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Everything posted by Xinnidy

  1. This man... had seen better days, for sure. Üllr was almost concerned for them as he started rambling near-nonsense. "Uh..." He followed Iris into the store, looking about the place, it was kind of a mess, and reeked of the same smoke as the man's pipe, an affront to the wolf clouded's sense of smell. "Hrgh." Fighting back his urge to walk away, Üllr followed Iris, concerned at how she was quickly overwhelming this unwell man with questions. Who knows what he would do. "Iris, c-calm down, give Taka one question at a time. And... we have to find these books. Uh..." The man pointed at the ceiling, but somehow Üllr doubted that would help them. Guess they should start looking, but, Üllr wasn't exactly the most literate.
  2. "E-eh? Uh..." Üllr couldn't really fight against her words this deep in, "Y... yeah, I think you're pretty. You're different, but that's not a bad thing. I don't think so." Blushing, the wolf boy continued to carry Iris along town, the attention they no doubt would get from locals was hard to care about when Iris was being this happy. Soon enough they'd walked towards what seemed to be the proper storefrone. More books, definitely more than the past store, and less magical artifacts. "Hello... is, this the bookstore." Üllr called out, still carrying Iris.
  3. "O-Oh." Üllr was relieved, a long exhale as Sixteen-- no, Iris, embraced the name. "G-good. It's pretty, it suits you." Even he couldn't help a smile at how elated Iris was at the christening. He held onto her tighter --to make sure she didn't fall off, of course. "To... to the book place then. Iris!" It was very pretty, he enjoyed saying it, too. He felt very light, but nothing changed about Iris' weight. Weird... but not bad.
  4. "Huh..." Called by that number because she was the sixteenth to be made. It made sense in an utilitarian view of things, but it was rather... impersonal, even Üllr could see that. Like she was more a tool to be used than a living being. Not entirely unlike his captivity... Üllr quickly shook his head, he didn't want anything to do with those memories, they were years past him by now, anyways, and he found someone to trust through it all, even if he passed away. "Hm." But he sort of agreed Sixteen needed an actual name, if not for her sake, then for his. He was likely to make the association with his past now that he knew the truth, and what better way to shed it than casting that name off... He stopped in his tracks, frowning. "I'm not that good with names..." It was frustrating because he didn't want to name her something equally off and weird, but he wasn't exactly learned. Far from it. How could he think up a name to make her justice? Hmm... What would feel like Sixteen... She was a lot of things, excitable, eager --perhaps too much so--, curious, innocent to a fault... though he wasn't exactly better. She was also a lot of things, a lot of colours, and a lot of monsters, from her own account, and he'd seen enough of how people struggled to process what she was. None of this was her own fault, Sixteen always seemed like a ray of sunshine, and even continued to stand up for him against the knights. She was pretty, she was innocent, she didn't warrant people's fear. She deserved a better name than Sixteen. Something that was unequivocally pretty and evoked nice thoughts, but did he know any? Back in Mura, there were a few... "Iris." Üllr gulped, hoping it didn't sound weird or offended her. "Does... does that sound like a good name? I think it sounds nice."
  5. The feeling of claws around his neck made Üllr guarded for a moment, before Sixteen adjusted and became more comfortable climbing his back... she sure liked doing that. "You're, welcome. It's nice to not be alone." Companionship was appreciated, especially after the stressful bout with the Altair Knights. "Weird? Different? I don't know... Sixteen is just Sixteen." He had no frame of reference to say these things with confidence. Sixteen was very excitable, true, but that didn't seem out of place. "I'm not a mount." Üllr's protest was short, carrying the girl onward nonetheless. One question did pop up, still, as he thought to words just exchanged. "...Why is your name Sixteen?"
  6. "Eh... ah, alright." Üllr did not anticipate how eager Sixteen would be, even, if she lacked the strength to move him. "Right, we should get something cool for you too." Thinking on her behavior let Üllr make a conection, she must have wanted something special after seeing what he bought in the weaponsmith as well. "We'll be leaving then, thanks." A brief acknowledgment to the lizard man, and Üllr was off with bookstore in mind. "Hmmm... shouldn't be too far if it sells similar things... I think." Sixteen would probably want him leading the way again.
  7. "Hmm... so you have simpler stuff. I had no idea Dark magic was harder to come back. Why is that?" Üllr was pretty unlearned as far as magic went, shaking his head as his thoughts tried to make sense of the magic differences. Why was other magic called anima? "You are part a lot of things, Sixteen." Even without all that much tact, Üllr wondered if that wasn't a lot to say to a shopkeeper, but refrained from comment. "I didn't know all that." Now he did. "Well... if the bookstore is where other dark magic is, I'll take you." The shopkeep tried to get them to give the wares a second look, but Üllr was reluctant. "Sorry... I'm not a mage, I don't know what these things do."
