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Rey's Fire Emblem: Awakening RAM Hacking (Cheat Codes) Archive


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Hello Serenes, it's been a minute.

I've mostly only been lurking in the discord. But after Awakening's been around for nearly an entire decade... I got very nostalgic about how this game led me to meeting my wife.

And I remembered the RAM hacking I did with the character table in 2015 to modify supports without modifying the ROM. These were soon lost to time because the Spider Exploit Action Replay method stopped working after 3DS firmware got upgraded as well as people transitioning to New3DSs as well as the nicer and bigger New3DS XL.

I've been rehacking my stuff again on Citra to bring it back from the dead as well as actual hardware using the CTRPF Action Replay.

Because I don't want these to be lost to time (it was a pain rehacking my code since I don't remember what it does in 2015) I asked Vincent where to be able to put this stuff that ISN'T Discord. They told me the Awakening forum has been quiet for a while so it's fine for me to double post and stuff for archival purposes.

I think these work for Gateshark as well?

I will not link to these but you generally need Luma3DS specifically the fork by Nanquitas.



Video Showcase of codes:




Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Action Replay CTR-PF/Gateshark]:


[Change Slot 1 Character to MaMU]
D9000000 004FF6E4
D4000000 00000008
B04CE100 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 1 Character to FeMU]
D9000000 004FF6E4
D4000000 00000240
B04CE100 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 2 Character to MaMU]
D9000000 004FF6E4
D4000000 00000008
B04CE100 00000000
D6000000 00000174
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 2 Character to FeMU]
D9000000 004FF6E4
D4000000 00000240
B04CE100 00000000
D6000000 00000174
D2000000 00000000

[MaMU x FeMU can support]
B04FF6E4 00000000
0000020C 120D0803
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000011
D6000000 00000208
D2000000 00000000
B04FF6E4 00000000
D9000000 00000010
DC000000 00000238
0000020C 120D0803
D6000000 00000208
D2000000 00000000

[Chrom and Liz can support Emelina]
B04FF6E4 00000000
0000078C 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000266
D6000000 00000788
D2000000 00000000
B04FF6E4 00000000
000009F4 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000266
D6000000 000009F0
D2000000 00000000
B04FF6E4 00000000
00006B24 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00006B20
D2000000 00000000
B04FF6E4 00000000
00006B2C 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000040
D6000000 00006B28
D2000000 00000000

[Chrom x Tiamo Support]
B04FF6E4 00000000
00000794 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 000000EE
D6000000 00000790
D2000000 00000000
B04FF6E4 00000000
00002904 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00002900
D2000000 00000000

Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Citra]:


MaMU x FeMU support (JP Citra) [All Spotpass Data]
D3000000 14000000
B002726C 00000000
00000204 120D0803
D9000000 00000008
D4000000 00000011
D6000000 00000200
D2000000 00000000
D3000000 14000000
B002726C 00000000
D9000000 00000008
DC000000 00000238
00000204 120D0803
D6000000 00000200
D2000000 00000000

Change Slot 1 Character to MaMU (JP Citra) [All Spotpass Data]:
D3000000 15000000
D9000000 0022DFF0
B0442534 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

Change Slot 1 Character to FeMU (JP Citra) [All Spotpass Data]:
D3000000 15000000
D9000000 0022DFF0
D4000000 00000238
B0442534 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000


Fire Emblem: Awakening (JPN) [Citra No Spotpass data]:



MaMU x FeMU support (JP Citra No Spotpass data)
D3000000 14000000
B0027A2C 00000000
00000204 120D0803
D9000000 00000008
D4000000 00000011
D6000000 00000200
D2000000 00000000
D3000000 14000000
B0027A2C 00000000
D9000000 00000008
DC000000 00000238
00000204 120D0803
D6000000 00000200
D2000000 00000000

Change Slot 1 Character to MaMU (JP Citra No Spotpass data)
D3000000 14000000
D9000000 00027A2C
D3000000 15000000
B022F5CC 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

Change Slot 1 Character to FeMU (JP Citra No Spotpass data)
D3000000 14000000
D9000000 00027A2C
D4000000 00000238
D3000000 15000000
B022F5CC 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000



Edited by shadowofchaos
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US Awakening codes post.

Video Showcase of codes:



Fire Emblem: Awakening (US) [Action Replay CTR-PF/Gateshark]:


[Change Slot 1 Character to Male Avatar]
D9000000 00502738
D4000000 00000008
B04D1100 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 1 Character to Female Avatar]
D9000000 00502738
D4000000 00000240
B04D1100 00000000
D6000000 00000064
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 2 Character to Male Avatar]
D9000000 00502738
D4000000 00000008
B04D1100 00000000
D6000000 00000174
D2000000 00000000

[Change Slot 2 Character to Female Avatar]
D9000000 00502738
D4000000 00000240
B04D1100 00000000
D6000000 00000174
D2000000 00000000

[Male and Female Avatar can support]
B0502738 00000000
0000020C 120D0803
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000011
D6000000 00000208
D2000000 00000000
B0502738 00000000
D9000000 00000010
DC000000 00000238
0000020C 120D0803
D6000000 00000208
D2000000 00000000

[Chrom and Lissa can support Emmeryn]
B0502738 00000000
0000078C 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000266
D6000000 00000788
D2000000 00000000
B0502738 00000000
000009F4 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000266
D6000000 000009F0
D2000000 00000000
B0502738 00000000
00006B24 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00006B20
D2000000 00000000
B0502738 00000000
00006B2C 63120A04
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000040
D6000000 00006B28
D2000000 00000000

[Chrom x Cordelia Support]
B0502738 00000000
00000794 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 000000EE
D6000000 00000790
D2000000 00000000
B0502738 00000000
00002904 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00002900
D2000000 00000000


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Chrom x Cordelia Code Video Showcase:



Legacy Spider Exploit Codes for Chrom x Cordelia (Old 3DS Firmware 9.X Method):


Chrom x Cordelia Support (JP):
B3BEF6E4 00000000
00000794 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 000000EE
D6000000 00000790
D2000000 00000000
B3BEF6E4 00000000
00002904 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00002900
D2000000 00000000

Chrom x Cordelia Support (US):
B3BF2738 00000000
00000794 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 000000EE
D6000000 00000790
D2000000 00000000
B3BF2738 00000000
00002904 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00002900
D2000000 00000000

Chrom x Cordelia Support (EU):
B3BF3724 00000000
00000794 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 000000EE
D6000000 00000790
D2000000 00000000
B3BF3724 00000000
00002904 140E0904
D9000000 00000010
D4000000 00000035
D6000000 00002900


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