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FE7IF save?


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Looking to play hector hard mode, but it seems like a native JP save doesn't work. i tried opening it in FE builder and using mode unlock, but it only unlocked lynhard not hector or eliwood (the patch in FEbuilder says as much so thats not much of a surprise i suppose)

Anyway, any kind souls out there hit me up with a clear save for 7IF so i can play HHM?

PS: I was just gonna make my own ENG menu patch for it, but does anyone know f a eng menu patch already exists for it or not?

Edited by dawnbomb
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According to some chap I know who's played FE7If, HHM comes pre-unlocked. I feel a bit silly for asking, but have you checked to see if this is true?

(He also begged me to warn you that the first chapters of HHM are impossible without RNG-manipulation if LHM was skipped.)

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i didn't check, because lyn hard mode is not pre-unlocked, so i assumed because the FEbuilder patch only lets you unlock hard modes and not routes, that it would go Lyn hard -> eliwood hard, but i'll finish up lyn hard and find out.

Update: hector mode is unlocked when beating lyn mode. Somewhat surprised.

Edited by dawnbomb
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