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Everything posted by Nestling

  1. I stood there, as we were about to be filmed by the news station. We were in the middle of the break and the cheerleaders had taken their break from their intense actions of standing and occasionally making sexual gestures to the camera. I had been standing, dazed out as I had no means of conversation at the time. I decided to stare around the gym, active yet still. The group of basketball players were playing a quick game. I noticed that there were a grand total of two non-African-American players on that team. One of them was in my APUSH class. He talked a lot. Anyways, they were not of interest. I had already watched them and did not have a very fond opinion of them, even though the world thought otherwise. I searched for a means of interest, until suddenly, my eyes became scarred. There they were. A cheerleader and her coach. They were sitting on the ground, and one of the girls decided that the act of standing had been too stressful on herself. The coach was sitting down, so she proceeded to believe of the coach as her own mother, and snuggled close to her. She found that mimicing the same position as the older coach was simply not comfortable, so she turned sideways and bent her legs. This is where I came in. My eyes were searching for entertainment as I slowly ventured toward this area (Not a very far venture, as it was directly in front of where I was standing.). There they were. The coach stroking the cheerleader's hair, oddly creepy and lesbian, but not what had brought up my greatest concern. After all, I was in band. A good portion of the women there were pretty hardcore lesbians. No, what really captured me was what I saw as my eyes explored the scene. After looking at their faces, and not being able to recognize them, I brought my eyes lower. That's when I saw it. That's right. The panty shot. All over my face. Oblivious to this hole exposure, the cheerleader laid down, exposing this vital part of her body straight in my face, I tried to pull away, but the image stuck in my head like a slap to the face. I attempted to get this out of my head, and even tried replacing the cheerleader with my favorite female characters from television shows that I watched. But to no avail. "ACTION" the reporter said. We started the segment, and everything was fine. Until I looked down, at myself. That's right. Johnson had wanted to come out to play. On live television. The worst part was that out of all of the filming that I did, I only got a 3 second clip of me standing.
  2. Dammit guys this was supposed to be how I can't fap to my favorite character, now it's about how Crash has a completely gay avatar. But on the comment about no good rule34 of FE existing. . . I've seen this really good one with That queen person (I haven't played FE in years, so I forgot her name) and Tibarn. Unyuu >w<~. Also, I'm halfly tempted to send Ein a more moe avatar of Cathy >w<~.
  3. My leg ;~;. That doesn't even qualify! I'm looking for Rule 34, not rule 63! D:
  4. I've been asking for Volug rule34 for quite a long time now. I've ventured for years, searching far and wide, waiting for someone to imagine what he would look like with his pants down. To this day, I've been unsuccessful in this quest. Like, seriously, I've even found Kyza stuff, but no Volug ;~;. Why must the internet do this? D:.
  5. well you're just a sillyhead then ;~;
  6. He was the greatest president to ever exist and anybody who doesn't agree is silly
  7. "Hmm. . . There's a new Yu-Gi-Oh! series! Now let's think of a catchphrase to overuse with this character!" ". . ." ". . ." ". . . Feel the flow?" "GENIUS" Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL is not moe D:.
  8. I'm not going to downright say "WELL THAT WAS MY IDEA FROM THE BEGINNING, BUT I WAS VAGUE", because that's totally not true. Maybe it was in the back of my head, but I will admit that I had no idea of such until reading through the topic and thinking of a solution after pressures on here to "Less Insane or GTFO" But I'm glad that we've at least progressed to a sort of consensus. Even if it's not a compromise or agreement, we at the very least, I apologize for my cliches, but we agree to disagree.
