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HM Log

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Hard Mode. Supposedly efficient. In all honesty, though, I probably won't care too much until after 1-5. Let’s go!

Chapter 1-P/1/2/3 are here.

Chapter 1-4/5

Chapter 1-6

Chapter 1-7/8/9

Chapter 1-E

Chapter 2-P/1/2

Chapter 2-3

Chapter 2-E

Chapter 3-P/1

Chapter 3-2/3

Chapter 3-4/5/6

Chapter 3-7/8

Chapter 3-9/10

Chapter 3-11/12/13/E

Chapter 4-P/1

Chapter 4-2/3

Chapter 4-4/5

Chapter 4-E


Game doesn’t love me unfortunately. Eddie doesn't crit anything. Micaiah ends up killing the boss. More reliable.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/8

BEXP (chapter/current): 30/30

Funds: 5000

Micaiah	2.52	15	2	7	9	7	11	2	5	
Edward	5.17	19	7	0	12	13	8	6	0	
Leo	4.18	17	8	0	12	10	6	5	4	


Enemies are being annoying, clogging stuff up. Course, the fact that I’m 1 point of damage short of killing guys is the big slow-down factor. Getting the vulnerary probably didn't help either. Leo + Nolan kill the boss for the steel sword before Micaiah escapes.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/16

BEXP (chapter/current): 50/80

Funds: 5000

Micaiah	3.38	15	2	8	9	8	12	2	6	
Edward	5.66	19	7	0	12	13	8	6	0	
Leo	4.75	17	8	0	12	10	6	5	4	
Nolan	9.91	29	12	0	11	10	7	9	3	


Alright. Eddie + Micaiah team up to get the chests, Sothe gets the Energy Drop, Leo is useful by Rescuing Laura, enabling me to heal Nolan. Needed an extra turn to get the Energy Drop. There seems to be a pattern in turn count for me.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/24

BEXP (chapter/current): 90/170

Funds: 5000

Micaiah	4.34	15	2	9	9	9	13	2	6	A Sothe
Edward	6.07	20	8	0	13	13	9	6	0	
Leo	5.13	18	8	0	13	11	7	5	5	
Nolan	10.6	30	12	0	12	11	8	9	3	
Sothe	1.3	35	18	4	20	20	15	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	1.55	16	3	8	3	5	8	2	10	


Taking the left side. Micaiah, with Sothe support, OHKOs the boss after another level up. Aran is recruited, basically because it’s easier than killing him. Both Nolan and Leonardo miss a couple times, but nothing too major as Sothe/Kurth are taking the brunt of the attack at that point. And my pattern in turn count continues. Aran, Nolan, Eddie escape, though. Didn’t bother getting Discipline, too much effort and needed Sothe to tank and kill stuff.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/32

BEXP (chapter/current): 176/346

Funds: 5000

Micaiah	6.15	16	3	10	10	10	15	3	8	A Sothe
Edward	6.32	20	8	0	13	13	9	6	0	
Leo	5.15	18	8	0	13	11	7	5	5	
Nolan	10.86	30	12	0	12	11	8	9	3	
Sothe	1.71	35	18	4	20	20	15	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	2.21	16	3	8	3	6	9	2	10	
Ilyana	12.37	22	6	12	12	13	6	3	9	
Aran	7.49	24	10	0	12	10	6	11	2	

Edited by nflchamp
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8 turned all of them XP and sounds like you should have 6-7 turned some, like you said you were at 1hp left on enemies. sounds like your doing fine though. ;)

And, just for the fun of it... 1st!!!!!!!11111oneoneoneelevenonhunderedelven

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Yeah, I went through the same until she got Spd screwed. By I fixed it with a Speedwings.

On a side note: Another HM runthrough? Is it really that impressing to go through HM? There's already tons of these. I apologize for being a little off-topc.

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Yeah, I went through the same until she got Spd screwed. By I fixed it with a Speedwings.

On a side note: Another HM runthrough? Is it really that impressing to go through HM? There's already tons of these. I apologize for being a little off-topc.

it's not really impressive at all to beat RD on HM but it is fun to see what other people do and show others what you do, and to see how many turns you beat it in.

yeah that miciah does have nice speed. gets one more every battle.

