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  1. Recently I've been needing a fix of a new SRPG similar to FE on PC, I've already played Tactics Ogre, Triangle Strategy, XCOM, and Vesteria Saga and was wondering if anyone here in the forest knew of any other titles that would scratch this itch for me. Just to be clear I'd prefer a game closer to FEs style than anything else, so keep that in mind please.
  2. As the title says, take a character class, job, build, etc., from another RPG and turn it into an FE class. Here's an example: Dragoon (Final Fantasy):
  3. I’m playing on a current Birthright save file as Male Kamui and since it is on a different cartridge from my original Conquest game card, I don’t have any decent skills for some units that I would like to use for the upcoming chapters of Birthright, namely Caeldori, Kaden and Female Kana. Specificly, I would highly appreciate it if Caeldori had Bowbreaker and Aptitude (this is what I require the most), since I’m planning on making her a dark Falcon (exactly the same canon class I chose for her in awakening lol) to make her into a speedy crit flier, Female Kana with Aptitude and Nohrian trust (highest priority right now), along with any offensive skill like Astra or Luna, and Kaden with Aptitude as a must-have and any breaker or offensive skill is fine, but if it had to be specific, I would go with Swordbreaker and Rend heaven . In exchange for this lengthy, long request of mine for certain skills for certain characters, which are high on my highest priority agenda, I have a fully-completed, post-game Revelations save file, that has some of the more popular and some unseen characters with rare and wonky skills, that may be hard to get or aren’t popular among most castles nowadays (mainly non-gen 1 royal units.) Here is some information on the skill based castle: Castle Name: HiddenTreasure Chosen Affinity: Revelations Avatar Name: Nacrina Resoruces: Meat lvl 3, Peaches lvl 3, Emerald lvl 3, Jade lvl 3 (I think, not sure) All shops and amenities are at lvl 3. Units currently on castle defense roster up for grabs: Note: the * is used to indicate certain skills that are DLC based only and that cannot be inherited through any means of castle inheritance skills. MU (Nacrina): Dragon Fang, Shurikenbreaker, Nohrian Trust, Lethality, Astra Laslow: Aptitude, Death Blow, Lethality, *Dancing Blade, Astra Azura: Dragon Fang, Astra, Inspiring Song, Aptitude, Vantage Camilia: Bowbreaker, Death Blow, Sol, Rend heaven, Aptitude Ryoma: Shurikenbreaker, Hoshidan unity, Dragon Fang, Aptitude, Death Blow (?. Again not sure) Sakura: Counter, Aptitude, Miracle, Amasterasu, Rally Luck Shigure: Draconic hex, Dragon Fang, Hoshidan Unity, Bowbreaker, aptitude Soleil: Nohrian Trust, Death Blow, Aptitude, Astra, Hoshidan Unity Kana (M); Draconic hex, Nohrian trust, Dragon Fang, Aptitude, Lethality Shiro: Draconic Hex, Bowbreaker, Dragon Fang, Hoshidan Unity, Aptitude. Every unit is on hold, but armed and won’t attack, there is no Lilith or crazy defense enemies (such as Golems and Automatons) that will attack, and the easiest way to seize is to go either left or use a paired up flying unit with a ninja unit and go straight. If somehow my castle isn’t working properly and my units start attacking out of the blue, PM me on Reddit (which my username is u/YuarieNarukami_P4) and I’ll fix it right away. I visit back whoever visits my castle and any accessory is appericated. Ciao and happy embleming!
