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Everything posted by CatManThree

  1. Every Owain quote in awakening. Come on, what can I say? They're all amazing.
  2. Ricken has one thing going for him though. He is voiced by the same guy who voices Sasuke in Naruto.
  3. All you have to do is abuse Ryoma like most other people
  4. It is only really that hard on lunatic or late game when you got to fight master ninjas...
  5. This is a forum to post FE memes related to any of the games. Whether it be a joke about the amount of clone characters in a game, or just something stupid like "Takumi plop" or something. You may post whatever under certain conditions: No Knoll Roll spamming... No reposting Use common sense and don't post anything possibly/intentionally offensive But anyway, just enjoy!
  6. I personally think shadow dragon was not that bad. Sure, the reclass system was pretty broken, and of course the game lacked support conversations but come on. The music and artwork was absolutely amazing! Also the the game had a MASSIVE verity of harder difficulties than normal mode. So you can't necessarily complain about the game being easy. But that is just my opinion.
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