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Chapter 12: The Real Enemy

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Ellen, Shin, Fir, Tate, Chad, Astol

New Units:

Ray, Cath

You need to beat this chapter in 20 turns or less to access the gaiden map that will get you Armads, so you can't dick around. In America! Also, if you went on Elphin route(which is a LOT harder and meaner than Lalum route FYI), Elphin must also be alive. This chapter marks the first appearance of a dragon. And I'm not talking about those dragon knights that are Shin/Wolt food. And it's not Flaer either. Luckily, he's pathetic as anything since his AS is worse than whale shit, though he causes a LOT of damage to your units and can cause OHKO's to anything that is super squishy. In America!

My setup for this chapter was that Bors, Fir, Shin, Astol, and Ellen were in the eastern group and everyone else was with Roy. It is also important that Chad is in the western group as he needs to recruit Ray(who, as I've said in the disclaimer, is below average).

I sent all my units up, having Dieck kill a fighter and Rutgar using his hero crest. Next turn, I clear the enemies near my E division(Shin and Fir take the kills), while Dieck and Rutgar take care of the enemies around them(a knight and a fighter). Chad unlocks the SW door while Lance whiffs at the eclipse shaman. On the EP, two unfortunate souls get critkilled, while Chad dodges another eclipse hit(lol10hit before skl is factored in). Turn 3 comes, and I have Lance take out the eclipse guy while Chad goes spelunking. Astol opens the SE door, while Shin and Bors gang-rape the sniper. On EP 3, more shamans die, and Astol gets slept(thank god I brought a restore staff). I recover his status, move my western squad up, then had Astol and Chad claim a lancereaver and flux, respectively. Dieck then rambos into a group of fighters, killing two and weakening the 54HP warrior for Rutgar. While Astol was pilfering the items in the NE room, I had Shin and Bors kill the two archers left in the corridor. On turn 8, I cleared the rest of the fighters and recruited Ray.

After that and Astol looted the last of the chests, Cath appeared one last time. I recruited her on turn 10, then three turns later, 3 mercs/fighters, a warrior, a hero, and three dracoknights spawned from the SW, SE, and NE, respectively. I sent Bors and Ray back to deal with them, and as for the mercs, I simply sent Rutgar and Tate back to deal with those. While I was busy dealing with those(Ray got a free level on a steel axe warrior FFS), Lilina took out the boss(FE6 Mamkutes are the biggest joke since FE5 Marty. And saying they're tough is like saying that Lilina is a good unit, which she isn't. I will continue to use her for shock value.) After I got my fill of the enemies here(and time was running out), I seized.

Roy      	01  14  28  15  12  12  16  11  03  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  02  34  24  12  21  15  04  19  04  A Roy  
Alan 		01  15  35  17  08  15  10  11  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  15  30  12  10  18  06  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  06  48  20  17  17  16  29  07  16   
Dieck    	02  05  48  24  21  20  12  18  06  14
Rutgar   	02  02  46  23  22  22  08  16  06  07  B Clarine
Fir      	01  13  35  14  20  20  13  08  05  05  C Shin
Chad    	01  08  22  08  06  16  07  03  01  05
Ellen      	01  12  21  09  09  10  14  00  14  04
Shin      	01  13  36  15  14  19  08  09  01  07  C Fir
Tate        	01  13  30  13  13  19  07  09  10  05
Astol      	01  10  25  07  08  15  11  07  03  08
Ray      	01  13  24  13  09  09  07  05  11  04
Cath   		01  01  20  05  11  15  12  03  03  05

DAMN! I never once thought there would be such a thing as a swordmaster with more strength than skill/speed(my Edward from FE10 came close, with 22str/23skl/23spd at 20/3). Or a Lv6 general with 29 defense. No one fucks with my Rutgar and Bors. In America! Not even Chuck Norris.

Swag: Brave bow, Elysian whip, Lancereaver, Flux, Aircalibur, Blue gem

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Not to mention lolarenaabuse. This playthrough was interesting up until you abused Dieck and Bors in Ch. 7. The same thing happened with your FE7 playthrough also...

Still, amazing Lilina. That SPD is insane! If only she turned out like that every time...

