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Auto Battling Fell Xenologue on Normal Experience


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Starting point:

-All emblems available before chapter 10 (was at chapter 9)

-Edelguard Bracelet


Chapter 1 - 2:

These can be easily auto battled without any casualties or really thinking. I used advance the entire time and these concluded relatively quickly and easy. I did take an L (losing a unit) fighting the bosses on chapter 2 but still not a huge deal.

Chapter 3: 

This required a little player input for 2 reasons. First being the flier reinforcements and the AI spreading my units apart to attack them. Second, the units dont seem to reach around to attack alcryst effectively. I lost 3 units doing this. This was still at the end, and I did have to guide my units around the middle barrier to kill alcryst and diamant, but still wasnt that bad. 


Chapter 4:

This map was shockingly good. Timerra eventually aggros, and she is easy to beat since normal mode. I did almost lose Madeline because she rushed the giant wyverns Ivy brought. This one may be via luck though, because Ivy still camps and I was considering giving up. But a solm bow unit aggro'd ivy and killed her in 2 rounds of combat. Was funny and overall the only issue with the map was having to mash start to skip the turns more than normal.


Chapter 5: 

This required a little bit of intervention but not at the bosses surprisingly. The main issue was forces splitting and one unit not staying behind to heal Alear / Nel. I left chloe with a bunch of staves to handle that, meaning I guided her back once the units were at the mid point of the map. I also finally messed with inventory to give her more staves. The rest of the map was fine, I did take several Ls fighting Fogado and Hortensia. But Raphal was shockingly easy to take down. His accuracy on normal blows. Its normal though, go figure.


Chapter 6:

I tried twice to auto battle this and even used retreat to try to get away from fell dragon raphal, but I kept dying to his map destruction. Going super aggro also makes me attack him. I also tried to aggro after getting them past the initial part and to center, but they rushed raphal again in the middle and it ended up being a pain and a L. So I buckled and actually played the map. It wasnt hard, just time consuming. Beating raphal once he went to the top was done easily, but I did not auto battle. I think I could have, but I ultimately chose to just win. 



You can mostly auto battle with a little input post chapter 2 and having to play out chapter 6. Doing this and creating a master save with FX done seems like the least painful way to do the FX and get those juicy units / classes.


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I just used Celica in combo with Tiki's extra hp bar and used warp rag with Seraphim to defeat the first couple maps in 3 turns or less.  Once you get to the snow map, it takes maybe 5, and the map after I literally afk and let Nel auto kill Nil using tiki's dragon breath.

Final map as stated, does need play. But not I have a master save ready to go. Best part is I also spammed relay trials and have 5 master/second seals all ready to go and haven't even done chapter 7 yet. 

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For chapter 6, do you reckon it's better to just head to the north of the map and just wait for him there? As I understand it, he doesn't actually get any stronger from killing other units. It just ups his number of HP bard and gives him skills from the royals. So I'm thinking racing to the end point and just waiting for him might be more time efficient than following him around.

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

For chapter 6, do you reckon it's better to just head to the north of the map and just wait for him there? As I understand it, he doesn't actually get any stronger from killing other units. It just ups his number of HP bard and gives him skills from the royals. So I'm thinking racing to the end point and just waiting for him might be more time efficient than following him around.

On easy I just rush to the top. 

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