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  1. Exactly what it says in the title: Taking Lyn Mode into account, would it be possible to solo FE7 using only Florina (except for the chapters where she isn't present, obviously)? What do you think?
  2. Guest

    Chapter Unit Limit Question

    How do you/is it possible to increase the character/unit limit on a chapter? For instance, say a chapter only allows you to bring 11 heroes into battle; is it possible to change that limit from 11 to 16 (exclusively using Nightmare)? I know adding enemy units isn't, but I wasn't sure if this was different. Thank you, and sorry if this is a dumb question!
  3. Hi there! So, I finally was able to make an op blazing blade hack! Changes: Maxed out stats and op weapons from the start bosses are upgraded with stats, stronger weapons, and some hold sacred weapons, which is sometimes quite a pain Some class changes, such as ninian(ninian's palette looks good on her new class surprisingly) and nils Excepting ninian, nils, lords, and some others, all ally characters are base class(can't have it too easy) vulneraries and elixirs with 30 uses rienfleche has 2-3 range now Douglas is an npc, not an enemy(playtested 25 times and he kept dying by attacking the boss or an ally) chests have sacred weapons,so get to them quickly some characters carry promoting items Easy as walking through a field of lv1 fighters with a maxed out swordmaster Things to work out: small glitch involving the accidental recruitment of numerous Douglases(almost worked out) finding a way to make the fire dragon a harder boss; it's almost always a OHK with a lord character and a crit weird glitch where promoting a character can give them multiple S ranks in weapons. The first weapon you attack with after promoting is demoted to A-rank, until only 1 S-rank remains. (e.g. Promote florina, then have her attack with a sword to keep S-rank in lances) Here's the patch:Improved OP Blazing Blade.ups Have fun :D
  4. I've been doing solo drafts of GBA fire emblem lately, but I find that I all too often get easy teams that are hardly challenging. So here's this! This draft is aimed for a more casual group, who don't usually do LTC, but veterans are welcome to come and kick my butt if they feel so inclined. The Rules: Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: Kubson: Sain, Serra, Oswin, Farina, Lyn, Karel, Nino FINISHED Finalinsanity: Lowen, Canas, Heath, Rath, BartreKarla, Legault, Vaida FINISHED rohanx17: Fiora, Raven, Pent, Lucius, Dart, Wil, Louise FINISHED General Horace: Florina, Erk, Eliwood, Isadora, Dorcas, Rebecca, Jaffar FINISHED Epoch5: Priscilla, Kent, Matthew, Hawkeye, Guy, Harken, Renault FINISHED Drafting is Complete: Turn count by chapter not necessary, but nice. Post final turn counts here.
  5. Hey all! This is my first post on the forums, though I've been a lurker for years now. I've played through most of the U.S. released Fire Emblem games, as well as many of the Rom Hacks here, but I've wanted to make a hack for a long time now that highlighted Fire Emblem's medieval setting to its fullest extent. This hack will feature a strong story concerning conflicts between the different noble houses and lands, but still incorporate the spirit of Fire Emblem games. While this is still in the conceptual stages, the idea is that it will include: - 20 something chapters, telling a rich story within the context of the world. - Custom Classes (and omissions). I want this to be a very character driven story, and thus some generally playable classes may not be represented as it would be difficult to explain their role. For instance, I don't foresee there being a playable shaman/druid, and there won't be any heavy armored female characters. I will try to incorporate some custom classes. I also want to make some other class changes seen in more recent FE's, such as reducing the movement of all non-cavalier/paladin mounted units by 1. - New maps - New weapons, including those unavailable on normal GBA FE's (hello Levin Sword). - Custom mugs and new characters (previews shown below). I really hope that I can give my characters some real creative depth. For instance, your first healer will be a masochistic priest who looks like a thug, and the only pegasus knight you receive is a male. The goal is to have it so each playable character contributes in some way, however small, to the overall narrative of the story and not just feel like a throw-in. Plot: Long ago, the continent of Ishtaria was beset by constant war and fighting, until one day the Goddess Levinia descended from the heavens and put an end to the bloodshed. She entrusted a portion of her power to mankind through a vassal that would be known as the Apostle. The Apostle held immeasurable power and would be known as the voice of Levinia herself. The Apostle would be reincarnated into a new vassal upon the death of a previous one, and this cycle would repeat until the day Levinia herself came down and delivered salvation upon Ishtaria. The first Apostle, Octavius, founded the Holy Empire of Orvel which would rule over the continent for centuries to come, until the War of Three Kings, which separated the continent into four Kingdoms: Orvel, The Marshlands, Merelden, and the Desert Kingdom of Tanaris. The Marshlands were subject to a bloody civil war that ended with the marriage of Lady Beatrice of House Stormholdt and Lord Gabriel of House McTyiere. Together, they had two children, Lord Markeith and Lady Christana, before Lady Beatrice passed away from illness. The story follows Christana and Kellan, Gabriel's bastard son. While Kellan grew up separately from the lordly siblings, the three were close and often played together until Markeith's assassination some years prior. Kellan is accompanied by his longtime friends Colette, Jory, and Macveil. Preview: I've attached a preview of the portraits I've made below. The numbers denote playable characters in the order they are recruited. All others are NPCs, enemy characters, or characters I haven't decided if they are to be recruited yet. I've wanted to make this hack for a long time now, and I really hope I can show you guys some progress in the coming months. Please, let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback, any would be super appreciated.
