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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"You won't be a God for longer since I know where to go now, you idiot!" Alvira tugged and pulled, but her claws weren't coming free, the sword starting to glow in their hands. "Dammit..."

Hello, Mercuria. Kisara entered the conversation, the jewel around the necklace in Lani's grasp beginning to grow brightly, almost matching the sword. My, my, just what are you...? Pure mana... More than anything I've ever felt. How interesting... But I don't think you're going to sit here and allow me to ask questions. Rather, I believe you're here to harm my... 'Friends'. Hmhm. One of them, anyway... What you do between you and the dragon is your business, but I'll not have you harming Laniva. The fox spirit began to focus her mind onto the connection that was holding Alvira and Laniva to the sword, Kisara slowly beginning to take shape in the minds eye of Lani and Alvira. You're far above our kind, yes. I cannot deny your strength... But I've enough knowledge of what's keeping them attached to the sword to stop you~ She just had to hold on for a few minutes...

"Wait-- H-Huh!? Who are you supposed to be?" This was Alvira's first time meeting Kisara, and having someone knew suddenly stumble into this altercation surprised her enough to take her away from her anger. "L-Lani? Who is this fox?" She glanced back at Mikoto, still present, and looking nothing like the one she was perceiving in her mind...

Mikoto, though, while not moving, was paying full attention to the sensations of the presences within the sword. "What are you doing, Kisara...?" She'd sat back down, Gean's comments lost on her for the moment. This was far too dangerous a situation all of a sudden.

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Hmm? Another? I must have not been paying much attention. Leave this place, and you--hmm? Oh? Do you now? That's quite impressive. Though, if you're intelligence enough to figure that out... surely you're smart enough to know that you don't have nearly the kind of power necessary. Struggle if you must, I have things to do. Now... you react differently to the others... I've handled the relics before, but none have acted as you have... So does it have something to do with you, and being resonant? How curious. 

What are you doing... 

Setting the world right. As it should have been. To do that... I have to find the others. 

You really do know... where they are... where Gaia and Fomalhaut are... 

I did say as much, did I not? Using the conduit to regain my own powers, so that I can... hmm. I believe that has nothing to do with the rest of you. Now... if the presence from before was correct, that makes you, Laniva. Excellent. Since you've been so helpful up until this point, Alvira, I'll give you a task, you and Lani, since you have provided me with a link to her. You two will bring me the Escaflowne.

A pulse of magical energy ran through out the room, and both Alvira and Lani would feel a pull that was similar to the one that had called them to the blade... except it was corrupting, and overpowering. 

No... you will not... take them! 

You will be silent. Your powers have waned, memories torn and tattered... you could not dream of stopping me even if you wanted. You're right, overarch, I am so far beyond you now that there is nothing that you can do! 

Tio felt the pulse of magic, and noticed a shift in both Alvira and Lani's magical signature. "...Alvira? Lani?" Tio quickly unleashed her magic, "I really don't know if you can hear me, Mercuria, but if you can, put an end to this right now!" 

Celine had no idea what was going on, but things had clearly escalated to a dangerous point, "Diya! The sword, take the sword!" 

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Alvira felt her tail shoot out straight behind her in a sudden jolt of pain and anguish, something burning itself into her brain. Her eyes twitches, she bit her lip, hard enough to draw blood; the sensation was overpowering! Bring... Bring, you the, sword... Bring... You, the... It was as if her mind's state was being altered, shaking as she tried to pull the sword towards... ... No... Her grip tightened, her tail shaking, but slowly settling, as she managed to twist her mind back to her control. Something was stopping Mercuria from completely taking them over. NnooooOO! With a sudden sharp gasp and growl, Alvira began pulling hard, trying to rip her claws off the blade!

"Fuck... Y-You! You, worthless, u-useless, Goddess! I'll never... NEVER! Do what you tell me to do! EVER! I'd, rather... DIE!"