  9. From a moral standpoint, I agree, I totally seem completely heartless and insane. But on the hand, look at this. I never wanted them to be left on their own. In an ideal plan, I'd like them to be separated. Just like how in schools, they are put into special ed classes, semi-secluded from the world. These classes put them away from the evil dangers of others. As stated plenty of times earlier, they don't know what they're doing is wrong. If they were consistently integrated with non-disabled people, what stops them from suddenly being drawn into drugs or other bad things. After all, based on what's been said earlier, they can tell if they've been wrong or not. This totally happens in the outside world, and in a quick instant, these influences can get to them and hurt them. I know this is a completely different point shift, but ideas pop up into my head pretty quick as I read the posts here. Also, it's kind of like with the clinically insane. They don't know what they're doing is wrong, but they're put into asylums simply because a court or a family deemed them insane and unfit for society. Instead of getting proper help, they are simply locked up in padded rooms, because they do not benefit society. Thinking about it, isn't this kind of like retirement homes? Like, you know, when the elderly are considered "too old to live with us! I can't support them! Let's seclude them from the world in their own homes!" I'm not assuming that everyone believes retirement homes are great, but look at this. Retirement homes are socially acceptable. It's for people whom "can't be supported" in any sort of way. For instance, Alzheimer's. Even those whom are just old and maybe stingy. What sort of difference makes Retirement Homes socially acceptable but Disabilitied segregation (or homes, if you'd like to think of it) a terrible thing? also, I kinda stopped arguing with the quote above and started typing thoughts halfway through here, so please don't assume that all of this is towards the quote. This entire thread is pretty much just me thinking openly with opinions to influence my ideas. . .
  10. I'd rather avoid the whole escaping my life thing. Although I'd do quite a bit to live a life without this huge burden on myself, I'd also like to live my life without tossing my burdens onto equally less-willing people. With the ideas that I am suggesting, I am at least making it so those in the future never have to go through the struggles that can be caused. With just escaping my life to avoid a burden, I benefit nobody but myself, and even those benefits are marginal. I'm not arguing with your post, just to be clear. I'm just saying that I disagree with a part of your solution.
  11. Paperblade, can you tell me how my tone is sounding like a punk? I'm not mad at you or anything, but I'm typing this in the most logical sense possible. Based on how I'm typing, I feel that I'm typing just like any other argument in any other subject. I'm not saying "I'M NOT ACTING COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS", because according to the forum response, I apparently am pretty rediculous. I expected this kind of response with my suggestions, but what is wrong with my tone? As I said, I'm not neccesarily raging here, I'm just curious.
  12. I'm basing my claims on ability to perform in society. Basing this off of race is a completely different argument. Even if white supremacists feel that the black population is disbeneficial to society, they have no proof other then simple racism. With my claims, I at least have proof on how they disbenefit the country as a whole. But through posting this, I do see how my ideas have been radical to the point of insanity. Even though I'd still like action done to limit their impact on society (For instance, the crap about getting paid for going to school. If I'd change one thing, I'd change that in a heartbeat.). I thank those once again whom are being logical and not resorting to namecalling. You've actually had an effect on my views and allowed me to see views from the other side of the issue. But just @Dark Sage: You do realize that I'm talking about more then my sister, right? My views are based off of MANY people, all with different conditions, met in different areas, and all different, but similar. And holy crap when did I say torture or death. I never said "STARVE THEM" or anything. I'm suggesting removal. Never did I say torture. They can have all of the support and food they want in their secluded areas.
  13. Maybe I am using them as a convenient outlet. But take a look at this. I plan on being a music major. Because you know, as you said, I'm totally retarded and anything academic is totally out of the question. So anyways, I'm stuck scraping the ground to find any sort of money because my sister needs so many operations. My record is ruined by all of the trouble that I have gotten into because of literally RANDOM instances that have come from the mentall disabled, after I tried showing compassion. I know that after my parent's death, I'll be stuck having to take care of her. Right now, my parents are hardworking people, whom spend their entire day working to overcome the burden that has fallen onto them. My mom has the ability to become the boss of her firm, but is forced to work a part-time job because she has to support my sister. I know that once I find jobs in the music industry, I'll be completely limited, because I've already been told that I will be given the burden of taking care of my sister once both of my parents die. Even if I'm just using them as a convenient outlet, I think I'm pretty justified. Even if maybe I am just some lazy selfish bum, these people have surely had a huge influence on me in a negative way.