  4. Hello, I'm the lead developer of Nexus Games LLC, We are a small indie team of two with a little bit of outside help. I myself was heavily inspired by the Disgaea series in making it, and Monkey(my teammate) was inspired heavily by Fire Emblem. So you'll probably notice many similarities with those series in the game. We streamlined the combat system to make it really easy to learn and use, but still having the same depth as normal tactical RPGs (of course we had resource limits too) The game is roughly 15-25 hours long for the base story(the 3 people I know that beat it did it in 17hrs, 19hrs and 22hrs) There are 8 different endings plus secret ending(s)(not saying how many) to 100% the game it'll take roughly 50-80hrs(This is just a wild guess since I don't know anyone who's achieved it, but the one that was going for it was at 50 hours last I checked and still had a ways to go) So it's smaller than your normal AAA tactical RPG. The story is a dark one of red vs blue where the world teeters on the line of balance, but to lighten the mood there is a good dose of comedy, so you should always be in for a ride of emotions. With 64x64 high bit sprites(like those in Owlboy, but in a more simple style.) We have a nearly seamless tutorial to where it "feels" like there is no tutorial, but it's super easy to learn. Controler support, All controls are mapable and the entire game is friendly to many of those with disabilities that make it hard to game, such as different types of colorblindness, loss of limb(you can play 1 handed in many different ways), etc. We hope that all of you will give it a try, but more importantly, we hope that you all will enjoy it and it'll have a lasting good memory for you, as all kinds of RPGs have had on us. Also, it's on sale for the next 2 days I think from the time of this post. You can find a trailer on our steam page(I wish we were better at making trailers) https://store.steampowered.com/app/689470/Chromasia__Rock_Paper_Tactics/
  5. I managed to be cheese through almost all of the first battle map of CS, thanks to giving Killing Edges to the three main lords and giving steel shields to Cav Dimitri and Warrior Edelgard (personally not a fan of Armoured Knight imo, but that’s just me), to allow them to wreck all of the enemies, even the annoying gauntlet users. However, the one thing that I find absolutely annoying and hard to deal with, is Yuri’s Fetters of Dromi Relic, that allows him to halve any damage taken and gives him high avoid, and with the Lucky 7 skill that he has with the Trickster skill. My Dimitri and Byleth that have 80-90% hit rates against all enemies, then have lower hit rates against Yuri and almost get doubled, even in player or enemy phase. Help? I swear I have so much trouble on this, even on Normal, and I have tried using many gambits and strats with Ashe, Hilda and Edelgard, but even then, my bad luck lets Yuri damage my Dimitri and Byleth. Also I lost my Claude to one of the gauntlet users unfortunately, and I used up all of my Divine Pluses, rip.
  6. Expanding on my question’s title here, since I am attempting the first chapter of Cindered Shadows and before battle preparations, I am not a fan of Edelgard’s canon class, which is armoured knight, since it leaves her vulnerable, stat-wise and movement-wise. Looking at the change between reclassing Edelgard into a warrior, is it worth making her a warrior for better stats and balance and making Hilda into a different class, by first going through peg knight and then doing falcon knight for better stat spread, especially for her spd? Also is it better to sacrifice restore for Linhardt as a bishop or is restore a lifesaver in the first chapter of CS?
  7. I was able to get a free OG!Micaiah in this week’s revival banner on my first free summon and apparently for a slow magic unit, my version is +spd but -def. Is it viable to keep her and make a potential speedy and atk based tank mage bulid for her, with the following skills: DB4, lull atk/res 3, joint drive atk, atk/res solo 3 with refined Thani and Luna special, or should I make an atk and res based dmg reduction bulid for her in AR O and Arena as a bonus unit? If neither of these options work or appeal to the type of bulid I wanted for OG!Micaiah, does she also make good fodder for my +atk, -res F!Tiki with Distant Def 3 or should I feed distant def 3 to a mage type unit, like my unmerged Delthea or Valentines Mist?
  8. I decided to s-rank my MU with Laslow just cause I wanted to get a boost in Lck and skill most of all in Kana and Soleil since I’ve chosen Lck as my bane and str as my boon. I also recently gotten Soleil from her paralogue and reclassed her to Nohrian Princess but herein lies my dilemma unfortunately: Idk if Nohrian or Hosidan noble is worth saving my great lord seal for Selena!Caelodori, since my main reasons for reclassing Soleil into one of these 2 avatar based special classes is 1.) mainly to get Dragon Fang since she didn’t get in inherited from my MU unfortuantely and 2.) I also wanted to see if it would increase her bulk overall unlike hero or bow knight. Are there any advantages of reclassing Soleil into Nohrian noble and any disadvantages or does she want to be in the Hoshidan noble class for better bulk overall? I’m so torn cause I don’t want her to go the canon Great lord route (saving that for Selena!Caeldori). Thoughts or advice please?
