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  1. I totally agree with this. He is designed as a physical unit, and a freaking brawler for that (and fists are banned for mages). He gets a budding talent skill that is almost useless for him (just like it is for Dorothea). His spell quantity fits a hybrid character. If something was to be changed, he should give up on of his Reason spells for a Faith one (Seraphim as a BT). There's no character that gets five spells of a given type if they don't have that proficiency from scratch, with Hapi and Constance being the exception. These two characters have almost a null list for arts (just the magic blades for Constance and their BT arts), but they were the two purely magic characters that came with two hybrid ones that needed Faith for their intended classes, thus banning them from getting the proficiency. Other than them, only characters starting with a proficiency in Faith get five spells (Lindhart, Mercedes, Lysithea, Marianne, Manuela and Flayn). For Reason it's even more restricted since not all of them get five spells (Hubert, Dorothea, Lindhart, Lysithea and Hanneman), while the other get only four. I don't think Byleth was presented as a hybrid character. He is always depicted as a swordsman, with his Faith being developed from being in contact with Sothis. His final class also reflects this, having magic as some free utility advantage for a physical character. Having Aura instead of Abraxas is a matter of what Aura means for Fire Emblem since the first game. As for the lists themselves, I find them pretty solid the way they are, with the exception of Seraphim not existing in his White Magic list (but like I said before, should be granted as a budding talent). I also think that Thunder only exists to give Byleth additional magic uses of a low tier magic. Having him getting more spells or more powerful ones, would make other dedicated mages redundant. Being the main character doesn't mean he has to be able to fit any role.
  2. If you genderswap between playthroughs, you may unlock S-ranks from hetero characters that are the same sex as your previous Byleth, provided they got their support to A and build the unseen relation. Even if you don't unlock the S-rank through the story option, you can see it in the extras menu. Bi character's S-rank conversation can only be unlocked through story choice.
  3. I have 308 5* units, with quite a few of them merged 1 or 2 times and two of them with +10 (the original Corrins), and like another 20 turned into manuals waiting to be used (for skills or merging, I'm still undecided).
  4. I want to see this one, since I have F!Corrin 5*+10 with the distant-counter breath. If the weapon+refine don't fit into her build, I might just be disappointed as #*@! and not use that weapon at all. However, if it has it built-in, I'll be dancing happily (and looking like crazy or stupid).
  5. The point of the class is that he actually gets three faires but only on melee attacks. His minimum defense in that class would make his melee attacks increase their damage output by 4, which is almost a faire, but applied to three weapons. Chances are, however, that his defense is slightly higher, reaching 25, which would make his skill increase his melee damage to a faire level in three weapons, and with one skill slot used. However, when initiating attack, he gets armoured blow that, while protecting him, also boosts his damage by one or two points (depending on the number rounding). All of this, even if he doesn't equip shields, so the class gamebreaker is giving him a shield to hit even harder, even at the cost of his AS (or not if you give him the Lampos/Kadmos shield). That was the whole point. I think being a mounted Bishop fits completely with her personality, as for the Magic Blade skill, as you said, is there to synergize with those two arts. I didn't want yet another mounted class to have her spamming Thoron and black magic in general, as there are quite a few now. As for the other two, I got most of the ideas remembering the Tear Ring Saga and Berwick Saga games. In the TRS game, there were terrain skills that characters could learn, that would increase hit, avoid and movement in certain type of maps, so I made Surprise Attack and Forest Stride somewhat knock-offs of that. The Hunter's Eye is pretty similar to BS Huntsman skill, with the difference being not being tied to a specific weapon. I agree that she grew stronger and got out of hand, but her Aria skills are based on Fateswakening Rallies and the TRS singer, which had a probablity of refreshing a unit based on the number of times Song had been used (10-60%) and her support with said unit (0-2%), while healing all units in range some chip damage (2-5 HP). However, her range would be growing from 1 to 4 squares away, giving her the chance to affect up to 40 units (not that there'd be that many clustered). While getting the offensive or defensive spectrum might be too much (maybe it could be cut to half bonus), the chance of getting the additional effect is quite low to rely on it (except for the designated target to move again if Dorothea was the Dancer). It means that at her best [58 (stat cap) +2 (class) +10 (battallion) +2 (item) +8 (Rally Charm) = 80 Charm], every non-target character would have a 20% Chance of getting the effect, with the ones that get support with her boosting it to 24% (B), 26% (A) and 29% (S). It's highly unreliable to work a strategy around, and difficult to play with even by using the rewind feature. During