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Legendary Hero (Caeda: Beloved Queen)


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13 hours ago, XRay said:

I would also drop Atk+3 and Canto (the former does not scale as well as other effects and the latter does not really help against armor foes) for Slaying effect, Special Spiral 1, and Null Special Disrupt for better overall combat.

So... a Counter-Vantage superunit ala Brave Marth, whose additional damage comes from their Special triggers?
I feel that kind of runs into the problem where Caeda does not have access to a special that adds on enough damage to make the effects potent enough to KO in one hit. She would need far higher Atk to bridge the gap between her offenses and the opponents defenses before she could reliably get specials to guarantee a kill, that or a Prf special that doesn't reach to add even 15 damage without being a major overkill trigger like Glimmer can.
She has 62-65 Atk with only Wing-Lifted Spear equipped.

Less important, but Special Spiral 1 is not what you mean. SS1 only triggers if the unit initiates combat, it's Special Spiral 2 that enables SS to trigger on both phases.

Edited by Xenomata
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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

Less important, but Special Spiral 1 is not what you mean. SS1 only triggers if the unit initiates combat, it's Special Spiral 2 that enables SS to trigger on both phases.

Yes, I meant 2.

1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

So... a Counter-Vantage superunit ala Brave Marth, whose additional damage comes from their Special triggers?
I feel that kind of runs into the problem where Caeda does not have access to a special that adds on enough damage to make the effects potent enough to KO in one hit. She would need far higher Atk to bridge the gap between her offenses and the opponents defenses before she could reliably get specials to guarantee a kill, that or a Prf special that doesn't reach to add even 15 damage without being a major overkill trigger like Glimmer can.

No, not super unit. Counter-Vantage in the traditional sense of sweeping entire defense teams rarely works these days because units are so bulky and/or have multiple Sweepers to deny counter attacks.

What Counter-Vantage can be used for is in a more narrow application to help speed up taking out armor units in those corner Save balls. Ruptured Sky will allow her to better deal with super bulky armor units like Edelgard: Hegemon Husk and Idunn: Divine Demon, and if she just dropped that dumb cavalry effectiveness crap for effectiveness against common physical Weapons, she can be effective against Hector: Brave Warrior too.

Counter-Vantage can be more viable against cavalry if Null C-Disrupt is more accessible, but that is something Caeda: Beloved Queen does not have access to, which renders her effectiveness against them kind of pointless. With her stat spread, even without effectiveness, she should have no issue against them on player phase if she runs Desperation or the Surge-Flow combo, so there is no point in having cavalry effectiveness either if she is used as a regular nuke.

I guess I am just not a fan of units that seems intended to fulfill multiple roles but cannot actually do any of those roles well.

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