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Everything posted by Karino

  1. Eireka=Phail. Epic fail. Ephraim is better, but his journey's harder.
  2. A pair of guards were chasing after him now. "Ack! GOD NO!" he shouted, putting on another burst of speed.
  3. Great. Another retarded bastard killing people. Excuse my language.
  4. Karino


    Drael ducked under the wooden axe, then slashed his wooden sword at his opponent. His opponent jumped into the air, and he twirled his axe. The other boy, Assren, brought his heavy axe down as he descended. Drael jumped backwards as the axe slammed into the ground in front of him. He slashed his "sword" across his opponents face. But Assren was no longer there. With inhuman speed, he darted behind Drael, and swung his axe for the killing blow. Drael jumped and kicked behind him, catching his enemy right in the face. Assren stumbled back, with a bloody nose, and brought up his axe and threw it with unerring acurracy. In mid-air, Drael twisted, and the axe shot by him so close to his face that he could feel the wind from the axe. Without a moment's hesitation, the other student lept to grab his axe. Drael punched him in the stomach. It was a knock-out hit. "The sparring match is over!" Announced their weapons teacher. "Good job, you two. Next match...." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good fight, Drael," called a voice behind Drael. "Hey, Assren, you too." "Ha! I didn't even touch you!" "It missed me by a centimeter, and the only reason I won is because you jumped to get your axe." "Still, you're good." "Thanks."
  5. lol TLS what are you doing to the punch?
  6. *high-fives back* There's another song I'm gonna play after this.
  7. *steals a fanta from under random person's nose* Cool. *takes a sip*
  8. Heh. *dances to the gothic ballroom song*
  9. I knew you were drunk. -.- Anyway, I really enjoy the song I'm playing right now.
  10. I must admit, the Friday Party is pretty cool right now. Not the meaning of life, but still.
  11. Dancing to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xw0UrML-fg now.
  12. *drinks some more fanta* Really hyper now. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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