  9. Fe Echoes SOV has weirdly caught my eye’s attention these past few days, since I have been craving something of an Fe based game that has different gameplay style and combat mechanics as opposed to Fates and Awakening which I have already beaten more than twice, and since I find the item finding or the quests to be a bit tedious to complete in 3H, I wanted to check out whether how good or how amazing is Echoes SOV really is in terms of combat mechanics, battle system. I have already heard that the story, music and graphics are god-like, thankfully without spoilers, which is harder to come by lol. Is it a good idea to pick up Echoes SOV alongside with the DLC packs that it offers and possibly extra amiibo features that it has included for better grinding and gold farming or is it better to just get the game by itself and then buy the DLC after I beat Echoes and the story mode of it? Some help would be super appreciated for a Fe semi-noob like me. Also by any chance does this game have any online battle modes or street pass functions or has that also been disabled as well?
  10. I have tirelessly searched through so many castles and all I just want is some offensive skills for my daughter in-game Soleil (decided to marry Laslow cause he best cute boi) but none of the castles that I have searched through have the offensive skills that I’m trying to comb through to get. My main priorities regarding getting Soleil skills are Aptitude and Lucky 7 cause I want her to be an absolute great lord spd demon since my MU is +Str. If anyone who still plays Fates nowadays has a castle that I can access without having to grind tirelessly to get the skills that are my main priorties, that would be heavily appreciated. In exchange, I will share my Rev castle code and all of my units are gen 1 characters, but they have some interesting skills that I acquired through other player s’s My Castles. The castle code for my Rev castle is 12978-39237-09749-52177. Castle name is Abyss Depths Region is NA Minerals and Resources: Meat, Peaches, Emeralds, Corals Units on Castle Defense Roster: MU: Nohrian Trust, Draco Hex, Death Blow, Astra, Dragon Fang Laslow: Lethality, Rend heaven, Astra, Aptitude (Dancing Blade is DLC-exclusive only fyi) Ryoma: Dragon Fang, ShurikenBreaker, Aptitude, Death Blow, Astra Azura: Aptitude, Dragon Fang, Renewal, Astra, Inspiring Song Sakura: Counter, Replicate, Renewal, Amaterasu, Aptitude. Takumi: Astra, Death Blow, Rend Heaven, Sol, Astra Camilia: Bowbreaker, Aptitude, Death Blow, Dragon Fang, Sol Slias: Lethality, Sol, Death Blow, Rend heaven, Defender Hinoka: Aptitude, Luna, Bowbreaker, Death Blow, Lancefaire. Kaze: Rend Heaven, Luna, Lethality, Aptitude (Clarity is also DLC-exclusive). All units are on hold, no dusk dragon or litih, also no golems or automatons and it is easy seize I believe. Might change the rotation of the 1st gen characters on the Castle defense roster to gen 2 once I have done all paralogues to make a castle roster full of children skills at the very least Friday, just a heads up to those that want these skills for the units listed above in exchange for giving me a Soleil aptitude and Death Blow if they have one. Keep on Fire embleming!
  11. I have gone through millions of calling cards from my certain My castle peeps but none of them sadly have the one skill that I desperately need for Shigure, later on in the Conquest chapters when I am planning to use him with F!Kana, against bow flyers and snipers in general. I’ve also scouted through the various forums on here to try and see if any of the My castle address have any Bowbreaker skills for Shigure but to no luck. If anyone that still plays Fates nowadays has a Shigure with a Bowbreaker, I will forever be in your debt and in exchange you can get the best kind of defensive and