Kisara ignored Mercuria's petty attempts to needle her, focusing on the connection that was locking Alvira and Lani to the blade. Hmmm... Yes, this shouldn't be too difficult... Would that I could tell Tio and Elisa to help me. Laniva, would you mind? She focused her magic and began working away at it properly, noting Alvira's reaction for a moment. She couldn't quite tell what was helping them resist, but it was working.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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A god...?! Laniva was a bit too stunned at the sudden, rapid sequence of events occurring to form a full thought about the implications of delivering information to Mercuria, intentionally or not - Alvira was pulling on the blade, insistently, and the Escaflowne - the Escaflowne seemed to understand, but for all its understanding it was unable to act in this moment--

The burning sensation pulled at her core, and for a moment she did, truly, feel the need to convey the Escaflowne to Mercuria; but after a moment the worst of the feeling subsided, and in place of walking anywhere with the blade she crumpled to the ground onto one knee, almost tugging Alvira all the way down with her, both still distinctly attached to the blade. I-- agh...! Ngh, it's, it's in my mind... The fox's voice emanated from the pendant, interrupting her moment of pain/

K-Kisara? Ugh, right... "T-Tio, Elisa...! Please, come here...! T-The pendant..." Only Tio knew right now about Kisara, but surely, hopefully, Elisa would understand once Tio jumped in...

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"If they're laying hands on it while she's watching, what do you think? I'm from Sylph. Didn't you see me with--" Ferid was about to question the sheep's perceptiveness, but cut himself off as he felt... something. Something completely alien to him, that he could only describe as oppressive. Some of the others reacted quickly, but he wasn't sure what to do or how to even begin to decipher what was happening, standing there in stunned silence. At least he had his helmet on, so nobody could see his agape jaw.

Tasha of course heard Tio's notice as well, mentally preparing to jump up and slam herself into the two holding the sword, but when the moment actually came, she found her feet frozen to the floor. The fur on her ears and tail stood upright, both drooping limp, and instead of bravely launching forward despite the obvious difficulties of gathering enough speed indoors to tackle three people to the ground, her hands tightly gripped her seat, backing away as much as she could without moving the chair. Whatever that feeling that suddenly engulfed the room was, it terrified her, as if every inch of her body was being pressed onto by invisible needles. No, even that wasn't right; she outright had no words to describe what it felt like, only that she'd never felt anything like it before in her life. All she could do was watch... and tremble, hoping that the bad thing will just go away, like a scared, confused child who couldn't begin to understand what they were perceiving.

The other Evoker had half a mind to reply "yeah, I figured, but what are we going to do about that?" to her wife, but the wave of magic now emanating from the sword shut her up incredibly quickly, bolting to her feet and side by side with Tio, her own hair flushing a deep, bright pink as she did. She knew when she had to be serious about things, and if they were going to try using brute force against a goddess, half-assing it would only result in failure. "I've got you, but what do we do!? Trying the same as last time wouldn't-- Huh? The pendant?" Lani's plea cut into Elisa's train of thought, but she very quickly put two and two together. The only thing that could mean was that Kisara had some kind of plan for dealing with the problem, and since the cat was able to communicate that, it surely meant that just having hands on the thing was enough to talk with the mysterious fox. And if the solution was at all related to manipulating mana flow, she'd be the better choice of the two.

Without thinking on it any longer than that, Elisa rushed forward to Lani's side and dove her hand into the cat's breastplate, taking the pendant in hand. Though she had little clue about how this actually worked, she just thought of the words and hoped that would be enough to reach Kisara. What do we do? Can you hear me? If you've got a plan, tell me exactly how to help!

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Hmm? A new voice... Was this Elisa? The magic behind the woman certainly spelled as much. Mm, yes, I can hear you. If you want to speed this up, then pour your magic into me... I've enough understanding of voima-- pure mana, to sever Alvira and Laniva from the sword. I just need time, but I assume I'll need less time if you and Tio are backing me... I'm a scientist, not a practitioner; you two are much stronger than I am~ Kisara sounded almost like she was enjoying herself. The feeling of getting a one up on the plans of a God was certainly driving her motivations. Just how quickly could this Mercuria move? Would she turn her attention this way? Was Kisara about to get rent asunder by some powerful being's magic from beyond? I'm almost prickling with excitement to find out...

