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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Mrrh!" Hugged tighter, Laniva let out a bit of a noise, not expecting it. "Mm... y-yeah. I... it's a bit late, isn't it...? I usually wake up earlier, but I guess I was really tired..." And really comfortable... She wiggled a bit in the hug, though after a moment she stopped, not trying to force her way out of it... it was a bit too comfortable to want to do that.

"Let's get up... the others are probably wondering where we are. I don't want them to go looking for us or anything..."

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"Hmm? Oh, Miria." That was a pleasant surprise. It had been a while since they last spoke, after all. "No. Don't mind. You can sit here." It was... nice to make friends with a human that wouldn't be overtly judging of him. One look at her plate was enough to say she was just as fond of eating, he smirked, aware enough that pointing it out was silly. "You helped a lot last fight--"

And no one other than Alriana showed up to disrupt the conversation, calling for Iris, who had sneaked somewhat poorly towards their table. "Uh... Iris?" Why did she do that? Hmm...

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Miria happily took a seat. It had been a bit so it was nice to catch up. When he brought up her performance yesterday, she was ready to say something until suddenly hearing Alriana call out. She looked over and saw exactly what he had. Alriana calling out Sixteen-- wait. "Iris?"  She saw the girl hiding behind a table. "Is that a nickname you call her? Can I call her that, too?" She asked, intrigued about this new name they were using for her. "Do you wanna sit with us?" She asked, with her big smile.

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"Mrah! Aly! You ruined my sneaking!" Iris popped up and slammed-- lightly --her claws onto the table, huffing in fake indignation. "Well, geez... I was just practising my stalking... But then Aly had to go and point me out~ Hahhh, how unfortunate..." She smirked and shrugged, grabbing a chair and pulling it over to Miria and Ullr, sitting next to them. "It's not a nickname! It's my name. Ullr gave it to me. Sixteen is a number, and they just called me that because I was the sixteenth... So Ullr gave me a proper, pretty, profound name~ Eheheh! Then Aly gave me her last name! So I'm Iris Hyl'Sin~" She was extra proud now, happy to show off both her names, especially to people that hadn't heard yet. "Great names, huh~?"

"Mmmhnhnn, okayyyyyy... but you're so soft and warm... Hahhn, Laniiiiii..." Syta squirmed and whined a bit, finally sitting up and letting the cat go free. "Ahhn, hahhh... HHmm, mhn... okay. Getting up... Getting up~" Syta had kicked her boots off at some point, leaning over the bed to grab them and start getting dressed properly. She hadn't needed the blanket since Lani had been so warm, so she hadn't bothered getting out of her clothes.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Miria jumped a bit at Iris's sudden exclamation and the slam of the table, as light as it was. But it made sense, at least, to Miria. She was a good person to practice sneaking on. She wasn't-- no, Miria turned away a bit and gave her head a quick slap. After the conversation with Renais the night before, Miria wanted to be better about questioning her own intelligence. Miria would be a good sport about being scared is all~

She turned back with a smile and got the rundown. Üllr and Aly had given her a new name. "Iris Hyl'sin." The cub repeated, so she got it memorized. "That is really pretty, congrats on your new name. It fits you like a glove~" Miria was happy for Iris, the girl looked so proud.

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"Mmm, that's fair." He sighed, eating some eggs as he considered her words, worry creeping in slightly. She'd just wanted adventure, but they were already getting heavily involved in things that were way beyond a normal mercenary group's tasks. "I wonder... Mmm, no, never mind." It wasn't worth voicing that thought, it would just get Siorel mad at him. He filled his mouth instead until he could get his thoughts back to a more useful track. Once he finished with that bite, he continued, finally, "All I know is that I'll be there to help you along the way, ok? Even if it continues like this, we'll find a way through it all. I know that much." If it comes to it... I'll get you out safely, get you somewhere you can have that adventure of yours without worrying about what this group is getting embroiled in.