  14. Moreso, I'm kind of irked that people have resorted to simple idiocy to argue back to me. I agree that my points may be radical. I agree that my points may be illogical. But that gives you absolutely no right to simply throw me under the bus and call me a selfish idiot. I thank those whom are actually providing decent arguments disproving mine. I pity those whom simply resort to calling me some kind of monster. Also, I never said "KILL ALL THE DISABLED PEOPLE." That falls under manslaughter. I just suggest that they be removed from the confines of regular society and maybe be placed in areas secluded from society. I'm not radical enough to consider torture. I'm just radical enough to suggest exile. Not so much exile from the country, but exile from the lives of those whom are feeling the negative effects of these people.
  15. Just as my topic rubbed you the wrong way, this post rubs me the wrong way. I don't see how I've presented myself as ignorant. To begin, I've had experience with many people of this sort and have made an opinion on how I would like this situation to be dealt with. My ideas may be uncommon, but surely I have reason to believe so. I may be presenting myself as selfish, but I'm only using examples of myself because I know that there's plenty of other people whom feel the way I am. I'm not posting this because I'm pissed off at my sister. I'm posting this because I'm tired of all of the destruction that has fallen into lives because of this group of people. Not just myself, but many others. Not just for petty annoyance, but rather loss of success due to this group. But I'm a bit irked that you simply go off into unsupported claims of pretty much calling me selfish and arrogant without any sort of proof. This is the Serious Discussion board. Leave your namecalling for FFtF.
  16. What I'm proposing is the removal of those whom are mentally inable in any sort of way to benefit society. I'm not meaning to sound like an angry rant, and if I am, I apoligize. I've had these ideas for quite a while, so I'm not just angrily ranting just because I like to angrily rant. I'm completely against the teasing of them for the simple fact that they can't do anything as well as others. I'm against the fact that they can use their disabilities to ride through life on a free ticket of cluelessness and get paid money for it, while living their lives as narcissistic asshats who don't really benefit society. Even those non-disabled people who are self-centered lazy asshats still at least benefit society with being able to work jobs with decent skill or at least be able to do SOMETHING. Even if they aren't totally exiled from society, some stuff needs to change. I think it's completely pointless to give them TWO outlets of pretty much free money, just for literally existing. Even if I'm thinking too intensely right now, don't you feel that this babying right now is completely wrong? As you said, people whom are babied throughout their life are going to be narcissistic. Shouldn't we take that into account and stop giving all of these benefits to these people whom bring absolutely nothing? Even if completely exile is not achieved, shouldn't their at least be reform? meh.
  17. I know I sound horrible when I say this, but seriously, I want to bring up this sensitive topic because it's tearing me apart right now. If I haven't assed about it enough, I currently live with my mentally disabled sister. She's about 20 (turning 21 this November). Let me describe her for you. I could describe stuff that you don't care about. Stuff like "Oh! She likes animals!" or "She likes to tear boxes", but let's take a look at her from a standpoint that is actually relevant to the discussion at hand. She's rude, she's lazy, she's arrogant, she complains about everything not pertaining to her, she's gluttonous, and she expects that everyone treats her with the absolute utmost respect, even if she treats them like dirt. She spends her days going to an Adult School, going to work, getting fed breakfast at nice restraunts, occasionally working at entry level jobs, and the rest of it is pretty much a day-care center. They learn how to do stuff, like hygene and stuff, but for the most part, it's just an adult day-care center. You know those "entry level jobs" that I just said. She gets paid for those. That's right, she's pretty much garunteed a job because her chromosomes are screwed up. ALONG with that, our family gets money from the government because she is legally disabled and therefore qualifies for a disability check. For life. Which pretty much means that federal funds are being spent to give free money to a person who does nothing to society other then give idiots a thing to tease. I want to make a distinction. I know that if I don't mention this, someone's