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About Acedia

  • Birthday March 2


  • Member Title
    Lazy Mage

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (Again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy birthday!!! =]

  6. Ah, I didn't know that the Killer bow was still there. So that makes more sense. I wasn't implying you had no business saving her. I'm just saying that's how most of mine go. XD I'm one chapter before you can actually get the card now, so I should have just waited. Ah well I kind of given up on rankings for now. If I worry to much on my first PT it just kind of crumbles and gets forgotten. My PT is now unofficially support unlocker run.
  7. I can appreciate that. My mother's a writer, and I read like a demon, actual writing? I don't have the patients for it. Wish I did 'cause that't a heck of a skill to have ^.^ I get to that part reasonably fast. After all it's alot easier to have touching heartfelt moments when pirates arn't breathing down your neck. Provoke is both a blessing and a curse. I hear people talking bad about Rolf, but an A support with Shinnon is good for both of them. Both get a little avoid bonus and Rolf isn't the first one they notice. Besides it's cute. Grumpy old Shinnon? Ahh!Run away! -having a softspot for little kids? Adorable! I never got Gatrie back. First PT Astrid died. Twice. Before I could get over there. "You are in time out missy! Get in that corner until this is over." Thus no Gatrie. >.<
  8. *squint* Now i can't tell but your either subtly laughing at me or praising me. Probably the first one. Either way I'm playing Eliwood normal mode. I got- it easier/natually less standards than other people. And that 3 stars about to go way down now that I got both Raven and Lucius. Also playing 16x again and Sain was next to Kent for a reason the first two times. Otherwise 2 turns in he easily falls to both a Killer axe and a silver axe. T.T
  9. Not exatly the same but, I totally get screwed on healing and shoving(fe9+10). Especially healing. Does it automatically select the least relavent person or does it just like messing with me. So-and-so's on the front line -NEAR DEATH need I remind you- healer moves along all the while I'm freaking. "If I move him here-take that guy out- then-" *one hasty button push later* "NO! Nonononono- that guy had one health gone! It's like using an entire turn to heal a stubbed toe!" That usually ends my turn and Guy1's life, or my entire strategy forming a rescue party. Not fun. Eh, really? Well that would've been handy to know 2 resets ago. T.T My combat's 5, but. . . tactics y'say? *kicks my measly 3 stars under the rug* In my defence I'm in it for the story. It's hard to help my rankings when I force part my troop to rot in the corner for 5+ extra turns, just to garner support. Oh well, I've never been one for fast and/or effencient playthroughs. At all. EVER. And thus ends my derailing of my own thread.
  10. What was your Serra's dodge and resistence? I sometimes panic and try to "save" someone who I really had no business saving. Alot of my people get killed that way. But then again I just got the game a few days ago so I haven't even gotten close to Hector mode. But, I figured out it helps to know how to arena abuse before you attempt to. T.T But I always get like 3 stars on finance and I need some way to fix that.
  11. This is actually supposed be in General FE, but my story came from Blazing Sword. (That and when 5am rolls around you don't pay much attention to things.) So really, stories from any FE game are welcome. I was doing chapter 16x(the one with Canas and at the dock) the enemies that are about 4 levels higher than my strongest unit, and have 3 killer weapons and some silver. The whole time people are telling you "you could never do this, run away you coward." So I just basically rush in there and spam Kent. Dramatic victory. Collect from villages and spam supports. All is well. Then I spot the Arena, greed closes in on me. Next, Sain or Guy usually dies. Then, finally, twenty turns of my life, *poof* gone.
  12. In no particular order: Do a "no reset" run in POR Actually finish FE 11 A laguz run in Por (lol) Find my Sacred stones game All mage run in Por. (yay) That or mymridons. Use any sort of axe user in any PT ever (pfft lol) I iz very ambitious. #1 will kill me. Seriously. *Edit- I also use crappy bullets because post format hates me.
  13. Most of mine stem from "How the heck do you pronouce that?" Kieran became Karen for the first few playthroughs. Karel morphed into Carol Hector is "O dear lord, thank you" most of the time. "Oh crap, oh crap!Dodge!!!" = characters like healers and archers when they're attacked.
  14. Y'know those times when you do something you never thought you'd be able to do, and then you totally own at it? Got that feeling? Okay? Good? Now just completly crush that feeling with the bitter disapointment that some lovable character just died and they're not coming back unless you reset. Also, it's entirely your fault and if you hadn't done some small, stupid move, it never would have happened.*cries* So, have any stories where you had an awesome run, but then something compl~etly unrelated happened, and screwed it all up? Post your stories here! ^ . ^
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