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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Rosa was typing away at her laptop. She was inputting a few leftover pieces of data, as well as making sure her new assistant was properly in the system. Fumie was having her own fun time introducing herself to one of their pilots. It gave Rosa time to make sure everything was straightened away.

"One moment, Miss Fumie, I'm just checking a few things. Anything the military missed when transferring you that I need to have reported, or updated. Can you believe that there are people who aren't properly in the system, and they can't even visit the D-Fac or mess hall if they don't take cash? Embarrassing." Rosa chuckled at the absurdity of it, but it wouldn't have been the first time she heard about it.

She exited from the page she was on, and spun her chair so she could step out of her desk. Reaching for her mug of coffee, she took a careful few sips, then set it back down. "Alrighty, so to start there will be a handful of CBTs that will need to be done within the next few days, just so that you're certifications are up to date. I'll e-mail them to you as well, and can help you find them if you've never had to do the computer-based trainings before. If you don't have an available computer to do your work on, you can use mine, and we'll see if I can get you one issued."

Rosa thought, and brought a finger to her lips. "Are there any questions for the front of house side of things?"

Markus waited till he was back in his room before he started using his phone again. Etiquette with walking and phones had changed some time ago, but he wasn't going to get called out by an officer higher than him at any point. Once he was in his room, he removed his service jacket and hung it up. Then, he got a big stretch in.

"Never getting used to that." He groaned out with his stretch. "Alright," He pulled out his phone to see exactly a 'Yes!' from Miz. "Okay, time to stop slacking"

[Cool, let me know when you're ready.]
[I gotta spruce up my service dress, and then I'll start setting up.]

The blonde set his phone down. Cracking his knuckles, he started his game plan.

After about twenty minutes of digging through all of his clothes, Markus got as nice as he could. His favorite white-green jacket, his jeans and sneakers. I feel a little underdressed... He laughed to himself. He had one secret weapon. Either the coolest thing he owns, or way too tacky. In a drawer in his desk, he pulled out a glasses case. Opening it revealed a pair of aviator sunglasses. An antique in this age, but he loved how they looked. And was probably one of the most expensive things he owned. Markus put them on, and looked in the mirror, giving a few poses, trying to get a feel for them.

"Alright. The most hype seven out of ten about to go out with a supermodel." He scoffed, a bit of lost faith in himself. "Well, that just means we've got to have fun to make me into a nine." I've never had to think this hard about how I dressed. Man...

With a sigh, Markus went back to his bed, and sat with his phone, waiting.

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"Oh, if you could let Avery know I wanna talk later I'd appreciate it!" He called out to Amy before he dived into his thoughts. Shiva's gone missing, that's a problem alright. But if he can survive a Blackwell assault then he can survive anything...I hope. Leon recalled the mission he led to deal with Shiva, it not only ended in failure it cost Leon his friend. I hope he's alive, so I can-! Leon failed to notice the stacked beauty's approach, his hand was firmly in her own by the time he turned his head to her. "Ah? Oh, yeah. Ignited is-whoa!" And off they went! She pulled the merc off before he could say another word, with all force behind her arm and the right amount of softness in between the two. "You're sure excited, I like it."

But before the two could get to the transport a certain pilot approached Leon, and to his surprise she opened with an apology. His expression was one of shock, he almost wondered if this was an odd dream. "Uh..." He took a moment to get himself back to reality, and pulled back his expression to something a little more neutral. "It's fine, you can stay and...hey it's no big." He just nodded. "Trust me, I've heard way worse back in my live training days. But I can respect your attempt at trying to mend a bridge." He reached out for her hand and took it. "I accept your apology, miss Park. I know we both want the same thing, but don't forget there's no hard feelings between us no matter what happens. I didn't come to the ship to hold grudges after all." He briefly shook her hand.

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"Geez, you... You really would, wouldn't you. In front of someone too, I'd wager... Hhh..." Selu groaned quietly in mild embarrassment and excitement, still beyond happy that someone found her so attractive, but... Time and place, time and place! There was no fighting her, though. Bigger, stronger, an allure that she just couldn't deny... The happiness that Catrin's actions gave her far outweighed the cons.

"I'll make sure to look for myself, too. Promise... If I leave everything up to you I'll just end up in a miniskirt, or something else equally revealing." She stuck her tongue out, the two entering the shopping district proper. Plenty of different stores strewn about, selling all sorts of things; all the amenities one could want, and plenty of escapes for entertainment. "Wow... There's... There's too much. Let's see... I think that's a clothes store?"

Comet Coveralls was a weird name for a store, but it has different outfits on mannequin display in the windows. "It'll do, I suppose? We can always go elsewhere if it sucks..." She pushed in and took a quick glance around... Swiftly and suddenly overwhelmed by choice. There were only a few customers she could see, some lady at the back, another one with some adorable fox ears and light blue hair, but there was just... So many different pieces of clothing. "Ahwahh... Wh-Where do we start...?"

Louise heard him, watched him shake her hand, but... she couldn't really believe it. It was that simple? He could've thrown this all back in her faced, blurted out everything she'd said, ruined Sia's opinion of her so easily... But he just. Accepted it. She'd meant it; this wasn't a messed up game she was playing, but... I really wasn't at fault back then, was I?

Slowly she smiled and let go of his hand. "Hmph... No hard feelings, is it? Remember that, Leon. I'll hold you to it." She smirked, more playfully than ever, turning towards the Captain and walking away. "Shall we be off then, Sia? Either to the embassy, or towards those clothes you're so interested in?" This is all I needed. A place to belong. A place without those that would stab you in the back for... For nothing. I almost became one of them. Thank you Markus. Thank you Leon... Thank you, Sia. I can do this. I can grow...

