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Everything posted by interconnecteddream

  1. Hoooo, boy. I don't know if all of these qualify as unpopular, but I guess I'll share anyway: I like Kozaki's designs a lot and I don't mind if he comes back for future titles. I could do without the battle panties and boob windows, though. I like the marriage system and hope it continues, but maybe with more limited options based on avatar personalities. I don't find Tharja attractive at all, but Rhajat's in-game sprites look cute to me for some reason. The only thing I like about Sumia is her design. I really want to like Severa, but her tsun side is making it really difficult for me... I don't see a problem with casual/phoenix mode. If it can help newer players ease into the franchise, then I don't mind it at all. Owain is one of my favorite characters, but I think he got majorly sidelined in Fates. Hinoka is the only royal sibling I'm not very fond of.
  2. What a neat topic! I'll try to think of anything that comes to mind: Elise: March of the Dreadnoughts Camilla: A Diabolic Waltz Leo: Hyouka OST Xander: Camille Saint-Saƫns - Danse Macabre Niles: OoT Title Theme - Orchestrated Laslow: Yutaka Hirasaka - Letter EDIT: I forgot to add Blitz! or maybe this could be odin's theme as well?? or both of them together! Odin: In The Speak Easy Ryoma: Le Chant de Roma (though more of the second half, where it really picks up) Takumi: Army Attack Sakura: Salve, terrae magicae (im sorry hinoka)
  3. It would be nice to see more customization options, but that's pretty much a given. Getting to choose a different skin tone and possibly avatar personality might be too much to ask, but we can still hope, right? THIS PLEASE I haven't played any Fates yet myself, but I hear that Conquest's gameplay was a huge hit, so I hope they'll continue to create better maps and gameplay mechanics as time goes on. A more well-developed world would really help with immersion, too. New voice actors would be great! Fates really introduced a lot of newer voice actors to the business, so I'll be praying for the new FE to let us hear some more variety! Overall, I hope IS listens to the feedback and opinions of the fans and will make a more polished game next time in terms of story, world-building, and characterization. I definitely think slimming down the cast (and possibly removing the whole children feature if they don't make sense in-game) would help with a lot of development of other more important characters.
  4. First off, I really like your art style! I hope that doing these for people can help sharpen up your skills. Thank you for doing a nice little favor for the community, you're great! It's first come first served, so you don't have to draw mine if you're overloaded! o: (which it kind of looks like at the moment, oops) But just in case I can still make it in:
  5. Bump! I also second Camilla and Kaze now that I've watched it, it's so refreshing to see Camilla mention Corrin only once, and briefly at the end of the support chain. god bless Also I'm so going to marry Mozu and Saizo thanks to how sweet their support was. I especially liked the whole "I won't let you feel lonely again" and "I love you"s that they exchanged in the S support. Too cute!
  6. I know which avatar I'm going to use for my Conquest run (which is probably going to be a shameless self insert co ug hs), but I'm thinking of using a different female avatar for a Birthright run because I feel like I've established too much of my own personality and morals into that first avatar to continue down the opposite path with the same one... does that make sense? I'll probably use the original Conquest avatar for Revelations, though!
  7. Behind the Voice Actors says Stephanie Lemelin! She also did Rinkah. Onto the topic, I agree wholeheartedly! I'm glad that Fire Emblem can get new voices and new ranges into the industry, and give more exposure to some of the more unknown veterans. Some of the performances were pretty hit or miss, but I'm grateful for the casting as a whole. Even if some of the performances weren't great, it still increases the chance of seeing new voice actors in upcoming games, which is always a plus.
  8. Maybe Lon'qu just couldn't make it because IS couldn't figure out how to letterswap his name LMAO But back to the actual topic, I'm pretty happy with having SOL as the returning trio. I did like them greatly in Awakening so I don't have a lot of complaints, but it definitely would be entertaining to see Brady in there somewhere!
