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Everything posted by Yunanuy

  1. I didn't like Shez' design/color scheme at all to begin with, but something about their personality just meshes really well with it, and I'll admit it's grown on me. Not sure how to feel about Arval yet, his personality seems a bit odd for the type of character that he is. Ancient???
  2. With the game right around the corner, I was rewatching the trailers and the part with Sothis got me thinking that in Three Houses, Byleth's transformation was forced through the sacrifice of Sothis. And yeah, I know she didn't technically kick the bucket since a paired ending and other things are possible... But in Three Hopes, Byleth seems to be involved in the story as an outsider of the church and therefore remains under the radar, away from the Agarthans eyes. Point is, Sothis is still very much present post-transformation this time, and since they're painting Byleth as the antagonist, they could possibly be going the Ashera path with this.
  3. Byleth can use them all. Hehe Hehehehee
  4. Can someone please reupload @RainThunder's item editor nm? The link is broken.
  5. • Playable characters that aren't students (and adults) • Promoted classes (please, please, please bring Summoner back, it would be sick with the troop feature) • More scenes from outside/after the school • More peeks at the soundtracks • Customization, but nothing too crazy (I'm okay with Byleth looking the way he does, shame about Feleth's stockings tho) • Voice options *unless Byleth is silent, which makes me confused regarding supports • More info on Sothis/time rewind feature, is it just a new Mila's Turnwheel or something more? • Headshots and names for the missing students, especially the Golden Deer squad • A new shirt for Raphael (his current one is too large for him)
  6. Anna (and Jake). Period. No Ike. No Marth. No Robin/Lucina. No Corrin. No Awakening children. Let Fodlan be its own world.
  7. woah I really like this idea. Praying there's different class subjects/tests, and depending on how each student does during these they receive bonus exp when being further instructed on a certain talent.
  8. Preferably none, especially in regards to the future because that increases the chance of children and I'm so tired of them. But ideally, if they are doing any time travelling at all, I hope they take a look at Radiant Historia, because that game made time travel work as an expanded gameplay and story feature and not feel unnecessarily tedious.
  9. Oh yeah you right... Idk why that slipped my mind, it's been a while since I played echoes. Now that I think about it, the DLC classes were "Overclasses" if I remember correctly. Regardless, my point was that I hope they don't go the DLC route for Tier 3/Overclasses, and that an eventual Tier 3 is programmed in the base game. I hope the continent is as big as it looks, and it'll give units enough time to grow into Tier 3 classes, since it seems the students will get to Tier 1 before "graduation" or whatever.
  10. Villagers and Trainees are tierless (Tier 0) and promote into Tier 1. A Swordmaster doesn't suddenly become Tier 3 just because a Villager that can promote into it exists. I want classes like Seraph Knight, Sentinel and Trueblade.
  11. where is serene's upvote (support) system when we need it... Also hoping for Tier 3 classes. SoV's DLC tease didn't appease me.
  12. Some guesses: • Sothis time rewind ability is more of a gameplay feature than a storyline one. It'll be like a pseudo-casual mode that'll allow the user to turn back time during battles if they make any mistakes, like SoV did. • Sothis is the goddess, but her beliefs do not align with the church. The church is using her image as a tool to further their own goals, and they were the ones who sealed her. Sothis' banishment upset the balance of nature, and so order is turning into chaos. Hence why the crest orbs are to blame. • The choice of which class to teach won't affect the story, but will affect what class the students (you didn't choose) end up in. I'm guessing all the kids have different base classes that they enter once they graduate; unless you were their teacher and chose their classes for them. • if time travel becomes a big feature (both gameplay and story-wise) - which I really hope it doesn't - there's a chance children units will return... (let's jump to the future and grab your kid) • if you look at the world map of Fodlan, you'll notice that the surrounding countries don't have city/town/area names, which could mean: 1. they are areas we won't visit in this game (increasing the possibility of a sequel). 2. DLC spots (like the labyrinth in SoV). 3. They're just areas that happened to be named for lore and won't affect or be mentioned in the game. 4. Phoenicis and Kilvas also didn't have area names, so maybe the surrounding countries just aren't big enough to have more than one city.
  13. I say there's a good chance we'll get at least two LGBT units. I don't mind S-ranks at all, but I don't want marriage to return. And for Naga's sake please no children.
  14. I'm really hoping for a return of the Summoner class. I think it could be a really interesting feature with the way the gameplay is now (with unit armies and all that). I also want pirates.
  15. I'm not familiar with the artist, but there are many designs that I like, like Mercedes and Petra. The artstyle is also very easy on the eyes, compared to Fates' artist, who used a lot more bright colours and harsher edges, which I'm happy with. Feleth's outfit tho... Idk what is going on down there. Or with her chest for that matter. My girl is busty yeah, but it looks... odd. I am very thankful to Kurahana for the existence of Raphael's shirt buttons though.
