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  1. This is just my prediction for the next FE Echoes remake. I have no idea whether or not this will be true but here goes nothing. As much as I want FE4 to be remade I'd have to say that the next FE remake will be FE6 and 7 together because you can't have one without the other. FE7 is the prequel to 6 and 6 never made it outside Japan and that being the continuation for the story of FE7 I would only see fit that both of them get remade maybe not on the same cartridge but considering how FE 3 have both a remake of FE1 and had the sequel on one cartridge, its a possibility. So, why FE6 and 7 you say? Well, I've been thinking. You know how Awakening and Fates both had an avatar, pair up, the marriage system and Risen/Faceless. Shadows of Valentia has no marriage system, no avatar, no pair up, but has Terrors. So I've been thinking that IS is just taking a break from the marriage system and just giving us the core Fire Emblem gameplay without having to stress about who are we going to pair up in battle and who's a good mother/father for this particular child character. We are just playing the core game for awhile, and I think that FE6 and 7 are coming next simply because of that. But as for the return of the avatar, I'd rather him be a silent protagonist like Mark in FE7 but still no marriage system. I mean, I haven't payed all that much attention to other people's opinion on their view point of the marriage system as of today but I think we need a break from it and just play Fire Emblem for the strategy and not the child rearing. BUT after FE6 and 7 comes out FE4 and 5 come next with the original marriage system (at least in 4) and child characters that fit perfectly into the story. I think IS is just letting things stay familiar and not letting things like the marriage system and the avatar go stale where to the point that no one wants it to return. The marriage system and the avatar will return later maybe not in the same game but will separately for sure. Like FE7 for the avatar and FE 4 for the marriage system. It's just splitting things up to keep things fresh. But who's to say these two won't appear together in the upcoming FE Switch? What are your guy's thoughts on this?
  2. I'm playing through chapter 2 of Fe4 and I've tried about three times (not a lot, I know) to defeat all the Heirhein soldiers around Lachesis' castle before they kill Yves. I've failed each time. I know you can get the Knight Ring from her at the end if all three knights are still alive, but I'm not sure how I can keep that one from dying! It looks like a great item, but is it worth it? I'm tempted to reset in any event, but still.
  3. Uh well after all the time spent on it finally, finally I feel it is ready and completed. The final version of my Fire Emblem hack project. I call it Fire Emblem 4: Overpowered. As the name suggests things are overpowered in this hack in fact everything is player characters and enemies especially everything is inflated in some way affectively becoming broken. Now the concept of my hack may turn a few of you off due to it`s nature but my earlier version actually had some people actually love the overpowered characters and stuff. So I hope more will feel the same with this final one. This is my first ever hack and it really isn`t supposed to be all that serious a project if it was I would have done something much large scale than this. This hack is pretty much for a few laughs as some of the edits I did are crazy as heck this is pretty much fire emblem on crack or something haha Sigurd`s hair is even purple in this. This hack was largely done out of my love of Holy Weapons I always loved how epic it was in FE4 when you fought against someone like Ishtar or someone and you would face them down with a holy weapon or your own and that epic white flash would come across the screen for both of you. I`ll make a short list of changes in this hack here the rest you can see in the readme file I have included with the patch please do read the readme there is vital info inside that needs to be known and I address a few things about the hack in there too. Also another note about this hack it can be patched to english with an english I tested it by downloading an english patch from here it works. Because I have had many people constantly ask me is there an english patch for this hack so yes you can patch over it again and turn it english everything remains intact in the hack. Patch Download:http://www.mediafire.com/file/92uwlx62xjb25dq/FE4_Overpowered_patch.zip *Almost everyone has a holy weapon enemies included there are also fake holy weapons in here most are strong silver weapons or magic spells that give the same bonuses but have inferior attack power and accuracy. *Almost every deleted or unused skill or item are brought back here everything from the Silence Sword to Darkness Sword skill and Holy Sword. Ah and the Great Arch is revived here too basically the strongest Ballista type enemy that just never made it in the final release of the original game don`t know why. I woulda have included the charm staff and thief staff too but those are impossible since they just lock the thing up and freeze it. *Substitute characters don`t suck anymore. They are actually worth using however still inferior in ways to the regular children. they have inferior skill sets most of them and in this game skills are vital especially stuff like awareness and charisma. Awareness is a godsend in this hack because a lot of weapons now do extra damage to certain classes or enemies have the critical skill which is insta death so pay attention to special skills. *More love options. Altenna can now be paired up and Yuria can too no more relying on the jealousy system you can pair her up normally. The substitute units can also be paired with literally anyone yes even sibling pairups so yep sums that up. *Oddly colored maps yeah remember how I said this is like if fire emblem is on crack or something I think the colors of some of the maps I did shows that for sure don`t be shocked at weird colored water and stuff. *you can now do the triangle attack there are 2 sets Fin, Ethlin & Cuan and then there is Celice, Leaf & Aless *Almost everyone can class change so keep an eye for that. Even pre promoted units like Cuan or Hannibal can change classes. Also Diadora can class change too no longer is she locked to Shaman. Speaking of Diadora you can now sell her Circlet. *Almost every Holy Weapon can be sold and passed around. Most all Holy weapons are merely A rank weapons now. The only ones I left locked are Naga and Loptousu because they are both way too OP even for this game standards to just be passed around. So be careful with Loptousu as you only get 1 from a village and the person must have major Lopto blood to use if not you are screwed as ya can`t sell it in the shop. If you are curious to what village it`s the village on chapter 9 that has Loptousu your gonna want that. But keep it away from Tyrfing and Naga yes Tyrfing negates Lopto`s affects so only 2 threats and well..critical hits those will do it. Anyway I think that about sums up this hack again be sure to check the readme file and hope some of you actually enjoy this little silly project. I`ll leave a few screen shots and video footage of the gameplay so you can see how it plays out as I am also recording gameplay of it to show it off.
