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What's the Turncount Target for Each Chapter For a Speedrun Normal Mode Engage Playthrough?


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So I've started a pseudo-speedrun Normal mode playthrough of Fire Emblem Engage, and I was wondering if I could have you guys list the target turncounts for each chapter, or point me towards guides that state the target turncounts I should be going for. I'm okay if you guys only have turncounts for the first 10 chapters and the first 2 paralogues, since I know low turncounts get messy once access to Warp is received.

I should probably define what I mean by pseudo-speedrun: I'm going through the game with low turncounts as much as I can, but I want to visit all villages (except for that chapter 13 southeast village, since that requires paid DLC to have a possibility of saving), get all treasure chests and major enemy item drops, and save all villagers. I also don't want to rely heavily on Vander. I also want to not use of Warp, since it sets a ridiculous standard for low turncounts. I'm allowing myself the usage of skirmishes for leveling up for this playthrough, to a (hopefully?) reasonable degree.

So far, I've gotten these turncounts for the following chapters

Prologue - 3 Turns

Chapter 1 - 4 Turns [I actually did it in 3 Turns for one of my attempts, but it involved too much RNG resetting and Vander usage]

Chapter 2 - 4 Turns

Chapter 3 - 4 Turns (it involved getting lucky with enemy misses, otherwise it would've taken 5 Turns for a "solid, non-RNG based attempt")

Chapter 4 - 4 Turns (it involves using Warp Ragnarok to warp Celica to the boss)

Chapter 5 - 6 Turns (I could probably do this quicker if I wasn't using Alfred & Sigurd to get to the treasure chests)

Chapter 5x - 5 Turns

Edited by Randoman
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Yeahhh, that's way too extreme compared to what I'm going for.

Well, the video at least did give me some good pointers in utilizing Celica and Sigurd's Emblems cleverly to cut down turncounts.

I also had no idea about the "retaining experience" trick on Normal mode, but I doubt that's something I'd do for any of my save files. I feel like it taints a save file forever if you let the Game Over screen play out and don't reset ASAP.

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