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You can easily leave her borderline on leveling up and level her up in that next chapter, go on reseting 'till you get good results.

But that's true, but it gets redundant when everyone will be using the same units. I guess one that has transfers is interesting.

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Micaiah's speed may be good relative to her average, but she's still a billion years off doubling. 16AS is needed to double even the slower stuff like Armours and Fighters in 1-5, and 17 for the Soldiers, so even if you got speed every level up she'd need to be level 10 or something silly like that.

IN OTHER WORDS: Micaiah's speed sucks, even when she's blessed.

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That's true. Although my first to Micaiahs with 16 AS at lvl 11 could double many, many things...in NM.

So she's just being able to avoid getting doubled, which is, in relative, not so good when her durability takes her to get 1HKO'd by many soldiers, fighters and archers. My Micaiah got really Def blessed in this HM run, she ate a Dracoshield as well.

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On a side note: Another HM runthrough? Is it really that impressing to go through HM? There's already tons of these. I apologize for being a little off-topc.

No, not really. I needed something to do. Maybe I'll do something impressive.

I think Int is the only person to actually finish one,too.

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On a side note: Another HM runthrough? Is it really that impressing to go through HM? There's already tons of these.

I like playlogs even for games that have a ton of them (and this isn't one... GJ and the Colonel didn't make it to the end, Elincia is still in progress), since successful strategies tend to build upon each other. These things aren't completely redundant, you never know what kind of new trick or tactic that someone will tease out of an efficient run. Plus, the RNG has an impact. I'm interested to see what nflchamp does in his run.

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I like playlogs even for games that have a ton of them (and this isn't one... GJ and the Colonel didn't make it to the end, Elincia is still in progress), since successful strategies tend to build upon each other. These things aren't completely redundant, you never know what kind of new trick or tactic that someone will tease out of an efficient run. Plus, the RNG has an impact. I'm interested to see what nflchamp does in his run.

And just in case soul was complaining about it being HM (since otherwise, why not just say "another RD log"), what would be the point of a NM Log? "Look at which characters I dumped massive bexp on to hit tier 3 and stomp part 3 with!!!" Boring.

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I didn't think of it as "another RD playlog", I know users aren't dumb s to post their NM performance, I just saw it as redundant because of how many of them are them. That was all thinking Grand Jackie and Colonel M have finished theirs.

And it's just how I thought, it's interesting to see the results others get from the RNG.

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Colonel, we know you ADD is terrible, but at least there have been some laughs thanks to SFII. Anyways;


Alrighty, base time. Got beastkiler. Forged Nolan an Iron Axe (+5 MT/+15 HIT). Nolan + Leo support. Wrath to Micaiah and Cancel on Eddie. Alright, I don’t know why the boss will move before the other enemies sometimes and other times he won’t. Played this chapter a bunch of times trying to figure it out, and it might just be that I’m counting wrong and am outside his range. He moves when I’m above the broken wall spot, but one spot to the right of that and he wouldn’t despite my counting putting it in his 7 mov range. Whatever. Sothe dealt with the bottom and left side by himself, using up half of his beastkiller. Meg and Edward went to get the master seal, everyone else went north. Killed both bosses untransformed. The one on the right will move towards you if you sit one square outside of his range in the north. Micaiah wouldn’t wrathcrit for me turn 7, so it took 8 turns.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/40

BEXP (chapter/current): 225/571

Funds: 5040

Micaiah	7.2	17	3	11	10	10	16	3	9	A Sothe
Edward	6.91	20	8	0	13	13	9	6	0	
Leo	5.56	18	8	0	13	11	7	5	5	C Nolan
Nolan	12.35	32	12	0	13	11	8	9	3	C Leo
Sothe	2.34	35	18	4	21	21	16	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	2.76	16	3	8	3	6	9	2	10	
Ilyana	13.02	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	
Aran	8.18	24	10	0	12	11	7	12	2	
Meg	3	21	10	1	7	8	8	10	5	

I’ve come to the conclusion that Eddie deserves at least some early EXP. He’s absolutely awful right now and may have been more of a liability than anything else in this chapter. Which sucks, as I already have enough of those.