  4. Welcome to more FE4 (and eventually FE5) manga translations! This time, Anthologies and 4Komas! How this is going to be set up: I'm working on these one at a time per book (choosing each new book at random), so each story will be zipped by itself. The file names will end after their page count with the abbreviations of their respective title, so if you plan to dump them all in the same folder, you'll still see where each new story begins and ends. Folders are numbered by the number story before the title so they stay in order and don't end up auto sorted by name and out of book order. Once we complete a book, they'll all be zipped together, and until then individually uploaded. Some of these are utter crack and just silly nonsense, others are completely (or mostly) serious stories, and some are a bit of both - so expect a little bit of everything! Enix Supercomic Gekijoh Vol. 7: My Personal Guardian (Noish/Aira) To Rally Courage (Sylvia centric, implied Alec/Sylvia) Please let us know of any mistakes so they can be fixed!
  5. I'm working on this hack to allow same-sex couples in FE4 (I've posted about this elsewhere) and I'm experimenting around with it, and I'm trying to find more addresses for children and inheritance and that sort of thing. I was wondering what other people know so I know where to start (or where not to look, rather) or if there's a better, more complete rom map out there.
  6. I'm hacking fe4 using nightmare and I'm trying to make Eldigan/Eltshan drop his Mystletainn when defeated. The problem is if someone other than Raquesis/Lachesis (who I gave major Hezul holy blood) kills Eldigan/Eltshan, I can't sell the Mystletainn and it is stuck in their inventory. Is there any way I can make holy weapons sellable? I know its possible seeing Mangs' FE4 PM. I would really appreciate it if someone told me how to do it. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello all. I've seen several different pairing guides for FE4, but never one that held all the information I believed was relevant at once. To that end, I've made my own personal pairing guide and would like to share it with you all. Enjoy. Please let me know if there's something anyone feels could be improved. Also, I use the official NOA names. Genealogy of the Holy War.docx
  8. So, that's it. The other day I was asking help to start FE4( I finished, and loved it) and now I want it for FE5. First of all, what's the best translation for FE5? And where can I get it? I am asking this because I played FE4 and it wasn't project Naga...ended up with a untranslated ending and bad translated weapon names. Any tips for someone who just beat Geneology of the Holy war to get into this game? I have read a lot about it already, the inifinite range staffs are scaring me... Anyway, I have already beaten Radiant Dawn, wich is probably the most complex game of the series( and probably the second hardest, Thracia 776 considered the first one), so I am not too scared. Any tips to get into, what should I do, when should I save, what I should NEVER do, would be apreciated.
  9. Hi everyone! I am trying to make so that classes previously locked to one-weapon type can now wield multiple weapons, thanks to the ''Battle Sprite Editor'' Nightmare module. In this instance, I want to make so that Bow Knights can use swords. Thing is, I don't really know how I could add a animation slot to insert a Bow Knight Sword animation (which will be just a Paladin's Sword animation), since I know that you need to have all animations for one class held together. So how can I get around this?
  10. ok, I finished the game for the first time( amazing game). but the ending got this weird text( probably because of translation maybe?) afer seizing the final castle and then froze on this screen. Is it a bug or maybe it was a translation bug?