  8. "Ah... hi." Üllr studied the lizard-like shopkeep, firstly paying attention to his height and mannerisms. "Uh... it's for her. Dark magic. What do you sell here?" Quick and to the point, though it wasn't his field of expertise at all, Sixteen would do better taking the lead here, in Üllr's mind, and thus he turned his attention to her. "It's 'dark magic', right?"
  9. "Huh...?" Now that had been unexpected, making Üllr flinch a little. He... didn't know how to react to that comment at all. "I... I'm not cute." He grumbled, protesting it, as he took her hand, leading her. "We didn't ask, but if we haven't seen it yet, then maybe further." He was at least paying attention to the building they came across, looking through the road as they crossed... soon enough they arrived to a place that seemed pretty suspicious. With a cattish motif and tomes on display. "Hmm. Is that it?" Hesitating for a moment, Üllr guided Sixteen towards the store, beckoning to what reception there was. "Hi... do you sell magic here?"
  10. "Huh? Yeah--" Üllr wasn't surprised by Sixteen's sudden excitement, though the shift from curious to hyper was still sudden, and he found himself being tugged slowly towards the exit. "Heh, that's the point. Let's find what they have to sell." Smirking, Üllr picked the pace and followed Sixteen. "Thanks for the weapons." With a final acknowledgement and wave to Armin, Üllr and Sixteen left the shop.
  11. "Arena? Hm. I see..." Üllr wasn't lacking for options if he followed Balsa's advice, and saw the man return to his work with a quick nod, taking the weapons onto his possession. At least gauntlets and the like were fairly easy to carry around. "Thanks, you two." With his business done, Üllr's attention quickly shifted to his purchases, whether he thought to put in a good word for Balsa would be a matter of his future self's presence of mind. "Want to check magic, Sixteen? I want to see the arena, but we stop there first if you want." He at least had enough presence of mind for Sixteen's interests, though.
  12. "Hmm..." A discount seemed like a no-brainer, although, despite the offer of a better replacement, Üllr still picked comfort use over the biggest value, "I'll get the iron one, that's what I was using before. And the throwing rings. I'll try to learn how they work." He nodded, placing his money on the counter. Üllr buys the chakram and iron knuckles. Looking back to Balsa and sixteen again, Üllr couldn't help cracking a faint smile. "We do fight well together. Had to learn last fight. Numbers matter." Finally having paid, he could barely contain his curiosity on the chakram. "Is there a way to test them out?"
  13. "Mhm." It didn't take a genius to know that the big man was judging what kind of fighter he was, but Üllr didn't have to worry himself overmuch. "I fight to live. And to help, now." He wasn't that good with words, but surely Balsa understood what he meant. "If I can hold them, I'll try to learn. Not all enemies will let me fight up close, it would help to have another way to deal with them." He returned Balsa's comments about Sixteen with a slight smile, "Thank you." He hadn't stopped to think much of it, but it was nice to have a friend. That was a good reminder. When Armin returned with the weapon, Üllr leaned over the counter to get a good look at the rings. "Huh. So I throw those." They seemed big enough to handle, and he could understand the benefit of throwing something sharp like that. "Hmm... yeah. I will try. If these are good weapons, I'll learn to fight with them." He was committed to it, no hesitation in their effectiveness --this man seemed like he knew what he was doing. "700..." Sixteen was bubbly and ecstatic as can be, digging through her own payment to offer the blacksmith. "I think I can buy it, Sixteen. We still have to see magic for you, right?" The concept of spending money, as far as scale went, was lost on Üllr, but he still had it in mind that they had more to buy, probably. "How much are some knuckles?" It seemed fairly affordable... even if it was half of his payment.
  14. Üllr stared at the huge man, the clouded named Balsa, noticing his scars and horn. An imposing figure, to be sure. Üllr could only wonder what he was looking for in sizing him up. "Yes. I'm a fighter. Mercenary now. Used to get by with what I could. Not many places friendly to Clouded." He continued, staring the man in the eye. "I tried a gauntlet, it felt good. Don't want to scratch tough armor with my claws if I have to worry about that now. I saw you had throwing weapons too. How hard are they to use?"
