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Atticus Lee

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    Fates: Conquest

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  1. The official website has help pages that are incredible even on google translate I suggest giving them an over look. This page in particular https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&sp=nmt4&u=http://srpgstudio.com/lecture/ally.html&xid=17259,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700186,15700190,15700201,15700208&usg=ALkJrhho3TruurkVRGP_qvk3jlPoyN0kxw But for my personal instructions, basically you need to already have info of the unit in the Player Tab, then on the map go Unit Mode -> Ally Placement Mode -> Create Player as Ally. Go to the map's Talk Event and create the event. I'd use the Battle Event Command "Unit Affiliation" to change them to Player and the allied unit in the same map will become playable and then the next chapters they'll be available. Their stats and parameters as the "ally" unit will also override their default stats and parameters. *edit* here's an english link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1465103169
  2. Yeah I'm starting to get the hang of it now. GoogleTranslate on the main website's documentation is surprisingly very helpful. Only thing I'm trying to figure out now is how to do support levels when they're fighting side-by-side. The Custom Parameter and Custom Skill Parameter are also something I'm interested in but that's reserved for the full version.
  3. Been messing around with the Steam Demo and it seems fairly easy and similar to RPG Maker. Only thing is the lack of an English Documentation/Manual right now to help with crashes and errors. There are some things I don't really understand either like the distinction between Memories, Recollection, Auto Event, Opening Event, Ending Event, Side Quests, Quests, etc. I also don't know how to set the victory condition for the very first map. Since it's the demo version I also can't really try out custom parameters.
  4. I'm conceptualizing an "Awakening Persona" fangame, but I'm not sure what to center it on. The gameplay would be 2d action but I can't decide between three "plot" styles: Awakening, Gangrel arc. Basically you create your character and run Chapter 1-11 Open-world, skyrim-ish Dynasty Warriors Empire style, choose a faction (or start your own) and take over the continent of Ylisse. The first idea would be more easy and realistic to make, but it'd have no replay value since everybody already knows how Chapter 1-11 turns out. The second idea would allow more "player freedom" but without a clear goal or time-sensitive plot and the "quality" of a good open-world game, there isn't really any incentive to "play". The third idea hypothetically lets the player create more than one customized character, but the gameplay style of DW:Empires might be too niche for people, and too long to have replay value. What I'm really looking for is a balance between replayability, players actually finishing a runthrough, and people actually being interested in it. Thank you for reading.
  5. Well, Nohr is supposed to be a destitute country. Beruka, Niles, and Charlotte are victims of the lower-class issues in that, and the royal siblings are victims of Western Royal Court shenanigans. But reasons aside, I feel you're really stretching some of these character traits and some of them outright wrong. You can't just assume that Niles killed innocent people out of spite; he was just doing standard crimes/thievery to "survive" and he doesn't resent the happiness of others, he resents when others have had blissfulness but no suffering. Nyx killed people out of an accidental magic mishap that she deeply regrets. Gunter may have mentioned wanting to avenge his family by using Corrin, but outside of being controlled by Garon, he never actually physically did anything in that vein. Peri was simplified but I guess it's correct either way.
  6. Oh yes I have the sprite sheet, but I needed an ingame screenshot of Peri as reference for assembling it.
  7. May I request a screenshot of Peri's in-game chibi sprite? I tried googling it for assembly-reference but google didn't give me anything. Please and thankyou
  8. Don't have FEH downloaded anymore so I don't remember, but does attack animation for Bow users bend the actual bow sprite when they're retracting it?
  9. Did Nintendo release that Hyrule Warriors Treasure Box for the western countries? I know Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors always get Treasure Box editions in Japan but we usually never get those editions (except the latest entry for Europe methinks)
  10. Finally pulled Peri but man oh man, they REALLY amped up her little-girl speak AND the same thing with her new voice-actress. She feels completely different from her Fates counterpart (artwork doesn't help either).
  11. Thank you for the datamine! I needed these Interesting that their filenames are based on their Japanese names
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