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Gean shuddered as whatever... wave like feeling bursted into the room. Vira and Lani were being afflicted, and Escaflowne was glowing again. Tio and Elisa were already moving in, but things still felt dangerous. Gean looked over to Mikoto, worried about what happened last time. "Is there anything we can do?"

Jesse stopped keeping an eye on Nyx as Celine began to shout. Something was up with the sword. Hoisting Celine up fully Jesse brought the two of them closer. What's going on? 

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Miria sat and listened, it seemed she could hear Laniva and the sword converse. Does that mean Lani could hear me too? This was all stuff so far over the poor girl's head, as much as she tried to keep note of everything she thought was important. Why were the two of them able to speak to this blade? And what did that mean? How were the two connected to Galari, or this Gaia they spoke of?

It was then Lani stepped back, and Alvira went in, and... she could hear them too. How could she? Was this just some power the sword had? It was all so confusing, but it gave a bit of a hint, when it said Alvira was the second flame. "Two of Gaia, one of Flame," She quietly spoke to herself. Then, some more of what Mikoto had told her about Alvira became known to her: The attunement to a god(?) named Fomalhaut, a black spear that caused the death of Galari's brothers and sisters, whether it was siblings or loved ones specifically was unknown, Miria thought the sword did talk a little weird...

Then there was a comment, Alvira saying she couldn't pull away, someone named Mercuria? There wasn't enough time to ponder when the sudden new power seemed to appear from Alvira. It was... overpowering, like what Lucille had done to Miria, but much much worse. She could hear everything, and it was... something else. Escaflowne being referred to as an Overarch. The cub could ponder all this stuff later, from what she was understanding, this Mercuria was trying to force Alvira to take the Escaflowne. Miria focused herself so that she was in her armor, and fighting back that overwhelming presence, every fear she was feeling, she made her way to the dragon. She wrapped her arms around the dragon's.

"Alvira, Miss Diya, I'm gonna pull on three!" Whether or not this would actually work was an unknown to Miria, but working with unknowns was what she was best at. Magic or no, goddess or no, I gotta do what I know best. The cub took a breath, Here goes nothing, "One, two, three!" And Miria gave a hefty tug.

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Miria came up to them at almost the same time, trying to physically get things resolved, but if her own previous experience was anything to go by, Elisa knew that wouldn't result in anything actually happening. At worst, the armored girl was going to get herself trapped as well, so whatever Kisara was doing, she'd have to try and do her best to help her do it. Good thing you've got a little bit of both present here then, huh? She hadn't exactly linked with an object rather than a person before, but as much as Kisara was trapped within the pendant, it still gave her a distinct target to work with. I'll give you as much as I can handle putting out, so get working! That said, she began doing her part... and even with only being able to spare a portion of her mana through the link, that much clearly eclipsed the full capabilities of most people present.

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Elisa was already up and over to Lani, so there was less reason for her to do same. Lani mentioned the pendant through gritted teeth, so clearly, Kisara had some plan or something. Perhaps that was what was keeping Alvira and Lani sane. Elisa quickly began feeding her magic into the pendant, and Tio nodded; if Elisa was going to handle that, then Tio could perhaps fortify the others. Twice in two days... never a dull moment! 

Miria laid her hands on the sword, and indicated her attempt to remove the blade from Alvira and Lani's grasp. "Be careful, Miria!" The field of light began to extend from Tio's being, around the affected group, Elisa, Alvira, Lani, Diya, Miria. "Elisa, do whatever you have to, I'll support everyone to the best of my ability!"

