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Of miscreants and their immature behaviors

Lord Glenn

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So yell at trolls, not just trolls from FESS. FESS has a lot of members here who are contributing quality posts, there's just a few douchebags such as me who are cocksuckers and are just the odd man out. FESS has good members, SF has good members. FESS has cocksuckers, SF has cocksuckers. No reason to discriminate, mannn~

I'm not, and neither is Lord Glenn. He made this topic because the old FESSers in question are causing more specific problems than the problem originals of SF, if that made sense. I personally have two members from this site I've been keeping a very close eye on recently. By "from this site" I mean "not from FESS as far as I am aware."

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Couldn't have said it better myself. Five stars out of five.

I'm fully aware that there are trolls on both sides. Both sides has their undesirables. But the fact remains that the undesirables who have come from FESS are much, much worse than those that are here. People like Blacken, Mad Fredlin, and even yourself, as quoted in Mad Sage's post, are much worse than any SF member you will find.

Eh, Destiny Hero. ._. 'Nuff said.

Blacken was here for, like, a day.

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Eh, Destiny Hero. ._. 'Nuff said.

Blacken was here for, like, a day.

Destiny Hero isn't exactly in the same category as the FESS people I named. And despite his quirks, he's tolerable.

I know, it was simply an example.

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Eh, Destiny Hero. ._. 'Nuff said.

Blacken was here for, like, a day.

destiny hero just acts like a complete idiot and yes we all know he's a troll. but hes just being stupid, he isnt going around insulting and out right flaming others.

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Hopefully this topic is not about me, since I have been visiting FESS, but not really 'affiliated' with them (I believe they got sick of me talking about Fire Emblem.)

It's more directed at those who were causing problems. You weren't, as far as I could tell.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. Five stars out of five.

I'm fully aware that there are trolls on both sides. Both sides has their undesirables. But the fact remains that the undesirables who have come from FESS are much, much worse than those that are here. People like Blacken, Mad Fredlin, and even yourself, as quoted in Mad Sage's post, are much worse than any SF member you will find.

So naturally we blame the problems on FESS and not on Blacken, Mad_Fredin, and that fucking Judas guy. Generalizations aren't that great, yo.

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Destiny Hero isn't exactly in the same category as the FESS people I named. And despite his quirks, he's tolerable.

I know, it was simply an example.

You sir, have some very strange tolerances if you would prefer trolling inside your game boards rather than the 'unserious' board.

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So naturally we blame the problems on FESS and not on Blacken, Mad_Fredin, and that fucking Judas guy. Generalizations aren't that great, yo.

Lord Glenn didn't want to mention any individuals. You should grateful.

BTW if he did he might have hurt your feelings. *points to your sig*

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So naturally we blame the problems on FESS and not on Blacken, Mad_Fredin, and that fucking Judas guy. Generalizations aren't that great, yo.

I'm not blaming the problems on FESS itself, and to my understanding neither is Lord Glenn. I'm blaming the problems on the trolls of FESS.

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Lord Glenn didn't want to mention any individuals. You should grateful.

I want to invoke Godwin's Law because I'm a dick.

Hitler and his posse of anti-semists are bad people. So do you blame every German from 1933-1945? No, you blame Hitler and his posse of anti-semists.

There are at least 28428 better analogies, but that's the only one that breaks the internet.

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Lord Glenn didn't want to mention any individuals. You should grateful.

Frankly, I'd prefer he did. Tells everyone exactly who not to behave like.

There's nothing to be "grateful" about, considering that this is an internet forum.

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Guys, I seriously doubt Lord Glenn is going to rain hell on ALL OF THE PEOPLE OF HIS OWN KIND. Seriously, you must be daft to think that. The fact of the matter is, there is a small handful of people who are trolling up the place worse than anyone else, and they all are ex-FESSers. We could go even further to identify them all being from "The Ashtray" as well or instead, but I doubt you'd like that very much, now would you? So be a good boy Judas, and shut up, or ship out. By the way, consider this a verbal warning, because you double-posted earlier. ;]

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Frankly, I'd prefer he did. Tells everyone exactly who not to behave like.

Geez are you that less able that you cannot even tell who not to behave like. Need someone to babysit you through all this>

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You are going to conform to the standards which Serenes Forest has and you're going to stop acting like children and internet trolls.

Paradox! That aside:

LG, come on, you know this is a blatantly prejudiced and discrimatory statement. Your focus is on we former FESSers over the entire memberbase. You've divided SF from FESS, and that's a big no-no. Your announcement should stand for all members of SF, not just the few FESSers who are causing problems, of which I can only think of... two? Maybe three? I don't appreciate former FESSers being generalized as trolls who've come to tear this site down.

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Geez are you that less able that you cannot even tell who not to behave like. Need someone to babysit you through all this>

Not everyone reads every thread and every post here. Some posters on this forum, you might be shocked to find, have actual lives. I know exactly whom LG is talking about, and even if I didn't, I could ask him - we're not strangers. I guarantee there are posters who don't have the benefit of that knowledge.