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Chapter 12x: The Axe of Lightning

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Fir, Tate, Chad, Astol, Ellen, Ray

This map is rife with vents that shoot poison gas. Touch these and you will get poisoned. Then again, lolpoison. Also, this chapter is littered with thieves and myrmidons that basically no one except Rutgar/Fir can double. Just saying. Also a great place to level up underleveled units.

I sent Fir and Lilina up to defeat the N bandit and archer. Chad grabbed the chest while Astol and Tate went east. Next turn, Fir kills the halberd bandit, Ray and Astol nearly kill a shaman, and Lily kills another bandit. On turn 3, Tate kills a thief with Ray's help, Fir blocks the steel axe brigand's access to Tate/Ray, and Lily kills an archer. On the EP, Astol and Ellen get attacked, while Fir almost kills a brigand. After she KO'd the myrm, I sent all my units behind her so they would be better protected. Turn 5 came, and I finally killed the first thief, and I also had Tate kill a myrm. After Ray and Fir successfully lure in bandits, Lily finally kills the eclipse druid. I then kill the two bandits and have my main group move south. I then deal with the shaman that I evaded back on turn 3, as well as another motherfucking bandit.

Chad gets sent back for the last chest, while Astol's group heads back up north. I kill the rest of the bandits, grab the red gem and more elixirs/antitoxins, and kill the boss for a 17 turn clear.

Roy      	01  15  29  16  12  13  16  11  04  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  02  34  25  12  22  16  04  19  04  A Roy  
Fir      	01  15  37  16  20  20  14  09  05  05  C Shin
Chad    	01  08  22  08  06  16  07  03  01  05
Ellen      	01  13  21  09  09  10  15  00  15  04
Tate        	01  14  31  13  13  20  07  10  10  05
Astol      	01  11  26  07  09  16  11  07  03  08
Ray      	01  15  25  14  10  11  08  06  11  04

I can do better than this, and if you thought the Bandit Keith references weren't funny, I'll stop.

And about the arena abuse, know that I won't be trying anything like it again.

Swag: Red gem, White gem, Elixir, Antitoxin x2, Chest key, Armads

Edited by DA125
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Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Fir, Shin, Ray, Ellen, Clarine, Tate, Lalum

New Units:


Not Yet Joining:


This chapter isn't overly difficult unless you try to rush things. Also, there are promoted units on this map. Six of them! Also, there are ballistae on this map, and I am going to repeat: pegasus knights should not be going anywhere near that area(24 atk before factoring str is downright scary for a flier). Speaking of that, you will get a really good unit this map, and if you can hurry your ass over to the NE corner of the map, you will get another good unit. Best to wait until Ch15, because there's less shit between you and Percy in C15(also, he will only have his HM bonuses in Ch15.)

I sent Bors, Rutgar, Clarine, Lalum, Tate and Ray north, while Roy, Lily, the cavs, Dick, Fir, Ellen, and Shin went east. The first resistance group came in the form of four cavaliers and a paladin on the northern path. Ray started by provoking one oif the javelin dudes, then Rutgar and Bors gang raped the paladin. As for my southern group, Dieck kills the longbow archer and the rest of the parth moves east, as well. On the EP, Shin gets lucky with a sniper, while more shit attacks Rutgar, and next turn, Shin takes out the sniper with Fir's help. I then cut down another archer and the paladin(Miredy took the kill on the pally), and Dieck took out the second ballista. Rutgar and Tate took out the last of the cavs on their side, Clarine claimed the body ring, and more stuff attacked Lance on the EP. I sent Dieck to kill the cavs on the second half of the south bridge, while Miredy, Roy, and Shin took out the rest of the cavalry.

The dragon knights weren't anything special. Lily basically loled at them(then again, what kind of wyvern isn't 2HKO'd by magic?), and right after I killed them, I picked up my units and kept trekking east. I dropped my units off a turn later to deal with some dracoknights, while my northern group shoves off and blockades a group of cavaliers, killing all but a steel sword guy in one turn. Nice. I also had Miredy lure in a mercenary squad, mostly for her own gain. By turn 9, another cavalry squad spawned from the NW corner. I took out the faggot who was left before as well as the troubadour. By then, Miredy had finished off the hero, Lily visited the house for an Al sword, then I moved my N forces back. I managed to reach the boss by turn 13. I took him out with Miredy after chipping him with Shin, then I doubled back to deal with the reinforcements. While this was happening, I sent Miredy with all the BS that needed to be sold. On turn 18, after I sent Miredy into the arena for a free level, I seized.

