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Le Communard

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A Specter is haunting the forums of the internetz—the Specter of Communism.

Take a deep breath, Comrades. Smell the air around you. There is a queer smell in that air, one that you did not notice before but that has been there the whole time. That, Comrades, is the smell of the brewing revolution. Rejoice in that smell, Comrades—for that is the smell of our future. Our collective future.

This future, however, will not be realized without great struggle. For the road to that future is not without obstacles, and a great many of them there are. All the powers of the old internetz have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this scent: e-Pope and IP Tsar, Chuck Norris and Ceilingcat, Quebecian Radicals and Alaskan Police Spies. However, all of these powers together are nothing compared to the might of our collective will. If, Comrades, we band together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish, no Capitalist obstacle that we cannot overcome in our righteous brotherhood of egalitarianism.

However much we desire this brotherhood, though, Comrades, our realization of it still eludes us. Since the inception of the capitalized system, the Capitalists have thrived on the strategy of divide and conquer. They have, in order to preserve the old status quo, erected artificial walls--of race, of culture, of country--to keep us fighting within ourselves and ignorant of our collective plight. If we are ever to achieve our true goals, Comrades, we will need a common framework to unite and coheise our efforts into an effective tool of resistance.

My name (or handle, as it were), Comrades, is Commissar Gaunt, and I represent the FESSR, an organization dedicated to providing that all so necessary cohesion and uniting the posting men and women of all Fire Emblem forums into a single front of justice. I understand that this call to arms is rather "out of the blue", as you might say. Who is this "firebrand" who comes here to disturb the "natural order" of our forum, you might ask? Well, Comrades, I assure you, this is neither "out of the blue" nor am I some raving lunatic. The FESSR is an old and illustrious brotherhood, dating back now almost three years, and myself and the other members of the FESSRian Politburo are in the tip-top of mental shape and speak only to you the truths your capitalist oppressors with to conceal.

Comrades, this thread, is a call. All those who seek to overthrow the old order, report here! This is first bastion of the newest stage of the Fire Emblem Revolution--this is our Manifesto, our base of Operations, the beating heart of our holy cause. This is the fist we shake at the Capitalist MAN!


DISCLAIMER: For those of you who haven't gotten the idea already--THIS IS A JOKE. Please, don't take it seriously (or at least too seriously). There really is an organization called "The FESSR", however, we exist only to amuse--we are not here to make malicious mischief or cause any real trouble (imagined trouble, on the other hand...). I'm very serious on this point--DRAMA WHORE'S NOT WELCOME. We truly are an interfourm "revolutionary" origination, but we've been so "successful" with all our other "reeducation" campaigns that its gotten a little boring elsewhere (this is a lot more fun with some "enemies"--CAPITALISTS WELCOME TOO). The FESSR is not a chat or a spam thread, so don't treat it as one. Vociferous Comrades will go far. Just looking for some new stomping grounds.


Those wishing to join the FESSR, inquire within. Anyone who follows the creed of Communisim and is willing to toe the party line is welcome. We have many open ministry posts.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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The FESSR was founded nearly four years ago, in the February of 2006, in the "Craziness Domain" of FESS2. It was brought into being by myself and another dauntless revolutionary Thunk00, spurred by the martyrdom of our ideological father, Jerri Mardon (a long story). Initially upon our formation, we were a great success, and made many steps towards the "reeducation" of the FESSian populace. We were heroes to the proletarians of all forums. It seemed, at one point, that we were mere inches away from the totality of the Revolution. However, this was not to be so--an unfortunate accident resulted in my exile from that place, and, bereft of one of its central pillars of support, the revolution there collapsed like the Paris Commune. It was then that the FESSR entered its darkest days, bereft of a home and wandering in exile. No records remain of this dark period. None. Really. So don't ask. <_< However, the FESSR does emerge again, significantly more powerful and developed than before, on a small forum known as "FEA" (Fire Emblem Anthology). It was there that we were to have our crowning achievements.

From the beginning there we were met with an unprecedented degree of success, and the revolution was once again well on its way to reaching fruition. But the forces of capitalism were once again on the move. The local Bourgeoisie band together to form an organization known as the "USFEA" and began at once to aggressively "contain" our efforts at liberation. We had only one choice—to openly resist this menace to society. Thus began the Great Godmod Wars of May. Although the FESSR was had many initial successes in the opening phases of the war, at the epic Battle of Page 17 the USFEA made a significant rally and was able to grind the FESSRian advance to a halt. Imaginary casualties on both sides began to shoot up into the billions as the standstill continued for weeks, and the pressures began to mount. Neither side got get the better of the other—even with our revolutionary fervor, the Capitalist war machine would not wind down. However, when the USFEAian overlords began ethnic cleansing of many of the native USFEAian minorities, the neutral powers of the forum began to drift towards the FESSRian camp. It seemed that doom was nigh for the USFEAians as the balance of power bean to shift away from there favor. However, the USFEAian people by this time had finally had enough, and decided unilaterally to elect our Chairman, Thunk, as their new President. Much bloodshed was averted because of their courage. That was over a two years ago now. Since then our revolutionary programs there have been complete—it is such a perfect workers paradise, there is no longer even a need anymore for our socialist oversight. A shining example of "Communisim in one Forum". Thus the stage was set for the next, and most recent phase of FESSRian expansion.