What? Mercuria found herself surprised as both Alvira and Lani resisted her commands. You can shrug off my command? Even strengthened by the boundary that I am? ...No, it's not you. It's not either of you. The both of you pale in comparison... It's youMercuria's voice took on a lethal edge as the presence shifted targets onto Kisara, magical energy swirling about the fox. A crushing wave of force grasped the fox, squeezing tightly. I suppose I underestimated how far dreck like you have come in the time we've slept. No matter, I will simply just have to erase your presence and continue as I--

The grasp around Kisara weakened as a huge amount of magic began to flow into the Kitsune, and then, the grasp on both Alvira and Lani weakened. Tch! You're providing a wedge to my influence! The two signatures from before! The grasp on Kisara tightened, and both Tio and Elisa felt unfathomably strong magical pushback against them. Fine, I will just have to end all of you!

You will not. Divine Spirit of Water. I will not let you. With Miria's hand on the blade, the voice of the blade boomed in the ears of all who could hear it. Kisara, was your name, yes? The voice of the blade was firm, even, and spoke without pause. You, and those who support you, I must ask of you to hold on for a moment longer. I know the strain it places on all of you is great, but I will need time. I will sever this link. 

What are you doing? Your voice... are you? No! No, you will not stop me! Worthless relic of a dying empire! Worthless being of a dead age! There was true panic in Mercuria's voice now. The grip on Kisara, the magical lash on both evokers, and the searing command in Alvira's and Lani's mind intensified. You will all bend! All of you will! 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Khh...! Kisara felt her existence compress within the ethereal space she inhabited, trying to cut the link between Alvira, Laniva and this damn witch of a Goddess. You... Should, have taken us more seriously, Mercuria. Now you'll lose your lovely little minions... Choke on your, pride, you damn, relic! As much as it hurt and as dangerous as it was, she wasn't going to bend until the sword worked the magic it was claiming to. Elisa was making this more bearable, but if it took too long... Elisa...! If... I fail, tell... Syta, that I did not, d-deserve her, kindness...!

"Let... Go!" Alvira tugged, pulled with all her might, moving as much as she could with Miria... She could feel herself pulling away from the sword! Slowly, inch by inch, moment by moment, the connection was coming undone, but the command was trying to chase her, push harder into her brain...! "No... Never, I... Will not... Bend! URghhHN!" Alvira slammed her tail into the floor to maintain some semblance of control, shocking her body into awareness. "You fucked up! Now enjoy, regretting your ego, Mercuriaaaaa!"

Versaris had been watching this with bated breath, unsure if there was anything he could do at the moment. If Tio and Elisa were attempting to influence things with their magic, and getting nowhere, he wasn't about to be able to chime in... "Come on, Alvira! Fight it!" The best he could do was-- no, he could do more. He dashed behind Miria, hands around her waist, bracing a foot against the floor, and-- "Miria! One, two, THREE!" Another pull, hopefully it would do enough!

Mikoto's tails were standing on end, watching the altercation between the spirits and these mortals, halfway to standing and charging over... But if the Evokers weren't succeeding, she likely couldn't help much... "No... I have to try." She could feel the presence. Even if she wasn't a professional at any of this, if she could help, then she had to try! "Keep yourselves safe," she quickly shot at Gean and Renais, vaulting over their table in one swift movement, placing herself next to Elisa. "Take whatever you need from me to help, Elisa! You know how to transfer magic far better than I ever will!"