Roy      	01  16  30  17  12  13  17  12  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  02  34  25  12  22  16  04  19  04  A Roy  
Alan 		01  15  35  17  08  15  10  11  00  09  A Lance
Lance   	01  15  30  12  10  18  06  07  03  09  A Alan
Bors      	02  07  49  21  17  18  17  30  07  16   
Dieck    	02  05  49  25  22  20  13  18  06  14
Rutgar   	02  02  47  23  23  23  08  17  07  07  B Clarine
Clarine 	01  12  18  06  12  17  15  03  10  05  B Rutgar
Shin      	01  13  37  16  15  20  09  09  01  07  C Fir
Fir      	01  16  38  16  20  20  14  10  05  05  C Shin
Ellen      	01  14  21  10  09  10  16  00  16  04
Tate        	01  14  32  14  13  20  08  11  10  05
Ray      	01  15  26  15  11  11  08  07  11  06
Miredy 		01  15  42  20  18  16  10  18  04  09
Lalum    	01  05  (loldancer)

That is quite an impressive Miredy I have there. Team looks alright overall(except Roy).

I also bought several killer weapons and restore staves.

Swag: Body ring, Al sword

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Chapter 14: Arcadia

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Dieck, Rutgar, Shin, Ray, Chad, Astol, Ellen, Tate, Miredy, Cecilia, Sophia

Desert map. Your units' movement is severely hindered in desert, with the exception of magic users and fliers. Do not bring cavalry to this map, unless it's a nomad(they have the same move as foot units here.) Actually, don't bring armors here either; they only have one move here(and almost no one can carry them. Bors, for example, can only be carried by unpromoted Thany, and don't let me get started on Barth) Also, to get the gaiden map, you need to get your ass over to the throne in 25 turns, WHILE keeping one of the worst units in the game alive

And to you Sophia fanboys out there: irrefutable proof that Sophia is garbage:

What a miserable fuck. She raises the shittiness to a whole new level. She gets ONE-SHOT, DOUBLED, and FACES CRIT by every single physical enemy in her joining map(even the mages 2-shot, double and have crit, and the eight wyverns on the map don't help either), and has no offense to speak of(14atk/75hit is awful by C14 standards, especially when things have over 30 avoid and the faster dudes can break 40). And she can't even get supports set up, as her two best supporters have their slots filled(Roy has Lilina A/Cav B or Alan B/Lance B, and Ray has Lugh A/Chad B, nevermind that both are 1 +1 supports and using two shamans, when the first is not a good unit to begin with, is completely redundant.)or suck(Fae, Igrene, Niime)

In other words, Sophia sucks.

Note that you may use this rant on why Sophia is utter trash in debates.

Do not forget to bring thieves since this place has some nice swag, as well as the fact that this is a FoW map. And Ellen is promoting this chapter.

I sent most of my units towards the northeast, except Dieck and Rutgar, who went southeast. Lilina nabbed the boots, while Astol grabbed a talisman. Tate then picked him up and sent out for the speedwing. Next turn, Lily takes out a mage that attacked Miredy, my sword dudes go further SE, and Tate finds a speedwing(after dropping Astol to get the same item). On T2 EP, Lily actually takes out an entire dragon knight squad(without dying, though she DID get hit, but who cares? 34HP to the rescue), and Cecilia gets put to sleep. I restore it on T3, only for Sophia to get slept on T4. I also took out the lone Mamkute with Miredy. Come T4, Tate takes out the silver lance dragonmaster that Rutgar weakened, my sword dudes step into the ranges of more wvyerns, which Rutgar kills(this extended to T5 EP). While Lilina and Ray were cleaning out the merc population, Chad nabs the silver card. Meanwhile, Dieck and Rutgar had cleared out the wyvern population, and started to work on the SE mages and dragons. Lilina and Miredy also killed the rest of the mercs and the hero.

By turn 7, the two gay bandits had spawned from the southwest, but by this point, I did not care about them. Astol nabbed the warp staff, then I took out the rest of the mercenaries between turns 8 and 9 using Lilina and Miredy. I had Rutgar destroy the E Mamkute, and Tate/Dieck handled the rest of the mercs. I then had Sophia nab the giuding ring, and rushed toward the boss. I killed him using a combination of Rutgar and Lilina. I seized on turn 13, right after I used the guiding ring on Ellen.