  6. I had a crazy headcanon the other day and wanted to see what SF thought about it. Occasionally, I find myself wondering what the other side of the Dragon's Gate looks like. We never actually get to see the other side of it. BUT there is one other location in the series that we know of called the Dragon's Gate: The one in Fateslandia. What if Fates is set in the future on the other side of Elibe's Dragon's Gate. We do know that both Dragons and Humans lived past the Dragon's Gate which matches up with Fates' world. The Dragon's Gate exists in both Elibe and Fateslandia, and Fateslandia - as far as we know - lacks any other ties to other places (save for dimensional travel). Does anyone have any opinions on this? Thoughts they could add to this? This possibility blew my mind when I thought of it, even if it is just strung together by a few coincidences. I really wasn't sure which section to put this in, but figured I'd put it here given that there are two distinct Elibean games to pull from vs Fate's three variations.
  7. The rule about Marcus being free up to Chapter 16 results in Marcus dominating those chapters, overshadowing the earlygame units, and making strategies and turncounts far more homogeneous among the players. There have been drafts [1] [2] that restricted Marcus to Chapter 22 for only the player that drafted him, but why not also allow him to be drafted before that point as well? Marcus before Chapter 22 is still pretty overcentralizing, so I arbitrarily set the divide point at 19x / 20. Earlygame Marcus exists for 11 chapters, lategame Marcus for 18 chapters, which seems very roughly equal in value. Since there are "two" more units now, Wallace/Geitz and Harken/Karel are demoted to "free" again. They would just make dead team slots anyway and make balancing teams harder. The rule about defend chapters is somewhat lame as well. This time, four out of the five will be treated as rout enemy chapters (the exception is Vaida's so you don't have to kill her in Ch26). After killing all the enemies, you can visit, build supports etc. as usual. I'm not sure how best to spice up the optional gaiden chapters, if at all, so this time they're unchanged. Rules of Play This will be auction style again. What's the point of having two guinea pig tests if not to iterate on the method? You can check these [1] [2] threads for more info if you aren't familiar with the concept. I've made a few improvements as well. PM me your bids and post so others know how many slots are left if you want to play. Here are some sample bids based of the prices generated for the last auction. Think carefully. Remember early game units will be more valuable without free Marcus. The change of defend chapters to rout chapters means there are more turns possible to save, so good units have more potential. And lastly, these prices are still somewhat flawed even under the rules of play they were generated for. There are almost certainly over 40 units of inaccuracy in these prices. If you change your mind before the last person joins, feel free to change your bids. Here is a pastebin of the lua script I'll be using. You can run it a variety of ways including vba. You can fiddle with the bids at line 786 to see it in action and test things out. SHA256 hash of my bids: c84903f0bb442ab73c260e870f15008100552ed92c17fd371ad99b3f5a2e35e4
  8. Imgur did its damndest to make pushing this out to you a tedious chore, but I've got another LP for all to see... Fire Emblem: Sword of Heaven and Earth is a Japanese romhack of Blazing Sword/Rekka no Ken. Now, Japanese hacks have developed a bit of a mixed reputation thanks to abominable things like FE7if, as well as technically-neat-but-frankly-bullshit hacks like FE8 Girls and Super Thracia. Sword of Heaven and Earth manages to be a fairly sane hack amidst a crowd of rather ludicrous ones, focusing less on technical innovation or fancy gimmicks and more on generally sound game design. It's not a cakewalk, but (from what I've played anyway) it's not punishingly difficult either. Overall, if you want a hack that emulates the typical GBA style of gameplay more closely than, say, Elibean Nights or Midnight Sun, this isn't a bad way to go. Since the whole thing is in Japanese, I won't be touching upon the plot too much, aside from the appearance of new characters or stuff that affects the gameplay in some way. It's taking place in Elibe, at some time around the events of FE6, though I have no idea if it's before, during or after. We'll see some familiar faces, but most of the cast is new characters, albeit ones who greatly resemble characters from FE6 and FE7. I don't know anyone's growths, sadly, but for most of the earlier characters I can kind of give you an idea of their potential. I've played up to Chapter 13, so this isn't exactly a blind run, but we will hit a point where I don't really know what's coming next. Given my history I won't promise anything, but I'll try to keep this to a one-chapter-a-week schedule if I can manage that. I suppose I may as well get started. The first chapter's a bit sparse, but it gets better from here, honest! Prologue: Bait and crutch