  15. "And what if I felt like treating myself to a simpler pleasure from time to time~?" Nessraya smirked at her sister's remark, "It's no sin to treat my body to a different type of nourishment, after all." And in truth, it hadn't been enough at all. With Asami finding a squeeze, Thesephine in a new relationship, and Amera... moving on, it just left Nashwa, and a couple failed relationships to ruin Nessraya's mood. Fyl, for his part, was taken a bit off-guard by Meridrys's teasing, a moment of panic as the thought he had been too familiar with her crossed the mind. "Ah... uh... Hm. Y-yeah. I guess I should be fine. Yeah? Haha..." Clearing his throat, the fairy tried again. "Sorry! It's just, the general reputation precedes her, so I guess things finally hit me, uh... you're probably right." "My reputation, huh...?" Ness interjected, wanting to dig out a bit more from Fyl's remarks. "Y-Yeah! Rising to the rank of general at such a young age, and being so apt with magic. A lot of mages hold you in high regard, Gene-- Ah... Lady Ness? Nessy? Uh..." Despite the fumbling, Fyl's explanation brought a more genuine chuckle tp Ness. "Ness is fine, not Nessy. Not unless you want to help me replenish my reserves in the future~. Ah, but I should leave you for sis, shouldn't I?" Nessraya continued teasing the fairy, followed by a wink. "Ah--Uh-- Mrr!" Fyl was cornered and blushing, the poor fairy not used used to being on the receiving end of pranks and teases. "Well! Well, alright, Ness it is." Pouting, he crossed his arms, turning to the receptionist line before more openings provided themselves, looking at Lavinia and Jade. "Haaah~ S-sorry for the commotion. I hope you two have a great time --I can vouch for this establishment!" "Hehe~" Following along in her amusement, Ness waved back to Lavinia. "I see... thank you. Mister. I'll be watching for now." So it was a facility for martial training. Hecate was slightly curious is battlemages used it, though it appeared unlikely. If they provided live weapons, she could figure out the average technology and martial prowess in one go, but it now only seemed the latter, which was still fine. "Hmm... maybe I should take up your offer to get used to moving again, Lazuli. Still..." And in her musings, the catlike Changed under Thesephine crossed paths, having entered the establishment for its more proper purpose, Hecate gathered. "Ah, hello." Slowly turned around, Hecate sized up Amera and her Changed companion with her doll-like eyes, making the slightest smile out of necessity. "I wanted to see how people fight these days. I can't say it was ever my area of expertise, though I knew a few masters." Some that were too foolish and proud, some that were too dangerous... Arts that will never see the light of day again.
  16. "Hmm... okay." He wanted something simple, iron knuckles seemed good enough, but now that Armin mentioned the throwing things, Üllr's curiosity was piqued. He wondered what would it take to prove said man he was worthy. A way to deal with mages and archers more conveniently would be handy. "Eh...?" While waiting, Sixteen had taken some interest in his claws, touching with her own. Hers weren't much smaller, comparatively... but he could see now that all that 'armor' would make her struggle with wielding even a gauntlet. "Hmm... it's a bit tight, but it still fits, I just need big knuckles, like that guy, Cinaed." Üllr kept examining Sixteen's claws, touching back to feel her own scaley texture. "I don't close my hand fully. Have to be careful with claws. It's still strong, though. Faster than clawing." At least in some sense, the slight unwieldiness would be made up by the weight of his punches.
