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You were flamed a lot more right?

That and I'm quickly ignored, but if I am thought to be female, I instantly have a name in the community, and attention pours on. The downside though is that my opinions are ignored for the first few days there, as I am apparently expected to be dumber than all the other members and let all the boys handle every argument. Then as soon as people realize I have an opinion about things, they go back to ignoring me as if I'm too smart to fall for their flirting.

It happens all over. I've even seen people here do that to me. The first few days of knowing me, I'm like the icon of their affection, then when they realize flirting doesn't work with me, and that I have no interest, they go back to their daily lives, and I hear from them less and less.

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If there was a skinny guy and a girl who is about as strong as the skinny guy, I'd have the same judgement before hitting them. You're not supposed to be hitting anyone, guy OR girl.

Also, Lyle you aren't the cause of tension. Don't think that.

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Generally males treat females alot nicer, considering they are women and deserve more respect, when you read this it will probably sound like ignorance, but yeah. I have always opened doors for women, admitted that I am wrong in an argument even though I'm not, and used different diction to them so I guess it's just nature for some men.

That is half the reason I set no gender.

I don't want to be praised simply for being female or chastised for being male. Being male or female isn't something to be proud of. It's quite literally speaking a genetic accident. I didn't have to accomplish ANYTHING to get my gender, I simply had it from the minute I was born. (One of the reasons I never got the whole, proud to be black/irish/asian/etc.)

If I win an argument I want it to be because I actually made a better point and had more people who liked my idea. If I get treated nicer, I want it to be because I earned it through trust and equal treatment of others.

My gender should be not be taken into consideration.

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You were flamed a lot more right?


Lyle, what do YOU think is wrong with you? Obviously no one has a problem, 'else we would have posted them. Why you gots to B zo zelf-conscience?

I think there's a lot wrong with me. But that's not why I made this thread. I'm just aware that there's a lot of chaos(and not the good kind) so I'm trying to do my best to get everyone to make peace with eachother. I may not be successful, but I don't want to just sit by and watch the forest fall apart.

That's pretty sexist of you to think someone deserves or doesn't deserve something based on gender.

It might be sexist. But it's how the world works. It's not really right. But if everyone is treated equally, then that takes away our individuality. Then shit gets lame.

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SO, post your issues with me, so I can try to either explain why I do/act that way, and try to make amends. No one wants this forum to end up like Gamefaqs, so let's try to keep this civil and all be mature about it.

I don't have any issues against you.... :mellow:

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Waitwaitwaitwait. This isn't about the treatement of women okay? Regardless of how wrong it is to treat women or men differently from others, it's going to happen.

But this is about me. As selfish as that seems. I'm asking you all if there is something I can do differently to keep the forest from tearing itself apart.

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That is half the reason I set no gender.

I don't want to be praised simply for being female or chastised for being male. Being male or female isn't something to be proud of. It's quite literally speaking a genetic accident. I didn't have to accomplish ANYTHING to get my gender, I simply had it from the minute I was born. (One of the reasons I never got the whole, proud to be black/irish/asian/etc.)

If I win an argument I want it to be because I actually made a better point and had more people who liked my idea. If I get treated nicer, I want it to be because I earned it through trust and equal treatment of others.

My gender should be not be taken into consideration.

Regardless it's simply manners, pulling out a chair for your girlfriend, opening a door for her, it's simple manners


Lyle I like you so STFU you haven't done anything I haven't seen you post anything in a while anyways so shutup and live

NO ONE HATES YOU! Well someone might but alot of people don't and they will hate you if you keep this up

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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Waitwaitwaitwait. This isn't about the treatement of women okay? Regardless of how wrong it is to treat women or men differently from others, it's going to happen.

But this is about me. As selfish as that seems. I'm asking you all if there is something I can do differently to keep the forest from tearing itself apart.

Well there is nothing much you can do about that. No need to stress yourself out.

Edited by Dark
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Regardless it's simply manners, pulling out a chair for your girlfriend, opening a door for her, it's simple manners


Lyle I like you so STFU you haven't done anything I haven't seen you post anything in a while anyways so shutup and live

NO ONE HATES YOU! Well someone might but alot of people don't and they will hate you if you keep this up

Manners is one thing, but flat out letting them win things and not opposing them simply because they are female is another. I will do kind gestures for my girlfriend because I love her, not because she's female. That's the exception is letting them win an argument because you love them, and it's not worth fighting over a petty argument, but that can apply to men as well.