Azame let out a little sigh, the tension defusing with the handshake, both parties seeming pleased with the outcome. "O, kay~ mission successful, it seems. Let's go complete out own mission, hot shot~ Where'd you like to go first? I've been around Remansburg, I know aaaallll the best spots."

No name, huh? I'm not worth it, or... You're trying to keep a low, personal profile. That concern makes sense now. People you were supposed to meet not showing up, hmm... Held back by... Who? AHI? The CEN? You're talking a lot about their ship. Very curious. "Yes, the CEN's Imminent Dawn, first of its class, but not the final one of its line. Not by a long shot... Interstellar travel, the latest in beam weaponry, capacity enough for up to twenty personal machines, living quarters, amenities, enough space to house CEN's most important and influential individuals... They've always got to and stick their noses where they don't belong~" He smirked and finished his glass, setting it on the table and giving it a bit of a spin. "But, maybe this time will be different, yes? I'll have to pay the Dawn's crew a visit. Size up their Captain. See exactly who I'm dealing with..."

He smirked and leaned a little closer. "Who are you, really? Let's play a bit less cat and mouse, and see, perhaps, if we can aid each other, yes?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "You're rather nervous, despite that poker face... I've got people in the city. If you'd like help finding your friends, I wouldn't mind issuing a search... Free of charge, no strings attached. You're not AHI, as far as I can tell. You wouldn't be out here doing exactly what I'm doing if you were... So I think I can trust you, to a degree. What'll it be, miss dancer?"

Fumie smirked. She knew what the acronym meant in this context, but she couldn't help herself, covering her smile with a hand. "No questions, not about the job. Been doing it at the embassy for a few years, now, so I know what's up, unless a CEN ship is that much more to manage. Your pilots didn't seem in any dire straits as I came aboard... A few of them were pretty cute, in fact~" She kept that goth chick in mind for later. "I've got a computer, so I can take care of those courses when I get back to my room... You want me to go and handle those now, or...?" She adjusted her doctor's coat some, pulling it over her tank top and shorts. She's gotten in shit for her dress at the embassy a few times, but if this Rosa didn't care, that would be for the best. She could start putting those piercings back in too, one by one. See if she noticed and how much she gave a heck~

[You got it, Markus <3]

Miz had finished her face, and next was clothes... A dress was essential. Something flowy, nothing that would hide her body too much, but enough to keep the allure. She understood the draw of her non-human skin tones, and while she knew it would likely bring Markus some trouble to go out looking so appealing... She wanted to look it for him. "Okay... Dress chosen. Underwear, normal. This isn't that kind of date, Markus isn't that kind of guy... Which just, leaves." Miz took her time getting dressed, carefully, brushed her beautiful pink locks again, and then headed out of the room.

[I'm heading on over.]

"Hahh... Confidence, Miz. You keep that Sam hidden for now. She's still a part of you, but right now, you need that confidence they drilled in you. He likes you, so make him love you..." Luckily, the private quarters weren't long, extended hallways, so it was only a few minutes before she was at his room, gently knocking at the door. She tugged some on her dress, flowy, pure white, shoulder straps and frills along the edges of it, a pattern of faint snowflakes adorning it, and a blue sash tied into a bow around her waist to keep it to her figure and let it poof out around her legs more. Legs that it covered up to just past the knee, showing her lovely lower legs and the heels she'd chosen to wear today. "Get ready, Markus... Here I come."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Daeran found himself one of the last to leave the room, leaving only Scylla and Alrenne behind once he finally pulled himself out of his seat. Between the poor sleep, the combat, the meeting at AHI and Ta- Tokiwa's message he was beyond beat, but didn't want to turn into bed so early in the day, lest he really mess up his sleep schedule. However, with his late departure from the meeting, it left him with little idea where a potential pair-up partner would be, not that he intended to set a foot off the Dawn right now. If he really was a target then he had no intention of putting himself, or anyone who would accompany him, in unnecessary danger. He would remain on the ship until the situation changed, lest he find himself spirited away due to Tokiwa's machinations. 

Still, he refused to return to his room for now; the only thing waiting for him there was dread. He needed something mindless to do, with little critical thinking required. Before he knew it he found himself in the hanger, approaching the lift to his HEX... It took his brain a few seconds to process it, but the machine was active, and the hatch to the cockpit was wide open. Is one of the engineers running diagnostics on it? I don't see why they would, it held together fine and I didn't see much combat... He called the wire down to ride up and up he went to see a-- "Wh, What...?" He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or if there really was a girl with golden wings seated in his pilot seat, messing with the console. She wasn't dressed the part of an engineer, and no way in hell she was part of the staff... He knew there were some civilians on board, but how the hell, and why the hell, would there be one in his cockpit? Unconsciously his hand started reaching for his waist, where he kept his sidearm. "Excuse me, but who in the hell are you?" Why the hell does everything happen to me?

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"And this switch flips here, this turns on, adjust the seat... Uh oh." Thesephine saw the wire heading down and leaned back in her seat... Hopefully it wasn't one of the engineers. Maybe she could get away with this with one of the pilots? ... And it did seem to be one of the pilots, as a tan man with white hair came into view. Whoa... He's hot. I picked a winner machine-- Not the time, Thessy! "And why should I have to answer to you, hmm? You think you're the authority around here because you're one of the pilots? Hmph! My daddy is Ambrose Adozosi of the Adozosi corporation, and he funds the projects that make these machines real in the first place! So~! As his daughter, I came to test the merchandise. You should be honored to have his child personally testing the systems of your HEX." She crossed her legs and folded her arms, raising an eyebrow at Daeran and smirking with all of the authority she believed she held.

"Now, if you don't mind, I have no plans on taking this for a spin, as much as I deserve to, but I was about to cycle through the systems and make sure everything was running properly. There's NOTHING to do on this boring steel hulk, so I found a way to entertain myself. Shoo, shoo! Out of my way, little pilot."