Sothe gives me money this chapter. Yay! I’m giving Volug the energy drop. Forged an Iron Lance (+5MT/+10HIT) for Aran to help me do reliable damage with someone who can take a hit. Forged an Iron Knife (+3MT) for Sothe. Laura + Eddie support, for now. Was able to steal the Master Seal after bum rushing the platform. Drop on Volug = OHKO fire mages. ;) Simple chapter.

Turns (chapter/total): 6/46

BEXP (chapter/current): 264/835

Funds: 12230

On an interesting aside, Leonardo still can’t wield Steel Bows. <_<

Micaiah	8.89	18	3	12	11	10	17	3	10	A Sothe
Edward	7.33	21	8	0	14	14	10	6	1	C Laura
Leo	5.75	18	8	0	13	11	7	5	5	C Nolan
Nolan	13.05	33	13	0	14	12	8	9	4	C Leo
Sothe	2.73	35	18	4	21	21	16	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	3.31	16	4	8	4	7	10	3	10	C Edward
Ilyana	13.23	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	
Aran	9.49	24	10	0	13	12	8	13	3	
Meg	3	21	10	1	7	8	8	10	5	
Volug	15.11	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	

EDIT: If anyone is wondering, after finishing 1-6-1, I noticed Micaiah magically got 2 RES in one level up. I figured I probably just misrecorded it.

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Agreed that Eddie needs earlygame leveling attention. You shouldn't really remove him from the CEXP teat until 1-4 at the earliest (where he can be used as a wall), and even in 1-5 he's still a decent combatant.

About 1-5, I'm pretty sure that the game records it as six turns, not seven. It's a Defend where you can't end it with a boss kill, and you have 5 turns, so I think that should add +1 to the count.

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About 1-5, I'm pretty sure that the game records it as six turns, not seven. It's a Defend where you can't end it with a boss kill, and you have 5 turns, so I think that should add +1 to the count.

It's defend 6 turns. I though the game added a turn in chapters like this. I never really look as there are no ranks in this game.

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It's defend 6 turns. I though the game added a turn in chapters like this. I never really look as there are no ranks in this game.

Is it? Well, that would explain why my hand-count is 275 turns rather than 276. If the game actually lists six turns in-game, then you're right that it's seven turns actual.

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It's defend 6 turns. I though the game added a turn in chapters like this. I never really look as there are no ranks in this game.

Is it? Well, that would explain why my hand-count is 275 turns rather than 276. If the game actually lists six turns in-game, then you're right that it's seven turns actual.

I talked about these types of chapters elsewhere and listed exceptions. In this chapter there is never a turn 6 ally phase. Hence, the game counts it as 6 turns. In chapters like 2-P and 3-7 there is an extra turn because the final turn "ends", or whatever. I'm not entirely certain about why they add 1, but in 1-5 they don't add 1 because Jill/BigT/Zihark never actually take their final turn so turn 6 never "ends".

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I talked about these types of chapters elsewhere and listed exceptions. In this chapter there is never a turn 6 ally phase. Hence, the game counts it as 6 turns. In chapters like 2-P and 3-7 there is an extra turn because the final turn "ends", or whatever. I'm not entirely certain about why they add 1, but in 1-5 they don't add 1 because Jill/BigT/Zihark never actually take their final turn so turn 6 never "ends".

Ah, okay. Guess I'll change it.

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Alright, got Jill and Zihark. I like how Jill is basically Aran, except with flying. Jill is getting Robe + Draco. 31HP/15DEF is awesome. Forging Jill an Iron Axe (+5MT/+25HIT), too. Probably more Hit than really necessary, but it’s cheap. Got an Axe card, too for a total of +7MT. It’s basically a superior Silver Axe for 1000 gold more than one. Forged Sothe a second knife (+5MT/+10HIT). Zihark is taking the Wind Edge from Eddie. Sothe gets Resolve, Volug Renewal, Nolan Cancel.

Alright, this was annoying. Freaking preist not being able to attack, making me restart. Sothe, Volug, Zihark, and Micaiah make a break for the other end. Micaiah basically just needs to get rid of an annoying armor. Big T takes care of the armor reinforcements, though Aran gets attacked once so I don’t have to rely on Ilyana’s Shade. Peg reinforcements near the start are goaded into attacking Nolan since he didn’t have 1-2 range on. Easily dealt with on Player Phase. Jill ORKOs the Steel Lance Peg reinforcement from the north and then moves to the middle area to bring them to where everyone else can deal with them. Leo gets shove chained to deal damage to one peg, which is finished by Jill. Big T ORKOs the last one. In the end, nothing too terrible.

