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Base Growth Rate Sheet and Calculator


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I've been messing around in excel with character growth rates and how to easily add them together or maybe even compare. I decided to share it here with others who might find it somewhat useful.

I'm definetly not the first to post something like that here. Shout out to Niko-Jynnx since his sheet helped me a bit in creating mine and probably recommend using his, since his is far more elaborate and contains much more info.

Mine sheet is (at this point) pretty basic one. It show base growth rates of characters and classes and on the third list is a calculator for what those number will be together. It even works with Jean's passive, which gives double class growth rates (at least that's what I have read on this forum, how his passive works).

I also added color distinction for growths. In Classes and Character tabs its based of the highest and the lowest growth in the column. In Calculation tab its based of the top = 100. (Some characters are able to reach higher than 100, but it stays green.) Except for Build, where its again based of the highest growth rate for build.

In future I will probably add more, like calculation what stats character gonna have with fixed growth rates at what lvl (That feature probably already is in Nikko's sheet.), bonus from Tiki's bracelet, other passives and so on. (That feature probably already is in Nikko's sheet.)

Any feedback on what would you want added, or what I missed is welcome.

I'm uploading here two types of document since I did it in Libre Calc. So the second one is in the Excel format and should be working correctly.

How the calculator works if its unclear:

Tabs next to "Character" and "Class" have drop down list, just select character and class from there and results should show you final growth rate.

FE Engage Growth Sheet.ods FE Engage Growth Sheet.xlsx

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Ok I tested the documents on my work notebook which has excel and I would definetly recommend the xlsx file for microsoft excel users, since the ods file on excel dont work properly and should be preferably used with Libre Calc.

My major plan for the sheet is to add base stats as well, but I will need to figure out base stats with different classes. Any recommendation for a site with this kind of info is welcome.

Edited by Speedy
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24 minutes ago, Usana said:


Is the site I have been using for various info on game stuff. Nice average stat calculator. And pretty easy to find growth rates with any given class.

Thx alot for the site, I see it shows how exactly are certain things (like hit rates and so on) calculated. That will be quite useful.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, can you please tell me which file format is best to use when opening in google sheets? My new school chromebook doesn't have excel or libre calc, and I usually use google for data analysis. Although I mostly use the simplest functions and formulas. I remember how https://edubirdie.com/excel-help showed me that there was a lot more hidden there for data analysis than you could imagine. They sent me some files for my assignment and I was amazed.

Edited by Andhemagle
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