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Found 8 results

  1. General Base Stats HP: 27 / 30 / 33 Atk: 29 / 32 / 35 Spd: 29 / 32 / 35 Def: 16 / 19 / 22 Res: 29 / 32 / 35 Elise sports a strong offensive stat spread, a high Res stat, and a horse. With the Weapon Refinery, she can run both Wrathful and Dazzling staff (one tied to her weapon, the other in her B slot) to engage enemies without a damage penalty or fear of a counterattack. As a cavalry unit, her 3 mov allows her to traverse most maps quickly and apply whichever status effect the user chooses. Access to the Hone Cavalry buff boosts her already strong offenses to allow her to land KOs or, at the bare minimum, heavy chip damage to her target. Elise's greatest weaknesses are her low HP and Def. These are not a concern on the Player Phase, where she cannot be counterattacked, but if she is left in the range of a physical enemy she will almost certainly be KO'd. Positioning assists help mitigate this a bit, but users must be careful to have Elise attack from a location where she can be safely moved out if necessary. As a Cavalry unit, her mobility can be inhibited by forests and trench tiles. Suggested Skills An in-depth discussion on skill options for various purposes. Note the following: When multiple options are available, my personal recommendations (if any) are in bold. Budget options are colored red Invincible, Unstoppable, Legendary Princess of Nohr (Standard Adorable Staff Support) Sample Skill Sets These sets have been used either by me, or those who have posted their preferred sets in this thread. THE DARK OVERLORD (Pain/CC/Vantage), THE UNIVERSAL BUFFING FLOWER (Field Buff Support), THE DEFENSIVE SUPPORT BOT (Combat Buff Support), and THE DEBUFFING FLOWER (debuff support), courtesy of Landmaster, can be found at the link below: Standard Witchy Wand Usage: Aether Raids Offense Weapon: Witchy Wand+ (Dazzling) or Melancholy+ (Dazzling) Assist: Restore+ Special: Miracle A Passive: Atk/Spd Solo 3 (Atk/Spd Push 4 is more optimal) B Passive: Wrathful Staff 3 C Passive: Savage Blow 3 Sacred Seal: Speed +3 The main draw of this set is having Special resetting & inhibition on a horse. The fact that Elise is decent at combat is a nice bonus. Restore+ lets her cleanse a teammate if they need to attack that turn, and Savage Blow contributes chip damage and deactivates Armored Boots for at least 1 turn. Change Log
  2. I was watching some FE6 videos a few days ago and I started thinking: Should Legendary Weapons even have uses? They're the arms of ancient heroes, forged to kill dragons, demons, and gods! If they break and disappear forever after 40 or so attacks, doesn't that undermine their significance in the game's lore?
  3. Hi, Today I'm sharing my thoughts on Fates' exp system and why I hate it. Sure, avoiding your overlevelled units to take a level by killing 3-5 units is good because it forces you to use more units than Avatar+1 and roflstomp with a 10 levels lead on ennemies (especially after promotion). But FE Fates is a game, and we want to play the way we like. If we want to play with 2 units, why would you keep us from getting levels while the ennemies are scaling faster than our own units? Promoted units' exp gains are simply awful, and prepromotes like MILFkinshi can barely level up without taking out the prepromote ennemies (which can also kill her easy if you play hard or lunatic birthright since MILF is so squishy OMG) while you could want to feed these kills to your overlevelled non promoted units (because it's the only way to give them exp outside boo camp DLC) or to lower levelled units to give them 80+ % of their exp bar in order to catch up to the higher level units in your army and not stay dead weight. Meanwhile, staff users have less preferable classes and growths but they can level up from 1 unpromoted to 20/20 in no time by spamming heal on each other then finish the ennemies in 1 hit. What's the goal of making half-assed exp nerfs? I'm forced to use this or that unit as a staff bot if I want anyone to reach said skill level to grab it and enjoy my build. Otherwise, I can wait all the game before reaching the level I have to reach to grab one skill, not even talking of level 15 promoted skills (what's the point of keeping them if close to no one will get them in no grind playthroughs, and close to no one even in grindfest playthroughs? Getting 1 exp per kill is really trash way to nerf powerlevelling, it's just annoying and keeps you away from ever using prepromotes as more than strategic units for a few chapters). Weak prepromotes should have better exp gains than 20/1 units (by a large margin since most of them have lower stats on top of lower exp gain) and I don't see why MILF has so low base stats with shit exp rate while LOLRyoma and ScarLOL have like +20 to their base stats not even including HP alongside better growth rates AND better class (wyvern gives good bases/growths, swordmaster is good and Ryoma makes this class absolutely gamebreaking with his bases and his OP AF personal weapon, meanwhile MILF has to play with the same exp gains, shit bases and a class only viable for her joining chapter with many flyers to kill and awful map design making flyers much needed for rout). I don't know why Gunter has the same exp growth as unpromoted level 10 units while MILF has level 20/1 exp gain or close to it. It's disrespectful for such an original unit (Kinshi is an original class and she would be very useful if only she had stats and the class itself wasn't garbage in terms of stat bases/growths, being worse than Onmyoji, Sorcerer and other non-hybrid classes accessible from the same class as hybrid classes, with some differences of 8+ base stats between hybrid and non-hybrid). So yeah, Fates exp system forces you to use only the units who can reach certain thresholds before being limited to -5 exp per kill, like doubling a certain unit or OHKO this unit. The prepromoted are hit or miss, wit everything not royal or prepromoted wyverns being trash (and even Leo is not good in his base class and needs boosts to be of any use meanwhile Camilla comes earlier and recks everything for a while at base). Using non-optimal units like Subaki, Setsuna, dark mage!Odin, DK!Leo without stat boosters etc. is heavily punished because they won't reach the necessary thresholds for beating said