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The Assassins Guild


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My turn to take a shot at writing. My style is different to Tables, mind you. And I'll drop different clues than Tables.

Morning. After grabbing a cup of coffee (strong and black, helps calm the nerves after a shady night), I headed out of my apartment and into town. There was the usual bustle of people running around on their way to work, like every other day. Except...

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Max Gillie AKA Luka Megurine was murdered in his office last night!"

Not exactly news to me. Mr. De Povidevin had wanted Gillie dead for a while and The Master decided that he should bite the bullet last night. I gasped (it's quite surprising how authentic shock can look to normal people) and grabbed for a newspaper while they were still available. After quickly scanning the page, I tossed it to the ground and walked away.

Gillie had been shot and then had his neck snapped. Which would be a little redundant... except that Gillie was wearing a bullet proof vest. Go figure. The man ended up deader than a doornail since he had messed with the wrong people. Hopefully, I get out of here before my own neck gets snapped by the Guild. Or worse.

Suddenly, a bell rang from somewhere up high. Looking up, I could see Abel standing on his usual perch, trying to get the town in order. Just a few more days, Abel. Then I'll get you my info. I just hope that I live that long.

Dear Luka Megurine,

You are Max Gillie, the paranoid poltician

You work in politics. At least, that’s what you tell people. Really, you do very little work. But what if someone found out? Maybe you should do more. But that’s no fun. But someone might be watching? And what if they actually want you dead? For not doing enough work? That’s unlikely, right? Well, hopefully it is. But you might lose your job. Then what? Then you’d be a drain on state resources. So they’d probably kill you. To save resources. Yeah. So you better wear a bulletproof vest. Because then nobody can kill you. But what if they shoot you in the head? Don’t be silly, this is a mafia game, bulletproof vests are completely effective. Wait, what’s a ‘mafia game’?

Sometimes you worry that people want to kill you, and while most people would put it down to pure paranoia... well, they’d be right, but in fact, someone really does want you dead. It wasn’t even somthing you’d done - of course it wasn’t, you don’t really do any work - but someone had signed it in your name as a favor, which, well, backfired slightly. So now, your paranoia is quite rightly placed.

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

Day phase is 72 hours long. So 2 AM (GMT +2) on Tuesday should do the trick. Specific updates being sent out now.

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No third parties, Psych.

So, what we have here, is maybe a vig shot and an assassin kill? Groner, care to shed some light on this?

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No third parties, Psych.

So, what we have here, is maybe a vig shot and an assassin kill? Groner, care to shed some light on this?

Did he even acknowledge killing Dickpickle? If he didn't then I'd say the assassins have a hitman, or we have a second vig. who misfired.

Anyway WoMC if you investigated Bal then I'll explain what I've got, (I would share it now if it wasn't so dependent on WoMC's verdict.)

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Well let's see

A snapped neck, and the other 2 deaths were kill and hide.

I'm guessing this is the vig's work.

Unless the assassin can only hide so many bodies.

Now that you mention it, I'd say they have a limit to the amount of the bodies they can hide, I was originally assuming they would try and hide power roles to claim, but it seems more likely now that they were trying to keep us in a D1 state.

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Not going to follow Weapons, simply because we don't have any solid evidence, yet.

As an aside: Who the hell let Solid Snake into Gillie's office?

Edited by Snike
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....wait what?

Paranoid Bulletproof?

The hell is this.

The "Paranoid" is flavor, I would assume. Just like how Raymond was the "Sheriff" Townie.

Did he even acknowledge killing Dickpickle? If he didn't then I'd say the assassins have a hitman, or we have a second vig. who misfired.

I don't remember him ever actually saying anything about his previous activities. Neither who he "overscanned" nor if he shot, nor anything else. The only thing I remember Groner coming forward with was the note that was delivered to him about 'Shadow'.

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Not going to follow Weapons, simply because we don't have any solid evidence, yet.

Weapons accuses Balcerzak. Says he will scan Balcerzak. Gets roleblocked. This is suspicious in of itself. Sure, it's nothing 'solid', but we have not had any evidence that you could call solid before this point either and we do not have any other solid evidence.

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Weapons accuses Balcerzak. Says he will scan Balcerzak. Gets roleblocked. This is suspicious in of itself. Sure, it's nothing 'solid', but we have not had any evidence that you could call solid before this point either and we do not have any other solid evidence.

I could easily see it working both ways.

Hypothesis 1: I'm scum and don't want to be found out. I have my scumbuddies roleblock Weapons.

Hypothesis 2: I'm innocent, but the scum want an easy lynch. Roleblock Weapons and I look suspicious.

I didn't do a shot, I random tried to protect someone, and nothing happened.


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@ Anouleth: This is where we begin WIFOM. As Bal said.

Hypothesis3 is Bal is scum, but orders weapons roleblocked so people think it's Hypothesis # 3, via reverse psychology.

@ Groner: ... Alright, you have officially lost me.

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I could easily see it working both ways.

Hypothesis 1: I'm scum and don't want to be found out. I have my scumbuddies roleblock Weapons.

Hypothesis 2: I'm innocent, but the scum want an easy lynch. Roleblock Weapons and I look suspicious.

Hypothesis 3: Weapons was never roleblocked and is lying to get an easy lynch.

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I will vouch for Weapons being roleblocked.

You see, along with his own action, he performs my night action as well. Since I was given no indication of being roleblocked personally, and my action failed to go through, I can only assume Weapons was blocked.

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