Notes: Shove rocks. Big T can miss with a javelin. Eddie’s EXP gain this chapter = 0.

Turns (chapter/total): 6/52

BEXP (chapter/current): ???

Funds: ???

Ch. 1-6-1										
Micaiah	9.53	19	3	13	12	10	17	3	11	A Sothe
Edward	7.33	21	8	0	14	14	10	6	1	C Laura
Leo	5.95	18	8	0	13	11	7	5	5	C Nolan
Nolan	13.48	33	13	0	14	12	8	9	4	C Leo
Sothe	3.27	35	18	4	22	21	17	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	3.53	16	4	8	4	7	10	3	10	C Edward
Ilyana	13.43	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	
Aran	9.92	24	10	0	13	12	8	13	3	
Meg	3	21	10	1	7	8	8	10	5	
Volug	15.18	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	
Taur	14.07	38	24	12	22	20	18	21	15	
Jill	14.75	31	11	1	12	15	14	15	3	
Zihark	3.19	30	17	6	22	23	11	13	11	


Crazy chapter. Big T blocks bridge with Zihark. Zihark, surprisingly, is more effective with a steel sword while blocking, as Wind Edge sucks. Clearing out the bottom area on turn 1 required everyone else worth mentioning, including Leonardo. Jill and Volug rush to the Marado Knights rescue. I like that the Cavaliers attacking them suck so hard that one even had AS loss to the single digits. After the Cavalier bomb at the bridge, it was an easy stoll to the boss. Big T takes the boss kill on enemy phase turn 4 (gotta love those moving boss in Defeat Boss).

Turns (chapter/total): 4/56

BEXP (chapter/current): 2067/2902

Funds: 6630

Ch. 1-6-2										
Micaiah	10.47	19	3	13	12	11	18	3	12	A Sothe
Edward	7.33	21	8	0	14	14	10	6	1	C Laura
Leo	6.04	19	9	0	14	11	7	5	6	C Nolan
Nolan	13.89	33	13	0	14	12	8	9	4	C Leo
Sothe	3.59	35	18	4	22	21	17	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	3.86	16	4	8	4	7	10	3	10	C Edward
Ilyana	13.48	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	
Aran	10.2	25	10	0	14	13	8	13	3	
Meg	3	21	10	1	7	8	8	10	5	
Volug	15.23	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	
Taur	14.39	38	24	12	22	20	18	21	15	
Jill	15.6	32	11	1	13	15	15	16	4	
Zihark	3.4	30	17	6	22	23	11	13	11	

Alright, need some help in decision making. What should I do with Nolan and Aran? I'm getting lucky with Aran's SPD (understatement of the century). I'm thinking I might dump Nolan and take Aran. Or possibly support Nolan and Aran and see if Nolan will be salvagable for part 3.

Also, I'm thinking of BEXPing Nolan to 14 to try and force a SPD proc. Yay or nay?

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Nolan over Aran, always. Your Aran is SPD blessed, but he's 10 levels away from a 20/1 promotion, and he has no answer to Tarvos. Also, he's terrible in Part 4, even on the Silver Army route. Nolan will deliver all the way to Ashera. The choice is clear.

Would not suggest BEXP'ing Nolan. His growths are epic, and +3 at this point is not better than what he gives you on average. He's not SPD screwed, so you don't have to resort to desperate measures yet.

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Thanks so much everyone, for not catching my mistake in adding up turns. Gave me trouble looking for the mishap since I thought being under Int's turn count was weird.


Forged Sothe another iron knfe (+5MT/+10HIT) and Zihark an iron sword (+5MT). Also, bought another Wind Edge. Made Nolan x Aran support. Giving Zihark Paragon. Eddie, Leo, Meg, and Fiona are benched. Jill is grabbing the hammer for this chapter, though I can’t say how useful that’ll be due to hit issues. Sent Volug and Zihark North to the door. Volug has the HP to survive all the attacks, even if he takes them all. AI likes to attack laguz, so Zihark wasn’t in trouble despite no support and bad bio. Everyone else heads towards the seize square. Misses due to bad bio hurt, and forced me to rely on Micaiah to do damage rather than just ferry her over to the seize. Also, my level-ups blow chunks. Got the master seal and went ahead and got a couple of free adjacents on turn 7. Also, in going to chapter 1-8, I forgot to mark the stats of a few characters. Sorry.