  9. I was planning to compile an as-exhaustive-as-possible stat overview of HHM's enemies and to make things a lot easier, I would like to remove Fog of War from the equation via Nightmare - my first and so far only experience with the programm. For the most part, this seems to be fairly straightforward - I got to the start chapter 13x and the modified ROM seems to work just fine. However, since chapter 23 only has FoW on HHM, the "Vision Distance" parameter is already zero, so I have no clue how to remove it from HHM. Is there a (noob-accessible) way to deal with this problem? Thanks in advance
  10. Here's the dialogue in question: I've been watching a recent LP of FE7, and they recently finished Ch. 21: Kinship's Bond. This thought had crossed my mind long ago when I played through the game myself, and it finally dawned on me again: When Nils collapses at the start of the chapter (most likely from giving all his energy to Ninian in the previous chapter), exactly why did Ninian not want Nils to be moved? I don't think there was ever an explanation for this. I mean, yeah, they're manaketes and granted it's several chapters before the Lords find that out the hard way, but I still don't see what harm there would've been in moving him. Was he perhaps so low on quintessense that moving him could've shook the last bit of it out of him and killed him in the process? That's the most sound reason I can think of. But it may as well have just been left up to interpretation. If there actually is a reason and I either overlooked it or it's only in the Japanese script, I would love to know. This question's been eating at me for years. In any case, munch on some brain food and share your thoughts.
  11. I make FE music arrangements and just wanted to share what I've got with you all. New songs will be added as they come, and I hope you enjoy. Feedback and requests are welcome! [FE16] Trailer Theme (No SFX) [FE7] Reminiscence - Ninian and Nils' Theme (Cinematic Orchestral Arrangement) [FE7] Winds Across the Plains - Lyn Map BGM (Relaxing Orchestra Arrangement)
  12. Why hello there, hackers with significantly more talent than I! I seem to have gotten myself into a..... rather mystifying situation. .......holy shit where do I start. So, I'm new to music hacking. When I first got into the hacking business little over a year ago, I dabbled in it (using Sappy cause I'm a hipster), got frustrated and left it to rot while I figured out other aspects of hacking magic. But back then I also made a Rom specifically for music testing, which I applied a patch or two to without documenting anything. This being the problem here. (The only one I know I inserted was the FE7 Native Instrument Map.) Recently I finally figured out the basics of inserting songs that don't come out as ear torture, and I've been using said old testing Rom for....well... testing them. They work absolutely fine there, but when I insert them into the Rom for my actual hack, they have....some slight oddities. As an example: here's a song in my (now completely bugged) testing Rom: (Yes, it IS one of the boss themes from Mega Man X4) Correct Song.mp4 Sounds pretty good. Just how I want it to sound. Now here's the same song (exact same .s file) in my actual Rom: Bugged Song.mp4 (btw this is how it sounds in any Rom other than the testing one, not just this particular one). I guess the game can't handle the amount of instruments being played, since it periodically mutes some of them. Both of these are played with the aformentioned Native Instrument Patch, and the song has the same priority in both Roms. I didn't insert any custom sound samples into the test Rom (or the other one). I usually just dick around with stuff like this until it works, but this time I'm well and truly stumped.
  13. Using Laytruce's Stat Screen Creator (thanks, buddy) I've created this set of screens based on an old concept of mine- an FE7 hack that takes place during the Scouring. The main character will be Roland, though Hartmut will likely play a large role. And anyways, there isn't a sprite for Hartmut. Here are the starting stat screens I've made for Roland, Durban, and Bramimond, plus a thief variant of Anna and Bill the Soldier, a completely-legit OC. Here are the screens. If anyone wants to make a fangame similar to this, you MAY use my stat spreads AND Bill, if you so choose. All non-Bill characters, plus Bill's sprite, are from FE7, as are the assets used to make up their spreads.
  14. I made an orchestral arrangement of Reminiscence from FE7 and wanted to share it with you all. I plan on doing a few more songs from FE7, so if you have any requests let me know!
