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Special Heroes: A Special Gift

Fire Emblem Fan

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So both Holy Pressure and Poetic Justice are inheritable. I didn't think much of this as first because Holy Pressure has an awkward cooldown count on a weapon class that has almost no acceleration... but then remembered that Staff Armors exist and I'm now considering grabbing it for my V!Lissa.

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On 2/6/2023 at 4:08 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

And to be honest, any "Garon doesn't fit on this banner" argument is kinda moot when we have Grima (not Robin, 100% GRIMA) being silly in Halloween banners. In Feh, both of these holidays revolve around spending time with others and giving out gifts and/or candy, while also getting gifts and/or candy. Garon would fit completely fine.

Subaki would have been preferred over Hana, too, for me. I hate that he's been completely and totally ignored for Feh's entire lifespan so far.

Yeah I agree to some extent, I think that if the point was for it to be silly it'd be a great and pretty funny idea, but if it was to be heartwarming...eh (well, unless it was pre death Garon as Xenomata said, but then maybe it'd fit better to put Xander on the banner too), then again it's not that it wouldn't fit AT ALL, or rather it could be way worse, but they had better options as well. Another problem is that for some reason they don't tend to make the Valentines banner, or rather any valentines unit into something silly (actually I think that they never did it, did they?) like they do with Easter units or ocasinally with other seasonals like Halloween, Summer or maybe even christmas units... BUT if they happened to do it with Garon, I'd be all for putting him here. Also I disagree with @Xenomata that the Halloween Grimas don't look silly, sure, putting them there makes sense and they have in character and threteaning dialogue but for me it looks like they knew that it was what would makee it funnier, to have a someone threteaning you to death on halloween... while using a silly fursuit.

Maybe there's hope for another Fates Valentines banner in some years if the game still lives for some more time and we get to the point that they have to start to repeat the FE games that were already featured in Valentines banners but with other characters (or gee, maybe even before this) and it could have Xander, Garon, Ryoma, Sumeragi and then whoever else... If they wanted it they could make it because we surely have enough main characters in Fates to make another Valentines banner just with them (I really hope that they don't mind repeating the game featured on Valentines banners in the future because I'm still hoping for Valentines Sharena and I'll hope forever until we get it! although with her we have a problem that we don't have with Fates, and that's who else they'd put there with her since her family already got a banner...while again, with Fates they could easily make another banner just with some of the remaining royals + dead parents).


 Edit: @Some Jerk(I can't quote on edits so I'm mentioning you instead) Yeah Holy pressure should have been able to charge its cooldown by healing at least if it'll have such a big cooldown count (I get that it's a special for offensive healers and we'll likely have other good offensive healer specials for less offensive units, but making it unable to charge it by healing kinda disencourages using your turn to heal, which is the main point of healers, instead of turning them into a mainly offensive support unit.... Most offensive healers would rather use their turns to attack than to heal anyway, yes, but still why not make it chargeable by healing?! Thats ridiculous).

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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On 2/7/2023 at 3:00 AM, Some Jerk said:

I didn't think much of this as first because Holy Pressure has an awkward cooldown count on a weapon class that has almost no acceleration... but then remembered that Staff Armors exist and I'm now considering grabbing it for my V!Lissa.

Holy Pressure deals damage equal to 90% of Luna's damage and applies the full effect of Gravity+ when it activates. Even if staff units don't have access to many sources of Special acceleration, there's no reason to give Holy Pressure a cooldown any shorter than Luna's cooldown, and we will definitely be getting more staff units with Special acceleration in the future.

Additionally, the fact that staves can almost always attack without fear of counterattack means that they can essentially charge their Special for free as long as you have a way to get them out of reach before you end your turn. (This is why Miracle was the best Special for staff units on Aether Raids defense prior to the release of Holy Pressure.)

And even if you don't get a chance to land Holy Pressure, Poetic Justice is literally 75% of a Ruptured Sky on every attack.


29 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Yeah Holy pressure should have been able to charge its cooldown by healing at least if it'll have such a big cooldown count (I get that it's a special for offensive healers and we'll likely have other good offensive healer specials for less offensive units, but making it unable to charge it by healing kinda disencourages using your turn to heal, which is the main point of healers, instead of turning them into a mainly offensive support unit.... Most offensive healers would rather use their turns to attack than to heal anyway, yes, but still why not make it chargeable by healing?! Thats ridiculous).

"Healer" is a fan-derived term for staff units. I have a particular dislike of the use of the term to refer to them because that's absolutely not what they are. They've done more than just heal even since before Book II. Offensive support has been one of their primary roles ever since the release of the 5-star staff weapons, with Gravity cheese being a very reliable strategy in Arena Assault and some Arena tiers around that time.

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