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German FE Nino

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Everything posted by German FE Nino

  1. If only everyone would agree on that xD I have no idea why, but everyone seems to think he is one of the more stupid characters in the series.
  2. I already talked about it on another topic, but she was supposed to join Roy in chapter1(given the current story, I would assume she just did not care about what Eliwood had to say, just speculation tho). She was likely placed into castle ostia to serve as the condition for her gaiden and they most likely just forgot to update her stats.
  3. He does have dialogue with her and Zeiss, but he just tells them that that is the end. He was originally recruitable in an earlier storydraft, so I would assume his AI is a weird leftover that they forgot to change(similar to Lilinas level and stats)
  4. Appearently only some little things are not picked up in the patches-section because of the location-change of some inrom data and the supportconversation data.(aka. the list where one toggles which conversations are displayed.) All conversations already implemented in vanilla work, just that FEBuilder appearently cannot access the data anymore. I already plan on requesting a potential update for it from the developer of the tool eventually, just that I was curious why it was the case in the first place.(I am not really good with data at all)
  5. Honestly is kinda sad because I am curious about what happened to the supportconversation-data when the viewer was implemented. I did not talk about it yet because it is not an issue with the patch, but there has to have been a larger change in datastructure or location because FEBuilder cannot read it anymore.
  6. Sophia just has no fightingexperience and inherited all the weak traits of both species(low bases and only average growths). That is the explanation I can come up with.
  7. Lilina is less of a growthunit but moreso a misplaced one. She was originally supposed to join in chapter1, so the most likely explanation for her poor performance is that they moved her to castle ostia to serve as the requirement of the X chapter but forgot to buff her accordingly.
  8. I found a minor issue. When pressing A over the greyed out Suspend-option in the tutorial, the textbox will be empty. It is not broken, just that the textstring(Slot 0C46 in the FEBuilder Texteditor) is empty in this new version.
  9. Kinda. And even then, you could still do it if you just do not talk to him.
  10. I thought the game itself establishes that he cannot because he does not want to increase the chance of the king getting murdered by even 0.01%. I think the best way of dealing with the issue is to just change his AI to not moving after the dancer speaks with him.
  11. I know this is not a FE7 thread, but the chapters required for unlocking the bonusCG and nergals full deathquote other than 19xx are genesis and the value of life.
  12. If it was supposed to be accurate towards the actual release tho, then that makes the inclusion of Roy even more confusing to me then.
  13. I do not think so and I do not even want it. The limited time release that does not even have a european version is just bad and they obviously do not care enough to actually be accurate. It is straight up easier to know who marth is for westeners than to know who Roy is, yet the meleeclip implies the opposite.
  14. I said physical seal, not magical seal. Eckesachs is the only legendary weapon that is never mentioned to have one. As for how Yoder got his hands on it with the help of the troops that were liberating the other realm(because both are getting liberated, regardless of where Roy goes.)When it comes to the souls and the memories, idk. I mean, I seriously have no idea what to say about those. FE7 only confirmed them for Armads and Durandal. Plus that they are not even a factor considering Athos never became a ghost like that somehow. That is kinda not the same thing because Hartmut himself never appears. I think it is supposed to be the memory of the sword because it was once linked to his soul but no longer is...or something. The binding blade is still a weird factor in the elibian lore. How did humanity even create it when it is basically shown to be a godlike entity in the relative scale of the world it comes from?
  15. I mean, Eckesachs is already special among the weapons because it is the only one not effective against dragons, just that it has enough might to get through their defense. Many people often say "Yo, lorewise it is effective, it just is not programmed in because Zephiel never fights dragons". And to that, I will say fae fights him, so point instantly invalid. I would just assume it was specifically made to be Hartmuts personal sword and that is why its functions are diffrent and the seal on it was not a physical one like the other weapons, but rather that only his successors can use it which explains why it has diffrent conditions for its use.
  16. I heared someone say once that ambushspawns have to be there to make a map challening. I think it has more to do with timing and placement. If you normalspawn an enemy at the beginning of the map in turn 12 or spawn them where they can be easily spawnkilled for easy EXP, then obviously it is not challenging. If you spawn them correctly tho, they can just be a motivation to go fast to have less issues.
  17. The Ranger-Swordanimation is probably the worst in these three games(Short of the broken staffanimation from Nergal in FE7). But it is only one of the many new ones that truly kinda are just bad.
  18. I found them pretty good actually. Especially the preultimate and final boss-classes that have my favorite animations of these types of enemies.(Though the Zephielspin in FE6 also was pretty nice)
  19. They kinda already do this in my eyes, but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
  20. Thronebosses in FE6 in general are an issue. For example the first boss in the game, damas, is basically designed around clapping him away with marcus in hardmode and the only reason people do not have to do that is that axes are inaccurate in the game. No idea why mekkah singled out henning, but yeah, earlygame FE6 has a bossproblem. It is not a challenge, it is just kinda dumb. If people like to have to avoid the bosses until they die, then that is fine, but this is just my opinion.
  21. He is already more useable than eliwood because he does not die instantly in the hardest difficulty of his game.
  22. It is already very much implied that Ninian IS Roys mother, through Eliwoods relationship to her to the point of waifuing her with him being a diffrent ending, FEH giving her Iceflowers as a reference to Rliwood giving Roys mother some in the backstory and Roys growths being worse than Eliwoods except for luck...which is a usually high stat for dancers like Ninian. So the entire savelink-idea here does not work in context because nothing changes if one pairs eliwood with Ninian.
  23. That reminds me of my fanfictionhack I planned to do at some point, but that I scrapped almost instantly. So I would second it on pure personal bias lol. Though it contradicts cecilia saying she only didn't bother teaching him magic because he would be kinda mediocre to bad at it.
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