offensive type of skills from my 2 different Fates My Castles. Also a Nina with any counter based skill or offensive based skill is also fine (same with Shigure, if Bowbreaker isn’t available, I can always settle for Aegis as a second option). Please and Thank you. Edit: Also I’m in NA and I forgot there is region-locking in this game, so any NA castles that have Shigure with Bowbreaker is what I need. First Castle information: Chosen Path: Nohr Avatar Name: Liam Castle Name: Imperial Gate Castle address: 12978-39237-09749-52177 Units on deck: MU: Grisly Wound, Letahlity, Draconic Hex, Nohrian Trust Azura: Pavise, Aptitude, Rend heaven (also have aegis and Astra if needed) Niles: Luna, Swordbreaker, Bowfaire, Lucky 7 Elise: Live to Serve, Amaterasu, Renewal, Aptitude (also have rally strength) Odin: Lifetaker, Rend heaven, Aptitude, Astra, Death Blow Camilia: Death Blow, Sol, Bowbreaker, Dragon fang, Vantage Selena: Counter, Dragon Fang, Astra, Rend heaven, Death Blow Kaze: Luna, Lethality, Astra, Lethaility Effie: Lancefiare, Armoured Blow, Wary Fighter Second castle Information: Chosen path: Valla Avatar name: Nacrina Castle name: Abyss Depths Castle address: Same as first castle Units on deck: MU: Lethality, Astra, Draconic hex, Nohrian Trust, Azura: Pavise, Aptitude, Vantage Jakob: Luna Subaki: Bowbreaker, Death Blow, Lifetaker, Rend heaven Takumi: Aptitude, Quixotic, Astra, Rend heaven, Death Blow Sakura; Counter, Renewal, Aptitude, Miracle, Rally lck Hana: Luna, Aptitude, Sol Kaze: Aptitude, Luna, Lethality Units I have that are available upon request: Hayato: Pavise, Aegis, Tomefaire, Rally magic Hinata: Warding Blow, Renewal, Lancebreaker
  12. I have been trying to find for the love of me any kind of prem-based skills for Beruka, Kaze and Niles but no luck cause either the castles I go to don’t have the prem skills I want or half of the castles don’t have these units with the skills that I need for them. For additional information, I’m playing on Nohr, Conquest and playing on Normal Classic and here are the following skills that I’m hoping to get for these 3 in my recently started Nohr/Conquest Playthrough; Niles: Lucky 7, Death Blow, Certain Blow, Astra Beruka: Bowbreaker, Death Blow, Axefaire, Trample, Aegis Kaze: Death Blow, Luna, Astra, Lethality, Rend heaven. Please and thank you. In exchange for those that can provide these units with the following skills mentioned or any kind of skills that you have available, I will post my 2 different Fates castles (one is Valla and one is Nohr-based). Here are the details and the units I have with prem skills as of now: Castle Name: Abyss Depths Chosen Path: Valla Avatar Name: Nacrina Castle address: 12978-39237-09749-52177 Units: MU: Lethality, Nohrian Trust, Draconic Hex, Astra, Dragon Fang Jakob; Luna Azura: Pavise, Vantage Sakura: Aptitude, Counter, Renewal Hana: Sol, Luna, Aptitude Subaki: Death Blow, Rend heaven, Bowbreaker, Lifetaker Kaze: Lethality, Luna, Replicate, Aptitude Takumi: Death Blow, Astra, Quixotic, Rend heaven Hayato: Aegis, Pavise, Rally magic, Tomefaire. Second Castle: Castle Name: Imperial Gate Avatar Name: Liam Chosen path: Nohr Castle address: Same as Valla castle address Units: MU: Lethaility, Draconic Hex, Nohrian trust Felicia: Counter, Trample Slias: Pavise, Aegis, Luna, Sol Azura; Pavise, Rend heaven, Aptitude, astra Effie: Axefaire, Armoured Blow, Wary Fighter Arthur: Luna, Certain Blow Niles: Luna, Bowfaire Elise: Aptitude, Live to Serve, Amaterasu, Renewal Odin: Rend heaven, Death Blow, Astra, Aptitude, Rend heaven, Lifetaker Camilla: Death Blow, Vantage, Sol, Bowbreaker, Dragon Fang. Not included but can add on to My Castle defenders; Selena; Astra, Death Blow, Dragon Fang, Rend heaven, Counter. All units are on hold, easy seize and kill, and no one isn’t on the throne. Cheers!