  9. Oh, okay, I get it now! Thank you guys so much for answering my question. Everyone in this forum is very polite ^^ Though you must have a lot of trust in the people answering to let them pick their units for them O: (Also, I should really check out more of these supports)
  10. I'm sorry for the unrelated question, but I've seen it around here so much I just have to ask: What does PMU mean? Anyways, I want to add M!Kana and Nina's support to the list! It only mentions her yaoi-fangirl gimmick very briefly in the C-support and the rest is dedicated to Kana trying to help her understand her relationship with her father. It's so sweet.
  11. Shiro makes a wonderful big brother for both Kanas, I love them! Niles and Tsubaki support was weird but it ended surprisingly well. I like to imagine the two of them roasting people together.
  12. Oh, I've heard about this in the Smash community too, so I'll just share my own thoughts on it: Like everyone else has said, people prefer F!Corrin's design over M!Corrin, and I do too. I have to admit that going through the male appearance options was a little underwhelming, but maybe that's just me? fanservice is also a thing There was a discussion about this in a Smash video. Someone said something along the lines of "Male Corrin's victory quotes are gross, Female Corrin has a sexy voice". In fact, one guy who was playing in a tournament was actually praised for playing as M!Corrin because such a huge part of the community calls out anyone who plays M!Corrin! I've only ever seen that one M!Corrin played in tournament, the rest are always F!Corrin. To add to that, I think the trope of "gentle male, aggressive female" is becoming more appealing? In Awakening this was also the case with Robin, with the male being more mellow while F!Robin was more assertive. (Her throwing figs at Lon'qu and her reaction to Chrom not seeing her as a lady and walking in on her in the bath comes to mind...) And yet, M!Robin doesn't seem to get as much hate as poor M!Corrin does. As a sidenote, F!Corrin's Smash taunts allude to a more fiery personality ("Let's do this!" "Your fate is clear!" and "You ready for this?!") than M!Corrin's taunts, which one could view as more... generic? ("My path is clear!" "I've made my choice!" and "Are you ready?") Maybe fans are just used to seeing wish-fulfillment protagonists as male harem protagonists? I've heard people call M!Corrin Kirito but never having anything bad to say about F!Corrin just because she's more aesthetically pleasing, which kind of throws me for a loop. Corrin is generally gentle with everyone, but I would also have to agree that F!Corrin is more headstrong and stubborn than the male. I don't know if that's a selling point for making her a waifu even though you're able to play as her, but I guess people lean towards F!Corrin because of that. In regards to pronouns, I usually see people switch it up, or at least from what I can see in Smash. Generally if someone is playing as F!Corrin and doing commentary, they'll refer to her as a "she", or "he" if they're playing as M!Corrin. Some people refer to F!Corrin as Kamui and M!Corrin as Corrin just out of personal preference for names. I don't really see anything wrong with any of this, but when talking about the character as a whole I think "they" would be best. This is what I can come up with off the top of my head, but I've also been wondering about this so I'll keep up with this thread O: I wonder why the Corrins were even listed as poll options to begin with?