"Laniva!" Syta had bounded over to the cat, latching herself onto one of her arms, pulling with all her might! "Come on! Let go of my friend! You stupid sword! You jerk! Let her go!" She really didn't get what was going on, but she knew Laniva was in trouble! "Grrhhh! You're stuck, real good, but... Stay with me! And pull!!"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Diya hadn't been thrilled at the line of people who had wanted to touch the blade, but it had quickly grown boring. True, there was clearly something going on, but whatever it was clearly was beyond her basic understanding of magic, and so she simply stood, quiet, holding the relic out, one hand wrapped around the hilt, the other palm up with the flat of the blade resting in it. Things with the armored cat were taking a while, but when the dragon reached out and touched it, things seemed to suddenly shift, as not long after, the blade started glowing even brighter, bringing with it a shift in the energy in the room. Celine called out, and as Diya was about to behave, she gasped. Voices suddenly awoke in her head, talking about things she couldn't even begin to understand. What... What is this weapon? She instinctively tried to follow Lady Celine's command, despite the request of... the blade? She tugged once on the hilt, but the sword didn't move from the two mercenaries hands. Without thinking, she closed her hand around the blade and yanked, letting out a gasp of pain as the edge cut deeply into her unarmored hand. Bleeding, she let her one hand drop to her side, other hand still wrapped around the hilt. "Lady Celine... I can't. There's, something. Magic. They won't release the blade." It made no sense, they weren't even holding the blade in a traditional sense, just touching it, and yet, even with her strength, she could do nothing about it. The voices in her head continued, making her want to completely drop the sword, but she couldn't. This relic represented the work that her commander had put in, pushing herself to the brink. She could not let it go now.

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Okay, something was fucked now, if Nyx was feeling shit. Her head snapped over towards the burgeoning scene, and Nyx wondered if she should, or perhaps, more accurately, could do anything. Sounded like there was something going on with ‘Vira and Lani, and the Escaflowne… huh. Maybe she should’ve made more of an effort to filch it years ago…

Nah, if the sword talked, she’d probably get pissed at it pretty quick. Nyx stayed back, carefully, trying to avoid the temptation the relic posed. Besides, she still needed answers from Celine as to what the hell she meant by this having ‘more to do with her than she thought’.

”Well, okaaaaaay, but I’ve got my eye on y-“ Sophia looked over to the shouting, and gasped, lightly smacking the tall man on the arm before running to Celine and Diya’s side. “Heyyyyy, big guy, come heeeeeeeelp!” She shouted back at him, before looking at the sudden gashing on Diya’s hand.

”Ohhhhhhh, no, that’s bad… Lemme just…” Sophia hoped she had that little first aid kit on her… thankfully, her armour gave her a bit of storage space, so she managed to find the kit she was looking for so she could patch up Diya’s hand, or at least stop the bleeding. “Didi, you goooooooootta be more careful… do you need a haaaaaaaand?”

There was an odd feeling in Sophia’s head, but frankly, it was secondary to her conscience telling her to stay with Diya and Celine. Above all else, they were her priority.

Tanya really had no idea what was going on anymore, but her fork clattered to the ground as she felt the vibrations, and heard everyone shouting about this sword. Seeing the crowd gathering, she sprung to action herself, moving over to grab onto Miria’s back - if nothing else, maybe she could help pull Miria, while Miria pulled the sword. Only, Versaris had the same idea… Well, hell, might as well just go for it anyways. Instead, Tanya grabbed onto Sari’s back. “Sorry ‘bout this, bud.” She muttered quickly, before leaning over towards Miria.

”Hope your grip’s good, little hero!” Tanya shouted out, as she helped Miria and Sari pull on the sword. Man, would Papa ever wanna hear this story; of an enchanted blade and… well, okay, she didn’t understand what the voices were going on about at all, but it sure sounded like the stuff of legends.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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Things still weren't done yet, and multiple people were now trying to pry things away, including Miria. "Lady Celine I'll be back soon." Jesse threw these words out as she set the knight commander down, donned her armor and came behind Diya. "I'll help too! Keep pulling!"

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Miria was too focused on Alvira, and the voices in her head to formally acknowledge when Versaris and Tanya approached, but she did work to pull in unison. Per Escaflowne, she needed to hold onto Alvira, and it'd take care of Mercuria. She obliged completely.

You're no god. I won't let you puppet my friend! Miria's thoughts were firm, and whether or not they made it to Mercuria, it didn't matter. And I sure as hell don't intend to bend to someone like you! Miria's will was made on her actions and voice. On the three, Miria tugged as hard as she could with Versaris, Tanya and Jesse.

Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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Diya growled as the other mercenaries and the Amaryllis joined in trying to separate the two women from the Escaflowne. She pulled her hand away from Sophia's attempts at ministration, spitting out a quick, "Sorry. Busy. Look at it later," as she locked her bleeding hand onto the hilt above her other hand and Jesse joined in. As the mercenaries pulled, she gritted her teeth, ignoring the stabbing pain in her right hand, and pulled in the opposite direction. She would get this blade back. She would. Whoever this voice in her head was would not win. 

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Sophia pouted, very angrily. Diya was going to seriously hurt herself at this rate, but heck if the taller woman wasn’t determined. Fine. Sophia would just have to give Diya a hand first, then fix her hand.

”Ohhhhhhhh no you don’t. Youuuuuuuu’re getting my heeeeeeeelp, whether you liiiiiiiiike it or noooooot.” And then, Sophia gripped the hilt alongside Diya, while adjusting her body to try to keep the rabbit woman as sturdy as possible. “Youuuuuuuuu. You don’t have to doooooooo this aloooooooone.” Sophia pouted at Diya, again, as she spoke, distressed that everyone she knew and cared for was so darn stubborn that she had to force herself to be that way, now, too.

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Alriana did her best to ignore Iris' comments as she devoured the breakfast that had been delivered by Ullr. It wasn't like her sister actually knew what they'd done, even if her method of ascertaining the truth was rather shame inducing. She watched as the group gathered around the knights from yesterday as they arrived at the inn, stolen sword in hand. A few of their group apparently had felt a pull from the sword yesterday; she barely recalled than Laniva had uncharacteristically reached for the sword, and even laid hands on it. It seemed now that those who had heard the call, and Alvira, were cueing up to take turns touching the sword.

For the most part, things seemed to be going well? There some weird phenomena, like an indoor gust after Gean touched the blade, and some weird non-phenomena, like Miria mumbling things that she couldn't hear from over here, but everything seemed fine. Until it wasn't. Shortly after Alvira laid her hands on the blade a magical energy began to fill the room, strong enough that even she could feel it. It was, entirely foreign to her, hard to even describe as anything other than wrong, sinister, cold. Suddenly there a great commotion, people trying to pry Alvira and Laniva away from the blade despite the fact they weren't really holding on to it?

Although she could lift Versaris like he was paper, the majority of her strength was in her legs and her tail. This line of people tugging and pulling didn't seem to be accomplishing anything, so she came up with a new idea. It wasn't easy to get an angle on the duo holding the blade, especially with the ever-growing line of people trying to remove the pair from the blade, but she managed to find a spot that would suffice and crouched down, readying herself to throw herself at Alvira and Laniva.

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There was a sudden flurry of motion as what seemed like half the Tigers gathered round to help separate the Escaflowne (and more importantly, Mercuria) from those holding it; but there was only so much of it she could perceive through the mental commands of Mercuria and the burning sensation that ebbed and flowed in strength as Kisara and the Evokers stepped in and lent their power. Not to mention that she could now see the image of Kisara in her mind where before she had been but a voice, but that aside she was being pulled every which way both magically and physically. "Khhh...!" Agh, that, that hurts-- 

Laniva was doing everything she could to release the blade; but despite not even having had much of a grip on the thing in the first place, moreso letting it rest in her hands, it was stubbornly resisting her efforts. I... I will not... I will not--

She'd thought the arena not so long ago had been a place to regret her lack of magical fortitude, but now more so than ever she was feeling that weakness; there was some feeling bubbling up, a will to bend, to obey; somewhere indistinctly behind her there was some awareness of Syta's voice and arms, and she bit her tongue, drawing blood, still intensely struggling, doing all she could to not simply collapse...

