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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Sia flinched slightly as Louise's arms suddenly wrapped around her. The surprise was evident, but Sia didn't move at all. Taking in all of those positive feelings before Louise herself let go, reseting the situation. Sia looked over at Louise, a tired smile on her face, "I know... and I really do have to do a better job of remembering that.  It's just... a little difficult. Have a lot to prove, what with being the youngest captain ever, and with my frailty... So, it's... very easy for me to want to do more than I really should be doing." Sia sighed, "Alright, you win... I'll try to take a nap or something when I get back, and see if that helps with things." 

Louise walked past her, but then Sia returned the hug, right before Louise could get into the driver's seat. Mother always said that a hug was one of the most powerful recharging tools in a person's arsenal. It was a quick squeeze, Sia letting go almost as quickly as the hug began, "Alright... let's head back to the ship. Thank you Louise, I feel a bit better about the whole situation... Let's see how long that lasts when we get back and underway..." Sia rounded the car, and got herself into the passenger seat. Sia spared Louise another glance before getting herself comfortable, and shutting her eyes.

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Doctor's Appointment

It might still be too early to tell if things were actually going well, but at least Dante was going to get onto that CEN warship. He doubted he would get to see much more than the infirmary if he didn't come up with some excuse, but he couldn't be too ambitious here. This was already about as dicey as breaking into a police station, but at least he still had his cover, and a few legitimate avenues of inquiry to pursue.

"Before we actually get there, I assume a ship like that is run fairly tight. Is there anything they're going to need to know about me before letting a civilian through? Anything I'll have to sign?" He had half a mind to ask about any copay or other random thing that might come up in a regular doctor-patient scenario, but he was half serious about this. After all, he had a number of lies to keep straight. The fewer curveballs he had to deal with, the easier it would be to maintain his fake identity.

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Gean smirked as Sen began to talks business with this Norm. She didn't know whether to roll her eyes at his rather lack of keeping up appearances, or roll them at how he was falling into Sen’s trap, a trap Gean was asked to play along with. Gean ran a hand through her hair and looked upwards. "Yeah, boss man was not happy the last time we went looking for parts, so any discounts would be lovely." Oh she's giving him direct contact. Strong play. "If it's been sitting in a place like this after a project like you mentioned, I'm sure you'd be glad to have it off your hands right?"

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"Huh? Oh." Markus gave a small laugh, scratching his head. "I mean, I guess you needed help, and you wanted to win, so I... kicked it into gear, I guess. I like to... well, not necessarily hold back, but like, when playing a game, I think having fun is the most important. Sometimes, something is a little..." He pondered a moment to muster a thought about it. "...too easy, I suppose? So I kinda, tone down the skill a bit. It makes for a more fun experience, for me at least. There's a Zelda game, old one, that's super easy to break, and make really easy, but I'd rather play a way that's more fun for me?" The blond gave another nervous laugh.

"I can keep playing like I just did if you want. I just don't want you to think I'm carrying you through the whole campaign." He smiled with a playful bump to the shoulder.

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"Er, y... yes." Louise had nearly frozen when Sia hugged her, still not used to the woman's sudden softness against her, but more disarming was the reciprocation of the act... Louise had to pause once she sat in the transport, staring out at nothing, finally starting the engine. "Sia..." She spared the half asleep captain a glance and muttered her name, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. No matter what, I will do everything I can for you. No matter how difficult this all becomes... Even if I have to stare down that monstrous woman on foot. I'll do it... "First thing's first, let's get us back." She'd calmed herself down enough to manage driving, focused on the next step. "We get back, you get some rest, and I start diving through what we have access to..." Louise was repeating the instructions to herself quietly, pulling the transport out of the embassy's parking lot and down Remansburg's roads...

"Uh." Kazue wasn't actually sure... She didn't know the Dawn's policies about allowing civilians on board, but... "I am sure that, as long as you are with me and do not wander off, it should be fine. I am registered as an Ensign aboard the ship. I can supervise your being there." She was confident about that much, but... "I will ask the Doctor and the Captain if there is anything you need to sign when you come on board. I think that will be alright, though, unless you have reason to stay, I do not believe I will inconvenience you for long... If I knew any of them, I would bring you to a Doctor here in Remansburg, but, alas... I am only familiar with Earth." Hopefully this all would do. Whether or not he was that harmed or injured, their practice conflict had come about by her own indecision to act. She owed him this much.

"Wooooowwww... What a gentleman. I think you should play the rest of this as best as you can. How's that sound?" Miz didn't holster the toy gun, but she was ready for things to get much, much more easy. "Don't you think seeing the ending would be worth it? And there's no way that I'm gonna be able to manage that on my own, or really help you to achieve it. I'll still shoot the funny zombies, but... Maybe, flex a little, and see where we get~?" She smiled and aimed her gun at the screen again, the cutscene starting to end. "Whacha say, Markus?"

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Luckily, Selumine had managed to stay upright, and seemed to be enjoying herself properly by the end of the second song. As things came to a close on the Japanese ballad, Catrin struck a bit of a goofy pose, before turning towards Selu and nearly flopping into the girl with a hug, pressing her into the support bar of the DDR machine. Nuzzling into Selu's neck playfully, Catrin gave her date a squeeze, letting her tail swish behind her absentmindedly.