a regular and realistic game, her Charm would move in the 30-40, making both the refreshing and Blessing just nice extras to an area buff. Her Healing Aria resembles the TRS original Sing slightly more, and is like an active version of her personal skill. This skill alone would make this class totally change Dorothea's role from mainly offensive to a lesser healbot (just like Mercedes with Fortify, trading uses for range and healing power). Her other two skills upgrades her from healbot to utility. This class would be a pure support class for her and a direct upgrade from Dancer. If she doesn't become the Dancer, the Trobairitz's utility would drop a lot. It's like comparing War Master to Warrior, as it's just plain superior in every aspect. The Trobairitz would lack the magical power a Warlock/Gremory would have, and it's healing ability would be more focused on healing small damage to an area when compared to a Bishop, lacking the Heal+10 and WMx2 skills. Without her mastery ability, her AOE is reduced to adjacent allies, which might be four, but more often than not will be two or three. Only after mastering the class will she truly shine with her boosts by getting +1 range to her skills. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm no fan of Rallies in this game. I think their nerfing has made them somewhat impractical due to opportunity cost. While having one character boosted can help him get a kill safely, I think that having a second character deal some damage to the target is far more useful. From my point of view, Rally seems to have been nerfed for monsters (a single multitarget Rally Charm would be destructive for them), the Death Knight (by hard countering everyone, you are forced to boost one, and only one, character) and support gambits. However, these gambits came as a DLC, though only for Str and Def and with a different area of effect (9 units instead of 12) and use limits. The three "dedicated" ralliers can be quite heavy damage dealers (Hubert and Annette) or great for debuffing (Ignatz with Seal Strength + Poison Strike + Break Shot/Ward Arrow). For specific moments, they could have equipping one or two Rallies (Spd+Str/Mag), but I think there's little to no reason to make a build based on Rallies any more.
  6. Marianne's batallion grants hit+40 and damage+5 (physical and magical). I usually run it on Ashe and Bernie to fix the Deadeye art accuracy. I already thought of the Valkyrie mastery skill, but it's a big detour from her usual bow class path (B reason, B riding). It could be achieved for NG+, but not really viable for a regular NG.
  7. It's a regular Part 1 paralogue. That's why I said it was a little too soon. I think Barbarossa get the 18 Str for being a flying unit. The only non-flying classes that get a base Str above 17 are Warrior and War Master. He gets a debuffing skill by unlocking his hidden talent, and I thought that stacking it with the Seal Speed wasn't a bad idea. With his arts he could damage Spd, Str and either Def or silence the enemy by investing just one slot. I hadn't seen Annette's Stormcaller in detail before, but I find it as a Rally overkill. Since her mastery is yet another Rally, it seems to be implied that you should fill up to four skill slots with them and that just kills the chance of working as something else. I thought something similar and ditched the idea for not being that useful (at least in my head). Hubert suffers from the same issue, if you become a jack of all trades, you're master of none. Both get two different weapons boosted (axes and black magic damage for Annette and bows and dark magic range for Hubert) and a mastery skill that would likely leave out one of their specialties (I'm cool with Ward Arrow though). If the mastery skill was Rally Spectrum (boosts every stat by half the usual Rally and stacks with them), I'd be ok with it. Your idea of Ignatz is slightly more focused, since he'd only focus on one weapon, but he'd have buffing utility (his debuffing utility goes with his weapon). However, Rally Movement is a rare skill that unlocks very late (S-rank for both Byleth and Annette), and inserting it into a class skillset would break the balance of the skill. Another rally probably wouldn't have bothered me that much. While he is in the lower half of the cast with three reason spells (and seven in total), his spells have reasonably high critical ratio, and if their damage is boosted, can deal considerable damage. He'd also get access to Physic for added support utility and Ward which, even at lower capacities than a Rally, last a few turns and gives exp. The truth is that I'm no fan of Rally bots since they get no rewards for their job (exp, class exp, weapon exp...), so they're likely to fall behind. Having one or maybe two is nice to build up supports or take on specific targets, but more often than not, I find them fighting shorthanded or needing to be fed kills to catch up. Finally, the master art you gave him comes at the cost of resource management. You can only deploy three adjuntants, and you need to give one to a support unit instead of a frontliner. That, more than an asset seems to be a liability. What about having a supporting unit strike along? The first choice is the adjuntant, and if there was no adjuntant, another unit in range for a linked attack. That'd allow you to have the Guard adjuntants where they're needed most and still be able to pull the trick. It'd be somewhat similar to the Triangle Attack in that you need to position your units carefully to pull it off.