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Markus heard a knock at his door. Considering the recent text, it has to have been Miz. It was time. "Alright." Markus stood up, and took a deep breath. He pulled out his phone, and took a picture of him in his outfit, putting up the 'rock on' sign, before sending it off to Leili.

[Going out for a bit. Stay out of trouble.]

Setting his phone down, he readjusted his glasses, and approached the door. He hesitated for a moment before he opened the door. "Come on, Micky... It's alright. It'll be fine..." He quietly tried to reassure himself. It was time to have some fun out in town with a fun lady. Finally, Markus opened the door.

"Hey M--" The blonde paused, immediately enamored by the woman standing in front of him. "I-I..." He took a deep breath. "Hey. You look great." He gave a warm smile.

"Hmm," Rosa gave it a thought. "Well, I guess if you know everything already, then," She pointed down. "We have ten medical rooms. At the end of the hall is a room where all of our equipment is. We don't have anything going on at the moment, so, I could walk you through there once we need something or the other." She clapped her hands together, and gave a small, embarrassed laugh. "So I guess we're technically mostly on call. You're free to go for now, just as long as those CBTs are finished in a timely manner. Just e-mail the certificates of those to me so I can keep them filed. So, Miss Fumie, you are free to go. I'll page you in the case something happens." She gave a small thumbs-up. "I'm sure we'll have a fun trip."

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"... Hey~" It was something else to get this kind of reaction from someone she wanted it from, hiding her hands behind her back and swaying a little bit. "You look good too, Markus. Love the glasses." Aviators, he's such a dork... Ahhh, this is great. I'm so glad he didn't try to dress up and 'match' me or something silly... She was going to stick to her confidence, stepping up and taking hold of his arm, gently pulling him out of the doorway. "So, you ready? Show me around~ This'll be my first real date. Ever... So you don't have anything to beat. Low bar, I guess, is the best way to put it... You got enough confidence to make me smile, Markus?" She grinned up at him, batting her wonderfully accentuated eyelashes. "Then again... Just being with you is enough to make me happy, right now."

"You got it doc." She gave Rosa a pretty lazy thumbs up and turned to leave, before glancing over her shoulder, "that's Miss Manami, by the way." She smirked and left Rosa's office, slowly walking her way out of the med bay... She caught sight of Esther with the therapist again, giving her another wink and a wave. Well, sucks that I gotta share space with Azame after how poorly that fell apart... But it's not like I'm gonna change just because of that~ That goth chick is crazy cute... I gotta run into her after work hours. See if she's down for a little fun, hmhmhm... With a target and her plans in mind, Fumie made for her room. She'd fly through the certs and then check out the rest of the ship.

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Marianne felt her concern build as Senri seemed to know quite a bit about the ship that had just landed, and more importantly, quickly caught onto how she hadn't given him her name. He was a lot sharper than he looked, perhaps dangerously so, but that was the sort of game that she played daily, and she'd won every single time. "...I guess you're way sharper than your cute looks suggest." Marianne sat down across from Senri, "Marianne Linan, that's my name. As for who I really am... A civilian up on this cursed moon from one of the less terraformed regions. That's as much as I can say... Who exactly would you be to be able to call a search for my missing contact? You're not AHI, that much I can be sure of--there's an air that usually exists around those types, and no, it's not on you. So I have to find it hard to believe that you could do that... unless you're just trying to get on my good side?" Marianne stared at the man with her bright red eyes. No way... he's dead serious. But... who could you be that would have that kind of ability? AHI controls this area, and there are like... two rebel groups that actually have people who could operate here without bringing the hammer down on them. Is he with them? If he is... then shouldn't he know who I'm talking about? How strange... And how does he know so much about that ship?

Amy paused as Leon called out to her, mentioning Avery, "Gotcha, gotcha, I'll make sure to tell her~" Amy swayed her way back over to her console, finding two more tasks on her plate. "Alright... Let's--Hmm?" Amy looked over at one of the machines, and saw a white haired man on his way up to one of the machines, and then suddenly stopped, hand slipping to his hip where the pilots typically had their weapons stashed. Amy raised an eyebrow, and wandered over--she knew that there wouldn't have been any stowaways, so if there was someone in the machine now, it was someone from the ship. "Hey, is everything okay over there?"

The situation seemed resolved amiably--she didn't really expect different, but she hadn't expected anything needing an apology--but it was what Leon said that got Sia thinking. Something that they were both chasing after. They hadn't been together for too long, and she didn't recall that they two had crossed paths on too many occasions. Except... tangentially there was one thing were the two of them crossed. ...There's no way, right? 

Louise's call placed her back into the hangar, "Oh, uh, right. Hmm... we should probably start at the embassy, just so we aren't carrying so much for so long." Sia led Louise out of the main hangar and over to one of the cars. "Hmm... is there something I should know about Louise, or is that something that's best left to you and Leon?" 

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"Course Oi would. You can lack proide all you want, but Oi'm proud to 'ave ya. C'mon now, not just miniskirts, Selu. Leggins, yoga pants, Oi've got some range y'know? But you got me, Oi do hope you'll grab a few things t'show off for me." Catrin teased further as they went along their merry way, reaching down and, while not brusquely grabbing her as threatened, the taller women did give her date a light pat on the back end, sticking her tongue out at her. 

As they finally reached the dizzying array of stores in the shopping district, Selumine seemed a little overwhelmed. Catrin had been ready to point out a few places if nothing caught Selu's eye, but within a few moments of steadying herself, she had started towards a nearby store. Comet Coveralls... Catrin hadn't patronized this particular venue before, but it wasn't a lack of endorsement so much as just the sheer volume of other options. She hadn't even stepped foot inside before. Selu was ready to try elsewhere if it didn't fit her needs, but despite the lack of customers inside, the selection seemed to be fine at first glance.