  13. i tend to be asking for people's favorite things a lot So as we all know, Fates has some pretty hit-or-miss support conversations, and it's easy to only focus on the more... lackluster ones. In order to combat that, I thought making a thread of people's favorite supports might be a good idea! "Favorite" supports could be supports that are very telling of a character's background, or just ones you found hilarious or incredibly entertaining. A few of mine are: Leo and Sakura's support was incredibly adorable. I especially liked how it didn't end in marriage, but rather the two of them taking the time to get to know each other more once they confirmed their feelings. It felt refreshing compared to all the BOOM MARRIAGE supports. Mozu in general has awesome supports, but I liked hers with Takumi because she got to knock him down a peg. And in the end, Takumi ended up growing from it, too! Odin and Kagerou's has been mentioned before and I was confused as to why but then I watched it and realized how utterly dumb yet adorable these two were together. I'm ashamed I didn't find out about them until recently! OH OH Shiro's supports with the Kanas were both so incredibly cute. He pulls off the big brother shtick super well! Peri's support with Laslow is the most we'll ever get from her, and it was long and actually fairly well-written IMO. I would prefer it not to end in marriage, simply because I like Lasnigo too much to marry him off to a psychopath (even if said psychopath's reasonings were explained). F!Corrin and Kaden's supports were so sickly sweet i almost died I was not expecting to like Kiragi and Forrest's support so much. The two played off each other well and it ended so sweetly! I'll add more if I remember any, but let me know what you think! c:
  14. It's not really a suggestion for characters who didn't have supports, but I thought it would be hilarious if Charlotte and Niles' supports were about Charlotte calling out Niles for trying to flirt with men when she's around. "HANDS OFF MY PREY"
  15. Hello! So, as the title implies, I want to know people's favorite voice-acted lines from the game. This can include crit quotes, confessions, birthday wishes (imuhgladyouwereborn), in-game sound clips (that were for some reason not included in supports?), and My Room lines! You can also just put whatever ones you thought sounded weird or funny with their delivery. My favorites from what little I've heard are: literally everything odin says god bless kaiji tang (but specifically MY ACHING BLOOD) literally everything laslow says god bless liam o'brien (but specifically "maybe we should cuddle till i feel better") Rhajat's "I want your skull as a trophy" the way felicia says "happy birthday!" is just too cute kill me i'm sure there's more than this but i forget Anyway, let me know what you think!
  16. I voted for Cherche! She has probably my favorite character design (she's beautiful oh my god), is skilled in domestic things (which i am not), and loves her wyvern to the point where she can translate all the sounds it makes. I like the way she speaks and is overall very graceful!
  17. here's a playlist of all the osts if you're curious Basically what the title says; what are some of your favorite soundtracks from Fates? What songs did you find the most memorable, or what songs played during certain chapters that you loved? Was there anything you'd go out of your way to listen to outside of the game? Or anything that was played so often you got sick of it? My personal thoughts: (just from what I've heard so far) Light on a Window is probably my favorite support track. I really love the use of violins! There was also an extra track of Sakura and Elise's duet that they talked about playing in their supports. It was adorable and sweet. Road Taken in both forms is great! and of course Path of the Hero-King has got to be on here As cheesy as it is, I started to get really sick of Rejoice in Love. I wish there was separation between the S-support tracks like in Awakening; hearing the same song for every possible pairing got tiring. did there have to be that many renditions of lost in thoughts. i saw someone say it's nintendo's let it go Honestly there are so many good tracks in this game this doesn't even begin to describe every one I liked. Let me know what you think!
  18. ...bet u cant guess I haven't played Fates yet but when I finally get my hands on a 3ds.........i am Comin 4 niles other than that i am super weak to nohrian men?? leo, xander, laslow... i would say odin too if his support with f!corrin wasn't so painfully flat and rude. i think on a birthright file i would marry kaden or kaze! i'm especially soft for those two. but my ultimate will always be niles
  19. I think an argument that many people have said before is that it is established that Corrin has flaws, but they don't feel like flaws because there's no sense of consequence for anything those drawbacks might cause. And even if something bad does happen, it's written off right away because everyone cradles Corrin's feelings as if they're fragile as glass, so in the end "everything's forgiven". At least in Awakening Robin still had to deal with feelings of failure, because the reality was that some of their tactics just weren't good enough for the situation. It would have been nice to see them grow more from that experience, but at least it was there. Anyway, getting back to the topic: More face and hairstyle options, and added skin tones! Fates already had a lot more options than Awakening, so I hope they keep expanding on the designs if they continue with the Avatar system. Also more body types would be nice. (and is it taboo for an avatar to have facial hair or something?) I agree with the player getting to choose their preset weapons, classes, and personality. Personality might take more time to write, but it would help tremendously with immersion to see the Avatar act beyond the preset "gets along with everyone" personality. As others have said, maybe personality type could change which characters you'd be able to support with. It would add replay value, too. I feel like choice options wouldn't be unreasonable for supports. If the cast was scaled down, there could be plenty of room to have dialogue options and have actual consequences for when the Avatar does or says something that the other person doesn't approve of. Maybe if you choose a "wrong" dialogue choice you'd have to grind a little extra to get the support levels back to where they were. Of course, it would be nice if the "correct" dialogue choices weren't made blatantly obvious, just to add a sense of realism; sometimes what seems to be the best thing to say ends up having the opposite effect. Even some horror RPGs have this element. I'd love to be able to choose the gender of my child! (Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra conversation with your spouse about which gender you'd prefer? "I hope it's a girl", "I hope it's a boy", or "It doesn't matter to me" for a random result. maybeimjustinovermyheadaboutthis) I don't actually mind the Avatar being the main character of a story, as long as they are actually allowed to make mistakes in the story and have them matter. Or, even better, have their wrong decisions called out by people they're close to! It might be too big of a step, but same-sex supports with more than one specific character! Though I'm not sure if that counts for something that could be better about the Avatar. It would be nice to be able to S-rank anyone without having to change your gender.