  15. Hi guys, it's NeoVerdin. This is the feedback thread for my story. Link to the story Edit: I figured out how to add buttons, yay! But the original link back to the story is still there above the button. If you like, hate, or want to comment about the story, feel free to post in here. As stated in the author's note, I will post it in ff.net as well, but my priority is here, so expect a few days of lag over there if you see me posting new story content here. Also, if you have any constructive criticism about the writing itself, I would love to hear from you. My posting will be pretty infrequent because of grad school, but I'll see what I can do!
  16. Is it possible to change which map the player starts with when they boot up the game? I want to skip directly to Eliwood's tale because I'm using his chapters as a base. EDIT: I solved it by activating the Seize flag in the start event of the prologue, which then makes it skip over to chapter 10, where I placed Lyn at the gate of the castle, so she can seize immediately. When I tried skipping directly to Chapter 11, the game was stuck in Lyn mode, making Eliwood unable to seize.
  17. Last night I had a weird dream. On the way between chapters 12 and 13, Dorcas has a dream about Zephiel becoming a madman and taking over the world (cough, fe6, cough), so he tells Hector. The two wonder about it, and ask Hannah when she joins the company, eventually realizing it's a vision and that Zephiel must die; however, that wouldn't fly with Eliwood, hence the name of the topic. The dream ended before Hector and Dorcas actually killed Zephiel, but all I remember for sure was that Serra kept trying to figure out their Ultimate, Top-Secret Plan to Kill Zephiel so she could blab to Eliwood or whatever...
  18. This is my first serious ROM hack that isn't me deciding on one thing and working on it for 5 minutes and getting bored. The aim of this ROM Hack is to swap the characters in Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones with the characters from Fire Emblem - The Blazing Blade (hence the name) I haven't made much progress but I have made decisions for who most of the characters will be swapped with. I plan on finishing this before I start university on the 18th. Here is a link to the spreadsheet in which you can see who I'm swapping with who, as well as the progress that I'm making. Any feedback would be helpful. Beta 2 can be downloaded here. The patch should be applied to US version of Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones. The full name of my rom is 1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan) All that I have left to do is add the movement sprites for the main characters and myrrh. Everything else is complete. Eliwood promotes into a Paladin or a Hero as I don't know how to add full custom classes. He promotes with a Knights Crest or a Hero Crest.
  19. Author's Note: Hi guys, I've finally finished the first part of my first fanfiction (well among, several ideas I originally had between FE7 and FE6). Though I'm not a prolific writer, I hope the read is still enjoyable. I've recently decided to join ff.net as well, so this story will be posted there. However, I've decided to have my story posted here first. Moving onto the content, this story takes place post-FE7, though the preclude does contain a large portion of how FE7 has ended. While future chapters will contain more original content, this is a warning to those who have not yet played the game and wish not to spoiled to turn back. For those who stayed behind, have fun! Link to feedback thread Edit: I figured out how to add buttons, yay! But the original link to the story's feedback thread is still there above the button. Prelude – The End of the Beginning The Dragon’s Gate, the Isle of Valor Bouncing off of the ancient temple walls, the sound of steel clashing and the cries of war animals rippled throughout the desolate battlefield. Sword onto sword, spear onto spear, Nergal’s remaining morphs had fought desperately to their end despite their master’s demise. Amidst this chaos, the young lord of Pherae named Eliwood made his way up the stairs as the last remaining fire dragon musters up its remaining defense. Not willing to give in without a fight, the red dragon let a deafening screech that could heard throughout the chamber. While the deafening sound had briefly stalled Eliwood, skillfully evades with the assistance of his mount, heavy blows from the creature’s sharp talons. Bringing it head back for a large attack, the dragon huffed letting out a giant wall of fire towards the young lord that was rushing up the stairs. As his eyes widened, Eliwood let out a loud scream as his hold onto the legendary weapon Durandal tightens. “Ahhh!” Having gained momentum enough momentum his horse leapt high into the air for one critical blow. With a clean cut, dealt the dragon a fatal wound as it shrieked in pain. Wailing rampantly before its own death, the dragon knocked over a massive stone pillar that had been supporting the Dragon’s Gate. From the uncontrollable swarm of dust and debris, it quickly engulfed the young Lycian lord. Hector, Lyn, and Nils, who had just made their way towards the Dragon’s Gate fighting together were shocked