  17. "Taliyah..." Agni was pleasantly surprised at the lizard's conviction, even if her self-doubt came back at the end of her speech. He smiled softly, pleased with the development, and Marina's response. "You're both wonderful women with hearts to do good. Don't let the challenges we face stop you from realizing that." Agni was almost tempted to come closer, but he knew best than to disturb the mood. "The hard choices you made were also for the consequences of those that came before, not just your own actions. It won't do anyone good to keep blaming themselves for the world." The comment was more pointedly directed at Marina, though not short of useful for Taliyah. That one had to make peace with her father's legacy, as Agni saw it. "...If you need me, I'll be going ahead to the Inn." Agni really felt like he'd overspeak if he remained. A testament to how he felt about both women. Oh. So Ariana and Ayane were a thing. This Taiyou did not know, as evident in her wide-eyed expression at the kiss. On top of that, there went Mae, throwing a suggestion that either Taiyou herself or Ayane lead the way, making the former feel like a deer in headlights. "H-hold on, Mae, I--" Taiyou wouldn't struggle with the concept much, thanks to Ayane leading the way without as much as waiting for an answer. Thankful as Taiyou was, she wasn't one to voice it, motioning Mae to follow along with the couple. "Right, where to?" "Spar for Sport, hmm..." Hecate lingered on the tacky name, face free of any expression. "With how this city seems jovial with its business names. You'd think these were times of peace." Quips like these were almost coming naturally, perhaps she was a natural at this once, or group's general dejection was simply stirring the cynic in her. For what it was worth, analyzing modern day culture was enough to entertain Hecate in this aimless excursion around town. She walked slowly into the building, noting how her feet rang in proper floor. Lighter steps would be needed to avoid further attention, and so she adjusted. It seemed like a softer compound than her time was the basis of the foundation. Not that back then would fare much better against the alloys she refined in her temporal cage. Quickly analyzing an attendant, Hecate made her way to what she assumed was the reception counter, with Lazuli in tow. "Good day. I'm curious to see how people fight for sport around these parts. Are there any special rules?" "Oh, I absolutely will if you would, Lady Meri. I've been around these parts. I don't suggest the parlor on a whim~." With a childish smirk and a flutter of the wings, Fyl led his escort towards the Relaxing Willow, "I hate being stuck for days on a wagon, but flying around at the Wastes isn't something I could do for long." He seemed quite glad at the chance to stretch his wings figuratively, and arms, literally. "Hnnn..." Arriving at the establishment, Fyl spent no time greeting the receptionist. "Heeeellooooo~ Long time no see!" Waving as he floated in, Fyl gave a quick turn-around to mind his escort. "Ah! They have a variety of services, you should ask for options!" "Ah..." And a voice came from behind them, no less strange to Meridrys, as it was her own big sister. "Came here to take a break too, sis?" Though she was definitely in better shape than the elf as far as magic reserves went, Ness still seemed wanting for some relaxation. "Hope my plan didn't drain you too much. And this is..." "G-G-General!" Fyl seemed quite in shock for being addressed, flinching as Nessraya's gaze fell on him. "I'm Fyl --er, Captain Saluria, of the fifth reconnaissance division!" "...Right. At ease, please. You're with sis."
  18. "Armin. I'll remember that. We are travelers. Just got here." Üllr wasn't that acquainted with most other clouded types, gaze spending a bit to study Armin's features. "Mmm, don't you use magic, Sixteen?" Her claws were more unwieldy than his by far, but Üllr was pretty confident she didn't need a weapon as well. "Weapons take time to get used to, gauntlets are easier, but I don't think they fit your hands." Maybe daggers, but Üllr agreed with the blacksmith on the sharpness of Sixteen's claws already. "I wanted to see gauntlets. I borrowed one and it felt good to use." With few more words to add, Üllr walked towards the counter, standing beside Sixteen.
  19. "Ah..." It was amusing that Sixteen nearly tripped on herself trying to pick him up., even if she was very comfortable just... using him as a ride. It probably wasn't a big deal. "Okay..." Keeping her balanced with little effort, Üllr scanned the main street for any useful places. As one place struck Üllr's fancy, he did notnwait to look further. "Hmm? That's a shop? We'll check." Saying little, he dragged Sixteen along. ...It was pretty standard, despite Üllr's unfamiliarity, to a blacksmith's. They seemed to focus on standard weapons, and the handler seemed to be a Clouded as well, which was... a comforting feeling. "Hello... do you sell weapons here?" Üllr greeted, wanting to be sure as he walked in.
  20. "It... it is. A city." Üllr didn't have an initial positive response to seeing Cerezia, apprehensive from how bad his previous experiences in human settlements were. Still, this time he had employers, humans and other clouded with him to share the burden. Certainly it would be... tolerated, if he had Tio's name to protect. "We can go in.This is bigger than the last place, Sixteen. We could look around." She seemed quite clingy as of not, but Üllr didn't mind.
  21. "Hmm..." Üllr didn't have much to go on, Versaris seemed just as stumped on the tooic. Sixteen, on the other hand, offered sone guesses, weird as they were. "Just started cutting down, after using you?" He clenched his fist. "Bad guy. Not worth the trouble." Üllr seemed content is his statement, crossing his arms. "Be careful with him. I'll be careful too." It seemed like versaris was quite overwhelned as well. Ignorance counted as bliss, in this case.