  13. Hey everybody, I am the CEO of Audacity Interactive. We are working on Scarlet Republics, a Renaissance inspired tactical RPG. The game is heavily inspired by Fire Emblem, our two game designers, Kristian and Gustav are huge fans (Kristian has completed almost every game of the series on the hardest difficulty). Therefore I thought it might be interesting to you! Here is the link to our kickstarter: Scarlet Republics Kickstarter I would love it if you could check out our game, and give me some feedback on what you think about it! Warm greetings and a tip of the hat Olmo
  14. Hey folks! Remember that time about one zillion years ago when I told you all about the strategy RPG Telepath Tactics? Well, now I'm developing a follow-up game! (Sorry in advance if this seems spammy, by the way--this just seems like the sort of game that folks here would enjoy!) What is Together in Battle? Together in Battle is basically a team management game crossed with a Fire Emblem randomizer. Every time you play, your characters are totally different. But it's not just class and skills that get randomized: it's every last thing about your characters, from their names to their appearance to their personality and backstory! The Premise You’ve arrived in the island kingdom of Dese with a sack of coins and a secret mission to enter the gladiatorial games to find loyal fighters under the guise of competing. Recruit and manage charming characters with their own distinct personalities, interests, and histories. Each day, you’ll have the chance to field them in glorious turn-based tactical battles; and each night, they’ll build relationships with each other, face personal crises, and come to you for advice. You must manage your group’s resources. Stay stocked on food, maintain enough money to make payroll, and ensure that your characters practice regularly to continue improving. But beware: they have feelings! Allow their friends to fall in battle, and they may become depressed. Fail to address their needs, and you’ll risk resentment and desertion. Keep them happy, however, and they will grow close to one another, form fond memories, give each other nicknames–even share their special combat skills! With skill and patience, you will emerge victorious…together in battle. Combat With a deterministic core that never wastes your time, combat in Together in Battle nonetheless features dizzying tactical depth. Shove enemies into environmental hazards, off of cliffs, or into each other; take up defensive positions in tall grass, or hack it down to deny that same advantage to the enemy; set traps and detonate explosives; build bridges and barricades; freeze water; burn down trees. The battlefield environment is yours to command! Content Together in Battle features dozens of random events and side quests; six different playable species; two dozen base classes with branching promotion options for a total of 72 distinct character classes; more than 150 different character skills; and hundreds of thousands of possible procedurally generated weapons and pieces of armor. Characters Every character has a distinct personality, appearance, stat line, skill progression, personal history, named family members, religious beliefs, life skills, hobbies, physical traits, romantic preferences, preferred gifts, hidden secrets–even non-verbal tics and ways of laughing! These details are not just for flavor: they also have consequences for how characters behave in their free time. A baker may use up some of your food to produce cookies and cakes you can eat or sell; a jokester may do funny impressions to boost morale; a blacksmith may repair the group’s weapons. Dancers are nimble; sailors are superior swimmers. Some characters will even undertake long-term projects like growing food, making dolls, or writing a novel! Campaign Creator Together in Battle comes with a capable campaign creation suite to let you build your own full-fledged campaigns! Build characters in the character creator; place them in cut scenes using the cut scene editor; add branching dialogue trees using the dialogue editor; sculpt battlefields and place armies in the map editor; create skills for your characters to learn in the skill editor, and items for them to loot in the item editor. Want to get really fancy? Construct your own scripts, then assign them to items and skills for whatever custom effects you can dream up! The game is planned to release next year. Until then, I'll be here to answer any questions you might have! Curious about something? Ask away! (Of, also: if any of you are planning to be at PAX East at the end of the month, swing by Booth 18066 and you can play the game for yourself!)
  15. What Dragon Quest game would you people suggest for someone who is new to the series? Only 3DS ones.
  16. Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece. This podcast explains why!
  17. https://www.twitch.tv/gigisimmons If anyone is interested in finding a new chill spot to enjoy some FE playthroughs, come hang sometime. FE won't be the only game I will stream of course, but at the moment I mostly stream that. Come watch me mess up! No capture card at the moment, but I'll eventually stream a variety of games I have in my game library. I have a bunch of systems to play off of ranging from retro to brand new. Either way, come chill sometime, it will be great to have you there! Starting a playthrough for Fire Emblem on the GBA and Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. I'll be going back and forth between the two and FE: Path of Radiance which I already started. Come hang out, enjoy the nostalgia!
