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Kingdom Hearts 20th anniversary trailer


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2 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

Strange they didn’t reveal which consoles 4 would be on. If its on Switch, let's hope its not Cloud versions.

People are saying that based off the trailer and what it doesn't show, it's probably at least two years away, very possibly more. Maybe Square is keep the door open to next-generation consoles, even if this current generation has a lot of life left in it.

I'd rule out a Switch version, even a Cloud, altogether. Maybe Cloud version for the Switch Successor, but the realism changeover kills the Switch as is to me. Not like Square truly cares about Nintendo. If they couldn't bother porting 1&2 in non-Cloud form, they sure as heck won't try compressing and tactically downgrading 4 into a normal physical/digital edition.

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It's super cute how they slap KH UI onto these CG trailers. Listen, you may already feel like you're tired of hearing about this game, but the E3 2025 trailer where Sora fights stormtroopers with a Captain America shield that transforms into an Iron Man suit? It's going to be lit af.


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I'm gonna say right now that I hate the photorealistic look. That turned me off of modern Final Fantasy, and if the whole game looks like this, it's gonna turn me off of this too. My luck, the Disney worlds we visit will be based on all the live action drek Disney's been churning out for the past decade (and I thought the sequel era was bad...).

What drives me nuts about these kinds of situations is the fact that, just when it feels like they hit a sweet spot (in this case, Kingdom Hearts III), they feel the need to go and reinvent the wheel even though I was happy with how the wheel looked and worked before. Feels like they're doing this out of conceit, like they're just trying to show off how photorealistic they can make the graphics look even though no-one asked for that (to my knowledge, anyway). It feels like Square keeps trying to emulate Western developers, which if anything will only make the game less appealing for me (the only Western developers I ever liked have either closed down or lost my respect altogether).

I want to be excited for KHIV, but this photorealism trend pisses me off.

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I said it before and i'll say it again, please this time around fix the gameplay that III oh-so failed on. 

The fact that it took them till DLC came out to give Sora decent combo starter attacks is just sad imo, the gameplay was "wonky" with the lack of this.

Remove buffer system as well, or at least an option to lower or remove it. 

I like the idea behind their DLC boss battles, but they didn't fine tune them the right way in III, but it was a start in the right direction.

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