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Before I say anything, you're probably going to have a difficult time using this if you have no experience in python, even though you don't need to code yourself. This is because this tool requires python, which you can simply download, but also requires Pandas. I use Pycharm and let it manage all my packages, but setting pycharm up or managing the packages yourself can be troublesome if you've never used it before. That's why it really helps if you already have a working Python environment with Pandas. You can ask questions, and I'll try to help, but I can't guarentee success.


This is a tool which I created mostly for myself, but I realised some other people may find enjoyment in it too. You can use it to either randomize the class (and character ranking) for Sacred Stones/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery/Awakening/Fates/Echoes/Three Houses or maximaze stat growths for kids in Genealogy/Awakening/Fates. How to do this I've explained in the readme.md, so just read it there and if it isn't clear, you can ask what I mean.

If I were a better programmer (both in skill and in ethic) I would make my creation more user-friendly, by creating a gui or something, but I didn't, so now you have to install a couple of randomly strewn files from github. You need everything there except the readme (though you may want to read it), ui.py and main.py and just put it in a folder (probably an IDE project folder). From here you can follow the instructions in the readme.

If you manage to make it work on you computer, I'd appreciate feedback if you encounter some mistakes. Some I know and I'm not planning to fix (You can use Gunter and Jakob both in Conquest and Revelations but they only have an A+ in Conquest), and one other I only just remembered during writing that it existed (the fates randomizer does not yet take into account child marriage), but there will probably be many I don't.

Edited by BBQandChill
typo (I think)
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This is a tool that can randomize a playthrough and maximize your kids, allow me to explain. Randomize isn't like what people often say when they mean randomize, e.g. changing the actual game/rom and randomizing classes and such within. Instead this simply 'chooses' random possible classes for your characters. For example, if I run this for Fates it can give Hinoka any of the female DLC, Falcon Knight, Kinshi Knight, Spear Master, Basara and any of the classes she can get with friendship seals and heart seals. Then it does this for every character, and now you have a sort of blueprint for your game.

Maximization is the other part. Here you can maximize stat growths for one or all of the child units. For example, you can say you want to get the best parent such that Ophelia gets the highest Mag and Spd growths, then the game will of course tell you that Elise is the best parent. Alternatively, you can choose to maximize all, in which case it will do this for every child (you can give an order, since the child who comes first has all possible parents, and afterwards it will decrease by one).

These are both 'tools' that I decided I may want for my next playthroughs of some FE games, so I started working on it.  I hope that explains it.

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