when they witnessed Eliwood’s mount came crashing before their eyes. With the person in question nowhere in sight, shock quickly turned into horror. Both shouting out their friend’s name, they hurried towards the piles of debris atop of the stairs near the still active gate. Just as the last morph which Hector and Lyn had fought was preventing them from proceeding any further, the Ostian lord roared. “You will NOT get in my way!!” Enraged by the morph’s actions, Hector took a powerful swing at the enemy with Armads, which broke the morph’s durable guard. Taking advantage of the opening Hector had made, Nils blew his flute to strengthen his companions with the blessing of Thor’s Ire. Lyn stepping forward with the Sol Katti quickly approached the morph. With the morph still disorientated from the strike Hector had dealt, Lyn dealt multiple slashes of her own, striking the morph’s vitals with pin-point precision. But even as the minion fell to the floor, everyone, without any other thoughts, they continued up the stairs to the pile of rubble that sat by the Dragon’s Gate. Upon reaching the debris, both lordlings and Nils breathed heavily as their body attempts to recover both from their fight against the morphs and their long trek from below. Exhausted, Nils was the first to slump down, dropping his flute in the process. Stricken with denial, Nils was at a loss of words, uttering, “i-it…can’t be…Lord Eliwood, he…” Though not as severe as Nils, Lyn too was struck with fear. “Gr…” Clutching his fists, Hector placed Armads beside the mound of rocks that stood nearly twice his size. Having disarmed, he began grabbing the rubble with his hands. “Come on buddy, don’t you dare die on me! Don’t you dare forgotten our oath!” He muttered as the Ostian Lord began to claw through the pile of rocks. Not in the mood to use pretty words to comfort his companions, instead he did what he had always done. “Snap out of it, both of you! Lyn, I never knew you as someone so weak!” Flaring up from his insult, Lyn bite her lip, “Hector, you take that back!” Without looking at Hector, Lyn began to remove rocks with her own two hands repeating, “I won’t lose.” With a grin in his face, Hector was pleased that his rouse had managed to get her confidence back. Even Nils who was beginning to tear up was helping out with the smaller debris. Though it was not like Hector himself remained completely detached from his own emotions, but he had to keep a strong demeanor for everyone’s sake. But without any response from the pile itself, Hector was deeply afraid of the what might have happened to his best friend. It was then, when the bard noticed the rubble in front of him began to move. “L-Lord Hector! Lyn! Over here!” The boy responded, catching the attention of both lordlings. Stepping back from the debris, a large stone stab began to tilt towards the side, revealing a red-hair lordling underneath. With the protection of his Divine Weapon being lodged deep into the stairs, it managed to stop the heavier debris from falling onto Eliwood. Hector and Lyn’s actions allowed Eliwood to worm himself out of the rubble. Falling over as the stone stab finally gave in to his strength. As regained his composure he coughed, accidently breathing in some of the dust that were floating around. “Lord Eliwood!” Nils cried out in relieve. “I’m here…!” Eliwood replied, trying to clear his throat from all the dust. “I’m…right here-!!” Just as he answered Nils, Hector began to roughing up Eliwood’s hair. “You little rascal…” Hector quietly growled. “Don’t you ever pull something like that again.” Eliwood let out a light-hearted laugh. “Alright, alright.” Though Hector, Lyn, and Nils haven’t noticed, the battlefield began to quiet as their band of friends and allies had finally defeated the last of the morph below the flight of stairs. Seeing that Nils and their lords were alright, they began to celebrate their final victory against Nergal and his plot to open the Dragon’s Gate. Eliwood, having been rescued, noticed Lyn, who had been silent the entire time, stood quietly behind Hector and Nils. Although it was supposed to be a joyous moment, Eliwood could see the Sacaen’s troubled face, though he couldn’t tell what was going through her mind. “Lyndis?” Eliwood called out. Turning around both Hector and Nils could see Lyn with one of her arms wrapped around her stomach. “Lyn?” Nils asked, “what’s wrong?” Lyn shook her head. Following up with her response, Hector asked, “Aren’t you glad that Eliwood’s okay?” Lyn shook her head again, though this time she finally spoke. “I am overjoyed. I really am.” Baffled with her response, Hector came over to his friend. “…you don’t look overjoyed.” “I-it’s…it’ just…,” Lyn replied, stuttering for the first time, “it’s just that I froze up when I thought Eliwood has…” Gripping her arm, she continued. “If it weren’t for you…Eliwood, what would have happened to-…?” Feeling a firm grip on her shoulder, Lyn looked up seeing Hector shaking his head with a smirk. “H-Hector?” “What? That’s it?” Hector laughed. “You helped out in the end right? You’re not that weak, right?” Lyn could see that the blue-haired lordling was trying to cheer her up from her slight misstep. Lightly tugging the female