  16. Outside of Petra and Mercedes, I actually don't really care much about the reds and blues. I'm obviously gonna play all houses at least once, but the power of Claude as well as Raphael's shirt buttons is too much for me, so I can't not choose the Golden Deer. Wish the rest of the Golden Deer had Claude's skin color tho, or darker even.
  17. I love this!! Great idea! I haven't gotten to play too much PvP to know what's way OP and not, but what are people's idea on Draconic Hex? It's basically a pseudo-ninja debuff that you can put on every single child unit and from my experience it's really annoying to fight teams with this skill on all their units. Maybe limit it to S/A-rank or something? And if we're doing ranks for certain jobs, I'd add all the DLC classes to S-rank at least, or limit DLC classes to one per class for other ranks or something. Also, if DLC classes will be limited to certain ranks, will their skills be as well? Like Warp, Galeforce, Aggressor, Awakening and such?
  18. This sucks a lot. A lot. I really don't like it either, but as much as I hate to say it...we're not the core demographic anymore. After Awakening's success and IS realising what was the cause for reviving the series, they had to change things up. You have to realise that FE was on its last legs after Awakening was released. Hell, even before that, FE12 was supposed to be the last game, but they somehow managed to push another one out after laying it to rest. So what IS did was to focus on what saved Awakening to keep the series alive, while still "respecting" the older fans wishes of what Fire Emblem is "supposed" to be. Yes, from the outset, the game, being part of the strategy genre was not meant for casual gamers, but that's what Fates (and Awakening) has been working to change. To stay relevant. I wish it could stay the way it was when I enjoyed it the most, but honestly, if Casual and Phoenix mode needs to exist for one of my favourite series to exist then heck, I don't even care if they introduce a new mode where you can't go below 1 HP, as long as I can still enjoy the game my way. So in this case - unfortunately - you're wrong. It may not be trying to cater to everyone, but it's going out of its way to try to cater to as many people's needs as possible. And I get your frustration over all these new unnecessary mechanics, trust me, I do. And it might be difficult to ignore it when you know it's still there, but like I said, without it, there would no longer be no Fire Emblem. So it's not about coming to terms with what you think is right or wrong for the game to stay true to itself and to its longtime fans, but to come to terms with the changes it needs to make to survive in our generation of gaming.
  19. Don't spread EXP too thin! Basically, many of your units should simply be pair-up or staff bots (several healers are always good) so figure out who these are and promote them whenever for better GS bonuses. You don't want them stealing valuable EXP from someone after all. I found focusing on 5 "main units" helped a lot, the rest will be pair-up fodder when needed and staff/rally bots. Make sure you don't rely on GS too much though. Lunatic CQ's playstyle is more offensive than defensive, and many of the times you want to be able to kill a group of enemies instead of taking hits during EP (enemy phase). Many would suggest promoting Niles to Bow Knight, but like you I used Selena and her getting Shurikenbreaker was a lifesaver for the Ninja-heavy maps, and having another staff user through Niles is great, not to mention Pass finds a lot of use!! Make sure you capture Rallyman in Chapter 23 (Takumi's chapter), he has Rally Strength, Speed, Defense & Resistance and might be just what you need for the final chapters. Also, don't think of Elise as one of your offensive units. She can pack a punch, but is still a healer and probably the best in CQ because of movement and her personal skill (which is amazing if you need someone to tank a hit or two during EP). Nyx makes for a great Nina. Lastly, save your boots till the very end because whoever is going to reach Takumi needs that extra move (or give them to the Rescue bots), if you end up cheesing it like you said, Avatar or Nina probably wants the boots. Same with the Dragon Herbs. They only give +1 to all stats so they're not as big of a gamechanger as you'd think, but if one of your main units had some bad level ups you should give it to whoever you think needs it the most. If you're not using Odin, he works well in Ch 10 for the turret alone. You can drop him after that unless you're pairing him with someone. And like Dualazi said, tonics is where it's at. One magic (and/or speed) tonic can be the difference between Camilla having a meh Tome or suddenly being able to ORKO someone. Stick to Lunatic, and don't give up! It's extremely satisfying once you do finish it. Good luck!!