  11. Sick of names being changed? Here's a patch that reverts everything back to the traditional FE4 names. Join Sigurd on his old-fashioned stomp! The dialogue might be a bit messed up, but that's nothing important. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb77w9xps6qtax1/fe4v25.zip?dl=0
  12. So this is really about something I read recently on Julia's wiki page saying she could technically fall in love with any guy (not including Seliph) by standing next to him for 100 turns. Is this really a thing? As someone who's wanted Julia and Ares together as badly as I have, this got me pretty excited. Could anyone confirm this works for me? And would it technically work for Altena too? Note: Game Genie and other forms of codes aren't going to work here as I have the game's rom in a repro cart I play on my SNES (not via emulator). I tried that and all I got was an ironic anti-piracy screen.
  13. Edit: And the run is completed. 7 Turns faster than the old Nico playthrough. If you want to see the whole playlist here is a link: Original OP:
  14. This is a small tool help you to preview the character portrait without needing to import it into the FE4 rom. Just open the Preview.html and select your portraits, I've included some samples. Preview.zip
  15. Despite not being a useful character, he has an infinite amount of memes. Anyway, Sigurd or Arden? It's up to you!
  16. Looks like Sigurd took down Noish, but can he take down Alec? It's up to you!
  17. Welcome to the FE4 poll! Whoever wins this entire poll will move on to face off against the favorites from the other games! To start, we have Sigurd and Noish and who wins is up to you!
  18. Heya guys so there has been a question that has been bugging me for the longest legendary weapons the Fire Emblem series as a whole is filled with many of them. But Then when Fire Emblem:Genealogy of the Holy War came along it seemed like legendary weapons went through a major change that change being they are all very powerful with all of them having 30 Might and either +10 or +20 stat boosts. But after Tharcia 776 that was the last time we saw truly epic legendary weapons. My question is how did you guys feel about them? And would you like to see that come back? For me the answer is yes of all the FE games I feel Genealogy of the Holy War and to an extent Thracia 776 (cause Holsety) handled them best. It feels like in later Fire Emblem games the legendary weapons became...pointless they are way too weak like in the games canon they are said to be powerful but when you get them they are weak as heck. Take FE7 for example Athos his Fortblaze I get it after all the hyping up was put into it and stat wise it isn`t that impressive the other weapons on that very same chapter overpower it easily or heck a weaker tome like Elfire can work just as affective as it does. Sword of Seals I`ll cut the weapons some slack as I believe it was mentioned in game that due to the weapons by then being so old they are weaker than they were when they were first used so I`ll let those ones slide (because canonically they were supposed to be weaker.) But other ones they seemed well ehh..pretty underwhelming. When i play FE4 everytime I get one of the weapons and the epic glow starts up I always get the feeling of excitement and their power canon wise and stats wise both show in game they truly felt powerful and worth using them like I wouldn`t opt for using a silver sword over say the Mistletainn of given the choice. Or get the weapons and just dump them into storage never to be used no I wanted to use them. And they really felt legendary when used when I see a holy weapon in FE4 or FE5 (Holsety) I am like holy crap! ''input name'' or I am actually afraid of the unit that uses it. remember when Eltshan popped up on the battlefield to fight you? When he and his knights came out I was legit scared as heck because I knew he was a true threat with that sword of his. I know it is possible to kill him still but man is it gonna be a rough fight or Ishtar coming along with Thor Hammer I dread fighting her everytime because she is dang fearsome with the tome that barely ever misses not even Holsety is saving ya. So I miss that feeling they once gave of truly ultimate weapons. It felt great getting them and it was truly scary when you had to fight against them. A few weapons do come close though Lyon`s Naglfar tome if I am not mistaken had a nice big fat 25 Might on it but it lacked the stat boost ups. I think the Demon Kings weapons kinda mirrored weapons from FE4 and FE5 Demon Light gave a few +10`s I think but lacked the power Naglfar was still stronger attack wise. So ya what do you guys think? Did they feel too OP for you? Or were they just right with that setup where you wouldn`t just pick a silver sword or something over that weapon and have it be just as affective in use. I saw in Fire Emblem Awakening said weapons did return but they were only there in name only :( they got badly nerfed stat wise seems like we won`t ever experience grand weapons ever again anytime soon. Atleast there are no legendary weapons as weak as Falchion though the blade that was made out to be so mighty but when you get it only 10 might on that thing...pretty upsetting that a silver sword once more is better.