lordling towards Eliwood, Hector urged Lyn to see their friend. “Go on,” he replied with a light-hearted smiled. Lyn were surprised to finally see the softer side to him. “Hector, wait. I…” Before Lyn could compliment him for what he was doing for her, Hector gave Lyn a light-hearted pat on the shoulder, causing her to stumbled. Though it was originally well-intended, it turned out more of a shove than a push, causing Lyn glare at Hector at what he had just done. “I take that back. You’re just a big brute.” Bothered that his kindness was met with criticism, Hector retorted with frustration. “Hey, I was just trying to help! Right Nils?!” With Nils backing out from their fighting, Eliwood laughed wholeheartedly seeing that his friends were back to their usual shenanigans. Bramimond, who had just teleported back into the chambers with the unconscious Ninian after the dragon had fallen, silently witnessed to the scene from the background heard footsteps approaching behind him. Turning around, the dark mage could see Athos and the celebration that was taking place in the stairs below. With cheers, hugs, and kisses, everyone was relieved that everything was finally over. Despite their initial disagreements in helping humanity, Athos was grateful that his old friend for everything he has done. Without his assistance in unsealing the sacred weapons from their resting places, Athos feared Nergal would have triumphed, and humanity would be lost. “Bramimond, friend. I couldn’t thank you enough you for you help.” Mirroring both Athos’ voice Bramimond was calm in his reply, reaffirming their their long held friendship. “I want nothing more than to help a friend in need.” Athos seeing the blue-haired woman resting in Bramimond’s arms, he asked given out hints of concern, “how is she?” Looking down the person in his arms, Bramimond replied, “…though I cannot speak of her mind, I can assure you that her body and soul has returned to their original state.” “And you?” Hearing Athos’ response, he nodded. “I am fine, old friend. Though I have expended most of my magical reserves, they’ll replenish with time.” Relieved, Athos warmly placed his hand on Bramimond’s shoulder. Turning around to see Nils and the three lordlings, Athos remarked with grief. “This really takes me back, Bramimond. That night before the battle at the Temple of Dragons-.” Finally noticing the waning strength of his old friend, Bramimond interjected. “…Athos, you…” Shaking his head, Athos answered his friend. “…With Nergal gone, their future is bright…please Bramimond. Look after them for me.” Not far from Eliwood and his friends, Athos left Bramimond and Ninian behind to approach them. “Well done, brave successor to Roland. It’s finally over.” While his remained speech held firm and assuring, Bramimond could tell Athos was barely holding onto himself. “Finally, everything is…” Right before he finished his statement, he collapsed onto the floor. “Lord Athos!? Eliwood responded in shock. Surprised by his collapse, Hector was the first arrived by the old sage’s side. Gently lifting the elderly man from the hard floor, he commented, “Hey Greybeard, this isn’t funny. We had just won! What’s the meaning of this?!” With that remark Athos gave out a laugh before turning his attention for the young boy that was holding on to his arm. Athos had always treated Nils like the grandchildren he never had. For Nils to see his benefactor must have been heart-wrenching. “Please…please don’t go…” He plead. “Nils!” Hector rebuked, causing Nils to flinch. In seeing this, Lyn were quick to the young boy’s side, placing her gently hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Nils, it’s alright, everything will be okay.” Trying to comfort the grieving boy, she looked at Nils in the eye before turning and reprimanding the Ostian lordling for his insensitivity. “Hector!” In realizing his rash action, Hector gritted his teeth. “Tsk…” With a weak, but soft smile, Athos himself placed his hand over Nil’s hand to comfort him. “Although the time we spent was short, I was pleased to have both met you and your sister. It was thanks to you that I was able to finally see my wish come true. That dragons and human could exist outside of Arcadia…” “…Lord Athos…” Nils whimpered. With a centuries-old mastery of dark magic, Bramimond had long lost his own personality. Though it was likely to be the influence of those that was around him, Bramimond was uncharacteristically concerned over his last remaining friend. Seeing Athos’s collapse only confirms his concerns over his health. “Athos…” To not know whether or not his concerns for Athos were genuine or not, it must have been cruel to Bramimond, especially since it was in fact the last, Bramimond would ever seen his friend. On the other hand, Athos was just relieved to have a dear friend by his side before his dying breath. “…I’m sorry Bramimond…ha...looks like I’ve exhausted my strength. I…I’ll die before you, friend.” “…” He bent over to Eliwood to gently handed Ninian to the red-haired lordling. “Ninian!” Eliwood replied. Standing back up, Bramimond silently nodded, giving Athos’ his response. “I may well follow you soon, old friend. For now…I will sleep again.” Athos sighed. He knew from the