Also Lyle, one of the things people may disapprove of, as Knife pointed out is your treatment of women. Plus I think healthy discussion and realization of these kinds of things will help keep from splitting the forest up anymore, as a majority comes from people not respecting others values or opinions.

Edited by Cynthia
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this topic is worthless yet fun and entertaining to watch

I think that's the kind of reaction that Cynthia is talking about.

Manners is one thing, but flat out letting them win things and not opposing them simply because they are female is another. I will do kind gestures for my girlfriend because I love her, not because she's female. That's the exception is letting them win an argument because you love them, and it's not worth fighting over a petty argument, but that can apply to men as well.

Also Lyle, one of the things people may disapprove of, as Knife pointed out is your treatment of women. Plus I think healthy discussion and realization of these kinds of things will help keep from splitting the forest up anymore.

What if I treat women like that because I love them? Not in a romantic way, but as my friends? I treat my male friends differently, but because I care about them in a different way. Again, not in a romantic way. I see my girl friends as people I can talk to about personal stuff that bothers me, and vice versa, while I see my male friends as people I can pal around with and make terrible jokes around.

It's not that I treat them differently because they're women, but it's becuase I see them in a different light. If that all makes sense...

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I mean a major issue with the forest is people treat others differently, or poorly for that matter just because they don't agree with that person.

Shuuda, who I see is watching this topic is chastised anywhere he goes simply because he actually posts an honest opinion and doesn't tell people what they want to hear.

Death is chastised because he does things much similar, and like Shuuda and a few others I know actually speaks seriously, and doesn't just make joke after joke.

What I can say about you Lyle is people don't respect you just because they don't agree with some of your opinions.

A lot of the problems arise because people don't have respect for one another, and another issue which I won't bring up again, as it'll steer this in the wrong direction.

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Forgot Hika cynthia

Well for Hika, I have to say he kind of points out on his own that he deserves a lot of the treatment he gets. One thing I actually like about him is that he knows what he deserves and what he does not and doesn't complain about it.

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I mean a major issue with the forest is people treat others differently, or poorly for that matter just because they don't agree with that person.

Shuuda, who I see is watching this topic is chastised anywhere he goes simply because he actually posts an honest opinion and doesn't tell people what they want to hear.

Death is chastised because he does things much similar, and like Shuuda and a few others I know actually speaks seriously, and doesn't just make joke after joke.

What I can say about you Lyle is people don't respect you just because they don't agree with some of your opinions.

A lot of the problems arise because people don't have respect for one another, and another issue which I won't bring up again, as it'll steer this in the wrong direction.


That entirely depends though. Every member should be allowed to post their view on a certain matter but it also matters how they present their views too.

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I mean a major issue with the forest is people treat others differently, or poorly for that matter just because they don't agree with that person.

Shuuda, who I see is watching this topic is chastised anywhere he goes simply because he actually posts an honest opinion and doesn't tell people what they want to hear.

Death is chastised because he does things much similar, and like Shuuda and a few others I know actually speaks seriously, and doesn't just make joke after joke.

What I can say about you Lyle is people don't respect you just because they don't agree with some of your opinions.

A lot of the problems arise because people don't have respect for one another, and another issue which I won't bring up again, as it'll steer this in the wrong direction.

I think it's fine to treat people differently. But even if you don't like a person, you should treat fellow members with the respect of a human being. Which is the cause for a lot of the problems. Talking to Matt last night, the reason he was so pissed off was because he felt that Masu wasn't treating people with the respect a human deserves. I wasn't there to place judgement, so I can't tell if he was right about that, but that seems to be the problem.

So, the moral of the story is, that you can treat people differently, even hate a person, so long as you acknowledge thier rights as a human.

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I mean a major issue with the forest is people treat others differently, or poorly for that matter just because they don't agree with that person.

Shuuda, who I see is watching this topic is chastised anywhere he goes simply because he actually posts an honest opinion and doesn't tell people what they want to hear.

Death is chastised because he does things much similar, and like Shuuda and a few others I know actually speaks seriously, and doesn't just make joke after joke.

What I can say about you Lyle is people don't respect you just because they don't agree with some of your opinions.

A lot of the problems arise because people don't have respect for one another, and another issue which I won't bring up again, as it'll steer this in the wrong direction.

I like Death and Shuuda :D. I find them similar to myself.

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