going to mention "WELL PEOPLE WITH AUTISM ARE STILL SMART", and I don't deny that. I know a few autistic people, and I don't find anything much wrong with them. You know why? Because they're not horribly arrogant and expectant. They're not rude and slow-witted and psuedo-princesses. My argument is about those whom are just pretty much in the barrier between normal function and vegetable level. Now, I speak from experience. I live with my sister, as I said earlier, who has William's Syndrome, and I had a friend of mine (She believed that we were boyfriend and girlfriend for most of elementary and middle school, causing me to get into assloads of trouble, as I'll explain later), and I know plenty more where that came from. I want to make sure that everyone knows that my claims are not made because I am ill informed of the mentally disabled. I want to make sure everyone knows that I'm not hating them because they're mentally disabled. I just dislike them because of their inherit personality traits and their disbenefit to society. So now into my main argument. As I said earlier, these people are bringing nothing much to society. There's the stories about how someone overcame the syndromes and did something (generally not glorified if they were done by a person without the syndromes) special. But really, what do they bring into society? Now, you can say "WELL THERE'S A LOT OF DUMB PEOPLE IN THE WORLD TOO WHO AREN'T DISABLED, THAT DON'T DO ANYTHING", and to that, I say that at least most of them are capable of working a job. They have potential to be successful in something, and a good portion at least have a basic job (or a skill that can be used, even if just in the local community). But with the mentally disabled, they can't bring much. From an economic standpoint, they're negatives. Huge negatives. Are there other groups who act as negatives? Yes. But one problem at a time, and I feel it's high time that this problem be taken care of. For instance, let's use Phineas and Ferb as an example. I feel they had a pretty decent representation of how I feel society treats the mentally disabled. So Doofenschmirtz kinda sucked at his project and made some kind of disabled Perry clone. In summary, he pretty much stated that although he was pretty much useless, but he was just so damn cute or something (Which is how a lot of people view them. Kind of like pets, when the disabled do something that is "extraordinary" aka mildly impressive in non-disabled standards, it's "cute"). You want to know what happened? Perry the Disabled Platapus screwed everything up and pretty much broke the machine that was sure to destroy Perry the Platapus. So he lost. Kind of like how in my life, plenty of times, I've been denied opporotunities and chances because my sister wanted to do something or needed some kind of operation or something. I might not be in such a rush to get scholarships if it hadn't been for my sister and her incredibly expensive operations, for instance. I know that my opinions are probably extremely different from the norm. Maybe I've just had bad experience. For instance, with my friend with the Down's Syndrome, she's seen as an amazing person to most, because she. . . ? ? ?. . . I guess it's because they just decided to glorify her or something. But most of them only see her on occasion. They haven't been sitting in the office in risk of suspension because the friend had screamed "I WAS WITH BRIAN NAKED IN THE SHOWER" during class, or a plethora of things other then that. Most of them haven't spent decades with a mentally disabled person living in their own home. Their lack of care, their lack of character, their lack of decent humanness, and then expecting nothing less then perfection out of all others. I don't speak from one example. I don't speak from two examples. I speak from many. So I want to ask you guys this. Should they be allowed to stay in society? What benefit do they bring? Obviously, I haven't found one, and I've had almost 17 years to figure it out. So should they be allowed? . . . welp, here I go. My social credibility skyrockets downward but at least I feel accomplished in knowing that I've stood from the crowd and decided to have my opinions heard in the open.
  18. den da clases stated everyone lunrd lujtz and got new firend ops sory i man freind
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9-hUeLtkKU
  22. It was a late monday afternoon. Marching band practice was cancelled, so I'm stuck wondering what to do. I decided to browse the internet, since I didn't feel like doing homework. I took a look at this thread. My reply was obvious. I scrolled down to the bottom of the thread in excitement, ready to post my humourus reply. Then I read Integrity's post. ;~;.
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