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Should Altina have played a bigger part in the game?


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I know that few details were given about Altina in Radiant Dawn, but she still shows up as a unit in heroes. I think this is good, because I found her to be a very interesting character as she:

-is (partially) responsible for the brand

-was married to Lehran/Sephiran 

-was the first to wield Rangell and Alondite

These and the other times she was referenced in the game made me want to know more about what she was like and how she came to have such an important role in the past of this game. Does anyone else agree, and if so, how could she have played a bigger role?

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Her showing up in Heroes was decent enough for representing characters who were mostly lore in the games they came from and in her case they had a reference point for her look in art from RD, so why not expand a little on the basic stuff they had in text?

Within RD itself there's not much to work off of as she's from over 700 years before the games and thus we only get details of her from others talking about her (mostly Lehran) but even there we get the sense of how powerful she was fighting at the level of two powerful Laguz (while wielding two weapons of eventual legend) and it's her suggestion to create the oath for peace, so we get the sense she at least has some interest in the beorc and laguz co-existing and has considered this through the conflict she'd just gone through against Yune. And of course as a beorc she dies before the games can start, so I'm not sure how you can really add more for her in any remake. I could see more exposited about the Three Heroes and she'd be a part of that, but beyond that it'd be harder to depict how she felt about, say, replacing her husband with a beorc and pretending her child was from him instead of Lehran. Could it be past part of an extended optional text that would be added by the devs, similar to the glossary that's in RD? Just a consideration in my head.

I'd correct that she's not responsible for the Branded, as much as she's one of the first to see it's effects and how it harms Lehran at the time. The events around hiding the truth at the time end up increasing cruelty in the world and may have helped contribute to the animosity that laguz and beorc would have in time as well.

A tangent, she and Sephiran (the seasonal banner) are among the last heroes I summoned before quitting Heroes entirely.

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Right. I guess Lehran’s memories did give a good amount of background on the whole branded situation. Since Altina (being a beorc) was long dead before the game, she seemed to have less background than the laguz, who were still alive. I understand that not much more can be done about the matter at this point, so I am glad that she was considered important enough to be included in heroes, that she will still have some notice.

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15 minutes ago, Elina said:

she seemed to have less background than the laguz, who were still alive.

Still had more than Soan (RIP)

Like I said, I don't know what would be done with a hypothetical remake, if something else could get added with another FEH alt of if a prequel was made for some mad reason. Regardless, she's still one of the few legit dual-wielders in the series. And that's neat.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Still had more than Soan (RIP)

Oh yeah! Poor huge lion that everyone forgets about. At least he’s huge- that’s cool, and sadly one of the only things I remember about him. Maybe it’s just me.

It’s rad that Altina can wield Ragnell and Alondite because they both are like five feet long swords! If I remember correctly, they were taller than her in the picture! Imagine how heavy they would be…

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I'm happy with the role she played; given that she's been dead for 700 years I wouldn't really expect it to be more substantial. Mostly I remember thinking it was cool that the focal sword-wielding Legendary Hero (see also Anri, Hartmut, etc.) was a woman for once, and not being any less of a legendary badass for it.

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They could add a "Lehran memory scene" with her, I guess? Like the ones they already have in the Tower. Although, the scenes already there feel like they're intended to convey a narrative. So I wouldn't want a scene that's just depiction and characterization.

I dunno, I'm usually less curious about "legendary hero" characters than most fans. Even if they make an appearance, there must've been another "legendary hero" a thousand years before them. We can respect the past without letting it rule the present.

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On 3/5/2022 at 8:20 AM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

They could add a "Lehran memory scene" with her, I guess? Like the ones they already have in the Tower. Although, the scenes already there feel like they're intended to convey a narrative. So I wouldn't want a scene that's just depiction and characterization.

I dunno, I'm usually less curious about "legendary hero" characters than most fans. Even if they make an appearance, there must've been another "legendary hero" a thousand years before them. We can respect the past without letting it rule the present.

She and Soan definitely could have made an appearance in the final memory scene (along with Deghensea), rather than Lehran making promises of peace on their behalf.

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