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Promoting Enid with No Perceval?


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Perceval managed to stay just one or two tiles out of Enid's range for his entire joining chapter and I wasn't able to recruit him. I viewed Enid's city event with Alamuth, but am I still locked out of her promotion due to not recruiting Perceval? Want to make sure before I commit to training Enid.

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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

Two years later! I beat the game a long time ago, but just in case someone ends up in the situation that I did: in order to promote + give the player access to Pallas Leia, Enid needs:

  • 5 magic
  • "Magical Knight" event with Alamuth viewed
  • Percival must be alive
  • Must be between Ch. 8 and Ch. 13

If Percival is kept alive (but not recruited in his joining chapter), it seems like the game counts him as dead to the player and Enid will not be able to promote. If this happens to you I don't recommend training Enid 🙏 it is a huge hassle and the other Pallas weapons are easier to obtain

Edited by kyoukory
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