Roy      	01  16  30  17  12  13  17  12  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  06  35  28  13  23  17  06  20  04  A Roy  
Dieck    	02  05  49  25  22  20  13  18  06  14
Rutgar   	02  04  47  23  24  24  08  17  07  07  B Clarine
Shin      	01  15  38  16  15  20  09  10  01  07  C Fir
Ellen      	02  01  25  14  12  13  16  00  20  05
Tate        	01  17  33  15  14  20  08  11  10  05
Ray      	01  17  27  16  12  11  08  07  11  06
Miredy 		01  16  43  20  18  16  10  19  04  09
Chad    	01  09  22  08  07  16  07  03  01  05
Astol      	01  11  26  07  09  16  11  07  03  08
Cecilla  	02  01  30  11  07  10  10  07  13  06
Sophia    	01  01  (lol)

Not too bad. Though I kind of wish Ray's speed and resistance were higher. Thank god for speedwings and talismans.

And speaking of which, thank god for Tate and Miredy for being fliers. They made this map a hell of a lot easier.

Swag: Boots, Talisman, Silver card, Silence, Guiding ring, Speedwing, Silver blade

Edited by DA125
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Chapter 14x: The Infernal Element

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Bors, Rutgar, Fir, Tate, Miredy, Ellen, Shin, Clarine

This chapter has tiles that periodically disappear(similar to Night of Farewells). If your units get caught in the water, they won't be able to move until the tiles come back. This chapter introduces siege magic; it's like a ballista, only much worse since resistance is scarce in this game(in this file, Lilina is 4HKO'd by the weakest dude and 3HKO'd by Oats, and she's like my most magically resistant unit.) Also, the chapter mostly has pirates and dracoknights, which can go over water(in other words, Jesus was either a pirate or a wyvern rider).

Also, don't fuck with Oats. In America! Three words: 34 attack Bolting.

I move my units down, using my boots/speedwing on Bors/Ellen. I didn't meet any real opposition until turn 3, where two pirates attacked Bors, and the Devil axe guy was almost across the river. I aptly took out the hand axe guy with Miredy, then took out the merc and archer with Ellen and Rutgar, respectively. Bors killed another pirate. On turn 4, Shin finished off the druid, Ellen and Bors take out more pirates, and Miredy reaches a higher plane. On turn 5, Bors makes it across to the third island and kills an archer. The rest of the party gets sidelogged(mostly because I needed to get Rutgar out of the water.). After I got somewhat lucky on the EP, Shin kills the Nosferatu druid, and Miredy disposes of the lancereaver merc. Rutgar, of course, kills an archer.

Devil axe dude attacked Fir on T6EP, but fails, and an axereaver guy actually hits Roy(in a practice run, Ellen was OHKO'd by this guy, so I had to rescue her. Stupid 2 def...), which were thankfully all disposed of on T8. By now, an archer and three pirates were left guarding the bridge(other than a merc defensing the throne room). I healed my goons, and had Bors, Rutgar, and Miredy form a wall protecting my weaker units, which I killed on T8(I killed the archer beforehand with Shin). On the same turn, Bors took out the generic Bolting guy, while the rest of my group was struggling to get across the slowly disappearing bridge. After I got several guys across, Rutgar killed the boss, and I seized on turn 11(I was hoping for a 10 turn clear, but the dumbass couldn't actually reach the throne even though he was 5 spaces from it)

Roy      	01  16  30  17  12  13  17  12  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  06  35  28  13  23  17  06  20  04  A Roy  
Bors      	02  07  49  21  17  18  17  30  07  16   
Rutgar   	02  05  47  24  25  25  09  17  08  07  B Clarine
Shin      	01  17  40  17  16  20  09  10  01  07  C Fir
Ellen      	02  02  26  15  12  16  16  02  21  05
Tate        	01  18  33  15  15  20  08  11  11  05
Miredy 		02  01  49  22  20  18  10  22  06  09
Clarine 	01  13  18  07  12  18  16  03  11  05  B Rutgar
Fir      	01  17  39  16  20  20  15  10  05  05  C Shin

OK, I've got my game back. I'm actually starting to get proper turn counts, presumably to make up for the absurd amount of time I threw Dieck and Bors into the arena so I could make a quick dollar(in other words, DON'T DO WHAT I DID!). Any feedback will be appreciated. Also, I'm loving having my 7 move general back.

