the woman's arm, sending the pure axe flying backwards. Her eyes fell on the newcomer, the same man who had been damn near across the room a moment ago, the look on his face almost bored, with a dull look in his eyes. 

She didn't see what took her other arm, or had forced her to her knees, or what had made everything feel so cold. Where was she now? 

"...Your first mistake was being a part of the underground. Your second mistake was doing anything other than run. Your third, and final, mistake was targeting my niece in your revenge. The Tigers are under my protection, if you really were a member of the underground, you should have known that the moment I arrived, you should have fled." 

Another swing of the blade, and then Jeremiah's shoulders rose and fell before turning to Kise, "I think I'm the one who should be respecting you for the evening, Kise. Your intervention made protecting the both of you easier." Finally his eyes fell, on Gean, a soft smile on his face, "Are you alright, Gean?" 

Jeremiah quickly turned to look and scan the rest of the area. The catacombs below were like a hive; any number of them could still be down below, just like the attacker was. "Commander. I think it's best if we depart from this place immediately. There are catacombs below this castle; it's how Lucretia and I arrived, and where their reinforcements mostly came from. I can't be sure that there aren't more below, so events like that could happen again if we remain." Jeremiah flicked his sword, and returned it to its sheathe, "We can continue our conversation once we're free of this place. Take what happened just now as a statement of my intent as well; until I clear up what I need to, the Tigers are under my protection as head of Lufirian Intelligence."

Still, none of the blood from the men and women felled stained the man's visage, and somehow, that might have been even more terrifying. For now, the Underground's sway here, and on the Tigers was severed. Kise and Alvira, harmed, but reclaimed from the clutches of Luthier and his cadre, and the Tigers even struck blows against their most powerful. Yet, the battle was closer than the resounding outcome revealed; powers beyond the Tigers started to approach one by one, revealing that the Tigers were players in a game larger than themselves. The envoy's wellbeing no longer just a question mark, but a question mark stained in blood, and now learning that even Jeremiah Noire, the head of Lufirian Intelligence, did not have all the answers to the mire that the Tigers were forced to walk. But as the moon appeared above them as they departed a den of demons, none of that mattered. On this night, the Tigers entered the realm of the underground, and walked out alive, and stronger for it. With Jeremiah, Lucretia, Miredy, and a small child, Jane, in tow, as well as survivors of the horrible engagement, the Tigers began to make their way back towards the compound, weary but victorious. 

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Gean's lungs forgot to breath for what felt like an eternity first there was the horror of Kise about to take the hit instead of her, still weary and bloodied from today's earlier events.  Then there was the part that truly shook her. There was no room for words or even processing as their unknown assailant was quickly and surgically removed from the equation, and Gean was introduced to a person who knew her well, but she had never met before. This wasn't Uncle J, not friendly Jeremiah. No this was the Moonless Arbitrator at work, and it sent a shiver down her spine all the way until the smile she knew as a child returned. 

"Thank you. I'm fine." There was a clear struggle in her voice, she knew from meeting Versaris that there was a side to her uncle she never knew, hell looking back on her childhood he would never speak about his job outside of "I work for the queen." Still it wasn't easy to come to terms with both sides of her uncle. Not the killer part, that was probably the easiest part to understand, she was used to taking lives as a part of her job. It was the coldness that she had never seen before, and for once, she wished the scorching heat would return. "Yeah let's get out of here."

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June 10th, 1218 PAF 

Location: Eslcas, Islexia 

Time: About Noon

The day following the attack was thankfully quiet; with Jeremiah watching over them, and tension still high from the night before, the Underground hadn't tried for a reprisal. They moved quickly, electing to not give them a chance to mount a counter attack, and maintained confidence that they would have time to truly rest when they arrived as Eslcas. Their return to Sipa was met with their companions, and the Evokers--both still unsteady on their feet--but the relief, and joy was uplifting. After a small break, and Tio's sheer disbelief that Jeremiah was both present, and accompanying them to Eslcas, it was decided that any further talks as to their mission, Mercuria, and their current course of action would wait until Eslcas. Fully reunified, and with the wagons at their back--the Tigers set out for Eslcas, for the next part of their objective.

After another day of travel with more frequent breaks as the exhaustion truly came back in force, the walls of the Islexian city came into view. For once, the heat was tempered by a sea breeze as Eslcas was much closer to the coast than Sipa was, as well as being on one of the few rivers that flowed in Islexia. The city was incredibly well placed, both residing in one of the most fertile areas in Islexia, and overseeing a prominent trade route. The Gaffney family had controlled this area for dating back decades, even before the collapse of Unified Islexia. A small noble family with deep ties to the crown, and who valiantly answered the call when they were murdered. Oswald Gaffney led his forces, and was one of the survivors of the failed offensive that saw Islexia devolve into factionalism. For years following the collapse, Oswald defended his lands against the many warlords who dreamed of controlling the fertile region, and the growing trade route. The city eventually build up the walls to protect itself from the constant fighting, and continued to grow and flourish. Yet, things must come to an end. When the news came that Oswald had been slain in combat, Eslcas, and the people of their lands wept. The attacks continued no matter how many tears fell, and so Oswald's children had to step up in his stead. 

Eslcas was a farcry from that of Sipa; the dusty paths were replaced with roads, and while the buildings inside weren't in perfect repair, they were build considerably better than those in Sipa. There were more people than there had been in Sipa--not quite to the degree of Cerezia--and more importantly, was that there were occasionally clouded wandering about. The atmosphere was different to that of Sipa, for both better, and worse. The guards that ushered the party in were on edge, concerned over the number of people with hoods. The people inside were uneasy, and the arrival of more armed mercenaries seemed to heighten that unease. The sweet breeze of the sea was tempered by the waves of uncertainty.