  8. It's not that you sounded aggresive, but I didn't think I had made my point of view clear enough. I wrote quite a post there, and I didn't go with much detail through all of the characters. During my playthroughs, Deadeye had been somewhat useful for me with both Bernardetta and Ashe. It would deal more damage than Curved shot at 3 range, and if needed, it could get greater reach. Since I used them as chippers before my main units would go in to finish the enemy off, I found its utility good enough to propose it. However, I always relied on Hit+20 and Bow Prowess for it to work, otherwise it's a terrible waste. Yeah, I suppose we have different approaches here, since I'd be using bows more often than you, but I'd give him a Levin+ for sure, like I do to every mixed character I get (like Ingrid or Manuela). However, reaching B in bows would make Yuri eligible for a Magic Bow/Magic Bow+ as well. Did you try using him that way? I think it would be useful for Wyverns at least. I used Mercedes with bows instead black magic in a run, and if she attacked, she would wreck havoc (she's way stronger magically anyway).
  9. I think that upon finishing his paralogue is like a bit too soon. By the time you say, Ignatz might be in his early tens or so, getting an OP class before even Byleth has unlocked his. I also think that a base 18 Str is too high for either his or Bernardetta's personal classes, seeing that Dimitri, Edelgard and Byleth's classes just get 17. I also don't see him as a Commander, even if he has a boon in authority. I think something more along the lines of Arcane Archer (if he has mastered his hidden talent post-timeskip) would fit him better, with a Mastery Art that hits lower of Def/Res when attacking with a bow. Instead of Rally Movement, put Black Tomefaire and move the Cha mod to Mag, and it should be a viable class.
  10. Like I said, I don't have much experience with Yuri, and what I wrote was from a theory point of view, so I appreciate your comments about Deadeye in particular and everything about Yuri in general. Having that in mind, I had placed Windsweep as an alternate art. The whole point was having an art to reliably avoid being countered. I would have done that as well, but I mostly stuck to the class progression @TriforceLegend posted. I think Poison Strike can be good on not-so-heavy hitters, like Yuri or Ignatz. I see your point, and I was thinking about the extra avoid as an additional countermeasure for when his Crest wouldn't trigger, but Lethality in its place is a solid choice. Yes, totally agree with the Str+2, and taking a level in bows lets you certify for Fighter. However, I use HP+5 mainly as a filler until I get better skills later on, like I do with Def+2 (as Res+2 is lord-locked and no one use it in my teams). I wouldn't actually invest into Vantage, since most of the time he doesn't have enough power to kill before being killed. I'd use him as a sneak attacker, using swords and bows to hit the enemy from beyond out of their range (or maybe magic, but he lacks a 1-3 range spell, and as a Trickster he wouldn't actually have that many charges). This makes me question myself why I placed Duelist Blow there. Yes, if instead going myrmidon for the Spd+2, he goes fighter for the Str+2, that'd totally work. I'm totally with you here. However, it also depends on how Yuri is intended to be used, either as a finisher or as a chipper, since the former would benefit from using only one weapon type, and the latter from using two.
  11. Speed+2 is quite direct, but you need to spend time in a beginner class to get, which can affect your character performance. Late game, Weight-3 gets obsolete for lighter weapons, but can still be useful for hevier weapons and magic in general, since spells can become quite heavy and not every mage is Lysithea to knock everybody out with one hit. And, unless you certify for physical classes, none of your dedicated mages are going to reach 15 Str anytime soon, with specifically Lysithea and Marianne struggling to get above 10. That's the reason I recommend raising their rank in swords to certify as myrmidon/thief/(trickster)/swordmaster, and raise their base Str (and maybe other stats). Just as it limits Speed+2. That's the reason I said that it depends on the unit and the benefit it may take from it. Like @LoneRecon400 said, it requires 25 Strength to not be slowed down by an iron sword if you're not equiping anything else with weight. From Str 15 on, both skills are equally useful, netting you an AS+2 (you'd be losing 1 AS from Weight-3 for being too strong). However, if you use lances, you need 20 Str for Spd+2 to be as relevant as Weight-3, and 25 Str for axes, which can fall into late game. Sometimes you may not even be able to rely on Combat Arts and light weapons to kill the targets, and it might happen for 1 AS, being that the difference between killing the opponent and not. Even if the classes aren't that good, armour knight can give you 3-5 points of base Def, wich can be worth around ten levels. It isn't that difficult to get to D for neutral units, and if they already use axes, there's no reason not to do it. You don't even have to use the class anyway. Now, getting heavy armor past C rank is something I would advise against. Smite at B and Weight-5 require too much investment that'd better go on weapons and authority. But getting to D rank for any axe user not named Raphael or Dedue (who can get 12 Def before being able to certify for AK), is far from being useless. and the Weight-3 can still find some uses and it's not that big of an investment.