Speaking of the customers, one immediately caught Catrin's eye across the way. It was rare to see someone with as many augments as she had, that was to be certain. Her gaze didn't linger on the fox woman for more than a moment or two, her ears giving a twitch as she turned towards the clothing racks, squeezing Selu's hand.

"Lets see, lets see... did you want to split up and meet at the change rooms lookin', or go 'round together and pick things out, Selu?" Catrin asked, although she didn't wait to start looking through the selections, pulling out a shimmering blue dress and holding it up to Selu's figure for sizing. The pattern on it was pretty but not especially elaborate, the deep blue fabric covered in a motif of shooting stars twinkling on a night sky.

"What do you think, Selu? Personally, Oi like the colour on ya."

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Louise's playful smirk and response was the last thing he expected to see today, but she was serious about making things right. Looks like the clouds are out of the sky. He was relieved, but that didn't mean he was going to give up on Sia. "Have fun." He gave a brief wave to the ladies before he turned back to Azame. "Oh you do? Well lucky me." He smiled wide. "I messed up earlier, big time. Really got the captain upset, so I wanted to make it up to her. So I wanna go find a good bar to listen for something juicy to bring back." He stepped up to his buxom partner. "It's in my nature to scope out new places anyway, so I hope you don't mind." Wonder if she's good in a fight, she did have a good grip.

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"I'm happy you think I'm cute, Marianne." He winked and then leaned back, idly swirling his empty glass around in his hand. "I have my people. They're around... Surely I'd try something else to get on your good side, yes?" He ended up chuckling a little, sighing. "Though I'd say all your sides are good, from where I'm sitting. No, no, let's just say I have some people in Remansburg, and if you're looking for your own, and you think I can trust you... We can scratch each others' backs. Always looking for more people I can rely on, these days. Can't trust AHI. Can't trust CEN," he smile faded ever so slightly as he mentioned the Earth company, "can only trust ourselves. So. Do you believe that I can trust you, Marianne?" Might be coming off a bit desperate, but I can't possibly throw away a chance for more allies. Not with the rebels spread so thin and so disorganized... I have to try everything that I can. So, please bite, Marianne. I can feel caution coming off you like warmth from a heater, but we don't have to be enemies. Not when there's bigger issues...

"Oh, do ya? You think hanging out with other pretty women is gonna get her to forgive you~?" Azame wiggled her eyebrows and then let go of his arm, jogging towards the transport. "Either way, hop in! I hope you like singing, because I'm a slut for karaoke." She winked again and pulled herself into the driver's seat, slamming her communicator into the connector port and already cycling down to her music. "Doki doki waku waku...~" she was getting herself started without the music being on already.

Louise followed after Sia, happy her moment with Leon had gone so well... but, to face the music, or not face the music. "... It wouldn't be right of me to lie to you. I'm sure you already have an idea, but... Chips on the table. Here's my hand..." Louise slipped into the passenger's seat as she talked, letting out a quiet sigh.

"It's not a secret that the both of us having feelings for you, Sia. Unfortunately, there's only one Captain Silverwind. We had some choice words for each other about who was going to end up at your side... I believe I went overboard in my taunting, thus... An apology. You... And Markus, and a few others on the Dawn have been showing me... That I can trust, again. It's fragile... It's small, but it's... Safe, right now. Even if Leon and are are vying for the heart of the same woman... I can still, trust him. To keep me safe and watch my back. I'll do the same for him." She took a deep breath, too afraid to look over st Sia.

"That's what it was. I wanted to clear the air. No bad blood between pilots... If you're upset at us, or me, for discussing such things to the point of getting heated, well... You've every right. I'll make no excuses... But an apology in private would've meant little. After the jabs I flung at him, there would've been no weight to my words. Having you and others hear it, gives it the promise such a thing demands. If I were giving him lip service in front of you all, well, the game would be up the next time I took a shot at him, and my chances with it. Best to be honest, bluntly and openly... Even if it, r-risks, upsetting you." She found herself playing nervously with a strand of her hair, running her fingers through it to try and keep her mind occupied. I'm so sorry, Sia. I'm so sorry that I couldn't see the Dawn for what it was, right away... I've been a fool.

"I don't mind shopping together, so long as we leave the leggings and yoga pants for last..." Selu couldn't help her mind drifting. She'd worn yoga pants before... And they looked amazing on her ass, which meant-- No, stop. Catrin's already going to be all over your lower half later, so let those thoughts wait until then. Luckily, a beautiful blue dress had ripped her away from that, eyes going wide as she inspected it. 

"Wwwooowwww... what a gorgeous dress. You think it'll fit...? Maybe they can adjust it if it can't... I'm gonna go try it on!" Selu snatched it and smiled wide, giving Catrin a small wink before disappearing into one of the change rooms.

"Ahh... Young love. How beautiful~" The blue haired fox had made her way over towards Catrin, waving with a sly grin. "You two out on a little shopping date? Cute. So cute. She's a bit short, but, given you two are CEN, she's gotta be at least eighteen, nineteen... And what about you my fine feline friend?" The fox held a hand out to shake, giggling some. "The name's Tokiwa... I work for AHI. On break right now, though. Gotta love the weekend~"

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"It looks about your soize, I'm sure if it's a little bit off they can 'ave someone adjust it, aye." Catrin nodded in agreement, giving Selumine a wave as her date darted off to the change rooms with a wink. She seemed rather excited about the dress at least, so that was an excellent start. Catrin had been about to start looking for more pieces when her ears twitched in the direction of a woman approaching her, the fox from across the store. The woman seemed friendly enough, commenting how cute it was to see young love bloom on a date, that sort of romantic stuff... but something about her felt the slightest bit odd to Catrin.