  18. Hello everyone, It's great to discover a community like this. I was referenced by a viewer during one of my streams of FE and I had no clue of this site. Seems really cool and a lot of good information to be found. I have always loved playing Fire Emblem ever since I was a child. My first FE was FE: Sacred Stones and I played that through at least a few times. Still had trouble getting ever one in the game! Anyways, I stream a variety of games if anyone is interested in finding a new chill spot online. At the moment GameCube games is all I have been streaming. I'm getting a capture card soon and I plan on streaming all PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo systems. I'll probably get the GameBoy emulator running soon as well. So that finishes my introduction. I really did not know what to put here except my interests in video games, but I guess that's appropriate since this site is based on video games. Hope everyone's enjoying life and I hope to talk to you sometime on here or during one of my streams. https://www.twitch.tv/gigisimmons
  19. I was recently asked for my favorite RPGs and decided to do it in this funky 3x3 format I didn't include more tactical rpgs or I'd have Ogre Battle & Fire Emblem as stated in my tweet here. If you want an easy format for said 3x3 heres an empty one So yeah, post & discuss RPGs I suppose. Clarify your choices, ask why others like theirs etc, I'll probably get to mine here shortly (in terms of clarifications)
  20. So, I posted on here a while back about my Fire Emblem d100 all the way back here and I haven't really posted anything about it since then. So what happened? Well, I ended up doing a major overhaul of the entire system, changing it around (and removing all of the "Fire Emblem" brand name so it can be published as its own thing, but it still mimics the series in regards to game mechanics and stays true to the series in many aspects). I made the QUARTS SRD for the purpose of making it easy to access, easy to read, and most of all easy to use. Before, people needed to download the PDF which was available but required signing up for the sites which had the PDF available. Since not everyone is willing to download the system, I figured it'd be best to consolidate it to a full site and make everything available in one place. I've done about a year or so of testing for this system (combining the testing time of FEd100 and QUARTS together since one lead to another), and ultimately I think the game is at a point where I'm satisfied at...for now. The system as it is now is meant to take aspects from many of the different games in the series. It includes branched promotion, 3rd tier classes, advanced classes (1-30 but don't promote), Shifters (they fill in the Laguz/Manakete/etc. role), the trinity of magic from the GBA games, SS Rank weapons, and recruit classes from FE8. Some of the new additions include the following: alternate rules to change the playstyle of the game, abilities which characters gain that are similar to skills, Stamina Point and Magic Point systems which power some abilities characters gain, many different races to pick from, Gunslingers (matchbox/flintlock guns), roleplay skills such as Athletics and Deception, and a Bestiary with ways to create monsters of each type. I'm looking for opinions from people, and if people actually decide to run it I'd like to know how it went and if people feel the system is similar enough to Fire Emblem for their tastes or if it strays too far. The Roll20 character sheet for the system is here.
  21. A lot of RPGs use the level-up system. I was recently watching a video about the level-up system in RPGs and whether or not it actually makes sense in a large number of games that use it. It pointed out the flaws inherent with the level-up system, such as level grinding and the risk of breaking immersion because sometimes all you have to do to defeat a tough opponent is gain enough levels. Not only that, but he pointed out one game where the player character has saved the city and is being praised as a champion, even though the player character at that point is level 1 and had only beaten the weakest monsters in the game. At the same time the level-up system is a way of showing progress and experience, and it has been used often enough that people are familiar with it; kind of like having elves and dwarves in RPGs. So what do you think? Do you like or dislike the level-up system in RPGs? Do you find it necessary or unnecessary? Here's the video if you are curious:
  22. Originally wasn't going to do a thread on this, but its been confirmed to be localized after months of Japanese only information. Dragon Ball has actually had a number of RPGs over the years, be it the trilogy for the Famicom, the SNES one, the various DS ones (all of which are pretty solid games barring like the first Famicom one). Most of them were based on card systems, this one apparently is not. Like in the more recent Dragon Ball Xenoverse you have a customizable main character who can be one of the various DB races, and a main gimmick of this game looks to be fusing your favorite characters together, like i'll probably be merging my favorite Dragon Ball peeps like Tien, Yamcha and Krillin (yes i'm more a fan of classic Dragon Ball over Z and such, but I still like Z and such) with various random people just to see the hilarious results, and of course fusing other people as well. This will be on the 3DS and launch on December 13th.
  23. I just saw GameXplain mentions that the Treehouse that will be presented in tomorrow's E3 presentation. This brand new IP will be a RPG that is going to be coming to the Nintendo 3DS. But, I just wondered what new RPG series that we will be seeing directly from Nintendo tomorrow? Edit from June 15th: It's confirmed to be as Ever Oasis developed by Grezzo. Here's the gameplay footage from the E3 and I did made a Miiverse drawing of the Protagonist for the next Super Smash Bros. title for the NX.
