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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"Who said the swamp was without roads?" asked Helenos. "Only a certain part of the swamp is boggy enough. The rest is either solid earth, or has wooden roads built over it."

"Sides, who are we trying to hide from again? Even if there was a overt enemy, we're in friendly territory." added in Esphyr before bending in close and whispering. "I don't trust her one bit either, but would you rather have a threat we know, or one we don't?"

Meanwhile, Katie had left Iso's side and already sprung into the cart, happily plopping down one of her books before writing. With a cart this big, we can carry a lot of rations! I can carry several cookbooks as well, so we won't go hungry!

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"I'd like to know of these extra things you're talking about. I have only what I can carry, and from the looks of it, the same goes for most of the others."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Umm, but Morgan's right about one thing. How did the headmaster know where we were going? Can someone at least explain that? It would ease my mind a bit :sweatdrop:

Looking up to see Katie already in the wagon, Iso shrugged.

Iso: We've killed nearly everything that's bothered to attack us so far ... and this group can't avoid trouble for the life of itself.

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"...we also have issues traveling underground anyway."

At Morgan's offhand remark, Tessa blushed furiously, and clammed up entirely. She was fairly confident it hadn't been meant in ill-faith, or she would have been, but recent events with Kamilla had left her a little unsettled. She wasn't entirely sure just where things stood, or even how she felt about the matter. The fact that Morgan had brushed it off as a topic unworthy of discussion was quite possibly simply due to the fact that the investigation of whether or not Damian was a demon took precedence. Still, she really would like to get the shaman alone at some point, to hear more in detail the events surrounding that particular topic.

Discussion was ongoing about whether or not the cart would be a useful addition. Tessa would be happy riding along on Trevor, so the decision ultimately didn't impact her much, and she was planning to stay out of the discussion, and let those who would probably be travelling on foot decide. She looked briefly at Arrin here, wondering what his thoughts on the matter might be.

Conversation passed back and forth quite a bit, when suddenly something that had been mentioned a few minutes ago made her curious. Southern routes, huh? Didn't we come in from the west? "Wait... is this a different patch of mesh than the one we found near the border with Vaorin?"

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"The map seemed to say that. And with other items, that's besides the point! We'd be able to leave some of the more frail people in the cart while the others are fighting. Speaking of, has anyone seen Kamilla?"

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"If we leave our frailer members in the kart, wouldn't that comprise of all the mages? But, I guess I shouldn't really talk. If most of you want it, I guess you can use it. But I'm walking," he said. "Kamilla? I thought she was with Tessa."

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"Hmm? Me? Morgan invited me, I assumed she told you about me."

Cess was a bit confused at this statment. Unfortunaly, he was unable to even name the girl who asked him in the first place.

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"I am walking as well. I do not think we should trust random strangers supposedly sent by the headmaster and I do not see how this cart helps us achieve our goals. I am leaving. If I have to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame myself I will do so. Following the advice of people like Isotov will likely get us all killed anyway, with his idiot bravado."

With that, Morgan walked off in a huff, aiming to backtrack her back towards the border.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Morgan wait!! :o

She quickly dashed after Morgan not wanting the group to split up so suddenly! Kiev followed closely behind! When she caught up, she stopped in front of her!

Irina: Just hold on a minute! You're accusing Iso of insane bravado, and now you're okay with taking on the demon king by yourself?! Come on! That's not teamwork! What if you ride with me and Kiev?

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"OK, then..." Eric said, seeing the shamaness walk off. Upon hearing the mercenary woman speak, he remembered the other blade on his person. Pulling it out, he held the sword by its' flat side, and offered it to her. "Forgot about this. I picked it up when I went back in Istample."

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"My name is Cess. I'm a mercenary. I've been studying the Crimson Weapons for a while, and when I ran in to Morgan and Helios, I was able to look at them a bit more up close and personal. I haven't seen them in battle yet, so I was going to tag along. I met a few of your group, but not you yet. Your name?"

Cess held his hand out to Esphyr.

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"Esphyr. Mercenary as well under the employ of Daiman." replied Esphyr in kind, shaking his hand. "I was hired for personal reasons and personal payment as well as a monthly sum of ten gold. Just enough to support some people."

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"I originally thought that the other wielders of the Crimson weapons would be helpful. I was incorrect in that assumption. We got into unecessary problems with bandits, Helios allowed the thief to get away, your brother set fire to an inn which led to innumerable problems with authorities. By doing this myself, I no longer will have to suffer the consequences of your incredibly stupid decisions. Besides, by myself I am less likely to be noticed."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: You'll get picked off in a second if a demon comes for you-nooffenseI'mjustsaying ... I know we're not very good at this whole saving the world thing yet, but we're improving ... we haven't burned anything down in days, though that girl got away again. I know I know, stupid wind mage. Umm ... Tessa! What about Tessa?! Are you going to leave her with a bunch of incompetent ... uh ... "fools"? :/

EDITED: For retcon. Irina was never told Reika's name.

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"T-ten gold?! That's hardly enough for two days worth of food in this city! A decent mercenary would be getting 400 a month, easy! I'm sorry miss, but he's cheating you. I don't believe I've met a Damian, could you point him out to me?"

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"I am capable of handling myself, thank you very much."

'If Tessa were smart, she would leave before you get her killed, but I will not make her decisions for her."

'If you truly wanted to save the world, you would all start listening to the people who actually have brains rather than those who can't find their arse with both hands! When has Isotov ever done anything remotely resembling intelligent? Why are you all taking his advice?"

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"Uh, Cess, I don't know what currency you're using, but 10 Elysimian gold here is enough for a few months," Eric pointed out. "And, uh, Damian's the soldier. Remember the incident this morning?"

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well, we have conquered every problem that's come our way. Look at it this way, without you here, no one will ever make a decent argument against running straight through a cactus patch from here on out. I know it's asking a lot but ... you should stay. There are nine crimson weapons for a reason I think ... one's probably not going to cut it :/

Iso hopped onto the wagon not really caring either way anymore. He leaned back and grabbed Proxima and resumed reading through the pages.

Iso: The mesh is where she's going ... she may as well give us a free ride -_- (If she tries anything there are enough of us to deal with her anyway. I don't doubt the capabilities of six crimson weapons ... seven if Morgan shuts up and gets in.)

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"Oh, that's Damian? I heard you all using his name, I just couldn't put a face with it. Errr right...I don't know what I was thinking."

Thinking, "I guess I need to exchange my money to this country's currency."

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"Ten gold is more than enough for living out in the country. Besides, you know how it is. We're lucky to get paid half of the agreed upon sum, let along full amount. Ten gold is a lucky haul for me."

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"So you admit my advice would keep you all out of trouble, yet you fail to heed it anyway? That doesn't make any sense, unless you are intentionally trying to fail."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: I'd listen to you. You were the one that hired me in the first place so I kind of have to :sweatdrop:

Point is, we should stick together. Splitting up is asking for trouble. I follow Iso around because like you said, he does crazy things from time to time and I'm just trying to help. If he dies, that's one crimson weapon down, and I'm out another family member.

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"I also do not want Isotov to die. Unfortunately, he acts in ways that are not beneficial to his survival. Such as taking cart rides from complete strangers."

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