'We aren't in uniform... how does she know we're CEN?' Catrin pondered, though she accepted the handshake without hesitation regardless. This Tokiwa apparently worked for AHI... given how many fingers the organization had within the testing base's pie, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that she recognized Catrin herself at least from some sort of personnel file. Selumine was such a new arrival that her side was more dubious, but if she knew Catrin herself was CEN, then the association wasn't entirely out of the question. Odd though, to be certain.

"Catrin. Pleasure meetin' ya, Tokiwa. Bloody right 'bout the weekend, no better chance to come into town and 'ang round the place. Oi'll 'ave to tell 'er you knew straight off we were on a date, she thought folk would pin us for sisters or somethin'. Right cute she is, but a little lackin' for confidence sometoimes... just means Oi need to 'elp 'er out of 'er shell." Catrin replied, unable to help the smile adorning her face thinking of Selu.

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"I was about to say, I think I already got you smiling now." He gave a light smirk, a tinge of red escaping into his cheeks. "But absolutely. I will do my best to make it the best first real date possible." Throwing up a pair of thumbs-ups, he slipped out of his door, and closed his room. "I'm uhh... Glad you don't mind that I'm dressing a little, casually, haha," He started to make his way toward the exit, hoping to lead Miz along. "I don't have anything really fancy except my service dress. And," He pointed to his glasses.

"This is... my first date too." He nervously scratched his head. "I uh, I don't have a plan, honestly. I just thought, we'd go into town and, find something to do. I hope that's alright." He turned away for a moment to take a deep breath. God I have no idea what I'm doing, haha. Just gotta, keep being the good kid, Micky.

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Louise rounded to the passenger seat, leaving her to drive, so Sia got things ready while Louise spoke, all but confirming her errant thought. There were only two things in which Leon and Louise crossed, their mission as pilots, which the two seemed to be on the same page with, and then... her. It was little secret to her that both of them were interested; both had all but said as much, not too long ago, but it sounded as if that rivalry had been bubbling for a little bit, and it must have boiled over at some point. Sia finished getting all of the miscellaneous car things out of the way, mirrors, her seat, and started the car before sighing, "Mon dieu... Ce que vous avez fait est ridicule..." Sia shook her head, "No amount of training would really prepare anything for something like this, huh? Honestly? An argument over me? I'd be flattered if it wasn't so... childish." Sia sighed, and then put the car in reverse, "At the very least, the both of you seemed to handle the aftermath of such as the adults that the both of you are. You're right, had something like this been private, and I only learned about it after the fact... Needless to say that I would not have been pleased about it. Far, far more than I am now."

Sia's exasperation then turned into a soft smile, "But honesty is very important to me, both as myself, and as a captain, and if I remained upset for long over you being honest with me, I wouldn't be much of a captain, or as someone to be seen as a potential partner. Though... please keep in mind, the first reason we're here is for our task, failing that, there is little reason to look at me, or anyone else as a potential partner, and certainly not to the degree that you're having arguments with other pilots over it. Especially now that we have enemies who have stated their intent to kill us all if we get in their way. That needs to remain at both yours, and Leon's minds... Alright? I don't mind if the both of you try to pursue me, that's nothing new, but the both of you are better than most who have tried, I'm sure of that." Sia neatly whipped the car around, and started their way off of the Dawn, "But... enough of that. I think we have other things to focus on for the moment, and... I think it's best to start at the embassy." 

Marianne looked at Senri, almost impressed with his tact. It was clear at this moment that this man wasn't with CEN, or AHI, and that he was after something. As to what, he wasn't giving for free. He was asking for trust, perhaps the most important thing that Marianne had to offer. Trusting someone was knowing that you could turn away, and that you wouldn't have to fear the potential bullet in your back. It was both the most powerful thing in existence, and simultaneously the biggest weakness that anyone could have. It was why so few knew of her aliment; so many people would deign to use it against her if it so fit their needs. That was the way it always was up here, people that you could trust were in short supply, because money, and power were all that make this moon spin, and when given the chance, you took it. 

"...If you're not aligned with AHI, or CEN, and you're not one of those rebel fronts that just wants to burn this place to the ground, then... I don't see any reason why I'd stab you in the back. You don't live on this moon for 23 years, and not understand that to all of those people... we're just pawns in their game, AHI will grind us to dust to satisfy the bitch in the tower, and their shareholders, CEN will just use us an excuse to do whatever the hell they want, and when one of those fake rebel fronts finally does get power, they're just going to do the same thing that AHI did. There's only been one real force actually working for people on this moon... and if you're with them, then yeah, you can trust me." Marianne took a deep breath, "What does the name Alouette mean to you?" Marianne's voice never broke above a whisper, her eyes never leaving Senri's, searching for anything that would prove that he wasn't just one of the silvertongued bastards that could be found all over the moon. 

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Gean sat on the bridge by herself, lost in her own world. The crew had been given the evening to themselves, and somehow she found herself back on the bridge, idling away and thinking of what to do for the night. The pool was always an option, but then again, they had just landed in Remansburg, so why not take in the sights? Her idling stopped however as a voice called from behind her. She turned to greet Sen, but before the words could come out her hand was being tugged and her evening was decided on. “Well I guess that's my plan for tonight. Do I have time to change into something casual? Or would you rather walk with a lady in uniform?” Gean was a bit more comfortable talking to Sen now, so jokes were on the table.

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Senri let out something of a surprised scoff, leaning back and shrugging some. "Doesn't that make things easy? She's my boss!" He leaned back in and joined her whispering, "along with her niece Lucille and their faction of rebel forces... Seems like we can trust each other, Marianne. Allow me to reintroduce myself... Senri Takahashi, right hand and tactician to Alouette. A pleasure to meet you, my fellow fighter in the crusade against 'that bitch in the tower'."