start that it would difficult to convince Bramimond to take a more proactive role as a guardian to Elibe in his place. But that’s just who Bramimond was as a person. Shifting his attention to the three teenage lordlings, he continued. “Eliwood…Hector… Lyn…I’ve lived a long, long time. But now…I’m done. Do not grieve. Soon, I will be with long-absent friends…I have no regrets.” As Bramimond continues to quietly watch over them, Elwood cried out with Ninian still in his hands. “Lord Athos!!” Catching his breath, the old sage continues, “now…my friends...my family…let me give you a parting gift…as I lay dying…I see many things…I see the future…” From this Bramimond could see the change in Athos’ demeanor, distress by what he had just seen. “Oh…why? Why…is this not now…? Neither Bramimond nor I…will be…here…to help a land…in need…” Though scared of what the future has in store for them, Lyn couldn’t help but to ask. “What…do you see?” Lyn questioned the dying sage. “An evil star…rises in Bern…All of Elibe will once again awash in blood…but do not fear. Once again, Lycia brings hope. Children of fire…everything…” With that, Athos, one of the eight legendary heroes of the Scourging has passed on. As Athos mutter his final word, everyone near Athos fell silent as Nils began to weep. Lyn, who was trying to fight back her own tears, softly caressed his trembling shoulders. Breaking the silence, Eliwood silently remarked, “Lord Athos…even at the end…he thought of us…” “Greybeard…” Hector miserably muttered. Shaking her head, Lyn replied, “look, both of you…Lord Athos…It’s almost as though he’s smiling. Isn’t that right, Nils?” Sniffling, Nils softly nodded, “yes.” While Eliwood and his friends were trying hard comforting each other in their time of loss of a great mentor, Bramimond on the other hand was silently distraught. With the passing of Athos, Bramimond became the last remaining of hero on the continent. Again, Bramimond tried to attribute this to the people he was hearing around him, but the dark mage was taken aback by what Athos said before his death. “Bern…” He silently muttered to himself. With his final promise to Athos has fulfilled, he decided to leave before the feeling of grief could overwhelm him. As the rest of Eliwood’s party began to walk up to see what has just happened on the stair above, Bramimond quietly himself slips away from the Dragon’s Gate without uttering another word. The Shrine of Seals, Bern “…” Having teleported out of Valor, Bramimond could see a familiar building standing in the distance. Having expended most of his magic restoring a lost soul, the man had resorted to talismans and magic circles for traveling great distances. Standing on top of one of those magic circles, he took out from under his robe with a worn-out red tome. Opening it up to the first page, his other hand gently touched the equally worned-out words that were written on it. To my prec s fr end and riv Br mond, In celeb ion to your m tery over elder ma , a gift you ld sur ly like. Our f t mai c tome tog er. At os Handling book with great care, he slowly closing the book, bringing it back under his robes. Step away, Bramimond silently made his way towards the building. Lying unconsciously in front of the massive structure, a woman(?) who’s torso had been lazily bandaged up could be seen resting by stairs.
  20. Hello there, im Marlon and i been hacking for..Like a Month now, i feel so old, im 24 years Old. With the small introduction comes my idea for Rom Hacking. I played Crossover since it was finished, and then Elibian and others. So i got the idea of doing a hack myself. I have started to port some animations from Sealed sword and Sacred Stones to Blazing Sword, its is planned to be done with blazing sword. I already ported Mugs, and added new chars. So my idea is to make a crossoveer, basically with the cast of blazing sword and some of my favorie chars from Sealed and Sacred Stones(Mainly the Lords, some Bosses, and Zephiel...and Lyon)and it has Manaketes, and thanks to circleseverywhere, it has transforming manaketes. And GENDER EQUALITY, quoting Arch "Cause #Socialjustice", most of the female classes missing are in the game already :3, Have made some Reclasses like Rebecca Turned into a Nomad, and Louise Turned into a Druid hahaha, Rebeccas pallete is descent enough I think(Took me a lot of work), and curiously, Louise pallete does not look bad in a Druid at all. I have rebalanced the Female classes...cause it is so lame that females are weaker, and have so little CON and cannot use power weapons cause it takes away their speed, that was one of their only advantage, is it really something that im missing about the low CON utillity??Besides anyone can rescue them? XD. I have not touched the Story yet...Have some ideas on the game story by some Fire emblem resonance(The one that wakes the sealed sword, and the one that is the Grado Stone) That makes some time paradox, so the game can start, i have not much development on the story line so far, but who does not wan to take out the 3 semifinal bosses on one round and then go to the three real bosses. I have some issues...Like i want to port Idoun, The demon King and the NecroDracos, but have none experience in