Also, it's only going to go uphill from here on out, now that Percival is joining us, and there will be a promotion party in Chapter 16. Because Alance, Shin, Fir, Thite, Rei, and Clarine have yet to promote. And speaking of Tate and Shin, I did my calcs and my peg's levels still exceed those of my nomads, which basically means I know where I'm going.

Swag: Forblaze

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Also, don't fuck with Oats. In America!

I will murder you.

...Okay, okay, I'll make this a legitimate post.

OK, I've got my game back. I'm actually starting to get proper turn counts, presumably to make up for the absurd amount of time I threw Dieck and Bors into the arena so I could make a quick dollar(in other words, DON'T DO WHAT I DID!). Any feedback will be appreciated. Also, I'm loving having my 7 move general back.

Yeah, but, y'see, these strategies are kinda irrelevant because nobody else will HAVE your 7-move general, or whoever else you boosted (I've honestly lost track, and I don't really give a damn). And they're not interesting to read, not only because you say things like

Also, don't fuck with Oats. In America!

but also because, well, you have broken units who smash everything to a pulp. You can cut most every Gordian Knot the game throws at you because of the sheer brute force you possess at this stage. So...yeah.

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I realize my mistake of whoring the arena to my advantage, as I have a bad habit of abusing them(and I mean, a REALLY bad habit.), and it really wasn't my fault that those two I abused simply got really blessed. So as a result of a lack of anything, I decided to put this playthrough on hiatus until further notice(I will continue the FE7 one out of nostalgia.)

If and when I do come back to it, it will likely be redone in a walkthrough format. And if push comes to shove, I'll redo the whole damn playthrough. Is that fair to you?

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If you wonder your lack of activity, it has to be because this playthrough log is uninteresting. Wanna know why it's uninteresting? In my opinion, it has to be because there is nothing interesting in beating FE while taking ten million turns at a chapter arena-abusing and showing of your 1337 characters. And then, what is this? You quote yourself and sig it, why exactly? Forgive me if I sound crude. I just feel it's that way. It's basically the same with your FE7 one.

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just after the reinforcements showed up. While I was waiting for those guys to get to my location, MORE bandits started spawning. I take out two waves of them, only to find out that the cavalry squad had gotten dangerously close to my main group. As soon as the first group showed up, ANOTHER group spawned from the south. I then formed a wall using Dieck, Bors, and Alan, and actually was able to wipe out the entire group in three turns.

And the reinforcemnts down south won't be there if you can finish off Oro quickly. You want this fucker to die before he starts causing trouble for you with the reinforcements who are quite powerful.

Not to mention lolarenaabuse. This playthrough was interesting up until you abused Dieck and Bors in Ch. 7. The same thing happened with your FE7 playthrough also...

Still, amazing Lilina. That SPD is insane! If only she turned out like that every time...

Nothing wrong with using them during short turn counts though. :)

What a miserable fuck. She raises the shittiness to a whole new level. She gets ONE-SHOT, DOUBLED, and FACES CRIT by every single physical enemy in her joining map(even the mages 2-shot, double and have crit, and the eight wyverns on the map don't help either), and has no offense to speak of(14atk/75hit is awful by C14 standards, especially when things have over 30 avoid and the faster dudes can break 40).

In other words, Sophia sucks.

Not to mention that even the most basic Dark tome weighs her down.

Yeah, but, y'see, these strategies are kinda irrelevant because nobody else will HAVE your 7-move general, or whoever else you boosted (I've honestly lost track, and I don't really give a damn). And they're not interesting to read, not only because you say things like

but also because, well, you have broken units who smash everything to a pulp. You can cut most every Gordian Knot the game throws at you because of the sheer brute force you possess at this stage. So...yeah.

Bors is a pretty good wall in the HM. Most don't bother with him because of his awful movement.

but also because, well, you have broken units who smash everything to a pulp. You can cut most every Gordian Knot the game throws at you because of the sheer brute force you possess at this stage. So...yeah.

I lol'd in rl at this statement.


And I lol at this playthrough. If you want broken units, don't ever report it in your logs. Because arena abusing is irrelevant gameplay.

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