Finally, the wagons brought the group to the gates of the small castle--not unlike the one they had assailed to rescue their friends--and there waiting for them was Nita, alongside Cass. Nita hurried forward, waving at the guards, "You can leave this folk to us; they are here to assist us." She nodded at them, and turned back to the wagons, "It's... good to see that you all appear to be in one piece. Lady Cassandra is with me, and Lord Owen is still inside handling other matters."

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Alvira had her eyes all about the place. It was shocking to see Clouded walking about freely in an Islexian city, but that it was so walled off made it all fit. They were walking about freely in Eslcas, not Islexia... And if they stepped past those high walls, there was a high chance it meant death, or worse. Depending on how often Kazran or the Underground raided the city, it probably wasn't even safe here. She did feel comfortable enough to pull her hood down, looking about the city with curiosity and a bit of wonder. It would be nice to explore an Islexian city properly... Maybe some of the people living here could shed light on Owen. He would likely be quite the guarded man; a human savior to all these Clouded... If he had ulterior motives, she wanted to know. I won't be caught unawares again. Not again. Not now that I have so much to do... They were slowly coming upon Cassandra again, Alvira eyeing the party with her... Just this Nita and Cass herself. No Kieran. "Serves him right."

Versaris kept a hand on his sword, just in case. After their interaction with Cassandra's man, Kieran, he wasn't sure he could entirely trust this city or its people. The stares didn't help either, but given the situation with Kazran, it was likely that they were under some sort of constant pressure from the man, fighting happening all the time, leaving the populace on edge. At least, he supposed as much. He also didn't bother wearing a hood, unafraid to present as an 'elf' in these spaces. He walked up beside Jeremiah, "I'm not noticing anyone following us or giving us looks beyond suspicion... Anything you've noticed that I'm missing?"

"You've all made it... Good. And from what I can tell, in one piece." There didn't seem to be anyone missing from the Tigers group, in fact... It looked like they had a few new faces, and... A, snake. Thing. Huh? Cass hadn't seen or even heard of a Clouded like that, gawking for a moment before shaking her head. "Uh, uhm. Yes. My brother is inside, but will happily see you all, right away. And, you don't have to worry about Kieran." The lack of the man's presence was likely good tidings for some of the Tigers. "We've jailed him for the time after what he did. Until the business with Kazran is concluded, he'll stay locked up... both for his good and yours. Can't have him getting any more ideas, or having someone come after him. At the least, we've moved his family under our direct protection, and... While we'd typically hold counsel to have someone executed for such actions... For the sake of a few others here, we're trying rehabilitation rather than straight up removal. Maybe we're too soft, but that's our choice. Figured you all should know after... Everything. Now, if you don't have any immediate questions, come, come. You should speak with my brother; he's better at speaking than I am. Much better."

Marigold was happy to hear that, at least. "I'll have to go talk with him," she mumbled, dragging herself along. The night with the Underground had been... Empty. Just more people that deserved what they got, none of them able to even retaliate against her. Even the big guy that had the chance to swing had missed... "Hahh..." Oh blissful embrace of death, how I long to feel you, even for a while... but if even the Underground can't manage it, what chance does anyone else have? I'd have to do something stupid, at this point... And I don't want to trouble the Gaffneys. Guess... I'll just put up with it, for a while, again. Maybe I can find and snoop on Tanvir and he can tear me in half, or something... Wouldn't that be nice~ Marigold mused on 'better' times, humming to herself.

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Tanya hadn’t felt this good in… well, it felt like weeks, but it probably wasn’t. Still, she had noticeably more pep in her step as they made it to Esclas, and her tail kept flicking this way and that as she did. It also meant she tried to keep a slight bit of distance between herself and everyone else, because nobody liked cat butts in their face… well, probably. It’s not something that ever really comes up in polite conversation, so she has no idea.

Tanya kept favouring her side, though; that one shot she took still had her reeling a bit, and weirdly, it was harder to adjust out of combat than it had been during. At least Jeremiah had stayed with them through the trip, which was nice - it meant things weren’t going horribly, like she’d been afraid of before. Come to think of it, why had that affected her so much? She wasn’t like that normally… Ah, well, no need to dwell. She had another goal in mind, now - getting to know some of the Tigers better.

Maybe that ice lady would be a good start… after their business was taken care of, of course.

Nyx had never felt more out of place than she did right now, which was weird, given she was one of the only fully human folk here.

Maybe that was part of it - or maybe it was more to do with the fact that she was arm-in-arm with an Islexian warlord’s daughter, who absolutely could not let people know who she was around here or else there’d be horrible times ahead. Damn, can’t even flaunt her hot fuckin’ girlfriend without an international incident anymore, huh?

Thinking about how that was a real, genuine concern made Nyx uneasy. Before, life was a lot simpler. Now, she was in bed with a noble, just fought against a massive criminal organization that she’d formerly been a part of, shot said noble in the ass, shot a dead guy in the dick, and now was trotting into an Islexian noble’s house with the Evokers and some big-shot Lufirian General, and that didn’t even account for any of the other folks with her.

All this thinking made Nyx feel like she needed a drink. Maybe quitting wasn’t as easy as she thought.

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The ocean breeze was a blessing to Aegean. Rest was all she had done these past two days, aside from being with Kise and Renais, now they were finally at Eslcas. The stares from the human folks were nothing new, but even the Clouded her were looking at the Tiger's with relative distrust. Just more tension that needed to be cut, in due time. They arrived at the castle and were immediately greeted by Lady Cassandra.  Gean was one of the first to hop out of the wagon, taking off her hood as she approached the shark Clouded.  "Thank you Lady Cassandra, and thank you for your assistance the other night.  Will it still be possible for some of us to visit the ocean after talks have concluded?"

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