spriting, also, i still cannot use correctly Graphics Editor, wich means i cannot port the Maps sprites, i still cannot expand class table without killing my Rom. Also, i would like to Use the Ice Dragon from Elibian Knights, but i do not now who to ask permission (I wan to Ninian and Nills be dancer/bard/Manaketes, i know, i have manaketes trauma)or even if i get permision at all(If i dont get permission ill have to cry and make a crappy Ice Dragon Myself, but i just loved the one in Elibian Knights the minute i saw it.). I now this is just words and words, but i would like to ask some help in those issues, any help that i can get would be apreciated. This hack might just be a reskin...But i also plan to make a custom class, A vampire in Fire Emblem :3 and that would be all, if anyone has Tuts, besides UT, im still on it, advices, crits, offers help, anything would be apreciated
  21. Hello, so I am desperate and I have no activity to do in my free time and I thought of doing this rather than doing something else, creative. So, here's a poll
  22. Hi, I'm taking a second stab at doing another FE randomizer for FE7. I wanted to be able to move some units around randomly and also detect potential issues with scripting, but that requires some knowledge of the map layout that's in the game. I could hard code these values, but I'd prefer to reconstruct the maps in code so that it has some knowledge on how to handle that dynamically. I've found the pointers to the map data, but I'm unsure how to read it. I'm not sure what the first 5 bytes are, but I can guess that bytes 6 and 7 are referring to the dimensions (width and height, respectively). But after that, just taking the prologue map as an example (which starts at 0x36AF00), I've messed around with the hex there and I've gathered that it's using some kind of encoding that lets it specify multiple occurrences of a tile pattern within a single instance of a byte pair. For example, changing the hex at 0x36AF07 from B0 to another value will change not only the tile in the top left, but also two tiles near the mountains on the right side of the map, presumably because it's the same pattern being used. I'm just curious if there's any documentation on how this is encoded and how it could be decoded. I figure it must exist somewhere if the map insertion tools exist because they're presumably doing the same thing when encoding it.
  23. Have you ever got a feeling like, Well then! Aren't you in luck. Presenting Dorcas Emblem 2.0! Featuring all new Dorcas content! Individual Dorcases now somewhat identifiable! Text and graphics overhauled to scratch that Dorcas itch! Obligatory mutton memes! Shocking surprises, and much, much more! What are you waiting for? Play Dorcas Emblem today! So yes, this is basically a FE7 reskin, but there are some gameplay changes as well - though all in the spirit of fun rather than obnoxious romhack difficulty, and honestly only to the player's benefit. I made the first version of this a little over a year ago after seeing that post at the top. Version 2 has individualized Dorcas portraits for everyone (except the original, who's the original, and the lords, because this IS Dorcas Emblem after all - but don't worry, they all got some love as well, in one way or another) and a few more graphical changes, along with a few... tweaks here and there. It's available as a UPS patch and requires a FE7 rom. Please report any errors, oddities, or instances of unDorcased individuals! Edit: Version 2.1 is up - fixed a crash bug that happened when fighting generic enemy monks and tweaked Lyn's unpromoted handaxe animation.
  24. Hey everyone, thinking of wanting to start a brand new fan game from the GBA era, but I’m not that good at it, group collaboration anyone?
  25. Hey, guys. I've been working on a ROM hack of Fire Emblem 7, making various adjustments (about which I may update from time to time) similar to the fashion of FE 8 Master Mode, and one of them is the overall HP cap being raised to 80, like in FE 4. Now, I've gone into the hex, and went to the following offsets and changed 3C(60) to 50(80): 017C7C, 029996, 0299AC. As for raising the HP cap, this worked perfectly! However, in testing I've run into a number of issues about which I'll elaborate in the order they occurred. I went to turn three. The battle window said Hector would double the General and that the General had a 28% chance of hitting. Hector attacks, and does damage just fine. The General retaliates, and surprisingly hits. But then the General attacked again, and hit again. I burned RN several times, and every time the General would hit and double. As for enemy phase, it played like it normally would just fine. I restarted, went to turn three (this oddity did not occur on turn two, and Hector could not reach the General on turn one), attacked again, and it still happened. I continued to try this on multiple different turns after two, and wound up with the same result. And then, to top it all off, the General landed a critical hit, despite having a 0% crit rate. Basically, what I'm hoping for is that I just did it slightly incorrect, and somebody could set me back on track. Thanks, everyone!
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