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The moment that Tio linked with Elisa, she felt an unbelievably strong pulse of magic. Not focused on her, but generally in her, and Elisa's direction, strong enough to nearly cause Tio to drop her spell. "Unsure if you can hear me now... but it's going to take more than that to stop us all!" For one, as long as they had a chance at stopping Mercuria, Tio was not going to be idle through it all. The goddess had given her more than enough of a headache over these couple days, and she felt like it was time for a little payback. More importantly, the Tigers weren't willing to surrender either, and Kisara--disagreements aside--needed her and Elisa's assistance. If that pulse was any indication, it had to be far worse for her. This was where she and Elisa needed to back them all up.

Celine on the other hand, had lost Jesse's support, as she too moved into the fray. Celine was neither quick enough, nor strong enough to assist in any meaningful capacity. Well, not directly. "Syta, keep your feline friend focused on you! Alvira, continue to fight it!" Celine simply exchanged a glance with Diya and Sophia; Diya had cut herself in her attempt to wrestle the blade away, and it hadn't moved. Though, there was something different about the atmosphere now; Tio, Elisa, Alvira and Lani all seemed to be struggling but the presence seemed to be weakening as the group stepped in. 

Somehow, someway, everything started slipping away. Despite her attempts of intensifying the assault on the nuisance interrupting her link, the Kitsune held strong, bolstered by the magic of the Evokers, and perhaps a little more than that. Mercuria cursed her overconfidence in this one moment; she hadn't considered that someone would be able to interfere to this degree--even if she was supported by an impressive cast--and moreover, she hadn't considered that using the power of the boundary to attempt to control Alvira and Lani would have the side-effect of reawakening memories of the Overarch tethered to the blade. 

You'll not stop me! Stand aside! All of you! Mercuria turned the full brunt of her assault on Kisara, lessening her mental assault on Alvira and Lani. She could continue later, but if she didn't quash this upstart before the blade completed its preparations, this would all be for naught. You accursed fox! To think that you could do all of this! Die! I'll crush all three of you! But I will start with! YOU! 

Hold strong! Begin to pull yourselves away from her influence! Kisara, all of you, I need all of you to grant me a single opening! 

Be silent! You will do nothing! You can do nothing!! 

They all continued to struggle. What was the point of it all? She was a god, far above any of the mortals, and yet, they pushed, and pushed, and somehow, she was the one who found herself in a corner. Did they not fear her? They should have been able to do nothing against her, but somehow, they were finding a way. It was infuriating. First Alvira's voice, and then another infuriating girl, and then Lani wouldn't break... why? What drove them to continue? 

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Kisara felt her mind go dull for a moment; the intensity of the magic colliding with her driving her nearly to the point of non-existence. A fear struck through her, that had Elisa and Tio not joined her when they did, that would've been the moment she ceased to be... But part of her was excited by that. This was real. This was a God! Not a fairytale told to children who wouldn't behave, not folklore passed down between generations... An honest to goodness higher power. Despite the pain, Kisara smiled. 

You won't kill me... Not today. And you've given me... So. Much... To think about... Ghhhnn, Mercuriaaaaa... I curse not having a corporeal form...! Would that I were still possessed, of a body... That I could grow to face you, properly...! She felt herself snarling and smiling, even as the magic that comprised her body began to shift and fade, Mercuria's assault close to succeeding...

Suddenly, there was less pressure on her, Alvira taking that chance to seriously ground her feet, grit her teeth, slam her tail and PULLLLLLLL! "Let go of mmMMEEEEEE!" She was doing as best as she could, trying to focus on Celine's orders, trying to focus on this connection get away from it, snap it, whatever she could push away with through her magic!

"Pull, Miria! Tanya! Pull!" It was like fighting a wild animal, like a gorilla was holding fast onto Alvira's arm! It felt like she moved ever so slightly, giving him the motivation he needed to pull harder! If she was going to come free, they couldn't stop! He spotted Aly, nodding swiftly, "Aly, go! Do it!"