"Aye love, didja 'ave fun then? Didn't fall over or nothin' like y'were worried about, though Oi hope you weren't too concerned with that t'enjoy yerself." Catrin asked, leaning into Selu, casually placing her own hands on the back bar and bracing so the duo wouldn't tumble and flip over the damn thing.

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Long-awaited customers these two might've been, it was starting to look like a matter of payment, and there was that whole thing about how he wasn't exactly the kind of guy to start just giving things away for free. "Err, well, yeah... I, ah, s'pose..." The tunnel vision was starting to set in, real quick like. "Well, if you can't, uh, pay too much for it... I guess I can let it go at a decent price for you, since you're... such good customers, an' all..."

He glanced over at Gean, who was selling the story just about as hard as Sen was. "Tight, uh, tight grip on the purse, right, right, okay. Yep. Discount parts, discount parts. Well. Well!" His hand was drawing, nearer, nearer. "Well, well, well. So, I mean, maybe it's been there quite a while, and maybe, uhh... alright, well, yep, I don't got any other customers lined up or nothin, so... hell."

It wasn't fair! Not-at-all. No sir. "I s'pose whoever you two ladies might be, you might have a little something I can find a seller for... so, I tell you what I can do. You go ahead and don't tell me who you are, just, uh... I'll put that ol' prism up in a box truck, and you two go ahead and take it, and just fill it up with... whatever parts or something and send it on back to me. That's... yep. That's what I can do for ya."

As the pilot took her headphones off, music echoing through the ship's hall, she took his hand, taking to her feet. "Ah... Iskra, alright. Sorry about that, I must have forgotten..." One of the pilots, huh... Noted.

"Nervous...?" The feeling deepened, tinged with confusion for a moment, but faded; clarity replaced it. Ah... she must be a Newtype...? I saw that there were a couple on the ship's records... "O-Oh. Well, alright... thanks. I appreciate that, y'know... Not sure if they just leave me here if I get fired and all, haha." 

His name. Well, that was easy enough. When he'd done his initial system cracking and made a little extra billet for a janitor, he'd put his own name down on the docket - kept things simple, and while he may have been a little adept at getting information - well, he didn't quite have the makings of an undercover agent, by his own measure. Why a janitor - well, there were quite a few options, in truth, but this was probably the one that got you the least second glances. He shuffled the cap on his head slightly, tugging it by the brim. "You can call me Sei. No real mystery in what I do, huh?" He flashed a sheepish smile.

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"Alright, I'll keep it up then." Markus gave a small thumbs up, as they prepared for the game to start up again. "We'll see that ending, without a doubt." He prepared his guntroller, and got into a battle-ready stance. He was in full serious mode now, he was gonna make sure he and Miz both got to the end of the game. He swiped a bit of hair from his face, and the stage started.

Almost immediately Markus showed his ability with a gun. Enemies felled left and right. He tried to not hog everything, but Markus seemed nearly unstoppable when zoned in. More silly, yet creepy monsters and goofy voice acting later, and they were atop a skyscraper. It was the final boss; the Emperor. "Alright," He rolled his shoulders. Once the 'Hold Your Fire' message left, the blonde was back on his firing streak.

Really, the fight to Markus was put under an surprising amount pressure. It's attacks needed to be blocked if they were to get hits in. Even then, the chance to hit back were few and far between. But eventually, the monster was taken down. The final cutscene started, and Markus let out an exasperated sigh.

"Hell yeah, I don't think I've game'd that hard before." He finally turned back to Miz, with a small nudge. "Good job. That was fun."

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Sen chuckled, releasing the man's hand only to give him a sudden hug. "Oh, thank you~ You have no idea how much you've saved us. I'm sure that we'll be able to find something interesting to send back to you after the favor that you've done. I can't believe how lucky we were to run into you! We'll borrow the truck and send it back with no problems, promise~" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before flouncing back to Gean. "So, do you want to drive the truck or drive the car? Either way I'll call ahead and ask them to get some delightful treats ready for our new friend here so that he doesn't feel like he's lost out either~" She grinned up at the other woman, enjoying how fun and easy this had all ended up. "It's wonderful that we'll be able to finally finish the project. The boss will be so happy!"

"A-ah, err, yes, sorry... I can't. I'm a Newtype, th-though I think you may have realized. I can't really, uhm, turn it off. But I can't believe you'll be fired for anything like this! The ship has seemed clean to me. So, you've, uhm, been doing a good job. Sei." That was a nice name, easy to remember. The man seemed nice enough, she couldn't believe that she had just run into him like that. Her blush was starting up again and she shook her head. "I don't want to, mm, hold you up though, if you have a job to do. Not after I ran into you..." She smiled hesitantly, hoping that it didn't seem like she was running away. She was, a little bit, but that wasn't the point.

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Gean chuckled at how thoroughly ensnared Sen had this man. He was practically melting in her hands, and to double down, once he agreed to their deal, she sealed his cooperation with a kiss. Gean almost felt bad for him, but seeing the engineer so happy... and so lively, had Gean distracted herself. Noted. "Yeah we lucked out big time. "I can take the car, big trucks were never my thing." Gean then leaned forward, whispering into Sen's ear, "Though if we needed to send things back, we might have to schedule for drinks later. I was looking forward to that part~" Gean then looked back to Norm reaching out a hand to shake and wink of the eye, "Thanks man, you're a lifesaver. I can help load it into the truck if you can show me the way." Gean quickly flexed an arm as proof.

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