I suggest, my fine fellow forumgoer, that you calm down. Maybe take the time to proofread your posts. It'll do you a world of good when it comes to misunderstanding and making a kitten's effort at insulting others. :lol:

We could go even further to identify them all being from "The Ashtray" as well or instead, but I doubt you'd like that very much, now would you?

As an Ashtray poster, "we" couldn't care less.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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Paradox! That aside:

LG, come on, you know this is a blatantly prejudiced and discrimatory statement. Your focus is on we former FESSers over the entire memberbase. You've divided SF from FESS, and that's a big no-no. Your announcement should stand for all members of SF, not just the few FESSers who are causing problems, of which I can only think of... two? Maybe three? I don't appreciate former FESSers being generalized as trolls who've come to tear this site down.

sadly thats what alot of the recent ones seem like

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Paradox! That aside:

LG, come on, you know this is a blatantly prejudiced and discrimatory statement. Your focus is on we former FESSers over the entire memberbase. You've divided SF from FESS, and that's a big no-no. Your announcement should stand for all members of SF, not just the few FESSers who are causing problems, of which I can only think of... two? Maybe three? I don't appreciate former FESSers being generalized as trolls who've come to tear this site down.

Now, was that really necessary?

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Guys, I seriously doubt Lord Glenn is going to rain hell on ALL OF THE PEOPLE OF HIS OWN KIND.

Because internet forums are congruent to ethnicity, amirite? We're all from FESS, who gives a fuck? I'd be pissed if he didn't rain hell on us just because we're from Group Y just as I am pissed that he's saying he might because we're from Group Y.

Seriously, you must be daft to think that.

Daft Punk, to be precise.

The fact of the matter is, there is a small handful of people who are trolling up the place worse than anyone else, and they all are ex-FESSers.

Hurr not. I've seen just as much faggotry from members of SF than I have ex-members of FESS. But the thing is, we're all happy little children so there's no reason to yell at our group. If you want, yell at us as individuals. But don't yell at "members of FESS" because a lot of them tend to show a higher maturity then the average SF member. If this thread had called out people as trolls, then I'd be fapping to his personal picture. As it is, he's just causing more xenophobia against FESS by blaming the group for a small faction of that group.

We could go even further to identify them all being from "The Ashtray" as well or instead, but I doubt you'd like that very much, now would you?

It would have been just as fucking stupid since it still generalizes the group for the problem. Instead of blaming it on the trolls you'd be blaming it on The Ashtray, which is a silly thing to do.

So be a good boy Judas, and shut up, or ship out. By the way, consider this a verbal warning, because you double-posted earlier. ;]

Am I not allowed to disagree with the staff? I was under the impression I had that right. If we can't have opinions contrary to yours, then I was unaware. As to double posting, that's a personal vice, I saw someone do it and figured it wasn't against the rules. I'll stop double postan then.

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I believe the confusion comes from the wording of Lord Glenn's topic post. He mentions 'several posters from FESS', but not much more specific than that, making it sound like only several posters come from FESS, and all of them being trolls, rather than several out of a larger group.

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Because internet forums are congruent to ethnicity, amirite? We're all from FESS, who gives a fuck? I'd be pissed if he didn't rain hell on us just because we're from Group Y just as I am pissed that he's saying he might because we're from Group Y.

Daft Punk, to be precise.

Hurr not. I've seen just as much faggotry from members of SF than I have ex-members of FESS. But the thing is, we're all happy little children so there's no reason to yell at our group. If you want, yell at us as individuals. But don't yell at "members of FESS" because a lot of them tend to show a higher maturity then the average SF member. If this thread had called out people as trolls, then I'd be fapping to his personal picture. As it is, he's just causing more xenophobia against FESS by blaming the group for a small faction of that group.

It would have been just as fucking stupid since it still generalizes the group for the problem. Instead of blaming it on the trolls you'd be blaming it on The Ashtray, which is a silly thing to do.

Am I not allowed to disagree with the staff? I was under the impression I had that right. If we can't have opinions contrary to yours, then I was unaware. As to double posting, that's a personal vice, I saw someone do it and figured it wasn't against the rules. I'll stop double postan then.

Are you just ignoring my posts or do you agree with me?

You're allowed to disagree with the staff, but I think Jyosua meant that you aren't really helping anything with what you're saying and doing.

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I believe the confusion comes from the wording of Lord Glenn's topic post. He mentions 'several posters from FESS', but not much more specific than that, making it sound like only several posters come from FESS, and all of them being trolls, rather than several out of a larger group.

That seems to be the case. However I appreciate his wording a lot better this way. Otherwise it would be like those oh-so-lovable ATTN/Call out topics, which are against the rules now I may add.

While I'm here, any who feel the need to play the FESS race card here while claiming natural SF people are getting off easy, consider this:

Thunder Lord and Knife were both suspended for fighting in one topic when Knife came back.

MS and Lyle were given that wonderful time-out by Arc when that certain topic got out of hand.

And need I remind you of what became of Serene and Suzaku?

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Oh my god. The merge was the worst idea ever. >_> Shoo if you want to argue. The fact that people are actually arguing over something that's so simple is not interesting as all.

Another suggestion: tone down on the words that end with "ck". It's not like everybody around here cares how much you like that sound.

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