Koba trailed after Jesse as she explained what had happened the previous day. She'd explained what the Knights had gone through. He had heard enough about what had happened to the Tigers at least, but it was good to hear that at least most of the Knights had made it through with no issues. "I'm sorry to hear you got hurt, but it's good that you were able to be patched up." He looked away at the mention of the Commander, a slight frown on his face. "Commander... That's Commander Celine, yes? And Lady Diya, I don't think I've heard that name either. Is she a noble who works with the Amaryllis? Maybe... Maybe I should have stayed back at the inn. I'm not exactly the kind of person that should be spending time around nobles." He slowed down slightly, hands buried in his pockets, one fiddling with a small coin. He wanted to run, but he also wanted to see how Ren was doing after the battle. He should have checked in with them the previous night, but he had stopped himself for some reason. Was it worth dealing with nobles to see them? Given this is probably the last time I'll get to see them... Yeah, I should just suck it up and go with Jesse. He sighed, catching up with Jesse, still flipping the coin around in his pocket. "A-anyways, I'll just, come with you, like I planned."

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"Hyl'sin?" That one was new to Üllr, "Hard to say... it it pretty though. And yeah, it didn't seem right to keep her with Sixteen, so we thought up a name." The thought of a family name was a bit novel to Üllr himself, getting stuck on it for a moment. Maybe he'd have one if he had asked his grandfather about it. "Well, do you want to... eat?" She had sat down and all, but Üllr wasn't aware if she ate yet, and she brought no plate to her sneaking... The table was getting full, but he didn't mind. They were all people he talked to before.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Renais did admit it was quite odd she never met Gean before, she wondered why that was. When she went over her time with Lucille, is struck a chord in the pinkette. Like she had been in that situation before. "Hm..." Then Mikoto mentioned the princess' abilities, and the fact that she was well out of reach for everyone here. "...recent events have taught me that we're viewing a grand scope, something I didn't think I'd have to deal with. If we didn't have Tio and Elisa by our sides..." Renais hated the feeling of being helpless, this only motivated her more. Miria of all people was afraid, it's quite alarming but... "...I want to get stronger, Mikoto. I don't just want to heal people, I want to fight as well. I need to get back to training as soon as I can."

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"My hero~" Siorel mused, resting against him fully, shutting her eyes. If someone didn't arrive soon and start talks proper, she was likely to fall asleep... But she didn't mind, Cin was warm, comfortable, safe... She could afford a quick nap before the day started properly. She was just so tired, after all... "Mmmhn, I shouldn't sleep, but you're so comfyyyyy," she whined, catching herself. "Hahhhhnnnnhnmmhnmm..." Another whine, she finally let go of him, sitting up properly. "Okay... Awake. I'm awake... I think. Cin, can you get me some coffee...?"

"You want to get stronger, huh..." Mikoto was very aware of that feeling now. She eyed Renais for a moment, leaning onto the table and staring at her, quite seriously. "Renais... Would you, be willing to offer up a year?" Her tails swayed gently, no curl of a smile on her face. "Getting stronger isn't exactly easy, when you get up to my level. Because of the method of my strength, I... Have to rely on others, difficult as it is. I don't want to take your gold; if I'm to be your partner, taking that away from you feels incredibly detrimental... And maybe this is, as well, but... I can at least offer to aid you in learning offensive magic, in exchange. If you say no, I'll help you either way, so... I'm appealing to you; rather, I'm... Basically begging. But I'll respect your answer either way. And help you, either way... I'm, just, running out of options. With how weak I'm realizing I am in the face of these people... It, scares me. I want to be able to keep you safe. You all safe. Without having to resort to the cowardice that I did before..."

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Gean listened as the two continued to talk, both were intent on getting stronger. Gean felt that desire too, but she wasn't sure on how to go about getting stronger. Sure she could train herself more like before, but would that give her the strength to protect the Tigers, or the strength to reunite with Lucille? The mermaid reached over and placed a hand on Mikoto's shoulder as she expressed her own frustrations about her power. Gean didn't chime in, she would let the two continue the conversation on their own.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Laniva grumbled - only slightly - as Syta continued to cling to her briefly before getting up. She stretched, also sitting up, then swung her legs over the side of the bed, glancing towards the corner of her room. Her armor still lay there in a disorganized heap, and she grimaced slightly, realizing how tired (and then, promptly too occupied) to set things back in place she'd been. "Oh... um, it's going to be a while for me to get all my armor on... I don't want to keep you waiting for me. Er, I mean... I don't mind if you do, either, just... figure I should probably tell you."

