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Everything posted by Nestling

  1. and I just sit there. . . as the wolves enter the forest. . . and murder every sheep inside the forest. The sheep containing the very same wool that I was about to shear off of the sheep ;~;.
  3. If anything, they should have made "I'm in the mood to siiiiing~" from Skyrim a meme :<.
  4. In my defense, all 15 people that liked it didn't know me irl
  5. You know, Obviam's signature is kinda hot too . . . just kinda.
  6. I guess that must. . . . Stink HAHAEHDKLFGSDAEGILAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAaaaaaa
  7. H-H-HOW?! She's like, moe! This time, she's also legal! F-Fine, post pictures of an animu character who IS sexy! D:.
  8. Her skirt is so damn short because that's her school uniform, so it's a requirement that it barely goes over her assu~. Also, to your questions 1. No, he's gay for Astral :< 2. Because he sucks and needs a sexy naked ghost man to duel for him~. >w<~.
  9. They're not 9, they're 13! Except for Alexis (the last picture I posted). She's like, 17 or something
  10. There should be a Fire Emblem anime~ *runs*
  11. *does <3~. Fine, here's someone sexy for you all :<
  12. Cathy is this sexy beast B-B-But it's not really that bad! Sure, the picture I chose for Kotori is meh, b-but she kinda has a moe assu~
  13. Is it wrong that I find Kotori kinda sexy? Picture for reference:
  14. Nothing has motivated me enough to change my name here for the past (almost) 3 years. This included. >w<.
  15. and here I was thinking that my morally objective opinions were the oddest that could exist.
  16. I only use basilmarket to sell stuff occasionally and to use guides for classes I don't feel like learning about! D:.
  17. A: allstardriving.com B: basilmarket.com C: cracked.com D: duelingnetwork.com E: etiwandabands.com F: facebook.com G: google.com H: hotmail.com I: ign.com J: ja.wikipedia.org K: keepvid.com L: lmgtfy.com M: maplestory.nexon.net N: nexon.net O: osu.ppy.sh P: photobucket.com Q: quickmeme.com R: None S: serenesforest.net T: tinyurl.com U: none V: video2mp3.net W: wikipedia.org X: none Y: youtube.com Z: zentendo.com
  18. @Ein: Your avatar, if I'm not mistaken, is Cathy from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL >w<~. Luckily for you, Cathy is rank #5 in my waifu list. Due to this, I've obtained moe moe avatars of Cathy, that I wish to share with you, seeing as you also have an enjoyment for Cathy >w<~.
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