He leaned back once more and let out a sigh. "I do hate the dance, but I'm willing to take the gamble now... That all the anxiety you're feeling was towards trusting me, not using her name as a bid to trap me. Hopefully I'm right? Hmhm? I'm afraid I'm barred from combat," he snickered, "no real skills on my end. Hahh... Haha. Now that the tension is gone... Shall I make that call, Marianne?"

Sia had responded better than Louise could've dreamed. A slap on the wrist compared to what her mind had cooked up. It filled her with determination. "You've nothing to worry about, Captain. I'm done believing the crew is out to get me or that they'll stab me in the back. I'm going to nurture this fragile trust into something strong and powerful... Something that holds the squad together. The only thing you'll hear Leon and I arguing about is the best sauce for chicken. Promise." She stuck her tongue out a bit and leaned back into the transport's seat. 

"Let's head for the embassy and get a proper lead on things... Where Virion was last seen, any further information, anything on the rebels in the area... And see if we can piece together something, or learn something we didn't. Miss Shezsacosh's little mission for us..." That fox was still plenty annoying, but they had to play into her hand, for now. When they could turn the tables... You'll regret not killing us, Tokiwa.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Checking up..." Iskra blushed, looking down at the floor as she turned away from Bonner, heading back into her room. People had noticed, is what this told her. Noticed that she had handled everything poorly, that she wasn't fit to be a pilot, that she was out of her depths. Sitting down on her bed, she gestured towards a spare seat in the room with a defeated look on her face. "You can come in. I'm, there won't be a good time. For this. For any of it. So. May as well." She pulled her knees up against her chest, staring down at the floor again, his emotions pushing against her brain, demanding to be heard. There wasn't anger or judgement, but it didn't matter. It was still all too much. 

Finally, she spoke. "I. I shouldn't be here. I was never meant... I wanted to do something with music. O-or film. Then one day I wake up and... I can hear everything. Every emotion from every person. Can't control it. Overwhelmed by it. Doesn't matter though. I'm too valuable to leave alone. S-so now I'm a pilot and I killed someone. Someone I don't know, don't know why we were fighting, just know that it was them or me and this time it was them. And now we're going up against another Newtype, one who can probably actually be in a room of five people without getting a migrane and... am I supposed to be able to help? How?" She finally managed to stop talking, still refusing to look at her superior. She shouldn't have said all of this to him, she knew that. She was supposed to be a soldier, not whine like this. It was too late though, she couldn't take it back. She just had to hope that this didn't backfire.

"Hmmm... tempting~" Sen grinned at Gean, glad that she hadn't put up a fight and instead seemed quite willing to join her on her excursion. "On the one hand, it would be good for one of is to be in uniform, shows we mean business..." She had changed out of uniform as soon as they had been cleared to leave the ship, wearing a dress that fell just above the knees, with a sheer top and no sleeves, along with a pair of intricate sandals. It was more on the restrained side for her, but still allowed her to show off. "Buuuut on the other hand, I would like to see you in something a little more... you~ Plus if we have time, I'm going to drag you to a bar so... Casual it is~ Hope you don't mind me tagging along though. That way we can leave as soon as you're done changing." Sen smiled, giving Gean's hand another tug as she started for the door again. This was going to be fun. She would get to find parts to build her new weapon, all while being accompanied by a cute girl. What more could she ask for?

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Daeran didn't know the sort of response he had been expecting from the augmented girl in his seat, but it for sure he hadn't expected her to try to lord her "authority" over him. As a politician's son he was admittedly more used to dealing with this sort of behavior from his former peers than he would have wished, but at least it gave him a frame of reference here. Normally he wasn't one for conflict, he considered himself fairly mild-mannered, but with everything wearing on him his patience was at an all time low. "I certainly have more authority than a civilian, no matter who she claims to be the daughter of." Now that he knew he was just dealing with a privelidged brat and not an intruder his hand had moved off his sidearm, though not before one of the engineers had called out to him. Must've seen where my hand was...

His gaze shifted off the haughty brat in his seat down to the engineer, doing his best to wipe the annoyed expression off his face. "Nothing I can't handle, I should like to think." He really didn't want to waste one of the engineer's time with this, not when everything needed to be ready as soon as possible in case of Tokiwa making a move. He gave her a nod before moving further into the cockpit, approaching this... Ms. Adozosi - she hadn't given him her name.

"The cockpit of my machine is classified information as far as you're concerned, the fact that you're here without supervision, and likely without permission, means that you'll end up in world of trouble if I tell the Captain that you're here." His hand grabbed at her wrist, attempting to tug her out of his pilot seat. "And before you get uppity, you're not the only one with political clout on this ship. You may not be familiar with the name since I'm assuming you're from earth, but I'm the son of Staunton Vhane, the CEN's elected administrator of the Terminus colony cluster. Out here, my name carries just as much weight as yours. Now, I'd prefer if you moved out of my seat. I'm going to run some simulations."

Edited by Ursali
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Azame really was a playful type, she got Leon to laugh lightly. Hanging out with other pretty women...wonder what the captain thinks about that. He walked over to the vehicle and got in shotgun. "I like all kinds of music, country, rock, jazz. That said I feel like my voice might wake the dead if I sing, but I'll give it a shot. Hope it's a karaoke bar, I was gonna snoop around for info." He pulled the seatbelt on. "But for real thanks for showing me around, I owe ya."