  20. I haven't even played Fates yet, so I know I don't have much right to talk about Camilla in tons of depth, but maybe this can be taken from more of an outsider's perspective? I have seen some of her supports and I know her backstory and personality quirks. I think her extreme overprotectiveness of her siblings makes sense. Several others have already made points about how they're all she has left, given how the Nohrian court works. Then again, "making sense" doesn't necessarily equate to "morally sound". But is it odd that despite all of that, I still like her? Maybe I've just a soft spot for characters I want to comfort. I just want to give her a hug and tell her she'll be okay! I do wish so much of her personality wasn't based around her absolutely smothering attitude towards Corrin. It's obviously player worship and added fanservice, but I just feel like she could be so much better if she wasn't so obviously made to pander to the players. It sounds harsh, but I get the feeling she can't stand on her own much without that obsession with Corrin. I find some of her lines especially creepy; her comments towards Selena come to mind, and also in the Japanese skinship lines, she says she'd kill Corrin and then herself if he were to ever leave her. I like her, but I definitely wouldn't marry her in a male file, sheesh! I think the similarities between Camilla and Tharja mostly involve the fact that they're kind of inverse personalities? Camilla appears openly gentle and doting on the outside but has alarmingly possessive attachments to those around her and very... questionable morals. And while Tharja is visibly jaded and every shade of dark and creepy in the book, she does manage to show some sympathy and kindness to certain people other than Robin. I wouldn't necessarily say one is better than the other. They're still both willing to go to extreme lengths to make sure the object of their affections is safe. And theirs. In terms of parenting, I do think Camilla would be a better mother figure, since that's just a natural part of her personality. (And the whole thing with Noire having her split personality as a result of Tharja's curse-testing has been mentioned enough at this point.) Camilla seems like an obvious choice for the Better Mom award, but thinking logically about it... would you want that sweet little Kana to be raised by a woman who has no qualms with killing anyone who could be seen as a possible threat, and generally has very... flexible morals? Maybe the Better Mom contest is a tie at this point... please save camilla's armor who thought that was a good idea, ALMOST IMMEDIATE EDIT: I have no idea if Camilla could actually be labelled as "insane" but I do think a personality disorder is in there somewhere. She's definitely not morally sound, if that's anything to go by.
  21. Bump! Keep the votes coming, everyone! It looks like these are the top 10 in rankings so far: Oboro Keaton Takumi / Xander Saizo / Nina Leo Sakura / Elise / Soleil / Velouria / Shiro / Niles Azura / Kaze F!Corrin / Scarlet / Laslow Ophelia Beruka / Forrest / Kaden / Reina / Camilla / Ryoma
  22. i don't remember seeing this response im laughing thank you for blessing this thread with this. odin squared
  23. Oh, whoops! I had a feeling I was missing someone. Sorry about that, she's on now! (goodness im not good at this)
  24. Thanks for your feedback! I've added the NPCs and separated the Corrins/Kanas. Happy voting! (...or should i include the amiibo characters too?)
  25. Oh, thanks for the suggestion! I've added one just now, so feel free to vote for your favorites! Sorry it's kind of a giant wall of text. i should have thought of adding one when i first started the thread
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