Turns (chapter/total): 7/63

BEXP (chapter/current): 1356/4258

Funds: 2455

Micaiah	10.88	19	3	13	12	11	18	3	12	A Sothe
Nolan	14.36	34	13	0	15	12	8	9	4	C Aran
Sothe	3.74	35	18	4	22	21	17	14	9	A Micaiah
Laura	4.55	16	4	9	5	8	11	4	10	C Edward
Ilyana	13.48	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	
Aran	10.46	25	10	0	14	13	8	13	3	C Nolan
Volug	15.32	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	
Jill	16.32	32	11	1	13	15	15	17	4	
Zihark	4.??	30	17	6	23	24	11	13	11	
Tormod	forgot	34	13	17	16	20	14	12	14	
Maurim	forgot	58	18	3	14	11	12	15	9	
Vika	forgot	38	9	5	13	15	14	7	7	


Rafiel’s getting celerity. Nolan got the Robe. Nolan, Zihark, Aran, and Laura are my chosen ones. They shall do great. Naliah deals with the left hand side. Maurim and Tormod deal with the bottom. Everyone else rushes towards the boss. Sothe kills the boss because it’s a clean ORKO. Zihark + Brave Sword is fun, though he decided to save uses by critting. :) Vika’s job was getting Tormod into range of the starting Draco and (importantly) getting a pezzie out of the way of the turn 5 reinforcement draco so it would attack Maurim/Tormod. All prisoners survived!

Turns (chapter/total): 5/68

BEXP (chapter/current): 1725/5983

Funds: 855

Micaiah	11.33	20	3	13	12	11	19	4	13	A Sothe
Nolan	15.42	42	14	0	15	12	9	9	4	C Aran
Sothe	4.24	36	19	4	23	21	17	15	10	A Micaiah
Laura	4.99	16	4	9	5	8	11	4	10	C Edward
Aran	11.11	25	11	0	15	13	9	13	3	C Nolan
Volug	15.41	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	
Zihark	4.72	30	17	6	23	24	11	13	11	
Tormod	5.33	34	13	17	16	20	14	12	14	
Maurim	19.42	58	18	3	14	11	12	15	9	
Vika	13.07	38	9	5	13	15	14	7	7	
Naliah	33.11	66	17	5	23	19	35	16	13	
Rafiel	12.4	31	1	6	1	6	31	3	13	


Pelleas gives me more money; Jill gives me Pass. Strategy from oval.

Turn 1: Nothing. End Turn.

Turn 2: BK east 1 and Attack the Fighter. Micaiah North 1 West 2.

Turn 3: BK North 3 West 1 Attack the Fighter. Micaiah East 2.

Turn 4: BK North 1 West 2. Micaiah North 2.

Turn 5: BK West 1 Attack. Micaiah North 2 West 1.

Turn 6: BK East 2 South 1. Micaiah West 1.

Turn 7: BK East 2 South 2. Micaiah North 1.

Turn 8: Kill Jarod with BK.

Micaiah did attack once on turn 8.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/76

BEXP (chapter/current): 1500/7483

Funds: 10855

Micaiah	11.42	20	3	13	12	11	19	4	13	A Sothe

So, of course, I now need to figure out what I'm doing with BEXP, what items I want transfer over, and what I need to buy. Any suggestions?

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Thanks so much everyone, for not catching my mistake in adding up turns. Gave me trouble looking for the mishap since I thought being under Int's turn count was weird.

Since I screwed up my turn counts not once, not twice, but three times, it's best not to rely on me to check your arithmetic.

So, of course, I now need to figure out what I'm doing with BEXP, what items I want transfer over, and what I need to buy. Any suggestions?