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As they walked down the halls and made for the hangar to leave, Miz simply shook her head. "You don't have to a huge plan for me, Markus. We'll go out, we'll have some fun, we'll see a movie or something, come back... Just do whatever looks exciting. As long as we're together, I'm sure almost anything could be fun." It was exciting to think of it like that, clinging to his arm tighter, staring out into the hangar as they walked into it.

"You wanna drive, Markus? Or do you wanna see my skills at motor vehicles?" She stuck her purple tongue out a bit. She knew how to drive, she'd just... never driven a military transport vehicle. Fun new experience... Hopefully.

Tokiwa smirked and put her hands on her hips. "I almost did... until I saw how you were looking at her, and then decided to assume the best of you. We've got enough losers on Callisto that I wasn't gonna start thinking two strangers were... y'know." She made a motion like tugging at a collar she wasn't wearing, shaking her head. 

"Either way, nice to meet you in person, Catrin. Seen the files, seen what you're working on. It's good stuff~ Guess the cat's outta the bag; I recognized you both from your dossiers on the stuff you're testing, so I figured I'd say hi, see how the pilots are doing... And you two seem to he doing just fine~" We'll see how they're holding up later...

"Hey!" Selu came back over, now wearing the lovely dark blue. She did a spin and bowed a little, holding onto the sides of the dress, smiling beaming up at Catrin. "It's a little big for me, but I think it's lovely otherwise... And hello, miss."

"Hello to you too, Selumine~ Gosh, you're adorable, aren't you?"

Selu blinked, confused. "I didn't tell you, my..."

"Ah-- hey!" Thesephine gawked and then scowled as she was yanked out of the pilot seat, huffing angrily. "The audacity! I don't care which backwater politician you're the son of, how dare you touch me like that!?" She was fuming, considering slapping him... but she suddenly smiled, still scowling. "Fine!"

With a sudden shove, she pushed Daeran into the pilot seat, hopping into his lap, and wrapping her tail around his waist before he could remove her. "There. Now I'm supervised~ Aren't you happy? You've got the privilege of having someone as wonderful as ME so close while getting to play the chaperone you so desperately wished to be here. Now that everything's worked out, go on. Start running a simulation. I was just about to, anyway, so get on with it if you're so determined to be in control, Mr. Vhane." She rolled her eyes and leaned back against him.

"If you must know, I'm the first daughter of my wonderful father. You may refer to me as Thesephine. Nothing less. You don't have my permission to get cute with it yet, so give it the respect it deserves, and if you're a good boy, maybe I'll let you use one of my nicknames~"

"The first place I have in mind isn't a place for singing, but you'll get plenty of that on the way there." Azame didn't bother to wait until they were moving, cranking up her tunes to almost max and then driving out of the hangar. She loudly began to sing out the window, losing herself in the music.

It didn't take long for them to come into town proper, Azame pulling down a few streets and stopping-- along with the tunes-- in front of a bar called Elegy. "There we go... Fancy drinking and dining. First place to stop to talk up the socialites of Remansburg... Or just get hammered, heheh." She hopped out of the transport, stretched, hopped in place a bit and then started on in. "Come on, Leon~ You'll have plenty of people to chat up in here."

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"Well Oi appreciate it, wouldn't exactly say Oi'm normal by most folks standards, but Oi'm not quite that far gone." Catrin replied, tensing a bit as Tokiwa continued, her tail ceasing it'd idle swishing for just a moment before resuming. If she was AHI and actually had access to dossiers containing what they were testing, she had to be incredibly high up the chain of command. In theory, the beam tech specifically was entirely top secret, but CEN didn't have enough authority on Callisto to truly work independently of AHI if they forced the issue. But did she? It wouldn't have been... too difficult to get Catrin's affiliation, and she had offered her name freely, so that wasn't out of the question.

When Selumine came back wearing the dress, Catrin didn't really have much recourse for telling the Martian to be careful without tipping her hand, although the fact that Tokiwa knew Selu's name, which explicitly hadn't been mentioned, did lead some sort of credence to what she was saying. Someone with an old dossier trying to stir shit wouldn't have had that information at hand.

"Good stuff is certainly a good way to descroibe it. As Oi'm sure you know, Oi'm not really at liberty to discuss it." Catrin began, taking a step towards Selu and giving the smaller woman's hand a squeeze once she finished her twirl and flourish, hoping she would take the hint before the conversation continued.

"Look at what we 'ave 'ere, miss supermodel Selu. She does look quite good on you, aye? Oi knew it would... if it's a lil big Oi'm sure the shop can adjust it, or maybe they 'ave one in a different soize. This is Tokiwa, works for AHI... said she recognoized us from the foiles and wanted to see 'ow we were doin'. Just foine, by the way, just hopin' to enjoy a day out on the town, see the soights and all the good stuff you can only really foind 'ere in the commercial district."

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Sen voted in favor of casual, which put a smile on Gean’s face. She was quite ready to escape her uniform for the day, and it wouldn’t take her too long to change. “I don’t mind, and it won’t take me long, maybe 20 minutes at the most.” Gean let the short engineer lead her out of the room and off to the private quarters.

Gean was actually done changing in about ten minutes, maybe eleven from when she stepped into her own room. It always helped to ask for more time than one actually needed, it left a better impression to those waiting on you. Being timely for others was also a big lesson her soldier mother drilled into her, and on a CEN owned vessel, Gean practiced that lesson religiously. “Alright, I think I’m bar ready.” Gean stepped out of her room in white tee sporting a faded dolphin, a brown leather jacket that fit just right, and some nice denim jeans. Her trademark dreads were once again in a ponytail, but she left two out on the left side of her face, almost framing her features. Compared to Sen, it was definitely a more tomboyish look, but that suited Gean. “I’m also parts shopping ready, but that was always the case, so lead away, I shall follow your discretion on this venture.” Gean jokingly held out her hand, ready to be pulled in whatever direction Sen thought was the right one for this excursion. 

