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  1. As much as I'd like to I would just shamelessly copy another person's work, and that would feel too much like cheating to me. To be serious for a moment I find that Lunatic can be fun to ironman, but I wouldn't personally recommend you do one if you don't know the game well enough.
  2. I'm not sure exactly how obscure this is, but... In chapter 8? of Lyn's mode there's a cutscene where Lyn gets shot at by a ballista. It grants 1? exp and can be viewed multiple times by saving and reloading. I don't know if it counts for the exp rank or not.
  3. I'm not sure that I would find Ike to be that much worse even if he promoted later honestly. The lack of enemy quality can hurt him as much as it helps him. If mounted units are getting there first Ike is useless regardless of his stats, and I find that this tends to happen a lot in PoR, but a lot of it is playstyle dependant.
  4. I'll admit that I'm a little confused. I'm referring to Ike being able to take a few hits before dying and not his weapon durability. I'm not saying that he doesn't have some other things over Roy, but some of it depends on playstyle. Cross game comparisons are often tricky if both units are actually useful too; I don't really have any strong feelings about the two personally even if people have made that particular argument.
  5. I was referring to Ike's durability. In a context where we're rushing the game with 1-2 range mounted combat units Ike isn't going to be able to leverage any of the other advantages he has, and his durability will only matter in maps where we are forced to backpack him to reach an objective.
  6. I've seem arguments for Roy>FE9 Ike. It's really not that crazy if we consider that Ike's only real advantage over Roy is negligible depending on context. My vote would go to Lyn though if we're not counting Lyn mode as I would basically never use her for her merits as a combat unit. I also mostly agree with Eltosian Kadath's assessment of Roy. Have you not seen some of the recent arguments for Vaike>Robin?
  7. I might have what you're looking for if you haven't found anything yet, but I'm not sure if the .SaveRam that Bizhawk uses is the same or not.
  8. After playing through Binding Blade again my opinion of Rutger has soured a little*. He's still fantastic early on to be sure, but his lack of mobility, 2 range, and his troubles with wyverns does leave something to be desired later on. His luck stat combined with somewhat average defences can also make him susceptible to crits. There are some ways to counteract this of course, but sometimes the only way to avoid it is to use someone else instead which isn't ideal. *I'm not saying that he's bad or that he doesn't have obvious upsides. I just found him to be less fantastic than I remembered. In the efficient LTC circles his stock has gone down a little. The idea is that he doesn't really have the time to be comparable to Seth, and while he has some combat contributions if he gets to promotion it's not nearly the same as the value you get from a dance later on. In a more, uh, casual (for lack of a better word) sense though it's hard to argue against Franz since he has more time to catch up to Seth.
  9. Yeah, so what I will say is that the game only becomes more difficult once you reach the post-game. When I say difficult what I actually mean is that past a certain point you need to have a good understanding of at least a handful of the game's systems/mechanics to progress, and that can take a significant amount of time even if you're using guides and doing a lot of research. I will try and refrain from saying too much more because my perspective on the game and issues with it are entirely different given where I'm at; I've sunk somewhere north of 10,000 hours into the game.
  10. @Fabulously Olivier Did you play Path of Exile beyond the campaign? I'm not absolutely sure based on your post.
  11. I don't know that there's a fix to this, but it's something that is exclusive to the JPN version and was fixed in later versions of the game.
  12. What do you mean by feasible exactly? I would just about always use Robin for obvious reasons. Chrom is a unit who I'll usually use passively and grab skills that help the lead out. Fred!Sumia is one of my more common pairings since Fred likes the speed, and it doubles as a good way to nab Sumia some kills to start snowballing. Keep in mind that you'd need to unlock Owain or Severa's paralogue to get Cynthia early. Otherwise it depends on who I feel like using; most early game units are feasible to use as long as you're not spreading exp between too many units early on. I don't actually like using Tharja all that much because of her starting stats, but she's great once she gets going of course. I'd probably go with Laurent instead if I want a pure Nos user since Miriel just needs to get to promotion to staff spam her way to Tomefaire. As a bonus Gregor is a good support partner and doesn't need a lot of investment to pass good skills to Laurent; both Sol and Armsthrift are really good options.
  13. You can stack breaker skills and things like Pavise, Dual Guard, etc. Fred can use this to good effect to carry Lunatic if he wants as an example. When/if you get to Lunatic+ I would recommend taking a look at Kuroi's thread here if you want to be lazy about finding strategies for the early game.
  14. Without resorting to DLC the easiest way to train child units is to use effective weaponry and Rescue them out of danger. For example a common strategy I employ is class swapping Morgan to Archer and have them one round wyverns in their join map. This is twice as effective if they already have Galeforce, and they catch up rather quickly especially if some of the earlier paralogues are still available. This does require some knowledge of ambush spawns as noted above, but it is otherwise safe (and fairly easy to do in my opinion). That's the reason kids and staff bots are so effective. They allows us to use a smaller team to get the snowballing effect going while still ending up with a full team of useful units since there's less competition for combat exp than the alternative. I'm not sure what the TC counts as using a full team, but I guess that's up to interpretation. Those things are still fantastic when using more units. Galeforce allows for some nasty player phases especially when combined with Rescue, dance, etc. You can also have multiple units that use Sol/Nos/etc for enemy phase tanking. There are also a handful of other builds that can be effective, but it's not quite as useful on Lunatic as it is in Lunatic+ where you might want to have a variety of builds to deal with different skill combinations.
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