"Lani! Laniva! I'm right here, okay!? Focus on me! You're strong, you're brave, you can do this! Don't let her win! She doesn't know you, she doesn't know what you've been through, she doesn't control you-- Fuck this Goddess!" Syta kept tugging, feeling herself get worked up, but Lani was moving, even if it was slight!

Kisara managed a moment of clarity to catch everything going on around her, chuckling. A bunch of mortals bearing a God... It'll make for a nice story, don't you think, Mercuria~?

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"Oh my god, shut the fuck up!" Miria shouted, her grip tightening more, "Alvi and Lani are far more than you! You're a joke if you think you can break either of them!" The cub announced her confidence in the two other tigers. She hadn’t realized initially that Mercuria seemed to have a hold on Laniva, and now she was too focused on the dragon.

"Alvi, think about your family! We gotta help them, right?! Think about every reason to wrestle away from this clown!" Miria began to pull harder on Sari's call, there was an audible grunt in her voice now, she was exherting a whole lot of energy.

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Alriana wasn't sure what signal she was waiting for, truly she was out of her element here, but she'd be damned if she wasn't going to help when the Tigers needed her, as barbaric as her one idea was. There seemed to be a shift in the morale of everyone involved in this struggle to release the blade, whatever force that was binding Alvira and Laniva to the blade seemed to be waning. Versaris noticed it first, but if this wasn't the opportunity she was waiting for than she didn't know what was. In about a second she went from crouched to flying through the air at Alvira and Laniva, hoping that her tackle would have enough force to finally remove them from the blade.

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Ferid didn't respond to the sheep's call for help, only continuing to stand and watch what was happening. Either all of the others were used to this sensation already in some form, or they just didn't care about the dread that it inflicted upon them... with one exception. Strangely, the only other who seemed as shaken by the power coming from the sword was the Tigers' commander, who looked to be trying her best to keep herself away from the weapon, locked up like it was the most frightening thing she'd ever seen, or perceived, in this case. He could sympathize, feeling as if his usual level of composure was the only thing preventing him from having the same reaction. ...If this is what the ability to sense magic is like, I'm almost glad I can't. I'd either go insane, or get used to it and be paranoid.

Like the knight saw, Tasha was still glued to her chair. Her mind was shouting at her to tell everyone to run away from that thing, but she could hardly even form words, the combination of the horrible feeling and a rising anger at her own sudden inability to do anything turning her thoughts into a mess, and her spiking anxiety causing her to start hyperventilating. She just wanted it to stop.

"Forming a triple conduit isn't easy, you know!" Elisa knew that no matter how much that was a thing she wasn't yet confident she could do in a high pressure situation, she had to try, or Kisara's life was in danger. There was no way she wasn't taking immense punishment from Mercuria, with how the fox's mana signature was almost dissolving in her hand, and how some of that even extended to herself and Tio. She closed her eyes to concentrate, only focusing on what she had to do as instructed by the Escaflowne, now able to hear its voice -- or what she assumed was its voice, anyway. Tio was easy to bring into the link, but Mikoto took a bit more trying, having to very quickly and accurately navigate what mana flow she could get from the merchant fox into the overall circuit. Adding to the problem was that she tried to make it a surprise to overwhelm the goddess's assault in a rapid burst... and while she couldn't quite manage that, she could delay the full flowthrough enough to have a sizable sudden inrush ready to go. If it's just one chance you need, here you go! Do it, Kisara!

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"Ghh...!" Mikoto flinched and shuddered being brought into the mix of this pressure. If just being a part of things was this difficult, she couldn't imagine the strain Kisara was under. "Urghh, do it you vile creature! Redeem yourself for once if you're ever going to!!"

Hnn... Kise? Heh. Hnhnhn... These people have made you soft... But, fine! It wasn't as much as Tio or Elisa, but having another source of power to drawn on all of a sudden gave Kisara the push she needed to join in whatever the sword was doing, focusing her magic on the connection as tightly as she could. Sever... Sever...! Sever...!! Sever!!

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