Her ears flicked about gently; they'd fallen asleep with Syta petting them, still, and they were mildly flattened.

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"Huh? Offer a year?" Renais was a bit surprised she brought it up now of all times, but then again it made some sense to the pinkette. The situation the Tigers found themselves in had been a dire one, it was a wake up call that the world was much bigger than the group. Tio and Elisa were the only ones who seemed to be in control, but Renais didn't want it that way forever. So she completely related to what Mikoto wanted. "...hmm, it's rather strange. I never imagined I would consider giving you some of my life when we first met...but then again, here we are and I'm already doing just that." She half joked with a small smile, but that smile slowly went back to a serious frown. "I understand how you feel, Mikoto, I really do. It's exactly what I want..." She leaned in close to the fox. "I'll give you my year...but if I may be selfish, I have a condition as well. The training offer is welcome, and I'm willing to take that, but more than that...I want you to trust me as much as I want to trust you." She lowered her voice after that so only Gean and Mikoto would hear her. "And that's why...whatever you decide to do with Lufiria, I want you to discuss it with me first."

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"I..." Mikoto's ears flattened against her head, shrinking some. Her talks with Tio and Elisa had given her far too much to think about in regards to all of this. Now Renais was asking, trying to push her into it; it wasn't a terrible deal and if she was ever to possibly become Kise again, even in name, she couldn't keep playing at being 'Mikoto' in the same ways she always had. "... Okay..." She didn't look completely comfortable with agreeing, but she was trying to push herself, taking Renais' hands as she got close and giving them a squeeze, still avoiding eye contact.

"I don't mind staying around and waiting. I can even help, if you'd like! I know a thing or two about putting on armor, even if it's just fitting and adjusting gauntlets for me... Still! It's all straps and buckles and making sure stuff is snug, but not uncomfortable, so if you need a helping hand with that, just say the word, Lani~" Syta got her boots on and sat there on the edge of the bed, all smiles, waiting for the call. Her own armor wouldn't take nearly as long.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Renais could tell Mikoto was uncomfortable, she didn't like forcing this on her. So she freed a hand and put it on her cheek delicately. "I know...you have conflicting feelings right now, about me and Lufiria. I do too. My memories are muddled, and the stories I have are conflicting. That's why I want to find the truth out, together. With you and Gean...and everyone else." She smiled as she let her soft fingers brush her cheek. "So I'll be by your side..." She leaned in to her ear and whispered as softly as she could so Gean wouldn't hear. "Kise..." With that the pinkette leaned back and kept her warm smile. "...oh, and treat my year well. It's in your hands now." She closed her eyes.

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"Hwah...!" The fox squeaked and shrunk further over Renais' incredibly effective teasing and use of her 'name', hurriedly working her magic to take that year out of Renais. Rather than the show of swirling energy from before, she simply stuck her finger into a small pool of it, pulling that drop out like before and stuffing it into her mouth in a hurry, feeling rather embarrassed, her tails flicking and twitching behind her, ears flattened, but face red, huffing as the sensation swelled through her. "Mrrhhn..." You don't play a fair game, Renais... Ugh... My feelings are all messed up, now. At least, I feel a bit stronger... Mmghn...

"Th-There... I'll... kon..." Mikoto fizzled into the table, resting against her arms, burying her face into them. "So mean..."

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"Mm? Oh... really? Um, sure...!" Laniva bounced off the bed, obviously quite excited to have the help. She picked her breastplate out of the small mound of metal in the corner of the room, picking it up and walking over towards Syta before setting it against herself and turning around to give her access to the straps.