  12. The Weight-3 ability is useful for speedy characters with heavy weapons or magic. It comes with the added benefit of being able to certify as an armour knight and getting an early boost in Def and possibly in HP. If the character is proficent in axes, I'd strongly consider it. However, if the character has a weakness in heavy armour, it might take too much effort that'd better go into authority. Otherwise, the Speed+2 from the myrmidon class can be more useful. Out of your listed characters, I'd say that Claude, Ferdinand, Petra and Felix could benefit from it, due to developing in classes that use axes, which may allow them to get 3-4 points of base Def. Ferdinand would also get an interesting skill along the way. You should still think on your final skillset for each of your characters, as W-3 may be redundant or not fit into it. By seeing your team and development, I'd use these sets during the game. They'd be filled in order, then switched out when new skills are acquired. I'm not going out of the way you set for the characters unless there's somthing I'd like to remark. Also, I'm not adding NG+ skills. I haven't accounted for S-rank weapon skills, but if you get them, I'd say you equip the Magic Range+1 immediately. The Crit+10 would depend on how much you rely on critical hits to trigger and Faire skills would likely replace the Strength/Magic+2 skills or the secondary weapon Prowess.
  13. Ferdinand: He would unlock this class if he unlocked his hidden talent before his paralogue. Petra: She would get her personal class after her paralogue. Marianne: She'd get her personal class if she has unlocked her hidden talent at her paralogue. Dorothea: She would get this class after the time-skip if the had her hidden talent unlocked by then.
  14. You can check the info here: serenesforest.net/three-houses/miscellaneous/linked-attacks-gambit-boost/ To make the most of tour adjuntants, since you want them as guard type, the flying units would be adjuntant-less, leaving the following possible set-ups (I wrote in italics deployed characters): Byleth (F) - Falcon Knight: No guard adjuntant. Extra damage with Claude/Yuri/Flayn. Claude - Barbarossa: No guard adjuntant. Extra damage with Byleth/Hilda. Petra - Wyvern Lord: No guard adjuntant. Ferdinand - Wyvern Lord: No guard adjuntant. Extra damage with Lorenz. Constance - Dark Flier: No guard adjuntant. Lysithia - Gremory: No extra damage. Marianne - Dancer: No extra damage. Leonie - Bow Knight: Extra damage with Alois. Sniper options: Shamir - Sniper: Extra damage with Catherine. Ignatz - Sniper: Extra damage with Raphael. Mercedes - Gremory: Extra damage with Annette. Felix - War Master: Extra damage with Sylvain/Ingrid. Yuri - Trickster: Extra damage with Byleth. Out of the possible guard adjuntants with bonus damage, the easiest ones to make are Alois and Raphael (either brawling or axe+armour), and to some extent Sylvain (he's already strong in axes to grab heavy armour D). Catherine requires a greater investment in axe+armour or in faith in case you want War Cleric (DLC), since she doesn't have a boon in either. Annette can pick up axes fairly easily, but she'll have a harder time in armour due to having a bane in it. Ingrid will require as much investment as Catherine in axe+armour and even more if you want her to go War Cleric, since she doesn't have either boon or starting rank in brawling. Outside the guard adjuntants, you can use Lorenz, Hilda and Flayn as attack adjuntants to Ferdinand, Claude and Byleth if you want the to deal extra damage. Hilda and Flayn are already good with lances and only require flying investment, while Lorenz will require more since he needs both axes and flying without a proficiency in either one.
  15. In the FE3H linked attack section (https://serenesforest.net/three-houses/miscellaneous/linked-attacks-gambit-boost/), among the pairings that receive a damage boost I've seen Bernardetta-Marianne and Hilda-Dorothea, but those characters don't even support each other.
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