  19. So, I just finished FE4 a couple weeks ago and after beating a few other games, want to play again. So, I am letting the good people on SF choose my pairings. This will be a no sub run(obviously), and the way pairings will be decided is first come first serve, unless a pairing is being asked for repeatedly. You can recommend pairings being as nice or as mean as possible and I will have to except them no matter what(example would be like Lewyn x Tailtu being a good pairing and something like Lewyn x Ayra being a bad one.) Only 1 pairing request per person. Also, these pairings are off-limits Midir x Edain Holyn x Ayra Noish x Raquesis Claude x Sylvia Lewyn x Erinys Azel x Tailtiu Dew x Brigid These are the pairings I did my first playthrough and would not want to do them again. Also Arden may not be paired with anyone as of now, since he died.
  20. Alright so I noticed Itsuki got a few regalia that were Spotpass regalia in Awakening. I kind of wrote it off at the time as being technically an Awakening reference since those regalia appeared in awakening. then I noticed Itsuki gets ahold of Durandal, and I somewhat flipped my shit since Durandal doesn't appear in FE13. Also noticed Florete from FE10. So, in total, what regalia or personal weapons does Itsuki get overall from across the franchise? There looks like quite a few references to Jugdral, Elibe, and Tellius were put into the Carnage Weapon lineup. if any of the other cast get regalia, I'd like to know that too if that's not too much trouble Also I don't know if this should be a different topic, but how am I supposed to get ahold of True Falchion? (interested since it's clearly Marth's Falchion and, well, ending spoilers)
  21. This is a small hack for the old game Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War. You can apply the patch FE4 Real Survival Mode.ips to a clean FE4 rom with header. In this hack, all of the units/characters/enemies only have 1 HP, whoever gets hit first will die. Ambush always actives, so Arden/Lex/Johan/Hannibal will have a chance to kill their enemies beforehand. Casual Mode added, unit dies in previous chapter can still fight in the next chapter, except for Sigurd/Celice/Cuan/Ethlyn/Fin. FE4 Real Survival Mode.zip
  22. So, after looking through the full results of the Fire Emblem Heroes poll results, I found of a lot of unique placements of the FE4(Ishtar scored more than most of the cast. Which is interesting.) and 5 characters(Carrion and Olwen scored absurdly high compared to the rest of the FE5 cast.). Also, some characters I thought would score higher than others didn't.(I think Dew scored higher than Lewyn.) SO I have decided to see where the cast lies since so many of the placements were surprising to me. Vote for your Favorite Female Characters in Fire Emblem 4! Fire Emblem Popularity Poll(Male): https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/69149-fire-emblem-4-popularity-pollmale/ At the moment, the poll is multiple choice, tell me if you think this should be changed in the comments.
  23. So, after looking through the full results of the Fire Emblem Heroes poll results, I found of a lot of unique placements of the FE4(Ishtar scored more than most of the cast. Which is interesting.) and 5 characters(Carrion and Olwen scored absurdly high compared to the rest of the FE5 cast.). Also, some characters I thought would score higher than others didn't.(I think Dew scored higher than Lewyn.) SO I have decided to see where the cast lies since so many of the placements were surprising to me. Vote for your Favorite Male Characters in Fire Emblem 4! Fire Emblem 4 Popularity Poll(Female): https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/69152-fire-emblem-4-popularity-pollfemale/ At the moment, the poll is multiple choice, tell me if you think this should be changed in the comments.
  24. Hi, my first time on this forum. I decided to give Genology of the Holy war another chance after Sigurd being anounced for Fire Emblem Heroes. Looking at Sigurd's weapons, he has a Iron sword stronger than a steel sword. I checked the weapons in this site, and noticed they have diferent stats. Are his starting swords forged or something? Or maybe just a translate error? Steel sword Acc 80 Mgt 10 Rng 1~1 Wgt 3 Iron sword Acc 80 Mgt 12 Rng 1~1 Wgt 12
  25. After many corrupted saves, I was able to return peace to Judgral. This game made many changes, like Gaiden. Larger maps, organized formations, weapon triangle, a two generation split, etc. I used to not really like this game when I played it awhile back, and was alarmed by how large the maps were. This game has aged quite well and sure, it can be a bit of a snore, but the battles felt more realistic and interesting. This game has my favorite FE story. While FE3 made things more interesting and had way better world building than FE1 and Gaiden, FE4 blows it out of the ballpark. Characters get more development, it spans two generations, mature themes, shocking plot twists, etc. This game handles arenas, promotions, and item management very well. One of the more interesting factors of this game is the love system, which can affect the kids in the second generation, giving great replay value. It's so satisfying to train and promote your units, and just looking at their awesome sprites *cough* Paladin *cough* (I trained Alec just for that sprite. Good thing, since his strength got to 22) I understand why this game is praised so much. I've had a lot of enjoyment playing this game. I might consider replaying FE3 again, since it is still my favorite in the series.
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