It's vital that you get someone to tier 2 by the start of 3-6, the tier 1 beorcs other than Micaiah don't have the capacity for Beastfoe otherwise. If you do it now, before Endgame starts, that means that they can spend a little bit of time with Paragon as well. Unfortunately, it seems like Nolan is too far away from 20, so you'd have to waste his growths for a couple levels with BEXP, and then early Seal him. Jill is slightly closer, but she's not exactly RNG-blessed, and has no Energy Drop to help her offense.

That is, unless you're going to use Zihark in Part 3; in which case, best of luck with that one. Remember, use the Home button on the Wiimote in order to more quickly restart the game when Z dies.

As for the care package: I'd send Adept to the GMs, regardless of whether you are using Zihark. He can have it back in Part 4. I'd also send Celerity, Savior, and then fill the rest of her slots with money items like gems, scrolls, etc. You should send the Brave Sword for Ike if you are not going to be using Zihark seriously (gives him something to ORKO Generals with). Don't pauper the DB, they need money for Physics and whatnot in Part 3. I suggest around preserving around 10-12k worth of liquid assets, minimum.

For the shopping list, make sure that you forge enough stuff to make it through Part 3. If you are going to be using Jill, for example, forge no fewer than two excellent Axes for her. Sothe will need a decent set of knives for ledge combat in 3-12, and perhaps for chipping in 3-6 and 3-13. Leo needs nothing (PRF is best weapon), Eddie needs nothing (Caladbolg), Zihark can probably get away with Blades and special weapons, you MAY want to make a backup Axe for Nolan to preserve uses of Tarvos and make it last until you can Hammerne it (if you are using Jill, they can share, no problems), Micaiah can continue to use Thani, and I don't think that Tauroneo really needs more than something that you can buy him anyway.

EDIT: and buy some Grass for Volug.

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Interceptor might be grousing about how bad Zihark is in Part 3, but quite frankly, with the way the rest of your team looks, I would say he's probably one of your better options. Unless you get Jill or Nolan to promotion, I would get cracking on ZiharkxVolug.

What I like to do with my BEXP is throw it at Volug until he procs speed, then save the rest for Part 3. 21AS is good in have in 1-E, and quite frankly, generally nobody else makes good use of it. However, I generally have everyone I'm using promoted or very near promotion by this point, but I probably didn't play this as efficiently as you did.

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Note: I’m keeping a 1-9 clear save, if anything seems absolutely terrible to you all.

Well, nobody is doing too well, but I’m going to let things be this chapter. Strengthened Nolan x Aran to B. Zihark x Volug got a C support. Jill still can’t support anyone. Bought some more grass for Volug in part 3. Nolan’s getting a Steel Axe forge (+5MT/+25HIT/-1WT), which will probably become Jill’s in 3-6. Forged Sothe another Iron Knife (+5MT/+20HIT), just in case. Sold the Red Gem and Fortune. Sothe is getting Pass and Volug Resolve.

Ilyana is going to be shipping over the following:

• Ashera Icon

• Arms Scroll

• Blue Gem

• Celerity

• Adept

• Brave Sword

• Speedwing

Going to see how the team of Tormod, Rafiel, Nolan, Laura, Zihark, Ilyana (haha), Jill, Nailah, and BK do. For the record, I forgot to start this on clear data, so no secret characters. I don’t care that they don’t exist, either.

BK’s job was to kill reinforcements at the bottom. Sent most people up the ledges, except Nailah, Tormod, Volug, and Ilyana took the stairs. This was so difficult. Nolan is lucky to not be doubled at the beginning, thankfully gaining SPD and level ups. Durability was pretty much trash if you weren’t a wolf or Jill. Ilayana was given chest keys to get the Speedwing. Nailah dealt with most of the middle top section, with minimal help from Zihark. Took an extra turn to get over to Vantage. Figured it could help. Jill was able to kill Jarod sucessfully. Volug, despite my best efforts, is not at S strike. He is pretty close, though.

Turns (chapter/total): 11/87

BEXP (chapter/current): 1875/9358

Funds: ~9300

I apologize, I forgot to actually record stats. I had to play this half a dozen times because Miccy doesn't have any authority and a miss at the wrong time screwed me over. I didn't really care about them. I can say that Nolan got a couple points of SPD and (finally) a point of DEF. Jill got SPD and DEF, but is (still) at base STR. Neither is promoted, but both are 18-19.

Edited by nflchamp
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