  24. So it seems this game has no topic on the front page. This is unacceptable. So as many people already know, this game came out yesterday. I'm only about four hours in on Chapter 4. My avatar's name is Emily and she has blue hair and the Christina Vee voice option, although I'll likely switch between her and Carina Reeves throughout the game. I'm planning on going Galactic Knight. I mean, I already switched to Enforcer. Loving it so far. The music is great. I especially like Uncontrollable, THEMEX, and NLA - Day so far, as well as The Key We've Lost off of the Japanese website, although I know that it plays a bit later than where I am. So what about you? What are your impressions so far.
  25. Hello, great warriors and their retainers, Welcome to the battlefield! 12 chosen Fire emblem characters got an Invitation for 'the battlefield'. Matches will be held every day! Only the best warrior will be able to survive! We hope everyone plays Fair and square, And have a great time! What is this game? Welcome to The battlefield is an RPG game, This game is located in the wonderful Kingdom of Santraua. This game will include locations for different converstaions, but there is one But, 2 people decided together that they wanted to win this game no matter what! they call themselves the mysterious Mandione's. Will the contestants be able to uncover the Mysterious Mandione's in there mid, or will the Foul players win it all? Rules! - Try to actually make sense with your story. This makes it more fun for everyone! - You may NEVER tell your 'Secondary Role' to anyone. If you do it, you will be disqualified! - Only talk to each other on the forum! Only the two members of the mysterious Mandione's may explain via Pm. but they also need to post their doings in this forum - When you want to use your special power, PM me! - If you do not vote in time you will vote for yourself! So please vote in time! - Always say your Role's name in your post one's the game starts. - Being an active Member is a requirement Explanation - I tell you when its day or night. At night, the Mysterious Mandione's Kill someone. At day, the contestants and the Mandione's are able to vote someone out of the game - When signing in, you will send me the role, and a number: 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12. The number is linked to your secondary role. So keep it a secret! - Sign in by posting the wanted role and the number! - The goal for the Mandione's is to kill all Warrior's except themselves. The goal for the Warrior's is to survive and vote all Mandione's out of the game. The general goal is to survive the longest. - Vote by sending me the name of the warrior you want to vote on. - Don't act like the secondary Role, but the Regular Role Contestants with their roles: - Devil's Hellfire - Corrin - - - - - - - - - - - Possible Roles: - Marth, The hero King - Ike, The Radiant hero - Roy, The young lion - Robin, The master tactician - Lucina, The Warrior from the Broken future - Corrin, The Hero who chose Fate - Lyn, The mistress of swords - Azura, The lady with the beautiful voice - Seth, The awesome warrior - Tharja, The proffesional Stalker - Shiida, the Beautiful pegasus knight - Tiki, The Manakete Princess Post a comment with your Wanted role Possible Secondary Roles - Warrior (5x) - These people have no special powers, they can vote someone out of the game at day - Member of the Mysterious Mandione's (2x) - These two can Murder someone at night. - Aunt Annabella - Annabella is such a Chatterbox, Everyone gets Tired off her Twaddle. Her vote does not count in the ballot, (She does off course vote) Even the Murderers get tired off her. So she will survive the first attack on her. - Cupido - In the first round, He or she will select two contestants who fall in love with eachother. These people will know that off eachother, but no one else does. When one of the 2 dies, the other one does too. This matchmaking will happen whatever the gender or the secondary roles may be. - Guardian - Each night, This person selects someone who cannot be killed. He/she cannot select the same person 2 times in a row, And he/she also can't protect themselves. When an attack on the Guardian happens, He has one of the amount of players in the game left, to survive it. - Witch - This person has 2 potions. A healing Potion and a Toxic potion. She can use Both of them Once. The healing potion only at night, And the Toxic potion whenever the witch wants it! Each night the Witch hears which person was killed. She can then saves him/her. She can also protects herself if she still haves her healing potion. - Village Idiot - The village idiot can each night select 3 persons and see their secondary roles. Off course, I won't tell them which roles belong to who! Locations in Santraua - To buildn RPG srategies around - Anna's Market (Market) - Santraua Stadium (Battle Arena) - Syaraya (Village) - Playa La Santraua (Beach) - Darkness Woods (Forest) - Puerto De Rosa (Port) - National Castle (Castle) Thank you all for reading this huge piece of text. Choose wisely :) If you have any Questions, feel free to ask! Michelaar
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