  22. "Hmm..." Hecate took notice of how Thesephine seemed to tense up in her presence... at one point, it was frustrating, with all the goodwill Hecate offered. And then there was that... multi-eyed Changed. Miz's underling, spitting poison at her in the open. Hecate turned to look at her with a smirk. It was starting to feel amusing. Was she truly one to ellicit such concern? If she was, at least, she didn't feel collectively threathened. "I had enough time beneath the ground for a lifetime... Xek'teth, was it? You are free to return to my home if it pleases you." Taking her attention away, now holding a smirk in her doll-like face, Hecate once again addressed Thesephine. "I bear no desire to hurt my connection to home, Demon King. ...This way you treat me, one would think I'd burned your horses and walked off summers past." There was some cynicism coated in her tone, having made decent progress recovering her speech the last week. Adapting to the linguist quirks of recent years was taking some time --she was already a fan of the antiquated by Miz's time. "So I should think of these lives as unthreathening, hm?" Hecate threw Thesephine a studious glance. "I had half a mind to study how changed the... Changed are, already. Explore the town we will." Finally breaking eye contact, Hecate turned to her creation, with a slight acknowledgement to follow. "Lapis." First would be checking those who fight, to made good on Thesephine's suggestion... "Marina... I think Tali--" Before Agni could rven assuage the Hero's concerns, Taliyah had down herself, bringing a smile to his face, admittedly. "Hah. Before you ask, this wasn't planned, Marina. I never pushed her to think of moving past. Her life was full of durress, and yours of hard choices. Some levity for the day would do just fine. "Exhausted, is it, Lady Meri? Maybe the massage parlour would be a good choice --I remember it being a good spot for sore bodies... and I wager it hasn't changed." Fyl tilted his head, "We could also see to some clothing if you want to, a few good tailors set up shop in Hwein... although here we might just find branch shops." ""Oh? I'll... keep it in mind, Nashwa." Nessraya was amused by the list of places Nashwa told of in case of her absence. It still narrowed things down, but she would spend quite a time tracking Nashwa down regardless. Nessraya could hope Nash would not get too ahead of herself, seeing her off with a wave. And now... what was Ness to do herself? She wasn't really in the mood to walk off much, having worn herself out with rhe warping --though not to her sister's extent, with succubus benefits. Thesephine had orders handled... and it still felt awkward to approach it all after their argument. Perhaps some time to herself would be fine. And thus she moved towards the Relaxing Willow, maybe an appointment would do her good.
  23. Things... were definitely getting hairy for what was supposed to be just boring talk. First, Versaris says the pegasus rider (which Üllr was accused of being in cahoots with, he still remembered that), was supposed to be royalty? From Lufiria? Seemed to be the place they were headed, after all. So finding this person might be part of the job? At least Üllr assumed so. It was followed by a chain of escalating reactions. 'Gean' collapsed and spoke of her connection to said royalty... and honestly, as much as Üllr tried to assess things, the names just blurred. It was too much to process at once, especially for someone whose life was simpler in its cruelty. That said, one name was good enough to stick to his memory. It certainly was having an effect on *multiple* people as it were. "Jeremiah... he tried to kill you, Sixteen? What was he doing to you?" Üllr couldn't help the curiosity, glancing at the mounting reactions among the group, before starting at Sixteen and Versaris again. "He sounds like a bad person." Perhaps it was a faux pas, but at this point Üllr felt like he heard enough to judge this person.
  24. "Hmm? Oh, I guess... people aren't that friendly with me either, though..." Üllr wasn't exactly confident he'd help being much of a guide, but he trusted himself enough to protect Sixteen if something weird were to happen interacting with humans. He certainly seemed to understand how to deal with them more than her, if a little. ...Speaking of which. "Ah..." Before he knew it, Sixteen was off on her own getting up on Sarasin's personal space. Thankfully, he was an agreeable human. This could be an issue to address later. "I think, he just likes them." Leaving his meal, Üllr stood up, slowly approaching Sixteen --having to mind for that tail, as well. "People say things but don't mean all of it." To be fair, it was one of the thing Üllr didn't fully get why, either. People were strange.
  25. The food had already been enough to cheer Üllr up for the moment, who'd taken a plate and sat down after picking a hearty meal with its share of meat. No point fretting over the man that invited them, supposed mayor of Liste. If they accepted clouded and monsters in the place, Üllr figured he wouldn't struggle dealing with this one --more than could be said for yesterday's knights. Üllr watched Sarasin idly as he came to congratulate, not minding much the man's way of carrying himself. A human that wasn't imposing came as a breath of fresh air. "Mm..." Sixteen's question was curious, though, if a bit out of the blue. "Why did you ask that?" Seemed like the man was intent to give some explanation to the crew in general, as well as remuneration. It was a good way to make Üllr pause expectantly. Gold, huh... will be nice to be able to buy things.
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