"Hehe, it's a bit... mm, how to say this... well, I'm kind of happy you're willing to help. Back then, it was always the squires helping the knights into their armor, and... well... I was only ever on one side of that, so..." She fidgeted slightly in place, waiting.

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"I totally get it... And don't worry about it, really~ I'm surprised you're so excited, though, heheh. It's just help with armor." Syta got to work on adjusting the straps and buckles that would hold the plate in place, tightening them, making sure to pause and wait for Lani to nod for each so she didn't pull too tight. "You weren't asking anyone in the Tigers to help you before?" She was a bit curious since it seemed like she had been about to do this alone... "You'd think someone would be okay helping."

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Tanya scowled - not at Sari, but more at what he said, and the fact that he was entirely right. “Well, yes, if we had the rest of the royal family out here, that would end horribly for everyone here, Evokers or no. But I’m really, really trying not to think about that when I’m a little more worried that my own Papa’s gonna be on my ass, on top of all that. If the princess is involved, it might be a better question to instead ask who wouldn’t be out here trying to butcher us in the name of the crown.” Maybe it’s a bit selfish of her to think of, but that’s just how Tanya has to think right now.

When he further suggested simply leaving the Lufirians to their business, now that the sword had been recovered, Tanya was quick to agree. “Yeah, best to leave things be now. There’s… way too much we don’t know, and not enough people to get the other side of the story from.” If Papa or Jeremiah did come, maybe one of them could ask, as fellow Lufirians, but that was too big of an ‘if’ for Tanya to want to risk. She was adventurous to a point, but not an idiot.

Nyx couldn’t help but snort as Sari had seemingly decided to keep his secrets, instead telling her to just keep Syn safe. No need to tell her twice, by any stretch. She had a bit too much riding on everything, now, since her & Syn had decided to take that next step, as it were. Even still… she couldn’t help but think that something was wrong, in the back of her head. Something she really needed to keep an eye on…

Bah. Probably just withdrawal because she’d quit drinking. Speaking of, though, Nyx was getting hungry… should grab some breakfast while she could. Along the way, she passed by Gean, Renais and Mikoto, giving Gean a little pat on the head and a smirk before she went to go get breakfast - just a little gesture from mom to daughter.

… Shit, wait. Did that make Syn a mom-in-law? Nyx’d have to check later.

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For once, Alvira had gotten up a good bit earlier than Tasha did. It made sense, not only was the dragon much more exhausted after the battle yesterday, there was also the matter of... Noise. Her girlfriend probably didn't hear any of it, but the room they'd taken was right next to, evidently, Alriana and Versaris's. Though they didn't continue for too long, it was still well past when she wanted to sleep that she couldn't hear them anymore. Part of her had wanted to cover up the noise with their own, but she was the responsible person and let Alvira get the rest she needed instead.

Getting fully geared up could wait for later, right now, the tiger just wanted food, chucking on a sweater and pants as usual with a few stretches to get the sleepiness out of her muscles. That, and her late awakening was likely to have a number of things already piled up for her to answer to, whether from the Evokers, some of the Tigers, or one of their newer business acquaintances. Though with how exhausted Celine had looked yesterday, she probably wasn't there to demand explanations just yet. Coming down from her room, most were already present, giving a quick wave to her girlfriend and heading over to grab a plate for herself. "Morning, people. If anyone's got anything particular to ask from me, either do it quick before I sit down to eat, or wait until I'm done. Just really hungry." Her tail flicked a bit, piling on about as much to eat as she could physically fit on one plate.

Though Elisa had woken up before Tio, as usual, she'd been taking her time studying the peculiar tome Lucille left behind. Sure, she'd taken hours doing so last night already, but that was nowhere near enough to properly understand how the spell was devised. It was Anima magic, sure, so she could probably learn how to replicate it with enough study, but not being part fire did mean she had a slightly more difficult time with it. If things like that were commonplace in Lufiria, there was a lot of catching up to be done still, work that Elisa was more than happy to engage in! After all, she was the spell developer of the two of them. Finding new ways to apply her knowledge and broadening it was why she liked the research part of her job so much.