  20. *soft resets* But honestly though, even though I think Mikhail is approaching this a bit too stone-faced I have to agree with him. Albeit a bit more passively. Casual is one story, but if you're actually seriously playing the game on Phoenix mode, you're not playing it for the "right" reasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "you're wrong, you're not allowed to play this game ugh". Just that right in this case being FE being a strategy game. And as it always has been, you make strategies to clear each level. One of your units died? Soft reset and find another way to reach your goals without losing anyone. Soft resetting actually has a purpose in this game, and it's not because "I dont want any of my units to die:(", but because you want to find the best possible way to achieve victory without losing anyone. That's why the "Lords" have the personalities they have. It's literally in the gameplay, and taking away the risk kinda makes that point moot don't you think? But by all means, play Casual and Phoenix mode if that's how you choose to enjoy the game. As long as you realise that you're playing a severely handicapped strategy game at that point. I don't personally think there's any shame in it though, we've all got our own ways to enjoy these things.
  21. yeah, I I made that post late at night, tired minds make tired posts. Things get jumbled up. But my point still stands, I still think cousins are weird. And yeees, I know it happens in "our" side of the world too. A lot. But it still makes me, personally, uncomfortable considering "you" are in that position. And I don't know about Treehouse man.. Like, I'm glad they stayed true to translating things mostly as it was in its original (aside from some minor changes to some support conversations, and the unfortunate memeifying of SaizoxBeruka), and I for one couldn't care less whether they will translate the next FE game or not unlike some other very vocal fans. I just feel their justifications for removing content isn't "consistent", you know?
  22. Honestly, I don't know who the biggest sinner between Ryouma and Xander is, but even though I prefer the Nohrians over the Hoshidans, I still feel like Xander does more stupid shit warranting the title of hypocrite. But oh well, no one is perfect after all. Same. I haven't married Azura in any of my gameplays yet, but after realising we were siblings I felt a bit uncomfortable considering how the game is pushing the pairing. It's not nearly as intense like ChromxSumia, but at least those two had the lordxpegasusknight thing going for them. Avatar and Azura is just... no. But overall, I'm not really saying that one of the families have a bigger claim over the other (in this case, Nohr over Hoshido), I'm just saying that there's so many flaws with what the game was marketed as and what we received. Siblings and marriage strictly speaking. Valla/Revelations hurt the sibling-story a lot, and regardless what is ok and not okay in Japan, what they deem okay because something isn't what it seemed to be still feels weird to me. And I know, I know...we're somewhat lucky because Fates in its own way gives us insight on how "Japanese culture" works, and keeping true to the original game and all is important. But it's just weird how Treehouse decided that skinship was too much for our western eyes, but pseudo-incest wasn't... I mean, even if I wish they had localised a lot of things differently, they still didn't hold back on things they deemed not okay. So, why were the siblings spared? Fear of the backlash from not being able to marry the "popular characters"? Maybe because of the REAL situation they also thought, well, intermarriage is okay at that point. I don't know, and I don't really know how to feel about it either..it just feels weird to me is all I'm saying.
  23. This is what bothers me the most as well. Once everything is revealed, even if Avatar doesn't know, "choosing Hoshido" for me personally just seems silly to me at that point. Only for the sibling-reason of course. Garon is still a dick. Haha, this, a lot! I honestly don't get it whenever the Hoshido siblings keep shouting stuff like we are your real family and Nohr is fake blahblahblah. If anything, the only attachment Avatar should have to Hoshido is his mother, and now she's gone... So, who's left? The siblings he spent the majority of his life with, or the people he met a few days/weeks ago who are apparently his real siblings. If the choice made was made just on the basis of family (disregard Garon), Hoshido really doesn't have a lot going for them. And it's a shame they went there, even if they're not your REAL siblings. I mean, morality. Come on. Step-siblings are just as much family as anyone else you've lived your entire life with. But that's me.
  24. Conquest's story was so-so to me, but the gameplay is absolutely amazing! Conquest renewed my love for the series several times over, and Lunatic was exactly as Lunatic should have been. I complained for a bit when there was no Lunatic+ because Birthright's gameplay was meh, but Conquest was almost perfect; my only complaint being the lack of boss skills. I wish the bosses, especially the final bosses had more skills in all paths, Revelations especially. But yeah, most of the complaints about Fates in general are regarding the story, but the gameplay is topnotch.
  25. This is the problem though. Putting on a facade or no, the execution of Avatar's plan is by allowing countless of people to die in the name of "peace", just for the sake of adding Xander and the rest of the siblings into the anti-Garon harem. Avatar is shown throughout the entirety of Conquest as someone extremely naive, and the game continues to give you hope that something is going to change--for me this was Shura's recruitment chapter. I was like, finally! Some character growth and Avvy will finally "bloody their hands" and hopefully change from this, but nope. Still as naive as ever. And Selena is against fighting the Avatar in all routes, but this is attributed to them making Camilla cry. In Revelations she even says she's going to kill Avatar for it. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, even with all its flaws. But could you clarify what you think makes the story a good one?
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