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Which Emblem to Which Character?


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Now that all Emblems are in the game, which Emblem are you giving to each Character? There’s so many to choose! And a handful won’t be used in your main team! So I’d like your opinions!

My Current Maddening Run:

Chrom -> Alear (double chain attacks!) | Veronica -> Warrior Clanne | Soren -> Sage | Pandreo | Hector -> Diaman | Tiki -> General Amber | Edelgard - Wyvern Lord Bunet!

Definitely want to use all DLC Emblems this time around! I’m not sure on the rest

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I haven't played with the wave 3 dlc emblems much, but my favorite emblem pairings for my 2nd maddening run were the following:

Hector Diamont 

Pannete Ike with axe power and Vantage made her an insane killer

Soren Ivy was fun. Using Bolting with her personal skill is hilarious to get kills from across the map.

Celine Marth (Levin sword) does some great damage, but also makes lodestar rush a super magic nuke.

Wolfnight Yunaka with Lucina. Free poisons assists all over.

Vayle corrin or Camilla. 

And of course. Sage Anna Byleth.

I'm waiting for dlc wave 4 b4 doing my 4th run. (3rd run is about halfway through) but with all the extra magic emblems we have now, I want to try a magic only run.


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One very unorthodox idea that just made a challenging fight into a joke (Zephia in chapter 17) is Ike with Ivy. She has enough bulk to make his bonuses turn her into a nasty enemy phaser in the mid game. 

The other pairs are all pretty normal so far.

Eirika - Wyvern alear

Lyn - Warrior Etie

Lucina - Wyvern Chloe

Byleth - Vidame Celine

Corrin - Thief Yunaka

I had a silly idea of Veronica - Warrior Vander and see how long he can keep contributing by sacking his HP for big damage and occasionally summoning/dancing. 

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Micaiah on Jean to level him quickly

Corrin on Yunaka to make a dodge tank

Sigurd on Louis is, like Aedan7479 said, broken

Celica on Ivy

Hector on Diamant feels really good especially since he heals with Sol

Dimitri on Halberdier Alfred for Dimitri 2.0 (It's not great but it's usable. I did it mostly to put create a Dimitri clone)

Edited by Alear
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Here's what I did and why.


I played on maddening and didn't have DLC.


Marth-- Alear. the amped up lodestar rush does a lot of damage, and double xp with mercurius on the lord is always welcome and adds up quickly. Alear did spend a lot of the game with Byleth post chapter 11, because the +3 to all stats goddess dance and rally is really good.

Celica-- Citrinne. makes sense to put the pure power magic emblem on a high damage output mage. I had her on celine before but I was forced to drop celine since her power output just wasn't keeping up.

Sigurd -- Merrin(sword paladin). putting the horse emblem on a mounted unit makes sense fundamentally. Merrin was my choice of mounted unit because of her high speed and good stats when she joins (alfred became unusable on me).

Leaf -- Lapis. Lapis needed to have her low build patched, and needed to get the axe prof to be able to promote to hero for higher strenght and hand axe use.

Roy -- Alcryst. I think this might have been a bit of an awkward choice, but Roy was kind of the leftover physical emblem and that's where he went. It did come in handy quite a bit though, and I'd say it was a good decision, since his bonus of +6 strenght and even higher stats when engaged really did wonders for improving alcryst's ability to kill things. Hold out actually made him a pretty good tank, and there were some occasions where he had to tank a bunch of ranged attacks and was able to do it.

Lyn -- Diamant. This combination was what created my most powerful unit. Big D really got the work done here. He had really high strength and pretty good defence, but with speedtaker and the flat speed boosts, this turned a unit that's strong and moderately tanky with mediocre speed into a ture Lightning Bruiser: Strong, Fast, and Tanky. The fact that my strongest unit could chuck astra storms with mulagir enabled some long distance one-shots of really pesky enemies, and being able to turn my best unit into a bow user on demand really helped with the large packs of tough fliers the game likes to throw at you. Alacrity really sealed the deal-- his main weapon became the brave axe, allowing him to whack at most enemies four times before they could be able to do anything. THis was enough to kill most enemies in the game in one shot, and take a health bar off of most bosses (combined with dancing, he was able to single handedly kill most bosses without being counterattacked this way). 

Eirika -- Kagetsu. This also worked really well in creating someone fast who also hits like a truck. Lunar brace is a really good ability to have. Plus, Sieglinde is one of the best engage weapons in the game-- it's one of the only things that's effective against corrupted, and you fight a LOT of corrupted enemies in this game, particularly towards the end.

Ike -- Timerra. I probably should have found a better home for Ike, and I probably shouldn't have used timerra at all. Not sure how to evaluate this one. She had decent speed, but it was murdered by her bad build. She never got that strong either. Plus, all of ike's engage weapons cratered her speed even more. I wanted her to be a unit that was fast and tanky, but even with lyn's speed+5 and leaf's build+3, she just didn't get there.

Micaiah -- Yunaka. This combination, while being the 'recommended' one, made for a pretty unusual unit, but I liked it. A healer that can do dagger attacks is pretty useful, as is great sacrifice. and later on being able to send large warp balls across the map was really useful. I'm not sure there was any particularly strong synergy between Micaiah and Yunaka, but I can't think of a better pairing for either of them anyway. 

Lucina -- Louis. THe main idea here was that louis can protect himself, and with bonded shield he can protect others, so this is the ideal setup for holding chokepoints. It worked quite well for this. Lucina's +dex bonuses also helped him be more accurate, which was something he needed.

Corrin -- Ivy. This combination was extremely powerful. Corrin is definitely a magic focused emblem, of which there aren't that many, and the boost helped improve ivy's damage output. The main thing though was being able to put draconic hex and the freeze effect on a unit that can attack from 3 range with thoron, and additionally a flying unit, that has a lot more mobility to get where she needs to go. I can't tell you how many times my ass was saved by being able to freeze out whole groups of enemies, or how much freezing bosses from 3 range was helpful

Byleth-- Veyle. This worked quite well, since it turned Veyle, whose damage output was mediocre into a great support unit with the Dragon goddes dance/rally.

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