She couldn't just hole up in their room forever, however, not just because she should be up to date with what their plans were going forward, but also because she needed to eat, much as she preferred to not be tempted to more than was necessary. Putting the tome aside for now, she quietly followed a somewhat less chipper than usual Natalya down to where most of the others were, giving the defeated-looking fox a curious glance, as well as Renais next to her. Their talk with Mikoto had been enlightening, but whether she'd pursue the path she thought closed would be up to how her relationship with the two she'd mentioned developed. Best not to push her too much. "Anything that's happened that I need to know? Oh, and, if you could get me a plate, Tio?" The strawberry blonde settled in next to her wife, refraining from being too touchy-feely with the discussion looking to be serious.

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"Oh..." Laniva blushed slightly, again; there was a feeling of this happening rather more frequently of late, and she had a fairly good idea of why that was. "W-Well... I can do it by myself, it just takes longer, so I never really thought to ask..." She rolled her shoulders, making sure the fit of the plate was comfortable enough for her to move around. Syta was doing a rather good job of it, for someone who didn't seem to have all that much experience with a full set of plate.

"Haha... I'm just excited 'cause it makes me kind of feel like I'm a proper knight. Not that that means you're just a squire, though...!" Her tail flicked about rather eagerly, between the both of them.

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"Heh. Well, if you need a squire, I guess I'm your gal. The less time you spend on your armor, the more day you'll have, so don't be shy to ask whenever, okay? It's not a problem to help out a friend, y'know..." Syta finished the buckles on the back of her plate, giving it a small shake, making sure everything was snug in place, but not too tight as to cause problems with her moving. "You need help with any other... parts...?" Syta trailed off slightly, her eyes catching that tail. Her hands moved before her brain could stop her, gently grabbing Lani's tail and giving it a long stroke.

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"Mm, okay. Thanks again, Syta..." Laniva nodded approvingly, stretching and bending her arms, more than satisfied with how it felt. Nice. Won't have any problems fighting in this--?!

"Wha-?! H-Hey, Sytaaa, come on..." She let out a noise that somehow expressed both disapproval and happiness at once, grumbling slightly. "D-Didn't you get your fill last night? Mrahhh..." She let out a sigh. "I-I'm not gonna be all that fun to pet in armor, you know... w-we should, really get going..."

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"Wah! Ah, sorry, I... You're just so soft and fuzzy... I-I'm really sorry, Laniva." Syta frowned and pulled away from the cat, letting out a sigh. "I know you're, a knight, and you should have this, this regal air about you, but I, I just... Like petting you so much." She felt here face turning red from embarrassment, sitting on the bed's edge away from the cat for a moment. "I'm really sorry... I'll stop, at least when you're, all armored and trying to look imposing. No matter how difficult it is..." And it was very difficult.

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"H-Huh? No, I... Syta, it's okay, really." She sat down on the bed, then slid over next to Syta. "I don't mind when you do that, Syta, especially not when it's just the two of us... it just, catches me off guard sometimes, that's all." She leaned on Syta - gently, she was in her armor, after all - and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I don't... really think of myself as a knight. It really does make me happy to hear that you think that, but... I don't want you putting yourself down 'cause of it." She squeezed Syta, just a bit. "If it's just the Tigers around, then go right ahead. They're like family, nothing to hide there... I mean, some of them can be even more, um... willful, sometimes." I still have that dress... maybe I should try wearing it again-- n-no, would she even notice...?

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"Mmmm... If you're sure. I just, don't want to make you seem like... Less than you are. 'Cause, you're really impressive, y'know?" Syta sighed and abused the privilege that had just been extended to her, reaching a hand up and petting her ears gently. "But, if you're sure about it... Then I'll make sure to keep it to just us, or just the Tigers. Promise. No petting in front of other important folks... But I'm gonna come after you extra when we're alone~ Watch out!" She giggled and brightened up immediately, hugging into Laniva a little.

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