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  1. Finally getting back to XC2 after being sick most of the holidays. Seasonal flu of all things knocked me flat on me back. Ch. 3 overstayed its welcome, but the ending and good 'ol Vandham made up for it. Hopefully the pacing'll stay up from here on. Wasn't sure where 2 would land for me, but it's been fun so far. Looking forward to what's next.
  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, teeheers and teeheeists.
  3. Having fun so far. Not much else to say I'm just enjoying it and taking 2 as it comes.
  4. Thanks. Yeah, I had to pay full price but it was worth it. I'd rather have physical, especially for series I like. Thanks, I'll try to. Maybe so. 👍
  5. Break from Yakuza my ass, I'm ready for more. Yakuza 4 time.
  6. And that's Yakuza 3 done. Tbh, I don't really get the criticism for it. Yeah, the enemy AI's a little jank, and there's a bit of downtime in some chapters, but I liked it a lot. Also appreciated being back in the old engine. I feel like I almost favor 3's combat over Kiwami 2's. Just feels a bit more satisfying than the Dragon Engine, I think. Four games should be enough to start tiering 'em, so as of now. 3 and Kiwami 2 are kinda close enough between S and A that they could be in their own A+ tier or something. Might take a break before jumping into 4. I'm not feeling burned out, but I'm not sure if I will or won't, so yeah.
  7. Yo Shrimpy's playing Scarlet Nexus? Have fun, homie. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-3ueaTNUbqU
  8. Finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. Main story, anyway. Still so much side content to do, and I'll be chipping at it for a while.
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