units in said chapters and will make these chapters a real pain to deal with. If they could just gain 1 or 2 more levels they would maybe reach these thresholds alongside having other nice features (like Subaki's skill or Setsuna's speed) but they won't because the game cuts your exp gain with a chainsaw level after level until you barely gain any exp per kill. Meanwhile your staff users reach 20/20 before anyone reaches level 8 promoted. Without even trying, just spamming staves as you would've done in GBA FEs. Healers became no brain exp scaling bags while fighting units took a severe nerf. Sakura/Azama as a Priestess/Mountain priest outscale your whole army so fast excet maybe LOLRyoma an staff user avatar that it's not even funny, they just go frontline with 10 more levels than your highest availability fighters and blow everything up just with E-D weapons without stat penalties (especially Sakura and Azama who're really good scaling units). TO SUM UP, FE healers have always been slower to level up before Fates and you would promote them to get weapon access so they could contribute a little by softening an ennemy here and there for your fighters to destroy them, but in Fates they gain so much exp from the beginning to the end (because they only have to be close or under the target's level to gain massive exp from each heal) that they will simply reach OP stats before your fighters even promote. Healers are often my 1st units to reach level 20 before promotion, thus using the early master seals and completely destroying ennemies faster than light while completely benching my other units, just healing each other in the middle of the ennemies while Azama counterkills everyone with bronze naginata in no time. They don't even need a support bag, they just outscale everything for the whole game just by healing, meanwhile your fighters sit on the side because they can't compete statwise nor skillwise nor utility-wise.
  4. So I've made a new staff using FEBuilder in FE8. The problem is I can't figure out how to make it heal more - as it is, the staff heals for the user's magic stat as opposed to 10+Magic as Heal and Physic do. I've made sure that it matches Physic (it's another long-range heal staff) in every way as far as the dialogues in FEBuilder go, so I'm thinking it's some kind of hex code issue, unless I'm missing something...and I have next to no clue how to use a hex editor. Any help is appreciated!
  5. I hacked thracia to check the unused content and i found that the class lord knight (the class of sigurd in Fe4) have an incomplete staff animation (this class can use staves when is dismounted) and cause a softlock when i tried to use a staff with that class the next images are the selection of the staff, leif using the staff with animation and leif using the staff without animation (looks like he is attacking) i wanted to make leif promote to master knight or lord knight at the end of chapter 18 (i don't know how to do that) but the animations are imcomplete and cause glitches and bugs
  6. I heard that Shura is a good unit in Revelations because of his godlike base stats when he joins. I plan on creating a female avatar and marrying him. My plan was to reclass him into a Butler and grab Seal Strength, Seal Magic, and Seal Speed from other playthroughs. His personal skill, Highwayman, plus these three seals and daggers will result in an unholy level of debuffing.I am now looking at his growths and caps as a Butler, and they seem.... lackluster, at best.30% HP, 35% Str, 20% Mag, 35% Skl, 50% Spd, 40% Lck, 45% Def, and 45% ResI want to know if I should use him or not, I really feel like he would fall behind if I i did.He looks great on paper, considering the fact that using a Sacrificial Knife, the enemy will obtain -8 Luck, -5 Def/Res, -9 Str, -9 Mag, and -9 Speed every time he initiates combat, but his growths are killing me. If i could have some assistance, that would be great. Thanks.
  7. This is the strategy I developed for clearing Battle before Dawn on my first run. It got Nino and Jaffar, as well as all four treasure chests, but I suspect Lady Luck had a hand in clearing it (mostly in regards to one element, which I can see being easily remedied). Prerequisites: * Have a unit with a B-rank in staves and at least 10 magic. If you have 18, you could make it simpler. * Have Merlinus promoted. This is a must if you intend to use the 10-magic strats (or at least highly recommended), and is probably a part of this strategy that Hector mode makes easier- you need to get all the Gaiden chapters and not let Merlinus die once to have it happen in Eliwood mode. *Having two thieves is helpful. Ideally, one of these thieves should have enough speed to steal from the enemy thieves on the map. Strategy: * Rush down the right corridor with at least one Lord and one Thief. Make sure that there is enough spare gear in this party to fill an inventory. ** (The other party needs to go down the left corridor, but the exact makeup isn't really that significant- only that it's good.) * Obtain the Rescue staff with a unit with a full inventory, and send it to Merlinus. * Have your staff unit in the corridor between Zephiel's throne room and your starting position, and take the Rescue staff from Merlinus. ** If you have an 18 magic unit, this is where it can be simpler- the extra four tiles of Rescue allow you to use the staff directly from the starting position. * Rescue Zephiel! Gaiden: * You can also use the properties of Rescue (both the staff and the regular technique) to get Nino and Jaffar into the corridor or starting position, and talk to activate the Gaiden chapter. Any half-decent unit should be able to take care of the shaman that appears in the corridor. Thanks to this, I could beat Battle before Dawn with a first-playthrough powered, admitted low-level team (a whole bunch of units got early promotions trying to beat this chapter legitimately, and those that are promoted are level 4-5 at max, and mostly at level 1-2). I apologise if the strategy isn't the most original you've ever seen, but it deals with the part of the chapter I find most difficult to account for: Ursula's Bolting. The Fog-of-War doesn't bother me nearly as much with the regular enemies. It's just not being able to tell how far she can zap that does.
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