About a little over a year ago, in May of 2008, in so-called Capitalist "real time", the FESSRian Politburo retched the conclusion, that, after the completion of the FEAian revolution, it was time once again to commence in the liberation of another forum from it's Bourgeoisie establishment. Feelers were sent out far and wide, searching for a place where the seed of Revolution was ready for fertilization. Finally, after many days of combing the interwebs, we of the FESSR discovered the place known as "FEP" (Fire Emblem Planet). Although the grip of Capitalism was strong there in practice, it's foundations were unstable, and ripe to be torn down. Our initial Reconnaissance mission was repelled with overwhelming firepower, however, and we were forced to regroup. So thus it was not until so called "October"--October 26, to be precise, on the 91st anniversary of Russian liberation--that were able to attack in force.

At FEP, the Capitalists took the guise of Wymsy and her foul "Corporate FEP" legions, who would be even fiercer foes then the USFEA before them. The second the thread was posted, pitched battle erupted in massive scale. Ideological limbs where flying everywhere and even the red Coats of the FESSRian Soldiers where stained by the copious amounts of letter-blood. Suffice to say, it was big fight.

Edited by Le Communard
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Can I join your army heir commandant? I am skilled with revolvers...and im a chain smoker.

Are you prepared to devote your life to the cause of Interfourm Socialist Brotherhood?

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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Sir, I am wearing the badge you gave me as a symbol of my respect for the Reds.

Where? I don't see it. The proper place to display FESSRian medals is in a good, revolutionarily-right-justified sig.

Now that your here, though, I must ask if you have any preference in job?

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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No nay preferences. My loyalty is with the FESSR in helping this place free of drama.

I'll figure out something, then. As soon as I get the party job list up.

devote? bah. im the first founder of the Unholy Trinity!! I own my own army!! I was hoping for a partnership

So I see... This is getting much more interesting. Tell me more about this "Unholy Trinity"--the FESSR is always interested in alliances.

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*Puts down revolution.*


So, the Bourgeois establishment has seen finally fit to rear their Reactionary head. Do you think your revolutionary "putting down" will have any effect on a revolution fueled by the peoples will? I think not. Nay--I know not. Bring it on, Cappie boy.

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This place is incomplete without its theological signs of Thunk00 and Nightmare.

Also, you are no communists until you're able to successfully say Dasvidania Comrade at every opportunity, but I digress.

Arise, wretched of the earth

Arise, convicts of hunger

Reason thunders in its volcano

This is the eruption of the end

Of the past let us wipe the slate clean

Masses, slaves, arise, arise

The world is about to change its foundation

We are nothing, let us be all

|: This is the final struggle

Let us gather together, and tomorrow

The Internationale

Will be the human race :|

---Take it away, Gaunt.

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There is no revolution but the Pink Revolution! When our day comes you shall either stand with us as brothers or kneel before us as the condemned, there is no middle ground!

Edited by Iceland
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I will join.

Excellent. Drop your soul off in bin three.

This place is incomplete without its theological signs of Thunk00 and Nightmare.

Although Thunk lives in spirit, sadly, he is no longer with us in practice. He watches over us now from the great Workers Paradise in the sky. We already have Nightmare. Case closed.

Thunk or Yoman are necessary for the revolution. It was due to the commie trio that the FESSR conquered FEA.

The individual means nothing in the fate of the Collective. Although those Comrades are not with us, others will arise to take their places.

There is no revolution but the Pink Revolution! When our day comes you shall either stand with us as brothers or kneel before us as the condemned, there is no middle ground!

Last time I checked, pink was just another shade of Red. OWN't.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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Double Communist post for great justice. Because this announcement deserves the love.

I think this is a good time, now, to outline the SFSSR's official manifesto. I'll try keep this one concise for the benefit of all you eyesight's.

Posting Peoples of Serenes Forest: you live now in a time of troubles caused by the repression of your collective will by the capitalist establishment. We of the FESSR are here to lead you out of this darkness and into the light of egalitarian brotherhood. We are the champions of the People, the avatar of there will, and will not rest until all of the blights upon this forum have been eradicated and all men and women here live in the paradise of Communism. We are an organization of deeds, not words.

Although there has been much talk about fixing the problems faced by the peoples of this forum, action has been in short supply. We of the FESSR are more than just idle chat, however. Already we have begun to initiate the processes of the Revolution on numerous topics here, and we have already been met with some success. However, Comrades, total success will not come without all of your support. Join the FESSR today and help to forge a better tomorrow for us all.

May MARX walk with you all.

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  • 7 months later...

Bumpdate for true justice and a simolar communist union. With that accomplished, time for apropos name change and refreshments. Seltzer anyone?


Name change!? The "FESSR" was ordained by the great MARX at the dawn of time. You would dare even suggest such a sacrilege!? Off to the Joycap!

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I grow tired of submitting to the Capitalist yoke. Clearly, peace is not on their agenda. Only threats and deception and endless profit for the capitalist war machine. This vicious cycle of tyranny must be eliminated to achieve the next step in human progress, please Commissar! Allow me to join in this most noble endeavor!

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I grow tired of submitting to the Capitalist yoke. Clearly, peace is not on their agenda. Only threats and deception and endless profit for the capitalist war machine. This vicious cycle of tyranny must be eliminated to achieve the next step in human progress, please Commissar! Allow me to join in this most noble endeavor!

You may hate us capitalist al you want, but remember- Communists get blockaded.

*Starts setting up several roadblocks and fake detours around the FESSR as a form of Blockade*

HAHAHA! Isolation for the commies!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmph...Wraith squad...atttack!

*Bombards the building with multiple rounds of ranged magic,and then moves in and seizes the area,wiping it clean of any life*

This is what you get for opposing the don.

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