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"Right." Esther followed Cheryl inside, eyes darting around the room as she entered, taking a moment to notice the appropriate seat for herself. It was a notable shift in atmosphere from the rest of the medical office, distracting, but not in a bad way. "Uh... I had a pretty bad day. Not just first live combat, but I also had an argument with... somebody who's not a pilot in the ship. I ended up blowing up at her far more than I should, really." It was rougher than Esther thought, struggling to find her words, to convey them properly. "I'm failing. Compared to what I've been through, to every surgery and simulation and everything... I lived, but my mech was roughed up a lot this fight, and then I lost on the sims to somebody who wasn't even a pilot, and..."

Esther took a moment to calm herself before it just all spilled out incoherently, grabbing the arms of her seat. "It's awful. I almost lost my day being miserable if it weren't for another pilot messaging me. Everything I've been through just feels.... worthless." She bit her lip.

"Okay. Thank you." Manners first, as Bonner allowed himself inside at Iskra's acceptance. It seemed to hit her as hard as he expected... but there wasn't a better way to go about this, was there? To let her wallow in self-doubt while the rest of the group hesitated to contact would've been the perfect concoction for a distracted mind on the field, the loss of the one thing she'd still value, whether she knew it or not.

Bonner let Iskra become as comfortable as she could for it, somewhat expected the impromptu psych session. Best to figure out her situation first. "I'm not the best to tell you the nature of your power, honestly, but if you need any help, know that you're not alone." He offered an awkward smile, "It might surprise you, but I used to work on music myself. Part of a band. It was only after they disbanded that I ended up in the army, really. Still, it's not exactly an easy place to find fate bringing you to. In your case, the value you because there are things only you can do... that's beyond my understanding and rank to influence, sorry to say, but if I may..." Rather than finding a seat, Bonner stood awkwardly by the center of her room, not wanting to impose. "That feeling, after taking a life, is not a feeling anyone should pride in getting used to. It's a mark that you're still human. Even the most self-righteous zealots come back scarred after taking many lives, whether they act it or keep it all in."

"A smart soldier wants for peacetime, for their job to be preventing conflict, and not engaging in it, but we're not the ones making the big decisions, at the end of the day... What I mean to say is, what you feel is very normal, and though I can't offer help on your powers and what comes with that, I can offer advice in this lifestyle you've been thrown here. Your mileage may vary, of course, but..." He paused, thinking where to go from there. Too many suggestions could fall into negative influencing by those in the top brass invested in Newtypes like Iskra, but surely she could avoid giving the game away, so long as she could get over this... "There's many ways to walk this life, some without abandoning your former one entirely."

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Sen relaxed against the wall outside of Gean's room as the woman changed, a thoughtful look on her face. As much as she had teased, she wasn't sure if they would have time for the bar. There were quite a few items on her shopping list and while most of them would be easy to get at the local military outpost, some of them would be harder. It would have been one thing if she was making a weapon for a HEX. There were enough places around here that worked on that sort of thing to make it easy. What she was looking for here was different. The focus for the beam splitting especially was her concern. Really that was something that should be custom made. Hopefully they would find something passable.

Her musings were interrupted by Gean emerging, looking much more casual than she had when she's gone in to change, the outfit earning a grin from Sen. "Hmm hmm, you dress down nicely, Gunner. An unexpected look, but I'm not complaining." Her grin widened as Gean willingly held out her hand, joking intent obvious but not important. It was a good sign as far as Sen was concerned. It meant that she hadn't pushed too far in her games yet. Taking the offered hand, she headed off towards where she knew cars were waiting. "You'll be driving, yes? I can drive, but it's much nicer to relax while someone else does the work for once~ I'll give directions, so don't worry about that part." She smiled, giving Gean's hand a gentle squeeze. This was going to be fun.

Iskra listened as Bonner talked, not interrupting even when he mentioned that he had been a part of a band once. It was about what she had expected to hear. Her powers were unknown but important, that she shouldn't feel good about killing someone, that she should want to be back home, not fighting. His final comment, about how there were many ways to walk this life didn't make sense, not really. Sure, she could still have music in her life, but it wasn't the same. Couldn't be the same. All music could be now was a temporary escape from the increasing pressure of other's emotions. I don't want to be here, but that doesn't matter. My ability to choose was taken from me as soon as I started sensing people's emotions. Even now, she could feel his emotions start to push against hers, her scattered brain unable to put up much of a fight. She knew none of this was making her look good.

The silence between them stretched on as she struggled, trying to find the words to say while also trying to keep a grip on everything. Finally she spoke up, voice quiet. "Thank you for your words, sir. I know... I know what my job is here. And given everything that's happened today, I know we need everyone in top form. I... I will do my best to not let any of this stop me from giving that." She still couldn't meet his gaze, eyes drawn to the floor. "As, as for everything else... for finding a way to mix my old lifestyle with this one... Maybe." She tried to smile for him, but knew that the result was far from convincing. "Maybe you're right. I... probably have more important things to focus on first, thought. Maybe some day though... Maybe..."

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"Well, I still gotta do my best for you, y'know?" He smiled, giving her head a couple of pats. "Even if it's a movie, or something. We'll figure it out." It was intimidating despite her assurances that anything they'd do would be fun. It didn't change it was him alongside a famous idol. That wouldn't hold him back. He braced himself for a day he was going to enjoy with his date. Even if things didn't work. "I'm very creative." He said with a light laugh.

"If it's alright, I think I should drive. Military vehicles and all, and, it is me taking you out." His next laugh was now more nervous. "I don't drive very often, I need the practice." I sure did get my license while I was in the academy. "I'll drive as nice and slow as possible. How's that sound?" He gave her a little nudge.

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